Papers by Francisca M Ivone

Contemporary Educational Technology
This study aimed to scrutinize the correlation between English as a foreign language (EFL) lectur... more This study aimed to scrutinize the correlation between English as a foreign language (EFL) lecturers’ digital literacy competence (DLC) based on the TPACK-SAMR framework and their technostress. In addition, this study revealed how the variables correlated to the lecturers’ EFL teaching performances. Therefore, a correlational design with a descriptive explanation model was conducted. The participants were six EFL lecturers from six different universities in various cities in East Java Province, Indonesia. The data were collected by administering TPACK-SAMR DLC and technostress questionnaires, conducting a semi-structured interview, and documenting the teaching scenarios. The results showed that most participants were more confident with their pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge. They claimed it was hard to mingle them into harmonious teaching performances with technology that challenged them to achieve the higher TPACK-SAMR DLC level. Relevant to this finding, their DLC had ...
TEFLIN Journal, Aug 1, 2005
This article addresses some important issues regarding the teaching of foreign vocabulary. It dra... more This article addresses some important issues regarding the teaching of foreign vocabulary. It draws on the literature reviews in this field and is also based on personal reflections and experiences of the writer. This article critically highlights the teaching of English vocabulary in Indonesian schools and universities. More particularly, it discusses issues dealing with curriculum, teaching techniques, instructional media, and vocabulary assessment. Finally, this article provides recommendations for the improvement of the teaching of English vocabulary in the Indonesian context.

Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, Jan 29, 2022
The qualitative study aims to look into the patterns and characteristics of interaction in an onl... more The qualitative study aims to look into the patterns and characteristics of interaction in an online speaking course. This research was conducted at Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta's Oral English for Daily Communication Class of the Applied English Study Program. The researcher observed the online learning sessions to learn about the online teaching and learning process synchronously on Google Meet. The findings revealed that the teacher and students produced various patterns of interaction involving teacher-class, teacher-student, student-teacher, studentstudent, and teacher-group interaction, as well as mixed interaction features such as confirmation check, code switching, self-repetition, clarification request, elicitation, completion, other-repetition, and correction. Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian kualitatif ini adalah untuk melihat pola dan karakteristik interaksi yang terjadi dalam kelas berbicara yang dilaksanakan secara daring. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kelas Komunikasi Harian Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Terapan. Peneliti mengamati sesi pembelajaran daring untuk mempelajari proses belajar mengajar yang berlangsung sinkron di Google Meet. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan bahwa guru dan siswa menghasilkan berbagai pola interaksi yang melibatkan interaksi guru-kelas, guru-siswa, siswa-guru, siswa-siswa, dan interaksi guru-sekelompok siswa, serta berbagai macam fitur interaksi seperti confirmation check, code switching, self-repetition, clarification request, elicitation, completion, other-repetition dan correction.
Anguage has some features that require our understanding on the spoken language or the oral one. ... more Anguage has some features that require our understanding on the spoken language or the oral one. One example of the features is connected to how a message is transferred from one person to the other, it depends on how good your language is. We can say someone is happy or not, angry or not by listening his words or by looking at the way he speaks. It should be realized why stress, rhythm, pitch, and intonation are important in any communication to make clearer understanding.

