Resoconti by Martina Bono
Quaderni Lupiensi di Storia e Diritto 2017
23 settembre 2016 (Pavia): cronaca del convegno organizzato in occasione della presentazione del ... more 23 settembre 2016 (Pavia): cronaca del convegno organizzato in occasione della presentazione del volume intitolato "I percorsi di un historikos. In memoria di Emilio Gabba" (Biblioteca di Athenaeum 58, New Press Edizioni, Como 2016), a cura di Chiara Carsana e di Lucio Troiani.
Papers by Martina Bono
Incidenza dell'antico, 2022
Saggi Alberto Gandini, Diodoro e la Cheronea 'ellenistica': una sconfitta greca o il trionfo di F... more Saggi Alberto Gandini, Diodoro e la Cheronea 'ellenistica': una sconfitta greca o il trionfo di Filippo? Massimiliano Lanzillo, The name that matters. La tradizione, le tradizioni sul nome del padre di Pittaco Mirko Canevaro, Antonio Iacoviello, Nino Luraghi, Athens from the revolt against Demetrios to the Chremonidean War: Aristeides of Lamptrai in I.Rhamnous 404 Martina Bono, Il cosiddetto SC de sacris Aegyptiis Iudaicisque pellendis e la morte di Germanico (19 d.C.): in margine ad alcune fonti Ségolène Maudet, Pithécusses et Cumes: retour sur les possibilités d'une analyse comparée des deux nécropoles grecques de Campanie
Rivista Storica Italiana, 2023
Le richieste di abbonamento, le segnalazioni di mutamenti di indirizzo e i reclami per mancato ri... more Le richieste di abbonamento, le segnalazioni di mutamenti di indirizzo e i reclami per mancato ricevimento di fascicoli vanno indirizzati all'Amministrazione presso la casa editrice.
Politica Antica, XII, 2022
Il collegamento logico tra i due periodi è rafforzato dalla correlazione delle particelle coordin... more Il collegamento logico tra i due periodi è rafforzato dalla correlazione delle particelle coordinanti μὲν…δὲ che accompagnano gli aggettivi ἐκεῖνα e ἕτερα.
Studi Classici e Orientali (SCO), Jun 1, 2021
This contribution aims at scrutinising the opposition to Heliogabalus’ principate by focusing on ... more This contribution aims at scrutinising the opposition to Heliogabalus’ principate by focusing on its initial phase, the succession to Macrinus, using both literary as well as documentary sources, whose value has so far not been fully appreciated. During 218-219 AD many military revolts broke out mostly in the Syrian areas of the Empire, compromising Heliogabalus’ affirmation. Heliogabalus’ rule was later threatened also while he resided in Nicomedia, before his arrival in Rome: among the rebellions burst out during this period, worth noticing is the revolt of the στρατιῶται Κελτικοί – mentioned only by the contemporary senator and historian Cassius Dio (LXXIX, 4, 5) – whom we try here to identify with more accuracy. The military turmoil has been flanked by an albeit weak movement of senatorial opposition in Rome. The instability of Helio gabalus’ principate since its beginning betrays the faintness of imperial auctoritas, a condition Heliogabalus never managed to overcome.
<div> <p>This paper investigates to what extent the emergence of the <i>princep... more <div> <p>This paper investigates to what extent the emergence of the <i>princeps</i> shapes Dio's narrative. The best fitting passages for investigating this topic are the so called "anectodical-biographical sections", which cannot be utterly dismissed as pieces of imperial biography: it would be better to consider those sections as devoted to the evaluation of the emperor's praxis of government on a very concrete (rather that moralistic) ground. These narrative proceedings betray the existence of a well-structured framework lying beneath the work's building in terms of political thought. In fact, Dio develops a consistent perspective about the relationship he expected between the <i>princeps</i> and the senate, fashioned, to my mind, by the <i>princeps civilis</i> model. This paradigm is sustained by a very classical political theory, although remoulded: the 'mixed constitution' theory.</p> </div>
Nel presente articolo, l’autrice si concentra sulle testimonianze riguardanti il caso del senator... more Nel presente articolo, l’autrice si concentra sulle testimonianze riguardanti il caso del senatore Cremuzio Cordo, autore di Annales, accusato nel 25 d.C. de maiestate. Tra le testimonianze possedute, quella trasmessa dallo storico bitinico Cassio Dione (LVII, 24, 2-4) ha ricevuto poca attenzione da parte degli studiosi, poiche considerate piu esaustive le informazioni riferite sulla vicenda da Tacito (Ann. IV, 34-35). Attraverso una disamina approfondita della notizia dionea ci si propone di spiegare alcuni luoghi del testo che, poco perspicui a causa della loro sinteticita espressiva, non sono stati oggetto di un’adeguata esegesi. Pertanto, ci si propone sia di chiarire alcuni aspetti della vicenda di Cremuzio, sia di rimarcare il valore documentario dell’opera di Cassio Dione.
This article aims at reconstructing the lost content of the Agrippa-Maecenas debate which is miss... more This article aims at reconstructing the lost content of the Agrippa-Maecenas debate which is missed because of a textual lacuna in book 52 of Cassius Dio’ Roman History. The gap in the manuscripts intervenes precisely between the end of Agrippa’s speech (52.13.7) and the exordium of Maecenas’ discourse (52.14.1). As a result, in so far as the key connection is lost, our comprehension of the debate seems somehow partial and elusive. In order to pursue the goal, my observations focus primarily on the political meaning of the two suasoriae by assessing two factors: Cassius Dio’s political thought and its consistency; accordingly, the interaction between the subject faced in this unique book and some other programmatic sections of the Roman History.
