Il volume e un omaggio all'intenso lavoro letterario dello studioso-scrittore di Minusio dura... more Il volume e un omaggio all'intenso lavoro letterario dello studioso-scrittore di Minusio durante un arco di tempo che si dilata per oltre tre decenni.
Fernsehserien sind längst ein unabdingbarer Bestandteil unseres Alltags geworden. Insbesondere di... more Fernsehserien sind längst ein unabdingbarer Bestandteil unseres Alltags geworden. Insbesondere die Internetdienste haben durch erschwingliche Subskriptionsmodelle die Rezeption serieller Formate drastisch erhöht. Die mittlerweile nahezu uneingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit von Fernseh-und Internetserien und die erhöhte zeitliche und räumliche Flexibilität bei deren Rezeption wirken als Katalysatoren für diese Entwicklung. Wohl aufgrund ihrer Aktualität und Ubiquität erfreut sich die Fernsehserie auch im gegenwärtigen akademischen Diskurs einer großen Beliebtheit sowohl als Gegenstand der praxisbezogenen Lehre als auch der Forschung. Die Fernsehserienforschung-zuweilen in vielleicht zu vereinfachender Manier auch Fernsehforschung genannt 1-befindet sich, aus wissenschaftstheoretischer Perspektive betrachtet, aktuell in einer spannenden Phase, in der ihr Stellenwert als eigenständiger Untersuchungsbereich ausgehandelt wird. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Anhaltspunkte für die Beantwortung der Frage benannt, mit welchem Fug und Recht von ‚der Fernsehserienforschung' (im Singular) als einer universitären Disziplin die Rede sein kann. Um eine Antwort auf diese Fragestellung zu finden, ist es von Nöten, ein Kriterienset zu benennen, anhand dessen, intersubjektiv nachvollziehbar, eine wissenschaftssoziologische Standortbestimmung der Serienforschung erfolgen kann. Eine 10 Die Vielfalt der Begrifflichkeiten zur Bezeichnung der Pluralität der in einer Fernsehserie zur Anwendung kommenden Kommunikationsmittel ist bereits Ausdruck des Nebeneinanderforschens, in diesem Fall der Semiotik, Literatur-, Kultur-und Sprachwissenschaften.
– The present article focuses on Italian and Neapolitan language contact in Italian TV series. In... more – The present article focuses on Italian and Neapolitan language contact in Italian TV series. In detail, I will analyze the dialect in Gomorra - La serie , an Italian serial TV show based on Roberto Savianoʼs homonymous book. I will establish how the Neapolitan dialect is being used in the show and describe its relationship with standard Italian and colloquial Italian. The corpus is based on the first two seasons of Gomorra, each comprising twelve episodes. The article aims to highlight linguistic characteristics such as lexical and morphosyntactic features, i.e. a slangy and often ungrammatical use of language, and the relationship between dialect and spoken Italian in Italian TV crime shows. Abstract – Il presente saggio intende indagare lʼuso dei sottocodici nel linguaggio delle serie televisive italiane. Nel dettaglio, viene analizzata la serie televisiva Gomorra, tratta dallʼomonimo romanzo di Roberto Saviano. Dopo aver fatto una panoramica generale sulle caratteristiche ling...
italianoNon di rado gli esotismi piu defilati, quelli che designano realia sconosciuti o poco not... more italianoNon di rado gli esotismi piu defilati, quelli che designano realia sconosciuti o poco noti, affiorano debolmente nella lingua, a ondate intermittenti, attraverso canali diversi, senza riuscire a stabilizzarsi ne nell’uso comune ne nei linguaggi settoriali. Cosi piu che trovarsi davanti a dei chiari fenomeni di prestito, si finisce per assistere a una serie di piu o meno minimi episodi ricorrenti d’interferenza, con esiti vari e numerose varianti. L’amerindianismo guanabana ‘pianta da frutto (Anona muricata)’ e un caso di questi. Sebbene tale prestito sia registrato nella lingua italiana nel XVI secolo, trasmesso principalmente attraverso la traduzione di testi spagnoli (un ruolo di prim’ordine spetta alla letteratura odeporica), esso non ha mai attecchito nel lessico italiano, a differenza di quanto accade invece ad altri fitonimi amerindi o a nomi di composti con etimo amerindio, che penetrano in italiano nello stesso secolo, ma che vengono ripresi in testi di botanica, tra...
