Université Toulouse II Jean Jaurès
Department of History
The breakdown of the Republican forces in Catalonia in January-February 1939 leads not only to the final collapse of the Popular Front in Spain, but also to a major humanitarian crisis with the exodus to France of more than 500 000... more
Questions of citizenship and national identity are very closely related since the former commands the definition and representation of the nation, that is national identity itself, and addresses the jurisdictional process that led to... more
Contrary to the common perception, the notion of a “natural border” does not express an intangible reality, that of a geographical border line which automatically constitutes the infallible criterion of national policies. What this study... more
The election of Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte as prince regent of Sweden in 1810, then as king of Sweden-Norway in 1818, profoundly marked the history of the Scandinavian Peninsula during the first decades of the 19th century. Much more than a... more
Among the many human tragedies Europe endured during the 20th century, the Spanish Civil War ranks high among the events that most strongly affected our collective future. France was deeply affected by this historical tragedy, since it... more
Si le voyage a été pendant longtemps réservé à un nombre restreint d'explorateurs pour des raisons à la fois politiques, techniques et culturelles, celui-ci tend de plus en plus au XIXe siècle à devenir le passe-temps favori,... more
From the beginning, the League of Nations played a key role in the international relations as an instrument of peace, specially in those countries where new national minorities emerged because of the reshaping of Europe: Czecoslovakia,... more
L'histoire de la diplomatie européenne et des diplomates est une histoire relativement mal connue, et au demeurant trop souvent négligée. Au-delà des préjugés et des stéréotypes que des études récentes ont permis de mettre en évidence... more
Malgre les difficultes qui jalonnerent son existence de 1931 a 1939, la Republique espagnole parvint a developper une politique etrangere dynamique tant en Europe que dans l'enceinte de la SDN a Geneve. Faite d'independance et de... more
While in the past, travelling had been limited to a limited number of explorers for political, technological and cultural reasons, in the nineteenth century, it increasingly tended to be a favoured, though not entirely democratized,... more
The Spanish Civil war was one of the most tragic tragedies in Europe in the 20th century which strongly marked our collective destiny. Whole Europe, especially France, made the indirect experience of this historical drama by becoming the... more
Among the many human tragedies Europe endured during the 20th century, the Spanish Civil War ranks high among the events that most strongly affected our collective future. France was deeply affected by this historical tragedy, since it... more