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error trying to build/make from source

I'm trying to build opendingux from github repo/source. OpenDingux is an embedded Linux distribution focused on (retro) gaming. I cloned the repo and then ran ...
AeroMaxx's user avatar
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CLI tool to run commands defined in a config file

I'm working as part of a team of developers on a software project with many moving parts. We use a Makefile to easily run commands and scripts that are regularly needed during development. Examples ...
Feuermurmel's user avatar
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FreeCiv will not build because of an error against curl

I am currently trying to build FreeCiv. But I am unable to do so. The error says that there are many commands used that are undefined references when using Curl commands. I sadly could not get a copy ...
SonG0D's user avatar
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1 answer

Add multiple options in cmake flag in a shell script and run the shell script

I want to run a set of commands from a bash script. How ever I don't know how to put the quotation in a bash script. The following is the bash script which I want to run, how ever in the cmake -...
Sap BH's user avatar
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Ubuntu: make error: command not found

I have the following makefile, I didn't write myself it was part of an installation of TAU profiler. I ran the make command as suggested by the installation steps: make Then I got the ...
Jamie 's user avatar
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Linkage error after doing changes in programming code

I had a program running with a certain number generator and I switched to another one that is already in CUDA (CURAND), I tried changing my makefile accordingly but this is causing linkage errors I ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Getting error in /bin/sh when trying to use a makefile

I am trying to compile a file using a makefile but for some reason, I am getting an error in /bin/sh, I am getting the following: nvc FLAGS(LDFLAGS) black_scholes.o gaussian.o main.o parser.o random.o ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Makefile - Providing Optional Arguments

I'm very new to scripting and makefiles, and am curious about the passing of command line arguments. So, let's say I have a makefile which compiles and runs something in C, for example CompileAndRun: ...
TheAkashain's user avatar
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2 answers

sudo make install - what is being installed?

I have to run this cryptic block of code. git clone cd xcalib cmake CMakeLists.txt sudo make install The procedure I'm following mentions the uninstall process. ...
stackinator's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What does "-" mean in this "-cp" command?

I came across this in one of Android makefiles (build/core/Makefile): $(hide) -cp $(TARGET_ROOT_OUT)/init.recovery.*.rc $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)/ What does the - mean in front of cp here? It ...
szx's user avatar
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m: command not found [closed]

just tried to compile the R-language from sources but my make aborted with m -f liblzma.a make[4]: m: Command not found I eagerly searched the web but it seams it's impossible to find the command ...
azZur0's user avatar
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Use multi-threaded make by default?

Is there any way to have make use multi-threading (6 threads is ideal on my system) system-wide, instead of by just adding -j6 to the command line? So, that if I run make, it acts the same as if I ...
markasoftware's user avatar
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Makefile:434: *** mixed implicit and normal rules. Stop

Am using Fedora and tried to install L7-filter on linux-2.6.26 kernel. One of the steps is to run {# make menuconfig} but am getting this error Makefile:434: *** mixed implicit and normal rules. ...
user156939's user avatar
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Why is echo not working for mt valgrind command?

So I have my makefile working great, except that It doesn't create the valgrind.out file and I don't know why. So the console succesfully prints out that my executable file line is created but not ...
alkabary's user avatar
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How to install Mono v3+ in Ubuntu?

How can I install the latest release of Mono in Ubuntu Saucy? In order to develop in a free OS, I need to setup Mono (that now supports .NET 4.5). This is what I did: Download and uncompress mono-...
Lucio's user avatar
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58 votes
4 answers

What is the purpose of the 'install' command?

I've seen the install command used in a lot of Makefiles, and its existence and usage are kind of confusing. From the manpages, it seems like a knockoff of cp with less features, but I assume it ...
azernik's user avatar
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4 answers

How to send stderr to stdout with a pipe to another command?

I'm trying to capture all of the output of a build operation, and send it to myprogram. I seem to only be able to capture part of it. This is what I'm trying: make clean && make ...
cwd's user avatar
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