Papers by Nadiia Sheverun
Тrаnscarpathian Philological Studies
International Humanitarian University Herald. Philology, 2021
кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу Національного транспо... more кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу Національного транспортного університету Шеверун Н. В., кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу Національного транспортного університету КІЛЬКІСНІ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ СПОЛУЧУВАНОСТІ ЛЕКСИКО-СЕМАНТИЧНИХ ГРУП ПРИСЛІВНИКІВ-ІНТЕНСИФІКАТОРІВ У СУЧАСНІЙ НІМЕЦЬКІЙ МОВІ Анотація. Статтю присвячено дослідженню сполучуваності лексико-семантичних груп прислівників-інтенсифікаторів із прикметниками в сучасній німецькій мові. Лексико-семантична група прислівників-інтенсифікаторів є найбільш репрезентативною за кількістю словосполучень із прикметниками. Висока частота вживання в мові пояснюється їхнім значенням, оскільки вони означають ступінь, а всіляка якість змінюється за ступенем. Прислівники-інтенсифікатори, що утворюють словосполучення із прикметниками, поділено на такі лексико-семантичні групи: прислівники-інтенсифікатори малого, середнього, високого, гранично високого, достатнього, надмірного, неповного, повного, невизначеного ступенів та прислівники noch і immer у значенні вираження ступеня певної ознаки. Прикметники, що сполучаються із прислівниками-інтенсифікаторами, згруповано за семантичними ознаками у 20 підкласів. Розглянуто кількісні характеристики сполучуваності прислівників-інтенсифікаторів: обсяг підкласу, частотність уживання, широту, частотність та інтенсивність сполучуваності, а також вибірковість (селективність). Найбільшими за обсягом лексико-семантичними групами є прислівники високого та повного ступенів. Прислівники-інтенсифікатори високого та невизначеного ступенів характеризуються найбільшою широтою сполучуваності. Найбільш частотними є зв'язки прислівників непевного та високого ступенів із прикметниками на позначення загальної позитивної оцінки, прислівників названих лексико-семантичних груп із прикметниками на позначення рис характеру людини, прислівників невизначеного ступеня із прикметниками на позначення розміру, форми й із прикметниками на позначення емоційного стану. Для аналізу вибірки з текстів сучасної художньої літератури й описання інтенсивності сполучуваності в нашому дослідженні використано статистичні методи: критерій χ², який показує наявність чи відсутність зв'язку між ознаками, що досліджуються, та коефіцієнт взаємної спряженості К, який вказує на силу (інтенсивність) цього зв'язку. Підкреслено, що більшість стандартних синтагматичних зв'язків є характерними для прислівників-інтенсифікаторів із прикметниками, які характеризують персонажів у німецькій художній літературі, їхні вчинки та дії, а також предмети, явища та події. Наголошено на необхідності застосування
"Scientific notes of V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University", Series: "Philology. Journalism", 2021
The article is devoted to the investigation of business standards in the vocabulary of Englishlan... more The article is devoted to the investigation of business standards in the vocabulary of Englishlanguage international treaties and main features of their translation into the Ukrainian language. In the course of the research it was revealed that depending on the type of document, tasks of communicative nature the textual material of the document acquires one or another form of organization. This fact becomes crucial in the selection of language tools in the translation process. It is revealed that when translating treaties it is necessary to keep not only the semantic side, but also if possible to select structures that are closest or coincide with the structures in the original text both in terms of vocabulary and syntax, and in terms of grammatical constructions. In the process of investigation it was found out, that the syntactic and semantic structure of sentences of the treaties is very complex, dominated by complex syntactic units and verb forms. All this forces the translator to look for such a transformation that would correctly convey not only the grammatical content of the document, but also its pragmatic load. Analysis of special sources on the translation of international treaties has identified a number of factors that cause translation difficulties: a high degree of standardization of official business style and diplomatic background, differences in professional and sectoral pictures of the world and national-cultural specifics of terminological means of their verbalization, style and typological differences in lexical and grammatical means of the original and translated languages, norms of their use.