After completing this unit, with 80% accuracy, you should be able to: 1. ask about somebody's lik... more After completing this unit, with 80% accuracy, you should be able to: 1. ask about somebody's likes and dislikes; 2. express his or other people's likes and dislikes; 3. use various degrees of likes and dislikes; 4. express preferences. B. DIALOGUE IN CONTEXT Dialogue 1.1.1 Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are Americans. At present they are living and working in Indonesia. They have many Indonesian colleagues. One of them is Shinta. Now she is visiting them in their house. Read the dialogue orally and then turn on your VCD recorder to see how the dialogue is performed. Shinta : Do you like it here, Mrs. Anderson? Mrs. Anderson : Yes, very much. Shinta : What do you like most? Mrs. Anderson : The people. They are friendly. Shinta : By the way, what do you do in your spare time? Mrs. Anderson : Well, actually I like traveling in Indonesia. I enjoy visiting interesting places and learning different cultures. Shinta : I see. Then Shinta is talking to Mr. Anderson Shinta : And what about you, Mr. Anderson? Do you also enjoy traveling? Mr. Anderson : Yes, I do. I enjoy it very much. Shinta : What do you like to do besides traveling? PBIS4204/MODULE 1 1.3 Mr. Anderson : I like to listen to music. Oh, I can do it anytime I want to. I can listen to music while working, while eating or while chatting with friends. Shinta : Really? Why don't you turn on the stereo then? Mr. Anderson : That's a good idea. What kind of music do you prefer? Shinta : I like pop music. It's nice to listen to. Meanwhile, Mr. Anderson's mother, who stays at home in The United States, is talking to one of her grandchildren, Mary. Mary : Why don't you visit Mom and Dad in Indonesia, Grandma? Grandma : No. I don't like traveling. I prefer staying at home to traveling abroad. Mary : But, wouldn't you like to visit a warmer country? Grandma : No, I hate hot weather. And I can't stand foreign food. I like our food better than foreign food. 1.12 Speaking 2 Task 9: Your friend, Pedro, has just visited England for the first time. Talk to him about it. Use the information in the postcard. You : What did you think of England? Pedro : .… You : And did you like the British food? Pedro : …. You : Really? Were you out shopping much? Pedro : Yes, a lot. You : How did you like the shops? Pedro : …. You : And did you meet many English people? Pedro : …. You : How do you like them? Pedro : …. Task 10: Complete this form. Circle your preferences in the column on the left. Add others if you wish. Then write out your favorites in the column on the right. Then explain your preferences and favorite orally.

ata kuliah Speaking II (PBIS 4205) terdiri dari 2 sks dengan jumlah modul sebanyak 6 (enam). Mata... more ata kuliah Speaking II (PBIS 4205) terdiri dari 2 sks dengan jumlah modul sebanyak 6 (enam). Mata kuliah Speaking II merupakan mata kuliah keterampilan berbahasa Inggris yaitu keterampilan berbahasa lisan. Setiap modul berisikan penjelasan tentang teori, contoh-contoh ekspresi percakapan yang biasa digunakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari dalam bahasa Inggris, latihan-latihan, formative test, kunci jawaban latihan, dan kunci jawaban formative test. Mata kuliah Speaking II memberikan pengalaman belajar kepada mahasiswa, khususnya keterampilan berbahasa lisan, baik secara formal maupun tidak formal dengan topik-topik yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan nyata seperti: membuat janji dan undangan (appointments and invitations), memberi dan menerima pujian (complements), memberikan persetujuan tanpa syarat (acquiescence), dan menyatakan ketidakpastian (reservation), membedakan fakta dengan opini (distinguishing between facts and opinions) dan menyatakan keraguan dan ketidak pastian (expressing doubt and disbelief. Masa transisi dari masa kanak-kanak menuju ke masa dewasa juga menjadi perhatian dalam mata kuliah ini sehingga mahasiswa perlu mempelajari ekspresi bahasa Inggris yang biasa digunakan dalam berbagai upacara ritual yang menandai masa transisi ini, yaitu memberikan ucapan selamat (congratulations) dan ucapan belangsungkawa (condolences), dan perubahan-perubahan tanggung jawab dan hubungan sosial yang terjadi karena bertambahnya usia dan kedewasaan (sharing expressions across cultures). Bahasan tentang perlunya bersekolah (schooling) juga. Mata kuliah ini juga memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mempelajari bagaimana mengakui ketidakmampuan kita apabila kita ditanya tentang sesuatu dan kita tidak mengerti jawabannya (admitting lack of knowledge), membuat statemen negative dan memberi komentar secara sopan (making negative statements or comments politely), dan mahasiswa juga mempelajari bagaimana menginterupsi pembicaraan orang terutama dalam suatu pertemuan, rapat, seminar, maupun pembicaraan formal lainnya (taking the floor and keeping the floor). Untuk membantu mahasiswa memperoleh keterampilan berbahasa yang diharapkan, modul ini dilengkapi dengan video kaset. Video ini membantu mahasiswa meningkatkan keterampilan menggunakan bahasa Inggris secara M brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at
J-ELLiT (Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching), Dec 31, 2019

