Papers by Guglielmo M Actis Dato

The American Journal of Cardiology, 1973
Simultaneous leads I, II, and III of the electrocardiogram were recorded during selective aortoco... more Simultaneous leads I, II, and III of the electrocardiogram were recorded during selective aortocoronary saphenous vein bypass graft angiography in 20 patients. Arrhythmias associated with such graft opacification included sinus bradycardia, sinus arrest, atrial prema ture beats, ventricular premature beats, ventricular tachycardla and two episodes of ventricular fibrillation. Rhythm disturbances were unrelated to the anatomic location of the grafts. Patent right graft injection effected a mean rightward frontal plane QRS axis shift of 32.7" with leftward T wave axis deviation. A majority of subjects with patent aortic*left anterior descending coronary arterial grafts also manifested right axis shift (mean 22.6"), possibly related to collateral circulation between the left and right coronary arterial systems. Those patients wlth stenosed and occluded grafts had minimal or no electrocardiographic changes during bypass angiography. It is concluded that electrocardiographic alteration during graft angiography is a physiologic demonstratfon of aortocoronary bypass efficacy. Various electrocardiographic alterations have been noted during opacification of the coronary arterial system of man with radiocontrast media.leg Disturbances of rate, rhythm and conduction associated with such studies include sinus bradycardia,3-5,7 premature atrial and ventricular beats,2-4v7 sinus arrest,135*s ventricular tachycardia,r ventricular fibrillation3v5 and various degrees of atrioventricular (A-V) block. 4,7 Futhermore, shifts of the frontal plane QRS axis4v5* 8.9 and specific S-T segment and T wave abnormalitiess74 have been correlated with the anatomic distribution of the coronary artery subjected to angiography. Recent development of surgical techniques for bypassing obstructed coronary arteries with saphenous vein grafts's provides a rational approach to the palliative therapy of segmental coronary atherosclerosis. The purpose of this paper is to describe the electrocardiographic changes consequent to selective aortocoronary saphenous vein bypass graft angiography.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Percutaneous tricuspid valvuloplasty]](
PubMed, Nov 1, 1994
The authors herein describe the case of a 44 year old woman, who 14 years ago underwent surgical ... more The authors herein describe the case of a 44 year old woman, who 14 years ago underwent surgical intervention after a rheumatic disease. A double mitral-aortic valvular implantation and a tricuspid commissurotomy was carried out. The patient come under our observation for severe congestive heart failure, while both mechanical prostheses were working well. Furthermore, the Doppler echocardiography showed a severe tricuspid stenosis (mean gradient = 8.6 mm Hg) and a concurrent mild to moderate valvular regurgitation. Because of her poor clinical condition and due to the high surgical risk it was decided to perform a balloon valvuloplasty of the tricuspid stenosis. The procedure, using the percutaneous femoral approach, was carried out with a TRIAD-TWIN AT (diameter = 18 + 18 mm; length = 4 cm; Mansfield) catheter and an Amplatz guide wire was advanced up to the apex of the right ventricle. Both balloons were inflated simultaneously on three occasions to a maximum pressure of 3.5 atmospheres for 60". At the end of the procedure there was the complete disappearance of telediastolic gradient, the valvular regurgitation remained unchanged (when compared to the pre-valvuloplasty control) and the mean trans-tricuspid gradient reduced to 4 mm Hg. Immediately following the procedure there was a remarkable, rapid hemodynamic improvement of the patient and at three months her condition is constant. In conclusion tricuspid valvuloplasty even using the percutaneous femoral approach can be performed and considered a simple and effective treatment.

