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How to remap network interfaces on boot time?

It turns out that I'm trying to create a portable distro while getting prepared for any kind of hardware failure. I'm creating (or restoring) a Debian distro by multistrap (or from my backups) and ...
ceremcem's user avatar
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How reliable/portable are Nix built-ins/commands (echo, ps, sort, uniq) from Debian to other distros

I've coded a script and am wondering about it's reliability / portability. #!/bin/bash threadsPlease() { ps -mo lwp,c -p $1 | sort -gk 2 | uniq -f 1 } THREAD_LINE=$( threadsPlease $1 | grep -v - |...
LAFK says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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How to make a portable Linux app?

I'd like to make a "portable" version of Emacs 24.3. I am using some Debian 7 systems, where I don't have root access. Since Debian 7 is missing Emacs 24, I'd like to build a portable version of it, ...
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