This Classroom Action Research was aimed at improving students' narrative writing ability at ... more This Classroom Action Research was aimed at improving students' narrative writing ability at SMPN I Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung. Lampung, Indonesia. The subjects were 34 students of class IX E. The researcher used writing test as the instrument. The findings showed that the strategy could improve ninth graders' writing narrative ability. It's highly recommended that the English teacher use guiding questions combined with animation film to improve the students' narrative writing ability and the future researchers are suggested to conduct further studies related to the implementation of guiding questions combined with animation film with different kinds of texts and students level. Abstrak: Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan siswa menulis text narrative di SMPN I Terbanggi Besar, Lampung Tengah, Lampung, Indonesia. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX E yang berjumlah 34 siswa. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah tes menulis. Hasil p...

Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, Dec 29, 2021
The purpose of this study is to look at foreign language faculty members' and students' experienc... more The purpose of this study is to look at foreign language faculty members' and students' experiences, preferences, and satisfaction with video conference apps for emergency remote learning. This quantitative study collected data using a multiple-choice and Likert scale questionnaire. Data from the questionnaire were analysed using a single table analysis. The findings indicated that both Zoom, and Google Meet have a generally favourable opinion of video conference apps' instructional substance, efficacy, engagement, and idea-sharing. Nonetheless, Zoom was strongly favoured by most respondents due to its support for collaboration, teaching strategy, motivation, and material sharing. Despite that Google Meet had a lower rating, it can be a viable alternative for teachers to meet learning objectives, stimulate discussion, and be utilized on a variety of devices. Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengalaman, preferensi, dan kepuasan pengajar bahasa asing dan mahasiswa dengan aplikasi konferensi video untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh darurat. Penelitian kuantitatif ini mengumpulkan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner pilihan ganda dan skala Likert. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa substansi instruksional aplikasi konferensi video, keberhasilan, keterlibatan, dan berbagi ide dalam aplikasi Zoom dan Google Meet secara umum mendapat respon yang baik. Meskipun demikian, Zoom sangat disukai oleh mayoritas responden karena dukungannya untuk kolaborasi, strategi mengajar, motivasi, dan berbagi materi. Terlepas dari Google Meet memiliki peringkat yang lebih rendah, applikasi ini dapat menjadi alternatif yang layak bagi guru untuk memenuhi tujuan pembelajaran, merangsang diskusi, dan digunakan di berbagai perangkat.

Studies in English Language and Education
The investigation of teachers' conceptions of online assessment during a global pandemic has ... more The investigation of teachers' conceptions of online assessment during a global pandemic has received relatively scarce attention in the current literature. Situated in an emergency remote teaching, this phenomenographic study aims at identifying and describing EFL secondary school teachers' qualitative different ways of understanding online assessment. A cohort of fifteen EFL teachers from different Indonesian secondary schools were recruited purposively using a set of criteria. They were invited to involve in online semi-structured interviews to explore their online assessment conceptions. Then, the interview data were analyzed qualitatively in an iterative process to discern categories of description and an outcome space. The findings point out five categories of teachers' conceptions. The participants view online assessment in emergency remote teaching (ERT) as a means of (1) measuring knowledge, (2) checking learning targets, (3) enhancing online interaction, (4) fa...
Beyond Words
Education has increasingly turned to virtual learning in response to greater awareness of the ben... more Education has increasingly turned to virtual learning in response to greater awareness of the benefits of virtual learning, increased technology to support learning outside of educational institutions, and, sadly, the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, awareness has also increased of the benefits of student-student cooperation, and technology to facilitate that cooperation has multiplied. Unfortunately, not all students have access to that technology. This article shares ideas, both low-tech and high-tech, to enhance the functioning of groups in virtual learning environments.

