Conference Presentations by Yerry Soepriyanto
9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET), 2017
This development aims to create a valid product maze game on Interactive WhiteBoard (IWB) for fin... more This development aims to create a valid product maze game on Interactive WhiteBoard (IWB) for fine motor learning. Game maze is a game consisting of a path or a collection of roads that branch in order to achieve the goal by finding the right path. IWB use for projection game and place which user can interactive with it. IWB cheaper design by Johnny Chung Lee used for this development. There are ten steps that must be carried out referring to the model of the Borg and Gall, but based on certain considerations are not entirely done. The stages are research and information collecting, planning, preliminary form of product development, preliminary field test, and main product revision. The maze game on IWB has been validated by media experts and fine motor learning experts, with valid results. Nevertheless from the field trials revealed that the ease and smooth use of the tool into a separate note. This is due to infrared light cannot be caught by the sensor because it is blocked by students working on the board so that the interaction between games with IWB is disrupted and there is one child who have difficulty using an infrared pen.
Papers by Yerry Soepriyanto
Jurnal kajian teknologi pendidikan, Aug 6, 2023
Metode design thinking digunakan sebagai pendekatan utama dalam pengembangan model pembelajaran u... more Metode design thinking digunakan sebagai pendekatan utama dalam pengembangan model pembelajaran untuk menggalakkan kreativitas dan inovasi pada mahasiswa. Model ini mengadopsi model pengembangan desain instruksional oleh Walter Dick & Lou Carey dan terdiri dari 5 tahap: Penemuan, Penafsiran, Penetapan Ide, Eksperimen, dan Evaluasi. Validitas model pembelajaran ini telah diverifikasi oleh ahli materi dan ahli media, dan hasilnya menunjukkan tingkat kesesuaian yang tinggi. Uji coba pada kelompok besar mahasiswa menegaskan kevalidan dan kegunaan model pembelajaran proyek berdasarkan metode design thinking. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model ini memenuhi persyaratan validitas, kepraktisan, dan efektivitas. Analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya perbedaan signifikan dalam keterampilan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa setelah menerapkan model pembelajaran ini. Uji coba kepada mahasiswa mengindikasikan bahwa model pembelajaran proyek berbasis metode design thinking adalah valid dan pantas diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran, serta mendapatkan tanggapan positif dari mahasiswa. Oleh karena itu, model ini dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran untuk memberdayakan keterampilan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah inovasi media pembelajaran.
The results of the evaluation of multimedia development training activities for two consecutive y... more The results of the evaluation of multimedia development training activities for two consecutive years indicate that there is a need for multimedia development training for student learning when learning online. This article presents the results of training activities for developing multimedia presentations (Video PPT slides) for teachers in vocational high schools, both from the responses of the trained teachers as well as the products produced. The training activities were developed using the McArdle model and the measurement of the success of the activities using the three stages of the Kirkpatrik-Kirkpatrick model. The teachers who participated in the activities were normative, adaptive and productive teachers who received assignments from the principal. The teacher's response is positive to the implementation of the activities and requires other training for professional development. While the products that are trained to be developed, overall the teacher is able to develop them independently. Although only more than half of the products developed by teachers are of good quality for learning.
Jurnal kajian teknologi pendidikan, Aug 10, 2022
Penelitian dan pengembangan ini bertujuan menghasilkan produk media video podcast dengan inovasi ... more Penelitian dan pengembangan ini bertujuan menghasilkan produk media video podcast dengan inovasi terbaru untuk proses pembelajaran sejarah Indonesia materi kependudukan bangsa Jepang di Indonesia. Research and Development atau penelitian dan pengembangan merupakan salah satu metode penelitian dalam menghasilkan produk. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini mengacu pada model Lee & Owen. Dengan tahapan yaitu analisis, design, development dan implementation. Dalam penerapannya media ini digunakan sebagai pelengkap dalam proses pembelajaran sejarah, yang berarti media ini untuk melengkapi materi pembelajaran yang diterima siswa di dalam kelas. Hasil dari uji kelayakan yang diuji cobakan oleh ahli media, ahli materi dan siswa, mendapatkan respon positif yang baik. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa media video podcast dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran sejarah, serta dengan adanya media video podcast siswa memiliki rasa ketertarikan, kemudahan, dan termotivasi dalam mengikuti pembelajaran.
