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Pacstrap -K fails with unhelpful error message

I hope I haven't missed anything obvious and if you need more information I can supply it. I'm trying to manually install arch from a live usb to a secondary partition on my laptop. I'm using the most ...
anyGenergicProgrammer's user avatar
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Arch Linux Installation - GPG Errors and Unrecognized Archive Format

I got a Lenovo Thinkpad X1 and have been trying to boot Arch from an ISO that I burned onto a 4 GB USB stick. The ISO image is burned correctly and is not corrupted. The partition created on my SSD ...
Swapneel Mehta's user avatar
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Does the arch linux pacstrap utility put any information about the host into the assembled system

As part of a prototype arch linux image generation script (which can be seen for code review here), I use the normal pacstrap utility to populate a file-system with a bootable install and additional ...
RidiculousRichard's user avatar
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arch linux installation base base-devel error could not open file invalid argument

I'm trying to install arch on my laptop. My pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel fails to install one file and shows this error repeatedly: error: could not open file /mnt/var/cache/pacman/ pkg/vi-1:...
ColonD's user avatar
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2 votes
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Error installing arch Linux due to virtual box-guest-modules (despite not installing on virtual machine)

I'm installing Arch Linux, following the instructions at the Beginners' Guide, and got up to running pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel. It finishes with the following error: resolving dependencies... ...
Peter's user avatar
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3 votes
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Arch Linux: problem in the installation process

I go through AIF (installation framework) till "Install packages". In that step, I get the error: error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) and then follows the list of every single ...
Haix64's user avatar
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