PubMed, Dec 1, 1997
Background: Ventricular septal defect (VSD) represents a serious complication after acute myocard... more Background: Ventricular septal defect (VSD) represents a serious complication after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) with an incidence of 1-2%. Surgical treatment is often mandatory in the early period after AMI because of the worsening of the hemodynamic and clinical conditions. Methods: We reviewed 34 patients complicating AMI who underwent surgical treatment at our Institution from January 1988 to December 1994 (23 males, 11 females, mean age 64.2+/-7.96, range 45-78). The localization of the AMI was anterior in 47.05% but inferior in 52.95% of the patients (p=NS). The mean time between AMI and VSD was 5.24+/-9.31 days. The preoperative NYHA functional class was III-IV in 93% of the patients. QP/QS ratio was 2.7+/-0.65 and the diameter of VSD ranged from 1 to 8 (mean 2.5+/-0.35). In 26 patients (76.4%) an intraortic balloon pump (IABP) was inserted before surgery. Surgical treatment was done after 10+/-17.7 days after VSD appearance through a left ventriculotomy. Ten patients received a concomitant myocardial revascularization. Results: Overall surgical mortality was significantly higher (p<0.05) in patients operated on in the early period after AMI (1+/-1.4 days) and with VSD complicating an inferior AMI. A complete follow-up was possible in all the survivors with a cumulative FU of 1453 month/patients. Two patients received a redo procedure after 30 and 40 days after the first correction because of a residual shunt. We observed 3 late deaths for re-AMI and one for complications after bronchial pneumonia. The actuarial survival rate is 70% at 1 year, 68% at 2 years and 65% at 7 years. NYHA functional class after operation is 1-11 in 91% of the patients. Conclusions: The major determinant of hospital survival in VSD after AMI in our patient population was the anatomical localization and the early timing of the operation. We believe that a prompt diagnosis and immediate cardiac support (IABP or ventricular assist device) is recommended to obtain a hemodynamic stabilization and to achieve the shaping of stronger cicatricial tissue before surgery. Nevertheless surgical repair of VSD is mandatory when clinical and hemodynamic condition becomes unacceptable. The results in the long term assessment are very satisfying.

PubMed, Aug 1, 2004
Aim: The aim of the study is to evaluate patency and flow reserve by echocardiography in arterial... more Aim: The aim of the study is to evaluate patency and flow reserve by echocardiography in arterial grafts using the left internal mammary artery (LIMA) to the left anterior descending coronary artery (DA). The main limitations in performing this study routinely are the weakness of the Doppler signal and the exact chest localization of the graft. The purposes of the study were: to verify the feasibility of the echo color Doppler method on LIMA; to verify which between the parasternal or supralavicular view is the better approach to obtain a clear signal; to verify the increase of systolic and diastolic flow velocity of LIMA in basal conditions and after infusion of dipyridamole, and if the visualization of the Doppler signal improves after contrast infusion. Methods: Twenty patients (all males, mean age 63+/-7.8 years) with previous coronary artery bypass in the last 10 years, and without any significant stenosis in the left mammary artery graft as proved by a recent coronary angiogram (within 6 months), were selected for our study. LIMA was evaluated by two echocardiographic approaches. Patients were studied at rest and after pharmacological infusion of dipyridamole using the protocol of 0.56 mg/kg in 4 minutes. Contrast enhancement was infused in order to improve the Doppler signal using Levovist contrast agent at rest and after vasodilatation. Diastolic and systolic peak flow velocities, their ratio and the diastolic and total velocity time integrals were evaluated. Results: The results showed that using the supraclavicular approach we obtained the visualization of the graft at rest in all patients (100%) and using the parasternal approach in 19 out of 20 (95%) even without contrast injection. At rest, the diastolic and systolic peak flow velocities were 0.417+/-0.133 m/s and 0.368+/-0.1291 m/s; their ratio (diastolic/systolic) was 0.882+/-0.7362. The overall and diastolic velocity time integrals were 0.1571+/-0.0645 m and 0.2232+/- 0.0701 m. After dipyridamole infusion we observed in all patients an increase in diastolic and systolic peak flow velocities as expected by 0.582+/-0.342 m/s (p<0.005) and 0.73+/-0.427 m/s (p<0.005). Contrast injection at rest and after peak dipyridamole infusion showed a better and clearer Doppler signal of the graft allowing an easier evaluation of the velocity curves in all patients. In fact using the association dipyridamole-Levovist the velocity ratio and the total and diastolic velocity time integral values were 1.268+/-0.368 (p<0.05), 0.3492+/-0.131 m (p<0.05) and 0.2309+/-0.153 m (p<0.05). Conclusion: In conclusion, this new echo-color-Doppler approach seems to be valid for the evaluation of the patency rate and flow reserve of the internal mammary artery graft, and helps to better select patients who really need angiography.
Minerva Chirurgica, Feb 1, 2011
![Research paper thumbnail of [Correlation between malfunction of a bioprosthesis and deformation of a valve stent. Comparison of three different vale models]](
PubMed, Apr 1, 1998
Background: Stent deformation seems to be effective in the long term performances of bioprosthese... more Background: Stent deformation seems to be effective in the long term performances of bioprostheses. Methods: The Inward Banding Angle (IBA) of three different models of bioprostheses explanted during the period 1991-1992 at our Division of Cardiac Surgery in 45 different patients (26 males; 9 females; mean age 59.71 +/- 10.74, range 26-75) has been measured. Explanted valves were as follow: Hancock, (H = 13); Carpentier-Edwards (C = 14) e Xenomedica (X = 18). Primary tissue failure was the most common cause of re-operation (n = 30; 66.7%) but also endocarditis (n = 6; 13.3%) and paraprothetic leak (n = 10; 22.2%). A semi-quantitative score (0-4) was used to assess calcifications (1.51 +/- 1.56); tears (0.41 +/- 0.98); vegetation's (0.51 +/- 0.99) and fibrosis (2.7 +/- 1.27). The mean follow-up was 7.77 +/- 3.79 years (range 1.5 +/- 16 years). The mean IBA evaluated after explantation was 3.34 +/- 2.29 degrees. Results: Statistical analysis showed a significance in term of IBA in the Hancock group vs Carpentier (P < 0.02); a less duration in the Xenomedica group vs H and C (p < 0.001) and an increased susceptibility to vegetation's and fibrosis in the Xvs C (p < 0.01) and H (p < 0.05) respectively. A suggestive correlation between IBA and time and between IBA and diameter was found but no statistical significance was observed. Conclusions: In conclusions, it is suggested that all materials tends to deform during time and a possible explanation of stent deformation can be the different material used in the stent fabrication. Moreover, mechanical stress and compression around the ring can be another mechanism of creep.

