The InGRID workpackage 23 on high-performance statistical quality management focuses on important... more The InGRID workpackage 23 on high-performance statistical quality management focuses on important developments and future needs of statistical indicators in the social sciences. That requires the construction of a shared knowledge on theories and best practices to evaluate the quality and appropriateness of indicators through an empirical analysis. This covers methodological advances as well as practical considerations of indicators for poverty, social exclusion, and related fields. Additionally to methodological advances, a simulation lab is developed to foster open and reproducible research for future developments in the InGRID research area using SILC related data. This second deliverable covers especially future needs in three areas:<br> - Missing values, non-probability samples, and big data<br> - Multi-dimensional indicators<br> - Regional indicators and advances in small area applications<br> The major aim of this deliverable aims to identify research ...
Analysis of Socio-Economic Conditions, 2021
In this paper, we first rely on small area techniques to derive from EU-SILC survey new indicator... more In this paper, we first rely on small area techniques to derive from EU-SILC survey new indicators of compensatory and investment policies at regional level. While compensatory policies have mainly the goal of protecting individuals from “old” risks (e.g. old-age), investment-related social policies tend to focus more on "new social risks" (i.e. skill deficits). We rely on these new indicators to perform a data-driven SVAR analysis to investigate the casual relationships between youth labour market outcomes and these two types of spending. Our results support the view that investment policies are more effective for tackling new social challenges.
Il saggio offre un'analisi comparativa sulle situazioni di povertà e deprivazione tra italian... more Il saggio offre un'analisi comparativa sulle situazioni di povertà e deprivazione tra italiani e stranieri. Per la realizzazione delle analisi sulle condizioni di povertà e esclusione sociale , sulle dimensioni del disagio e sulla povertà assoluta sono stati utilizzati i dati dell'indagine campionaria Istat "Reddito e condizioni di vita delle famiglie con stranieri" e dell'indagine Eu-Silc condotta annualmente sempre dall'Istat
Sustainability, 2021
This paper analyses multidimensional fuzzy monetary and non-monetary deprivation in households wi... more This paper analyses multidimensional fuzzy monetary and non-monetary deprivation in households with children by using two different definitions: households with children under 14 years old, and the EU definition of households with dependent children. Eight dimensions of non-monetary deprivation were found using 34 items from the EU-SILC 2016 survey. Dealing with subpopulations, it is essential to compute standard errors for the presented estimators. Thus, a relevant added value of the paper is fuzzy poverty measures and associated standard errors, which were also computed. Moreover, a comparison was made between the measures obtained concerning the two subpopulations across countries. With a focus on Italy, an Italian macro-region is presented.
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2017
Pratesi/Analysis of Poverty Data by Small Area Estimation, 2016
Empirical Economics, 2015
Advances in Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 2013
Reliable indicators of poverty and social exclusion are an essential monitoring tool. Policy rese... more Reliable indicators of poverty and social exclusion are an essential monitoring tool. Policy research and application increasingly require statistics disaggregated to lower levels and smaller subpopulations. This paper addresses some statistical aspects relating to improving the sampling precision of such indicators for subnational regions, in particular through the cumulation of data.
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2011