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, Aug 15, 2021
I-LEARN is a learning design that connects information and learning design science. The main prin... more I-LEARN is a learning design that connects information and learning design science. The main principle of the I-LEARN model is to form the mindset of learners in information-rich environments, they can use it to build their knowledge. I-LEARN model steps (Identify, Locate, Evaluate, Apply, Reflect, and kNow). The learning design of the I-LEARN model can be developed in the Research Methodology course, as well as in other courses. The purpose of this development is to improve students' ability to search, find, evaluate, and use information to construct their knowledge. This study uses the ADDIE Model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) method. However, researchers use it only up to the Design stage. Abstrak: I-LEARN merupakan desain pembelajaran yang menghubungkan ilmu informasi dan ilmu desain pembelajaran. Prinsip utama model I-LEARN adalah membentuk pola pikir pebelajar bahwa di dalam dunia yang kaya akan informasi ini, mereka dapat memanfaatkannya untuk membangun pengetahuannya. Langkah-langkah model I-LEARN (Identify, Locate, Evaluate, Apply, Reflect, dan kNow). Desain pembelajaran model I-LEARN ini dapat dikembangkan dalam mata kuliah Metodologi Penelitian, maupun pada mata kuliah yang lain. Tujuan pengembangan ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mencari, menemukan, mengevaluasi, dan menggunakan informasi dalam membangun pengetahuannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Namun, peneliti memanfaatkannya hanya sampai pada tahap Design.
Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran, Apr 30, 2019
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang jalanya proses pembelajaran pada mata pela... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang jalanya proses pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) yang dirancang dengan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) dan dampaknya terhadap kemampuan pebelajar dalam memecahkan masalah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni observasi, wawancara tidak terstruktur, dokumentasi dan tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Implementasi model pembelajaran PBL pada mata pelajaran PPKn di kelas VII F SMPN 13 Malang mampu menciptakan lingkungan belajar kondusif yang ditandai dengan tingginya motivasi dan antuasias pebelajar selama pembelajaran berlangsung. (2) Secara klasikal kemampuan pebelajar kelas VII F SMPN 13 Malang dalam memecahkan masalah setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan model PBL termasuk dalam kualifikasi Baik.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2021
In the midst of the pressure COVID-19 pandemic in the digital era, the use of ICT has become a ne... more In the midst of the pressure COVID-19 pandemic in the digital era, the use of ICT has become a necessity. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a principal induction program that can be done online that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. This study aims to determine the effect of principals' portfolio-based online induction on principal's instructional leadership. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach. Data analysis was carried out, namely descriptive analysis and simple regression analysis, with the help of IBM SPSS Statistics 24. The results showed that the development of principals' portfolio-based online induction using website media, can improve the learning leadership skills of school principals. The principal's online induction program helps beginner principals access the various information they need to lead schools.
Pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk multimedia dengan pendekatan saintifik yang ... more Pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk multimedia dengan pendekatan saintifik yang valid sebagai sumber belajar yang efektif dalam mata pelajaran IPA materi sifat cahaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan William W. Lee dan Diana L. Owens, langkah-langkah pengembangannya yaitu, analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil validasi kepada ahli media dan ahli materi serta uji coba lapangan, multimedia dengan pendekatan saintifik ini dinyatakan valid dan efektif untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Oct 1, 2022
During the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all secondary high schools (SMP) in Indonesia implemented di... more During the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all secondary high schools (SMP) in Indonesia implemented distance learning to minimize face-to-face meetings by utilizing technological developments, especially through mobile phones. However, several junior high schools still encounter obstacles that prevent them from implementing distance learning, such as the lack of readiness of devices and adequate internet connections. This study uses an exploratory research design to determine the readiness of teachers and junior high school students to use their mobile phones as a learning tool that can be implemented during a pandemic. The questionnaire given is in the form of questions that link the use of mobile devices to the successful implementation of m-learning adoption in secondary high school. This questionnaire was adopted by Miglani and Awadhiya (2017). Survey responses are based on a five-point Likert-type scale: (1) strongly disagree; (2) disagree; (3) neutral; (4) agree; (5) strongly agree. The survey was distributed to teachers and students of SMP in Malang City. The total respondents are 32 teachers and 206 students. The results show that all teachers (100%) and students (99%) are ready to own a mobile device and most teachers (89%) and students (85%) have acquired the basic skill requirements for m-learning. This study recommends that teachers and students improve their advanced skills in using mobile phones to achieve learning objectives. Teachers can participate in available training and workshops, while students should be better prepared to use mobile phones to learn, create and share knowledge.