This article focuses on certain semantic aspects within the vocabulary of French politics : in de... more This article focuses on certain semantic aspects within the vocabulary of French politics : in detail, how the meaning of words used in a political context changes through the ideas and theories of a particular social group. It aims more specifically at highlighting the relationship between ideology and word meaning in the philosophical text Principes de science absolue (1875).
Physical activity, nutritional status, and total energy expenditure are important components of a... more Physical activity, nutritional status, and total energy expenditure are important components of a human. The purpose of this study was to investigate the depiction of physical activity, nutritional status, basal metabolic rate, and total energy expenditure of Indonesia migrant workers during Covid-19 pandemic. The study was a survey study with a descriptive design. The samples were 86 Indonesia migrant workers. The instrument used was the 24 hour recall physical activity sheet for 14 days. The result of the study showed that 88% of male samples and 95% of female samples gained physical activity level score in light category. The PAL score of the male samples was 1.56, while the PAL score of female samples was 1.52. Related to body mass index, 51% of Indonesia migrant workers were in the normal weight category; 27% were in the overweight category, 17% were in the Obese I Category and 5% were in the Obese II category. 22 Indonesia migrant workers in overweight category had light physical activity category, 15 persons in Obesity I category had light physical activity category and 4 persons in Obese II category. The average of the BMR of the samples during the quarantine, due to Covid-19 pandemic, was 1669 kkal/day for male and 1335 kkal/day for female. The average of total energy expenditure of the samples during Covid-19 quarantine was 2595 kkal/day for male and 2031 kkal/day for female. The physical activity level was light, the nutrition status was normal, total energy expenditure was low, the BMR of the sample was dominated by age factor, sex, and weight of the sample. The result of the study was expected to be a reference of regional and other quarantine systems to improve the immunity system during the 14 days of quarantine.
The present article focuses on English-Italian language contact. In detail, we will show that sup... more The present article focuses on English-Italian language contact. In detail, we will show that supposedly recent borrowings such as leggings (GRADIT: 2004) or steward (1928) can already be observed in 19th-century Italian translations of English travel literature.
The brief note shows that Italian tagliagarretti ʻsoldier mercenary; killerʼ that first occurs in... more The brief note shows that Italian tagliagarretti ʻsoldier mercenary; killerʼ that first occurs in Raccolta dʼalcune scritture pubblicate in Francia... (1594) is a borrowing from French coupe-jarrets.
Il volume e un omaggio all'intenso lavoro letterario dello studioso-scrittore di Minusio dura... more Il volume e un omaggio all'intenso lavoro letterario dello studioso-scrittore di Minusio durante un arco di tempo che si dilata per oltre tre decenni.
Fernsehserien sind längst ein unabdingbarer Bestandteil unseres Alltags geworden. Insbesondere di... more Fernsehserien sind längst ein unabdingbarer Bestandteil unseres Alltags geworden. Insbesondere die Internetdienste haben durch erschwingliche Subskriptionsmodelle die Rezeption serieller Formate drastisch erhöht. Die mittlerweile nahezu uneingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit von Fernseh-und Internetserien und die erhöhte zeitliche und räumliche Flexibilität bei deren Rezeption wirken als Katalysatoren für diese Entwicklung. Wohl aufgrund ihrer Aktualität und Ubiquität erfreut sich die Fernsehserie auch im gegenwärtigen akademischen Diskurs einer großen Beliebtheit sowohl als Gegenstand der praxisbezogenen Lehre als auch der Forschung. Die Fernsehserienforschung-zuweilen in vielleicht zu vereinfachender Manier auch Fernsehforschung genannt 1-befindet sich, aus wissenschaftstheoretischer Perspektive betrachtet, aktuell in einer spannenden Phase, in der ihr Stellenwert als eigenständiger Untersuchungsbereich ausgehandelt wird. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Anhaltspunkte für die Beantwortung der Frage benannt, mit welchem Fug und Recht von ‚der Fernsehserienforschung' (im Singular) als einer universitären Disziplin die Rede sein kann. Um eine Antwort auf diese Fragestellung zu finden, ist es von Nöten, ein Kriterienset zu benennen, anhand dessen, intersubjektiv nachvollziehbar, eine wissenschaftssoziologische Standortbestimmung der Serienforschung erfolgen kann. Eine 10 Die Vielfalt der Begrifflichkeiten zur Bezeichnung der Pluralität der in einer Fernsehserie zur Anwendung kommenden Kommunikationsmittel ist bereits Ausdruck des Nebeneinanderforschens, in diesem Fall der Semiotik, Literatur-, Kultur-und Sprachwissenschaften.