World Journal of English Language
This study aims at delving into the effect of applying TbI (Technology based Instruction) lesson ... more This study aims at delving into the effect of applying TbI (Technology based Instruction) lesson plan to pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) self-efficacy in a microteaching course. TbI lesson plan was developed following Niess’s technology integration framework. The experimental research with pre-post measurements design was conducted in an English Department in a public university in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The data-gathering process was done by administering the TPACK self-efficacy questionnaire and conducting a semi-structured interview. The participants were 23 PSTs who joined a microteaching course where the researcher became the teacher. The quantitative data were analyzed statistically through SPSS 24 version and supported by the PSTs responses which were thematically analyzed. The results showed that the treatment affected positively to PSTs' self-efficacy which was later recommended to inhibit technological knowledge ...

JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts
The shift from remote learning to hybrid learning mode during the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in p... more The shift from remote learning to hybrid learning mode during the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in positive and not so favorable experiences to English teachers and students. Their experiences are worthy of investigation, from the preparations needed in hybrid language learning using Moodle, the problems that arise during learning, to how these problems can be overcome. The reported study used a case study with a descriptive qualitative approach to investigate these issues. In-depth interviews were conducted to collect data from the selected teachers and students. The subjects were three English teachers and five eleventh graders purposefully selected based on some selection criteria. Results of the interviews showed that the teachers and students had different experiences in hybrid language learning using Moodle-based LMS in terms of the preparation needed, challenges found and solutions of the challenges. Creating interactive materials was challenging for teachers, while internet connection and study independently were the most challenging aspects for students. Awareness of these problems and creativity in designing and using simple and easy to understand materials should be taken into teachers' consideration. Furthermore, they need to identify and anticipate common student-related issues so that they can address them well. Moreover, teachers and students should work together to find the solutions to hybrid learning obstacles that work best for them.

LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching
Extensive listening has gained popularity in the past few years due to its benefits for foreign/s... more Extensive listening has gained popularity in the past few years due to its benefits for foreign/second language learning. It improves language learners’ listening skills in a less stressful way because they can choose topics based on their interest or do the activity simply for enjoyment. Also, in the implementation, students may choose any multimedia resources in extensive listening activities. In this descriptive study, students’ preferences of multimedia resources used in extensive listening activities were explored. In addition, aspects of the resources they found easy and challenging and why they choose them were also investigated. Research data were collected from 109 learners’ extensive listening journals over a semester. Results of the data analysis indicated that there are 17 types of multimedia resources used by the students. Most of them selected the listening materials based on their interests and curiosity. Moreover, the speakers’ accent and speech rate, and limited voc...

The teaching and learning of listening has become more practical and affordable with the support ... more The teaching and learning of listening has become more practical and affordable with the support of Internet technology and the World Wide Web. English listening websites are growing exponentially and promise an authentic and interactive language learning experience. This allows learning to be conducted outside class in the form of web-based independent study. Although learners in general show positive attitudes towards web-based materials due to their novelty, convenience, authenticity, and rich cultural content, web-based language learning materials have been criticised because of their quality and the way they explore the medium. Because they contain unregulated materials, English listening websites need to be thoroughly evaluated to determine their effectiveness, but studies that have focused specifically on the listening components of English learning websites are lacking. This study examined the benefits of using web-based listening materials in an independent study program to learners of English as a foreign language at university level. In order to do this, the judgmental and empirical evaluation framework proposed by Chapelle (2001) was adopted. This integrated approach has produced a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of English listening websites and the use of these types of web-based listening materials in the independent study context. Seventy-eight English department students at a university in Indonesia participated voluntarily in the empirical evaluation. The study was conducted in three stages. In the first stage, the general, technical and pedagogical design features of English listening websites were evaluated using the Comprehensive Evaluation Criteria checklist for evaluating English learning websites developed by Yang and Chan (2008). In the second stage, the learning tasks were examined using a checklist adapted from the Task Appropriateness Criteria developed by Chapelle (2001) and the focus questions for selecting computer-based listening materials proposed by Chapelle and Jamieson (2008). For the empirical evaluation in the third stage of the study, quantitative and qualitative data from questionnaires, learning journals, group interviews, listening proficiency tests and course management system logs were analysed to describe not only learners' perceptions of the web-based listening materials but also the benefits they gained and the challenges they experienced in using the materials in the independent study program. The empirical evaluation findings confirm and supplement those of the judgmental evaluations. Although the participants found the web-based listening materials interesting, suitably varied in topics, tasks and accents, and useful for practising listening, the findings showed that improvements PUBLICATIONS DURING CANDIDATURE No publications PUBLICATIONS INCLUDED IN THIS THESIS No publications included.
Education and Information Technologies, 2022