Jurnal kajian teknologi pendidikan, Feb 10, 2020
Jurnal kajian teknologi pendidikan, May 7, 2023
Dalam pembelajaran pemrograman visual diperlukan sebuah strategi yang efektif serta membangkitkan... more Dalam pembelajaran pemrograman visual diperlukan sebuah strategi yang efektif serta membangkitkan motivasi belajar siswa. Flipped classroom beraktivitas gamifikasi dapat dijadikan solusi dalam permasalahan tersebut. Gamifikasi ditandai dengan penggunaan unsur-unsur permainan dalam konteks yang bukan permainan yang bertujuan untuk melibatkan dan memotivasi siswa. Penerapan gamifikasi dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara tradisional. Agar pembelajaran di dalam kelas berfokus pada kegiatan gemifikasi secara tradisional, diperlukan kegiatan sebelum memasuki kelas berupa aktivitas meninjau materi pembelajaran yang disebut flipped classroom. Dalam flipped classroom siswa harus memiliki keterampilan self regulated learning agar mencapai keberhasilan akademik. Oleh sebab itu tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan perbedaan self regulated learning antara flipped classroom beraktivitas gamifikasi dengan flipped classroom tanpa gamifikasi. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif kuasi eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan self regulated learning antara pembelajaran flipped classroom beraktivitas gamifikasi dengan pembelajaran flipped classroom tanpa gamifikasi. Temuan lain menunjukkan pembelajaran gamified flipped classroom mendapat respon yang positif dari mahasiswa. Oleh sebab itu pembelajaran dengan menggunakan flipped classroom beraktivitas gamifikasi dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran pemrograman visual khususnya untuk membangkitkan motivasi belajar siswa.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2021
21st century learning requires students to be able to think critically and be able to solve about... more 21st century learning requires students to be able to think critically and be able to solve about the problems around them. The skills required by these 21st century students are referred to as 21st century skills. To be able to practice critical thinking skills and problem solving in learning, lecturers or learning facilitators can use certain learning methods that can accommodate these skills. One of the appropriate learning methods to apply in this regard is the project-based learning method. Besides, there is also a thinking approach that can be involved to the project-based learning method. It is design thinking approach. Design thinking approach can help students to be able to think structured from the preparation until the project done. It can be happened by integrating the design thinking framework to the project-based learning syntax. Project-based learning methods integrated with design thinking approach make a holistic and detailed learning method for students in achieving learning goals. Then, it is also predicted to improve students' critical thinking skills, as project-based learning methods work.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Management and Technology (ICEMT 2022), 2023
The purpose of community service activities is to provide training for teachers in vocational hig... more The purpose of community service activities is to provide training for teachers in vocational high schools to develop multimedia tutorials independently. In accordance with the findings of the needs analysis, it is rare for teachers to be trained to develop interactive multimedia tutorial software Implementation of four days of training in off-line mode and fourteen days of mentoring in online mode. After the implementation of the training activities followed by evaluation, to measure the success of the training. Summative evaluation applies the Kirkpatrick-Kirkpatrick model. There are four levels in the evaluation related to training, but the fourth level is not carried out related to the time and willingness of schools to disclose it. All levels of the evaluation carried out received positive responses from the training participants. Regarding the products being developed, some teachers still need additional time and assistance in developing multimedia tutorials.
Conference Presentations by Yerry Soepriyanto
Papers by Yerry Soepriyanto