Lionello F R A N C O Punzo
Professor of Economics at the University of Siena (Italy), lecturing in the Graduate Course on the Economics of Cultural, Heritage Goods, Culture, and Sustainable Tourism and in Macroeconomics (Intermediate level, in English). Visiting Professor at the Instituto de Economia, UFRJ, in the second semester 2017, has taught on “Public Goods as drivers of Development”. Visiting Professor at the Instituto Ciência e Tecnologia/Políticas Públicas, Estratégias e Desenvolvimento (INCT/PPED at UFRJ); has been Visiting Professor at the Universidade Federal Fluminense. Dottore in Scienze Economiche and Ph.D. in Economics. Past member of the Tourism Sustainability Group at the DG Enterprise of the European Commission, since its creation (2005-2012); President of the Osservatorio per il Turismo Sostenibile (; ex-co-Coordinator of the Posgrado y Maestria en Economia y Gestión del Turismo Sustentable, a joint degree of UDELAR with UNISI (2005-12). Fulbright Fellow at UCLA. Coordinator of the EUCOMPECS Network on Computable Economics and of two similar thematic networks (for Latin America and for the then Eastern European countries, respectively) of the Human Capital and Mobility Program within the EU VII framework Programme for Science and Technology. Has taught and done research in the fields of growth and development economics, mathematical methodologies and dynamical systems in economics, as well as in the economics of cultural goods and sustainable tourism, in Europe (at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Vienna; at CNRS-LATAPSES in Sophia Antipolis, France; at the University of Bielefeld, Germany; at the London School of Economics; in Warsaw at the Academy of Sciences), in Japan (at Shaken Institute of the Osaka University and at CIRJE at Tokyo University), in the USA (at UCLA) and in various countries of Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, México at UNAM, Uruguay). International Consultant in projects of local sustainable development of the IADB, UNDP and the European Union, and for various local Governments in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. Has been consultant to the Federazione Italiana Parchi for Ecotourism, and to the Italian Cooperation with the Federal Government of Brazil, has co-drafted the multi-annual development plans for the Protected Areas of the Provinces of Siena and of Grosseto. Supervised the process of environmental certification of the Parco of Maremma. Advisor to the Government of the Region Tuscany and to the Provincial Agency on sustainable tourism of Siena; coordinator of the POR project of a network of observatories of sustainable tourism in the Region Tuscany.
Supervisors: E. Zaghini; Michio Morishima
Supervisors: E. Zaghini; Michio Morishima
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