– The present article focuses on Italian and Neapolitan language contact in Italian TV series. In... more – The present article focuses on Italian and Neapolitan language contact in Italian TV series. In detail, I will analyze the dialect in Gomorra - La serie , an Italian serial TV show based on Roberto Savianoʼs homonymous book. I will establish how the Neapolitan dialect is being used in the show and describe its relationship with standard Italian and colloquial Italian. The corpus is based on the first two seasons of Gomorra, each comprising twelve episodes. The article aims to highlight linguistic characteristics such as lexical and morphosyntactic features, i.e. a slangy and often ungrammatical use of language, and the relationship between dialect and spoken Italian in Italian TV crime shows. Abstract – Il presente saggio intende indagare lʼuso dei sottocodici nel linguaggio delle serie televisive italiane. Nel dettaglio, viene analizzata la serie televisiva Gomorra, tratta dallʼomonimo romanzo di Roberto Saviano. Dopo aver fatto una panoramica generale sulle caratteristiche ling...
italianoNon di rado gli esotismi piu defilati, quelli che designano realia sconosciuti o poco not... more italianoNon di rado gli esotismi piu defilati, quelli che designano realia sconosciuti o poco noti, affiorano debolmente nella lingua, a ondate intermittenti, attraverso canali diversi, senza riuscire a stabilizzarsi ne nell’uso comune ne nei linguaggi settoriali. Cosi piu che trovarsi davanti a dei chiari fenomeni di prestito, si finisce per assistere a una serie di piu o meno minimi episodi ricorrenti d’interferenza, con esiti vari e numerose varianti. L’amerindianismo guanabana ‘pianta da frutto (Anona muricata)’ e un caso di questi. Sebbene tale prestito sia registrato nella lingua italiana nel XVI secolo, trasmesso principalmente attraverso la traduzione di testi spagnoli (un ruolo di prim’ordine spetta alla letteratura odeporica), esso non ha mai attecchito nel lessico italiano, a differenza di quanto accade invece ad altri fitonimi amerindi o a nomi di composti con etimo amerindio, che penetrano in italiano nello stesso secolo, ma che vengono ripresi in testi di botanica, tra...
This article focuses on certain semantic aspects within the vocabulary of French politics : in de... more This article focuses on certain semantic aspects within the vocabulary of French politics : in detail, how the meaning of words used in a political context changes through the ideas and theories of a particular social group. It aims more specifically at highlighting the relationship between ideology and word meaning in the philosophical text Principes de science absolue (1875).
Physical activity, nutritional status, and total energy expenditure are important components of a... more Physical activity, nutritional status, and total energy expenditure are important components of a human. The purpose of this study was to investigate the depiction of physical activity, nutritional status, basal metabolic rate, and total energy expenditure of Indonesia migrant workers during Covid-19 pandemic. The study was a survey study with a descriptive design. The samples were 86 Indonesia migrant workers. The instrument used was the 24 hour recall physical activity sheet for 14 days. The result of the study showed that 88% of male samples and 95% of female samples gained physical activity level score in light category. The PAL score of the male samples was 1.56, while the PAL score of female samples was 1.52. Related to body mass index, 51% of Indonesia migrant workers were in the normal weight category; 27% were in the overweight category, 17% were in the Obese I Category and 5% were in the Obese II category. 22 Indonesia migrant workers in overweight category had light physical activity category, 15 persons in Obesity I category had light physical activity category and 4 persons in Obese II category. The average of the BMR of the samples during the quarantine, due to Covid-19 pandemic, was 1669 kkal/day for male and 1335 kkal/day for female. The average of total energy expenditure of the samples during Covid-19 quarantine was 2595 kkal/day for male and 2031 kkal/day for female. The physical activity level was light, the nutrition status was normal, total energy expenditure was low, the BMR of the sample was dominated by age factor, sex, and weight of the sample. The result of the study was expected to be a reference of regional and other quarantine systems to improve the immunity system during the 14 days of quarantine.
The present article focuses on English-Italian language contact. In detail, we will show that sup... more The present article focuses on English-Italian language contact. In detail, we will show that supposedly recent borrowings such as leggings (GRADIT: 2004) or steward (1928) can already be observed in 19th-century Italian translations of English travel literature.
The brief note shows that Italian tagliagarretti ʻsoldier mercenary; killerʼ that first occurs in... more The brief note shows that Italian tagliagarretti ʻsoldier mercenary; killerʼ that first occurs in Raccolta dʼalcune scritture pubblicate in Francia... (1594) is a borrowing from French coupe-jarrets.
Papers by Angelo Variano