In older versions of GNOME, one could create a panel with arrows at the end, that when clicked, would make the panel disappear.
Is there a way to add a hide button to XFce panels?
In older versions of GNOME, one could create a panel with arrows at the end, that when clicked, would make the panel disappear.
Is there a way to add a hide button to XFce panels?
Launch Xfce4 Panel Preferences. Under Items add a custom Launcher (the top option). Edit the launcher by clicking on the gear icon. Then click on the blank sheet with a plus button. Next add the following next to Command:.
bash -c 'display_hide () { xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels/panel-1/autohide-behavior $1 $2; }; [[ $(display_hide) == 2 ]] && display_hide -s 0 || display_hide -s 2'
Replace panel-1
with the number of the panel you are toggling. Under Display in Panel Preferences, you will have to change the 'Automatically hide the panel:' setting one time beforehand. Otherwise it will throw an error that the Property does not exist.