Тrаnscarpathian Philological Studies, 2021
Phraseology, as a science, has absorbed common and distinctive features in the thinking of nation... more Phraseology, as a science, has absorbed common and distinctive features in the thinking of nations. They are characterized by historical, cultural, expressive and stylistic shades. Phraseological units that characterize a person are valuable for solving controversial and topical problems of linguistics. They are related to phraseological semantics and reveal figurative representations of a person and his appearance, intellectual abilities, character, etc. This aspect of the study of phraseology of English and Ukrainian languages is in dynamic development. The semantics of phraseology remains a major issue in the study of phraseology. The article is devoted to the study of English phraseological units on denotation of person's appearance, his intellectual abilities and phraseology units for description of the character traits of a man. An analysis of semantic groups of English phraseological units on denotation of person's appearance, his intellectual abilities and phraseological units for description of the character traits of a man is also presented. As a result of the research it was revealed that there are different phraseosemantic groups, that is phraseological complexes connected by a common idea. The following phraseosemantic groups on denotation of person's appearance are indicated: appearance in general, face, eyes, hair, features of figure, height, age, smile, nose, beard and clothes. The intellectual abilities of a person include the following one: mental activity, thinking, memory, ability to acquire knowledge, reason, wisdom, limitations, stupidity. Phraseologisms that denote the character of the individual and his behaviour are divided into 3 groups: phraseological units that express positive, negative and neutral traits of human character. This study gave impetus to further study of translation aspects of English phraseological units on denotation of person's appearance to ensure their adequate representation in the Ukrainian language.
Zakarpatsʹkì fìlologìčnì studìï, 2022
The relevance of the work lies in the fact that the effectiveness of advertising texts, in partic... more The relevance of the work lies in the fact that the effectiveness of advertising texts, in particular in the conditions of globalization, is determined by the presence of universal arguments of various kinds (emotional and informational, subconscious and conscious), which contributes to the attraction of a certain number of consumers, which they can cover properly. Advertising actively applies various value attitudes by attracting social and ideal values (the desire for a better life, love for family and friends, justice, freedom, patriotism, civil rights, morality and others), or individual and material values (benefit, economy, reliability, profit, protection, guarantee, effectiveness). The article is dedicated to the research of linguistic features of the English-language advertisement slogans and features of their translation into the Ukrainian language. In the process of the research the basic functions of advertisement text are exposed among which influencing, emotive, aesthetic, informing, reminding, attractive, popularizing, convincing, estimating, arguing, regulating, designing and educational are distinguished. It is distinguished, that an advertisement not only informs a reader but also forms at him bright advertisement character through the system of depict-expressive facilities of language. As a result of the research it is revealed that the basic component of advertisement is slogan. The variety of slogans' types is explained. The widespread types of tropes, that are used in advertisement slogans are described. The translating aspects of the Englishlanguage advertisement slogans are investigated. It is determined that translation of advertisement slogans from English into the Ukrainian language is realized with considering of the following aspects, as linguocultural, pragmatic and actually translating.
Проблеми гуманітарних наук. Серія Філологія
一般社団法人 人工知能学会, Nov 22, 2018
一般社団法人 人工知能学会, Nov 22, 2018
Studies in Comparative Education, Jun 30, 2021
Naukovì zapiski Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu «Ostrozʹka akademìâ». Serìâ «Fìlologìâ», 2021
The article is devoted to the investigation of phrasal verbs in the system of lexical units of mo... more The article is devoted to the investigation of phrasal verbs in the system of lexical units of modern English and their classification. Focusing on the consideration of phrasal verbs as combinations of two full words and thus limiting the study to a combination of verb and adverb, it turns out that the semantic center of such combination is shifted under the influence of the adverb towards its meaning. Different classifications of phrasal verbs depending on the features that distinguish them from simple verbs are outlined. It is found out, that the ability of the etymologically original unit of the postpositive to functionally reorient and become part of a phrasal verb is influenced by the frequency of use and the semantic volume of the adverb or preposition. It is distinguished, that phrasal verbs in English are very diverse both in their coherence or compatibility, and in the additional meanings they have in the text. A phrasal verb is the only semantic unit, that has its own spec...