PubMed, Jul 1, 1998
Background and aims of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term follow up o... more Background and aims of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term follow up of the Pericarbon pericardial bioprosthesis implanted in the mitral position. Methods: Between January 1985 and January 1991, 78 patients (26 males, 52 females; mean age 56.9 +/- 7.8 years) underwent isolated mitral valve replacement with a Pericarbon valve. All bioprostheses were size 29 mm and implanted by the same surgeon. Results: Total follow up was 663.2 pt-years and it was 97% complete. Early mortality was 1.3% (1/78); two minor cerebral embolisms were observed as early complications. At 12 years the overall survival rate was 85.0 +/- and valve-related survival 93.1 +/- 3.0%; freedom from embolic events was 83.0 +/- 4.5% and from endocarditis 98.7 +/- 1.3%. Freedom from primary tissue failure was 56.8 +/- 6.6%; it was 86.3 +/- 7.5% in patients aged > 60 years and 36.8 +/- 8.2% in younger patients. There were 27 reoperations, 26 for primary tissue failure, one for endocarditis. Comparison between basal and follow up echocardiographic studies showed a significant stenotic deterioration of the bioprosthesis and a negligible incidence of regurgitation. Morphological findings of explanted bioprostheses were characterized by stenotic and diffuse microcalcification, but no tissue tear was observed. Conclusions: These results confirm that the Pericarbon bioprosthesis is structurally safe and free from the fatigue problems which afflicted the first and second generation of pericardial valves. As with other tissue valves, the rate of calcification is age-dependent, suggesting preferential use of the Pericarbon prosthesis in elderly people.
PubMed, Dec 1, 1995
Femoral artery lesions may occur after cardiac catheterization or percutaneous transluminal coron... more Femoral artery lesions may occur after cardiac catheterization or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). The incidence of pseudoaneurysm following transfemoral catheterization ranges from 0.21 to 6.25%. Among 3162 cardiac catheterization procedures thirteen (0.41%) patients presented a femoral pseudoaneurysm requiring surgical repair. The Authors reported their technical consideration about the utility of extraperitoneal iliac control during surgical repair of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm due to cardiac catheterization.

PubMed, Jun 1, 1999
Background: The Bjork-Shiley convexo-concave (BS-CC) heart valves represent the improved model of... more Background: The Bjork-Shiley convexo-concave (BS-CC) heart valves represent the improved model of the standard valve first introduced with a different design of the disc valve to ameliorate hemodynamic performances and reduce thromboembolic complications. About 86,000 BS-CC were implanted during 1979-1986 and of them a small number developed an intrinsic dysfunction resulting in sudden death. Methods: From 1979 to 1986 we implanted in 117 patients (48 males, 69 females, mean age 46.35+/-12.47, range 8-65 years) 125 BS-CC. In 38.5% (45/117) of the cases heart valve replacement represented the second cardiac procedure after a previous closed heart digital commissurotomy. The mean size of the implanted prosthesis was 25.6+/-2.8 for aortic valve and 29.5+/-1.2 for mitral valve. Results: Hospital mortality was 4.27% (5/117) and survival rate at 10 years is 71.4% and at 17 years 54.7% (Kaplan-Meier). At follow-up causes of death proved valve related in most of the patients but with no evidence of valve fracture. We had 1 case of sudden death in patients at high risk (largest size, aortic position) and 30 cases of death by unknown causes but they did not have an autopsy to confirm the cause of death. Conclusions: We conclude that in our population with BS-CC at the moment there is no indication for prophylactic replacement because of the higher risks of a reoperation (third or fourth in the 35.4% of our patients) than a strut fracture. Nevertheless we believe an autopsy mandatory in all these patients at risk, when sudden death occurs.