Politica Antica, XI, 2021
Studi Classici e Orientali, 2021
This contribution aims at scrutinising the opposition to Heliogabalus’ principate by focusing on ... more This contribution aims at scrutinising the opposition to Heliogabalus’ principate by focusing on its initial phase, the succession to Macrinus, using both literary as well as documentary sources, whose value has so far not been fully appreciated. During 218-219 AD many military revolts broke out mostly in the Syrian areas of the Empire, compromising Heliogabalus’ affirmation. Heliogabalus’ rule was later threatened also while he resided in Nicomedia, before his arrival in Rome: among the rebellions burst out during this period, worth noticing is the revolt of the στρατιῶται Κελτικοί – mentioned only by the contemporary senator and historian Cassius Dio (LXXIX, 4, 5) – whom we try here to identify with more accuracy. The military turmoil has been flanked by an albeit weak movement of senatorial opposition in Rome. The instability of Helio gabalus’ principate since its beginning betrays the faintness of imperial auctoritas, a condition Heliogabalus never managed to overcome.
Perspectives on Political Communication / Prospettive sulla comunicazione politica, ed. G. Delogu, A. Maranesi, 2021
Cassius Dio and the Principate, 2020
Hormos - Ricerche di Storia Antica, n.s. 11, 2019
Athenaeum 107/2 (2019), 2019
This article aims at reconstructing the lost content of the Agrippa-Maecenas debate which is miss... more This article aims at reconstructing the lost content of the Agrippa-Maecenas debate which is missed because of a textual lacuna in book 52 of Cassius Dio’ Roman History. The gap in the manuscripts intervenes precisely between the end of Agrippa’s speech (52.13.7) and the exordium of Maecenas’ discourse (52.14.1). As a result, in so far as the key connection is lost, our comprehension of the debate seems somehow partial and elusive. In order to pursue the goal, my observations focus primarily on the political meaning of the two suasoriae by assessing two factors: Cassius Dio’s political thought and its consistency; accordingly, the interaction between the subject faced in this unique book and some other programmatic sections of the Roman History.
Aevum 92 (2018), 2018
The concept of civilitas has recently received great attention – although only within
precise hi... more The concept of civilitas has recently received great attention – although only within
precise historical frameworks –, which has led to a deeper knowledge of this political model. However, in my opinion, Cassius Dio’s Roman History has not received a due consideration in this respect; indeed, the so called anecdotical-biographical chapters of the dionean “imperial books” give some hints about the concept of civilitas according to Cassius Dio’s political thought. By rehabilitating the historiographical role of these chapters, it would be possible to yield an inner analysis of Cassius Dio’s work, looking for his historical and political meaning on the background of the crisis of the Third Century. In order to prove that the concept of civilitas plays a pivotal role in the Dionean Roman History, I decided to focus on the first five years of the reign of Tiberius as case study (LVII 7-14).
Archimède, 3, 2016
In this article, the author focuses upon the testimonies on the trial of the senator Cremutius Co... more In this article, the author focuses upon the testimonies on the trial of the senator Cremutius Cordus, author of Annales, who was charged in AD 25 with the accusation de majestate. Among the ancient sources, the historian Cassius Dio has not been considered worthy of special attention. Dio’s concise style and elliptic wording has conveyed the idea that he cannot furnish much additional information to what already said by Tacitus in his historical work (Ann. IV, 34-35). However, Dio’s text may give us an insight into a plurality of accusations de maiestate against Cremutius, whereas, according to Tacitus, Cremutius was brought into a trial “only” for having praised Brutus and Cassius. Through a detailed analysis of the testimony of Dio, we will try both to clarify some aspects of the Cremutius-case, and to cast light on the documentary relevance of the passage in Dio.
Book Reviews by Martina Bono
Books by Martina Bono
Resoconti by Martina Bono
Papers by Martina Bono
precise historical frameworks –, which has led to a deeper knowledge of this political model. However, in my opinion, Cassius Dio’s Roman History has not received a due consideration in this respect; indeed, the so called anecdotical-biographical chapters of the dionean “imperial books” give some hints about the concept of civilitas according to Cassius Dio’s political thought. By rehabilitating the historiographical role of these chapters, it would be possible to yield an inner analysis of Cassius Dio’s work, looking for his historical and political meaning on the background of the crisis of the Third Century. In order to prove that the concept of civilitas plays a pivotal role in the Dionean Roman History, I decided to focus on the first five years of the reign of Tiberius as case study (LVII 7-14).
Book Reviews by Martina Bono
Books by Martina Bono
precise historical frameworks –, which has led to a deeper knowledge of this political model. However, in my opinion, Cassius Dio’s Roman History has not received a due consideration in this respect; indeed, the so called anecdotical-biographical chapters of the dionean “imperial books” give some hints about the concept of civilitas according to Cassius Dio’s political thought. By rehabilitating the historiographical role of these chapters, it would be possible to yield an inner analysis of Cassius Dio’s work, looking for his historical and political meaning on the background of the crisis of the Third Century. In order to prove that the concept of civilitas plays a pivotal role in the Dionean Roman History, I decided to focus on the first five years of the reign of Tiberius as case study (LVII 7-14).