Proceedings of the 67th TEFLIN International Virtual Conference & the 9th ICOELT 2021 (TEFLIN ICOELT 2021), 2022
Teachers' cognition (knowledge, belief, attitude, and self-efficacy) regarding ICT in ELT needs t... more Teachers' cognition (knowledge, belief, attitude, and self-efficacy) regarding ICT in ELT needs to be revealed to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their perspective and understanding of incorporating ICT into their everyday instructional activities. This study aims to create Teacher Cognition on ICT (TC-ICT) scales that can be used to assess their cognition level. The paper describes the processes of building the instrument, from domain definition and delimitation to instrument construction. This survey research used an online questionnaire to collect data from 54 respondents and then conducted a confirmatory factor analysis to analyze the results. The validity of the 68 items with a loading factor of more than 6.0 and the AVE score exceeded 5.0 was confirmed by the study. Furthermore, all five factors (knowledge of ICT, belief in ICT, attitude toward ICT, ICT self-efficacy, and ICT perceived use in ELT) had a composite reliability value of better than 0.7. As a result, all indicators used to measure the variables were found to be reliable. Furthermore, all variables' Cronbach's Alpha values were better than 0.6. Thus, the instrument items were shown to be valid and reliable in assessing the essential variables, and they may be utilized in teacher cognition dimensions and scales studies.

Proceedings of the 67th TEFLIN International Virtual Conference & the 9th ICOELT 2021 (TEFLIN ICOELT 2021), 2022
Online reading has developed into a primary method of obtaining information in the digital era. N... more Online reading has developed into a primary method of obtaining information in the digital era. Nevertheless, research that identifies factors contributing to EFL university students' online reading comprehension success is limited. The study aimed to understand the relationship among three factors related to online reading comprehension, i.e., metacognitive reading strategy awareness, offline reading ability, and general English proficiency. A correlational study was employed involving twenty-nine English department students from various proficiency levels. Data were gathered using an online survey of reading strategies (OSORS) and an English proficiency test. Regression analyses, performed on the three factors and online reading comprehension, revealed that the correlation between general English proficiency test results and online reading comprehension was significantly positive with a medium degree. However, the other two related factors, i.e., metacognitive reading strategy awareness and offline reading ability, showed no significant correlation with online reading comprehension. The result may be due to the lack of metacognitive reading strategy awareness and the different nature of offline and online reading. Thus, language teaching and learning practice is urgently needed to address these issues more explicitly.

JEES (Journal of English Educators Society), 2021
Technology has been widely used in the education field, especially for teaching language. Many te... more Technology has been widely used in the education field, especially for teaching language. Many teachers and students believe in the advantages of technology to enhance language learning. There have been many studies investigating the use of technology in secondary language classrooms. Some studies approve that technology can be applied to increase students' language competence. This paper comprehensively analysed the use of technology for English language teaching in the secondary level based on empirical studies. It reviews 57 articles from reputable journals and publishers. The existing literature shows that studying and reviewing the use of technology in ELT leads to a deeper understanding of its potential benefits. Many technology tools have been utilized to support the teaching of English skills. Kinds of learning activities that require technological tools and applications, such as presentation, discussion, assessment are also discussed. Additionally, problems and solution...
Papers by Francisca M Ivone