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Running at command ran the script immediately

I tried to use "at" command to stop and start the server at the certain time, but for some reason the script ran immediately. I tried different ways to do that, but it would always run. What ...
Marko's user avatar
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Running script using at command doesn't work entirely

So I did a bash script that read a file in which are directory numbers and then proceeds to run pgloader over them. I looks like this #create logs for pgloader Date=`date +%Y_%m_%d` LOGS="...
Darkpingouin's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How do I get my arrow keys working in the at> prompt

Whenever I try to use the arrow keys in the at> prompt (after, for example, running at now) it just shows control codes, eg. ^[[D for ←. This makes pasting and editing long commands difficult ...
davemyron's user avatar
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2 answers

Can brace expansion be performed within the `at` command?

In bash, brace expansion is performed as a shell operation before executing the command.1 This means the following will work: echo {1..10} >output | at -m now The output will be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
iyrin's user avatar
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X commands do not start from my at job

I'm learning about Linux scheduling commands including at, cron, sleep etc. I'm trying to launch gedit after x minutes via the at command. This is what I have: kedar@i5 ~ $ at now + 1 minute at now + ...
black_stallion's user avatar
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Kill all queued jobs

I need to kill all the queued and running jobs on my ID. I have tried at -l | awk '{print $1}'| at -r {} But I keep getting {} does not exist Which leads me to believe that I am parsing the ...
mlegge's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Why does `at` warn me that commands will be executed using /bin/sh? What if I want a different shell?

I tried to use at from within a script of mine and it prints: warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh How would I use different shell if I wanted?
Cratylus's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to pass arguments to bash shell script when executing that command with at?

I have a shell script that accepts an argument and uses that in the script. So to run the script I type /path/to/script argument The problem is when trying to setup that file to run using the at ...
sonfollower's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't dzen2 work when invoked via at?

dzen2 is a notification utility of sorts. This command will make a notification that says "Hi" appear on the screen: echo Hi | dzen2 -p Debian's at is a utility that schedules events to occur in ...
Cory Klein's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

changing default shell to /bin/bash of at job scheduler like in CRON

I recently switched from 2>&1 >> to &>> Is there a way to have at use /bin/bash as the shell? By default it uses /bin/sh and the man page gives no indication how anything else ...
Marcos's user avatar
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