Priority areas for development of scientific research: domestic and foreign experience, 2021
The purpose of the paper is to summarise and present semantic and structural peculiarities of phr... more The purpose of the paper is to summarise and present semantic and structural peculiarities of phraseological units with MONEY component translation, based on modern English and German Economic texts. Methodology. The survey is based on comparison of semantic and structural peculiarities of phraseological units with MONEY component, that can be used in modern Economic texts in English and German languages and main methods of their translation into the Ukrainian language. For research of features of phraseology units with a component on denotation of MONEY translation we analysed 164 English phraseological units with the structure of word-combinations, that were investigated and described the main ways of their translation and 103 phraseological units from the economic articles of German newspapers. The analysis of the economic articles gave possibility to carry out thematic classification of phraseological units with the component-name MONEY in English (money, penny, cent, dollar, po...
The functional and typological features of titles are investigated. It is found out, that due to ... more The functional and typological features of titles are investigated. It is found out, that due to the use of titles in modern texts, the following main functions of the titles are distinguished: informative, nominative, advertising, expressive, evaluative, integrative, compositional. Titles can be classified depending on the numeber of elements of the text they express. On this basis unidirectional and complex titles are highlighted. It is exposed, that from the point of informing titles are divided into the following categories: that fully inform about one or another element of the text, clear to reading publications (fully informing titles); titles-signs of semantic element, that only signal about it (dotted titles); titles, that inform about the meaning, that verbally is not expounded in text, but entered to the implication and titles, that become clear only after reading of the text and perceived retrospectively.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021
The 2003 Invasion of Iraq violated the natural law just war standards of the Western Tradition. T... more The 2003 Invasion of Iraq violated the natural law just war standards of the Western Tradition. The disregard for Just War violated the United States Constitution and damaged the American Republic. Just War standards should be upheld and are vital for the United States to have a rational and effective national security and foreign policy.
Humanities science current issues, 2021
The article provides the semantic analysis of phraseological units of English, German and Ukraini... more The article provides the semantic analysis of phraseological units of English, German and Ukrainian languages with TIME component in economic texts. The main characteristics of temporality inherent in the concept of TIME are revealed. The semantic groups of English and German phraseological units with TIME component in the economic sphere and their equivalents in the Ukrainian language are distinguished. It is investigated, that most phraseological units in English belong to phraseological combinations. The second largest group of phraseological units is phraseological unities, the third one is represented by phraseological fusions and the smallest part is phraseological expressions. Most phraseological units with TIME component in German language belong to phraseological units. The second largest group of phraseological units in German language is phraseological expressions. The article also highlighted the frequency of English and German phraseological units with a certain TIME component using. It is found out, that phraseological units with TIME component time (44%) are most often used in the investigated English economic texts, and in German-also with TIME component Zeit (51%). So, it can be concluded that in both languages the most frequent phraseological units are with the component "time". Phraseological units with TIME component hour (6%) are the least common in English economic texts, and in German language-with the component Sekunde (2%). In general, we can conclude that from a semantic point of view English and German phraseological units with TIME component are quite similar and at the same time opposite in semantic classification, as the largest number in English and German economic texts are phraseological combinations. On the other hand, in English the least group is represented by phraseological combinations whereas in German-by unities, and phraseological combinations represent quite a large part.
Epigenetic alteration changes expression of many genes, such as tumor suppressor gene and molecul... more Epigenetic alteration changes expression of many genes, such as tumor suppressor gene and molecular specific gene, without change in DNA sequence. Cancers, including thyroid cancer, often exhibit an aberrant methylation of gene promoter regions, which is associated with loss of gene function. Aberrant methylation plays a fundamental role in tumorigenesis. Methylation of some genes tends to occur in certain types of thyroid cancer. Methylation of TIMP3, SLC5A8, p16, RARβ2, DAPK genes is associated with papillary thyroid cancer. Some studies show that aberrant methylation is related to the BRAF V600E mutation. Methylation of PTEN and RASSF1A genes occurs commonly in follicular thyroid cancer. Methylation of thyroid-specific genes, such as sodium/iodide symporter, thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor, and SLC26A4 which encodes pendrine, also has a relation to thyroid cancer. Methylation of these genes could be utilized as markers to detect early disease, to define prognosis and to pred...