PubMed, Jan 6, 2012
Background: Indirect revascularization is a therapeutic approach in case of severe angina not sui... more Background: Indirect revascularization is a therapeutic approach in case of severe angina not suitable for percutaneous or surgical revascularization. Transmyocardial revascularization (TMR) is one of the techniques used for indirect revascularization and it allows to create transmyocardial channels by a laser energy bundle delivered on left ventricular epicardial surface. Benefits of the procedure are related mainly to the angiogenesis caused by inflammation and secondly to the destruction of the nervous fibers of the heart. Patients and method: From September 1996 up to July 1997, 14 patients (9 males - 66.7%, mean age 64.8±7.9 years) underwent TMR. All patients referred angina at rest; Canadian Angina Class was IV in 7 patients (58.3%), III in 5 (41.7%). Before the enrollment, coronarography was routinely performed to find out the feasibility of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG): 13 patients (91,6%) had coronary arteries lesions not suitable for direct revascularization; this condition was limited only to postero-lateral area in one patient submitted to combined TMR + CABG procedures. Results: Mean discharge time was 3,2±1,3 days after surgery. All patients were discharged in good clinical conditions. Perfusion thallium scintigraphy was performed in 7 patients at a mean follow-up of 4±2 months, showing in all but one an improvement of perfusion defects. Moreover an exercise treadmill improvement was observed in the same patients and all of them are in good clinical conditions, with significantly reduced use of active drugs. CONCLUSION; Our experience confirms that TMR is a safe and feasible procedure and it offers a therapeutic solution in case of untreatable angina. Moreover, it could be a hybrid approach for patients undergoing CABGs in case of absence of vessels suitable for surgical approach in limited areas of the heart.
PubMed, 2012
We report the exceptional longevity of a Björk-Shiley Delrin-disc prosthetic aortic valve that ha... more We report the exceptional longevity of a Björk-Shiley Delrin-disc prosthetic aortic valve that had been implanted in a man who underwent surgical correction of an ascending aortic aneurysm 37 years later. Upon explantation of the valve, the Delrin disc had only shallow abrasion on the ventricular surface, and none on the aortic surface. We discuss the soundness and durability of this valve in our patient, in contrast with its short functional prosthetic life in other patients. The 37-year lifespan of this patient's Björk-Shiley Delrin-disc valve is among the longest reported.

PubMed, Aug 1, 1994
The incidence of carotid artery kinking is reported from 4% to 25% in different studies. During c... more The incidence of carotid artery kinking is reported from 4% to 25% in different studies. During cardiopulmonary by-pass (CPB) in cardiac surgery the hemodynamic effects related to the kinking could produce hypoperfusion especially if associated with atherosclerotic lesions of the carotid arteries. We report our experience of 653 patients (538 males, 115 females, mean age 58.3 years) studied by coronaroangiography and internal carotid artery duplex scanning during the period January 1991-December 1992. Thirty-seven patients (22 males, 15 females, mean age 64.9 years), revealed anomalies of the internal carotid artery classificated as tortuosity (9 patients; 24.4%), and kinking (28 patients; 75.6%). All but 4 patients underwent cardiac surgery isolated or associated with carotid thrombo-endarterectomy (TEA) with Dacron patch arterioplasty. Three patients died (8.1%), one of them from cerebrovascular accident. He was a patient who had thromboembolism from the ascending aorta but without associated atherosclerotic lesions of carotid arteries. Asymptomatic isolated internal carotid artery kinking does not seem to be a risk factor for neurological complications during CPB. If carotid kinking is symptomatic and associated with atherosclerotic plaque producing internal carotid artery stenosis greater than 75%, we strongly suggest surgical treatment before cardiac operation.
PubMed, Jun 1, 1999
In this article, we report a 65-year-old man with a large atrial myxoma arising from the posterio... more In this article, we report a 65-year-old man with a large atrial myxoma arising from the posterior wall and from the base of the right inferior pulmonary vein. The big neoplastic mass showed a large implant site. A rare atrial myxoma neovascularity arising from the atrial circumflex artery was very clearly visualized by selective coronary arteriography. The surgical approach used to resect this tumor was an isolated left atriotomy that provided excellent exposure and safe excision.

