Papers by Marie-Georges FAYN
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 14, 2023
« Saisir les changements à l'œuvre dans les démocraties sanitaires avancées où les patients c... more « Saisir les changements à l'œuvre dans les démocraties sanitaires avancées où les patients chroniques et leurs communautés revendiquent toute leur place. » Tel est l’objet de cette thèse qui propose une nouvelle compréhension de l'empowerment individuel et collectif du patient chronique. Ce phénomène social complexe métamorphose une vulnérabilité individuelle en une force collective. Une revue de littérature multidisciplinaire menée en sciences humaines et sociales clarifie la notion d'empowerment et montre que ses dimensions collectives ont longtemps été éludées en marketing. Pour pallier cette lacune, deux études qualitatives exploratoires ont été conduites. La première étude empirique, fondée sur quatre entretiens menés auprès d’experts, recense les besoins non satisfaits des patients et les stratégies communautaires. Elle livre un modèle de processus d’empowerment. La seconde est une netnographie conduite sur un forum en ligne de patients souffrant de la thyroïde. Le suivi de vingt-et-un d’entre eux révèle les déterminants personnels qui favorisent l’engagement des forumeurs les plus actifs dans une démarche collective visant à augmenter la puissance du groupe. La comparaison des résultats fournit une compréhension systémique de ce mouvement d’expansion de l’autonomie. Il débute par la quête d’information d’un patient qui décide de prendre en main son destin. Au cours de ses recherches, il rencontre une communauté de pairs avec laquelle il tisse des liens de solidarité. Désirant prendre part à l’œuvre collective, il s’investit à son tour dans des actions collaboratives et dans la défense de nouveaux droits. L’apport théorique principal de ce travail est de proposer trois dimensions pour définir l’empowerment collectif : communautaire, collaboratif et sociétal. L’apport managérial principal est une invitation à revisiter la gouvernance en santé et les pratiques de soins à l’aune des attentes et capacités empowermentales des patients et de leurs communautés."Handling changes in advanced health democracies where chronic patients and their communities claim their place." Here is the purpose of this thesis, which presents a new understanding of chronic patients individual and collective empowerments. This complex social phenomenon transforms individual vulnerability into collective force. A multidisciplinary literature review conducted in humanities and social sciences clarifies the notion of empowerment and shows that its collective dimensions has long been eluded in marketing. To overcome this gap, two qualitative exploratory studies were conducted. The first empirical study, based on four experts semi directive interviews, identifies unmet patients needs and community strategies. It also delivers a model of empowerment process. The second uses netnography to study an online supportive group for patients with thyroid disease. The follow-up of twenty-one of them reveals personal determinants that encourage most active patients involvement in collective efforts to increase group power. The results comparison provides a systemic understanding of this movement of autonomy expansion. It starts with quest for information from patient who decides to control his destiny. During his research, he meets a community of peers with whom he builds solidarity bonds. Eager to take part in collective work, he invests himself in collaborative actions and new rights defense. The main theoretical contribution of this study is to propose three dimensions to specify collective empowerment : community, collaborative and societal. The main managerial input invites a revisit health governance and care practices on the empowermental expectations and capabilities of patients and their communities
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 9, 2022
Les grands auteurs aux frontières du management
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 20, 2023
Université de Tours, Nov 26, 2019
While people aspire to more direct participation in decision-making concerning them, individually... more While people aspire to more direct participation in decision-making concerning them, individually and collectively, and while the health system is still undergoing intense debate, this doctoral reseach offers a better understanding of chronic patients' empowerment, together individual and collective. Individual empowerment reminds an initiatory journey that changes a vulnerable patient into a resilient person, aware of his weakness, but able to overcome it by acquiring knowledge and adapting his behavior. This individual or psychological empowerment is, according to this thesis, the first level of a much broader process that expands through membership in a group of peer and extends into collaborative dynamic and societal transformations. The multidisciplinary literature review conducted in social sciences clarifies the notion of empowerment and shows that its collective dimensions has long been evaded by marketing. However, the two qualitative exploratory studies confirm the expansive and multilevel nature of empowerment. The first study, based on four experts' interviews, identifies the unmet needs of patients and their communities strategies. It delivers a first model of empowerment process. The following study, a netnography of an online community of patients with thyroid deseases improve the first analysis. The focus on twenty-one of them reveals the individual characteristics that promote patient's commitment and the community resources that increase the group power. Their progression on the forum shows also the existence of an intermediate level, in which a troubled and stressed applicant becomes an altlruistic patient, helping his peers. Finally, a comparison of results between the two studies provides a systemic understanding of the process. The result is a new conceptual and theoretical model of empowerment as a trajectory in four phases, individual, community, collaborative and societal. This research will inspire health actors wishing to revisit democracy based on patients and communities' needs and abilities. This renewal can take several forms, such as the creation of new social listening spaces, new collaborative expertises, or the introduction of participative co-design projects and shared governance mechanisms with trained professionals
Additional file 1. Interview Guide.
Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 2017
Background Online communities for patients with chronic conditions are becoming healthcare provid... more Background Online communities for patients with chronic conditions are becoming healthcare providers. They gather to offer support and services, and to become a collective oppositional force. We found, however, that these communities and their collective power are rarely studied in the health services management literature, which focuses more on the empowering practices of healthcare professionals or patient participation. The aim of this study is thus to build a better understanding of the nature of patients’ collective empowerment and the processes underlying it. We carry out two exploratory qualitative studies to examine the motivations that drive chronically ill patients to engage in an individual and then collective empowerment process. Methods The first qualitative study involves four semi-structured interviews with experts. The second is a netnographic study carried out over a year on an online forum for people with thyroid disease. The latter has two phases: an immersion pha...
BMC Health Services Research
Background Online communities for patients with chronic conditions are becoming healthcare provid... more Background Online communities for patients with chronic conditions are becoming healthcare providers. They gather to offer support and services, and to become a collective oppositional force. We found, however, that these communities and their collective power are rarely studied in the health services management literature, which focuses more on the empowering practices of healthcare professionals or patient participation. The aim of this study is thus to build a better understanding of the nature of patients’ collective empowerment and the processes underlying it. We carry out two exploratory qualitative studies to examine the motivations that drive chronically ill patients to engage in an individual and then collective empowerment process. Methods The first qualitative study involves four semi-structured interviews with experts. The second is a netnographic study carried out over a year on an online forum for people with thyroid disease. The latter has two phases: an immersion pha...
Revue Française de Gestion
Bien que le marketing se soit intéressé tardivement à l’empowerment, la profusion et la diversité... more Bien que le marketing se soit intéressé tardivement à l’empowerment, la profusion et la diversité des recherches, ainsi que l’absence d’une vision consensuelle, nécessitent un travail de clarification. Cet article propose ainsi de faire état des débats au sein de la littérature scientifique et de préciser les distinctions conceptuelles avec des notions connexes. Par ailleurs, considérant les évolutions récentes engendrées par le web participatif et le nouveau statut du consommateur-citoyen, ce travail propose, à partir d’une vision multidisciplinaire du concept originel, un enrichissement de l’approche de l’empowerment en marketing.
revue Recherches en Sciences de Gestion-Management Sciences-Ciencias de Gestión, n°119, p.
Papers by Marie-Georges FAYN