Advanced Linguistics, 2019
The paper highlights the experience of Polish technical universities in students' foreign languag... more The paper highlights the experience of Polish technical universities in students' foreign languages training quality improvement by different methods and approaches application. The models of studies and varieties of courses of foreign languages training that are used in modern educational environment of Poland are exposed. It is found out on the basis of analysis, that in the process of students' foreign languages training the Polish tutors use combination of methods and approaches, that correlate the participants of educational process with the character of inter-person cooperation. Taking into account the modern approaches to the educational environment functioning, it is important to mark the features of foreign languages technologies planning in Polish vocational education, which include also the introduction of students differentiation due to the level of foreign language mastering, realization of material understanding verifications, permanent exchange by experience between teachers and scientists that work on introduction of new technologies both in Polish and foreign higher educational establishment, the initiation of research and extramural student's work. It is grounded that aspiration of the Polish teachers to optimize the process of foreign languages training stipulated the improvement of students' foreign languages training quality. The process of foreign languages studies in the technical universities of Poland takes place with the use of different models and varieties of courses of students' learning activity organization. In modern terms the efficiency of forms of studies is mostly estimated from the point of assistance to students' active work at lectures, their way of thinking and imagination development, their responsibility for the studies and collaboration in a group.The practical value of research consists in possibility of positive Polish experience application in domestic higher educational establishments. Keywords: students' foreign languages education; quality of students' foreign languages education; model of studies; methods of foreign languages teachind; technical universities of Poland.
Naukovì zapiski Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu «Ostrozʹka akademìâ». Serìâ «Fìlologìâ», 2018
The development of economic and political relations envisages existence of texts of economic and ... more The development of economic and political relations envisages existence of texts of economic and political maintenance with the use of foreign lexical units, that, in turn, envisages their research with the aim of authenticity, rightness and possibility of the use. A large stake among them is occupied by borrowings, in particular borrowings from German to English, that on the modern stage is the basic language of international communication, language, that is widely used in control system, economy and politics. It is exposed, that modern English adopted a great number of German words during the historical forming and development to the different spheres of social and political life, in particular philosophy, psychology, chemistry, biology, politics, economy, linguistics and others. Basing on investigational material, it is determined, that the basic tendencies of dictionary word-stock's addition in modern English political and economic texts are updating of English vocabulary with neologisms of foreign origin; dissemination of German lexical elements in political and economic texts; enriching of politics and economy language with new words forming; an increase of loan-words amount due to derivatives. As a result of research the basic functions that execute German words in modern English political and economic texts are distinguished, namely informing, nominative, function of emotional influence on a reader and function of expressivity. It is exposed, that the adopted vocabulary is inalienable component part of language of modern English political and economic texts, that gives dynamic character to them.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2016
Distribution électronique pour Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'al... more Distribution électronique pour Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE). © Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE). Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Philological Review, 2021
The article deals with Germanisms and their adaptation in English on materials of socio-political... more The article deals with Germanisms and their adaptation in English on materials of socio-political sphere and sphere of economy. The role and place of foreign borrowings in the lexical structure of the English language are determined. It was found out that the role of borrowings (loan-words) in different languages is different and depends on the specific conditions of development of each language. The borrowing rate in English is much higher than in other languages. In English, compared to other languages, it was possible to borrow foreign words in direct contact: first with foreign conquerors, who constantly replaced each other in the British Isles, and later due to trade expansion and colonial activity of the British themselves.
Порівняльно-педагогічні студії, 2014
Статтю присвячено висвітленню ролі мотивації у процесі навчання студентів іноземних мов, а саме: ... more Статтю присвячено висвітленню ролі мотивації у процесі навчання студентів іноземних мов, а саме: загальним принципам, індивідуальним особистісним якостям студента та чинникам, пов'язаним із ситуацією навчання. Доведено, що роль мотивації в засвоєнні іноземної мови вже протягом багатьох років знаходиться в центрі зацікавленості теоретиків і дослідників, про що свідчать численні теоретичні моделі, емпіричні дослідження та дидактичні пропозиції. Розкрито типологію найважливіших мотивів вивчення мови у формі опозиційних пар, представлену польським науковцем. Схарактеризовано модель розподілу процесу мотивації; виокремлено основні чинники, які випливають на рівень мотивації; виявлено головні стратегії мотивації відносно різних факторів. Статья посвящена освещению роли мотивации в процессе обучения студентов иностранным языкам, а именно: общие принципы, индивидуальные личностные качества студента и факторы, связанные с ситуацией обучения. Доказано, что роль мотивации в усвоении иност...
Papers by Nadiia Sheverun