PubMed, Mar 1, 1998
Study objectives: To describe the obstetrical outcome and long-term cardiac follow-up of a group ... more Study objectives: To describe the obstetrical outcome and long-term cardiac follow-up of a group of patients who had surgery for atrial septal defect repair before pregnancy and a group who underwent pregnancy before surgical correction. Design: Retrospective. Setting: Public Institution. Patients: Eighty women (mean age 20.15 +/- 4.5 years) complaining of atrial septal defect, 60 of which had surgical correction before pregnancy and subsequently had 115 pregnancies, and 20 of which underwent pregnancy before the correction of cardiac defect and subsequently had 48 pregnancies. Interventions: Surgical correction of atrial septal defect: 49 by open heart technique (13 with cardiopulmonary bypass, 36 with light hypothermic circulatory arrest), 11 by closed heart techniques. Results: Patients who underwent pregnancy before surgery had an increased incidence of miscarriage, pre-term delivery and cardiac symptoms during pregnancy. Patients operated before pregnancy required more frequently cesarean section and pharmacological therapy. The frequency of stillbirths, malformations in the offspring and long-term cardiac complications were similar in both groups. Conclusions: Surgical correction of atrial septal defect before pregnancy is recommended even in case of apparently well compensated hemodinamic situation for the low rate of surgical complications in spite of the higher incidence of obstetrical problems in case of medical therapy alone.

The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Apr 1, 2021
BACKGROUND patients with liver cirrhosis (LC) undergoing cardiac surgery (CS) face perioperative ... more BACKGROUND patients with liver cirrhosis (LC) undergoing cardiac surgery (CS) face perioperative high mortality and morbidity, but extensive studies on this topic are lacking. METHODS All adult patients with LC undergoing a CS procedure between 2000-2017 at ten Italian Institutions were included in this retrospective cohort study. LC was classified according to preoperative Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) Score and Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score. Early and medium-term outcomes analysis was performed in the overall population and according to CTP classes. RESULTS The study population included 144 patients (mean age:66±9 years; male=69%). Ninety-eight, 20 and 26 patients were in CTP class-A, in early (MELD <12) or advanced (MELD >12) CTP class-B respectively. The main LC etiologies were viral (43%) and alcoholic (36%). Liver-related clinical presentation (ascites, esophageal varices and encephalopathy) and laboratory values (EGFR, serum albumin and bilirubin, platelet count) significantly worsened across the CTP-classes(p=.001). CABG or valve surgery (87% bioprosthesis) were performed in 36% and 50% respectively. Postoperative complications (especially AKI, liver complication and LOS) significantly worsened in advanced CTP class-B(p=.001). Notably, observed mortality was 3 or 4-fold higher than the EuroscoreII-predicted mortality, in the overall population, and in the subgroups. At Kaplan-Meier analysis, 1- and 5-years cumulative survival in the overall population was 82±3% and 77±4% respectively. The 5-years survival in CTP class A, early- and advanced-B was 72±5%, 68±11% and 61±10% respectively(p=.238). CONCLUSIONS CS outcomes in patients with LC are significantly affected in relation to the extent of preoperative liver dysfunction, but in the early CTP classes medium-term survival is acceptable. Further analysis are needed to better estimate the preoperative risk stratification of these patients.
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Jul 1, 1995

PubMed, Feb 1, 1999
Background: Between June 1958 and June 1996 we operated many patients affected by pectus excavatu... more Background: Between June 1958 and June 1996 we operated many patients affected by pectus excavatum with an original surgical technique. In this study we evaluated the durability of the results. Experimental design: Retrospective study with a mean follow-up time of 15.8 years/pt, and 60% complete. Setting: private and institutional practice. Patients or participants: 357 patients (253 males and 104 females, mean age = 18.2+/-5.1 years) affected by pectus excavatum. The grade of PE (Chin classification) was I in 76 patients, II in 165 and III in the remaining 116. Most of the patients required operation for aesthetic reasons only (339 patients; 95%). Intervention: the surgical technique consisted of a double transversal sternotomy at the level of the lowest and highest part of the depression associated with a longitudinal sternotomy. A wedge resection of the ribs was then performed and the sternum was fixed using an original stainless steel strut prosthesis moulded into a seagull wing. The strut was removed 12 months postimplantation. Results: There were no operative deaths. Four patients (1.2%) had sternal wound infection, which was successfully treated. From the aesthetic point of view, the postoperative results were excellent in 262 patients (73.4%), good in 82 (22.9%) and poor in 13 (3.6%). All subjective symptoms, when present, disappeared after surgery. Conclusions: The seagull wing prosthesis appears to be safe, easy to implant and to remove, and comfortable for the patient. This technique has shown good long-term results independently of type of deformity and patient age.
Papers by Guglielmo M Actis Dato