Papers by Fabrizio Illuminati

arXiv (Cornell University), May 9, 2018
We study the continuous-variable (CV) quantum teleportation protocol in the case that one of the ... more We study the continuous-variable (CV) quantum teleportation protocol in the case that one of the two modes of the shared entangled resource is sent to the receiver through a Gaussian Quantum Brownian Motion noisy channel. We show that if the channel is engineered in a non-Markovian regime, the information backflow from the environment induces an extra dependance of the phase of the two-mode squeezing of the shared Gaussian entangled resource on the transit time along the channel of the shared mode sent to the receiver. Optimizing over the non-Markovianity dependent phase of the squeezing yields a significant enhancement of the teleportation fidelity. For short enough channel transit times, essentially unit fidelity is achieved at realistic, finite values of the squeezing amplitude for a sufficiently large degree of the channel non-Markovianity.
arXiv: Quantum Physics, 2016
We investigate the asymptotic dynamics of exact quantum Brownian motion. We find that non-Markovi... more We investigate the asymptotic dynamics of exact quantum Brownian motion. We find that non-Markovianity can persist in the long-time limit, and that in general the asymptotic behaviour depends strongly on the system-environment coupling and the spectral density of the bath.
arXiv: Quantum Physics, 2016
We introduce a geometric quantification of quantum coherence in single-mode Gaussian states and w... more We introduce a geometric quantification of quantum coherence in single-mode Gaussian states and we investigate the behavior of distance measures as functions of different physical parameters. In the case of squeezed thermal states, we observe that re-quantization yields an effect of noise-enhanced quantum coherence for increasing thermal photon number.

Nature Communications, 2021
Schemes of gravitationally induced decoherence are being actively investigated as possible mechan... more Schemes of gravitationally induced decoherence are being actively investigated as possible mechanisms for the quantum-to-classical transition. Here, we introduce a decoherence process due to quantum gravity effects. We assume a foamy quantum spacetime with a fluctuating minimal length coinciding on average with the Planck scale. Considering deformed canonical commutation relations with a fluctuating deformation parameter, we derive a Lindblad master equation that yields localization in energy space and decoherence times consistent with the currently available observational evidence. Compared to other schemes of gravitational decoherence, we find that the decoherence rate predicted by our model is extremal, being minimal in the deep quantum regime below the Planck scale and maximal in the mesoscopic regime beyond it. We discuss possible experimental tests of our model based on cavity optomechanics setups with ultracold massive molecular oscillators and we provide preliminary estimate...

Physical Review A, 2018
We investigate the Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics of Gaussian quantum channels, exploiting ... more We investigate the Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics of Gaussian quantum channels, exploiting a recently introduced necessary and sufficient criterion and the ensuing measure of non-Markovianity based on the violation of the divisibility property of the dynamical map. We compare the paradigmatic instances of Quantum Brownian motion (QBM) and Pure Damping (PD) channels, and for the former we find that the exact dynamical evolution is always non-Markovian in the finite-time as well as in the asymptotic regimes, for any nonvanishing value of the non-Markovianity parameter. If one resorts to the rotating wave approximated (RWA) form of the QBM, that neglects the anomalous diffusion contribution to the system dynamics, we show that such approximation fails to detect the non-Markovian nature of the dynamics. Finally, for the exact dynamics of the QBM in the asymptotic regime, we show that the quantifiers of non-Markovianity based on the distinguishability between quantum states fail to detect the non-Markovian nature of the dynamics.
Physical Review Letters, 2015
We introduce a necessary and sufficient criterion for the non-Markovianity of Gaussian quantum dy... more We introduce a necessary and sufficient criterion for the non-Markovianity of Gaussian quantum dynamical maps based on the violation of divisibility. The criterion is derived by defining a general vectorial representation of the covariance matrix which is then exploited to determine the condition for the complete positivity of partial maps associated to arbitrary time intervals. Such construction does not rely on the Choi-Jamiolkowski representation and does not require optimization over states.
International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2004
In this paper we describe the beam distribution in particle accelerators in the framework of a st... more In this paper we describe the beam distribution in particle accelerators in the framework of a stochastic–hydrodynamic scheme. In this scheme the possible reproduction of the halo after its elimination is a consequence of the stationarity of the transverse distribution which plays the role of an attractor for every other distribution. The relaxation time toward the halo is estimated, and a few examples of controlled transitions toward a permanent halo elimination are discussed.

Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, 2003
The formation of the beam halo in charged particle accelerators is studied in the framework of a ... more The formation of the beam halo in charged particle accelerators is studied in the framework of a stochastic-hydrodynamic model for the collective motion of the particle beam. In such a stochastichydrodynamic theory the density and the phase of the charged beam obey a set of coupled nonlinear hydrodynamic equations with explicit time-reversal invariance. This leads to a linearized theory that describes the collective dynamics of the beam in terms of a classical Schrö dinger equation. Taking into account space-charge effects, we derive a set of coupled nonlinear hydrodynamic equations. These equations define a collective dynamics of self-interacting systems much in the same spirit as in the Gross-Pitaevskii and Landau-Ginzburg theories of the collective dynamics for interacting quantum many-body systems. Self-consistent solutions of the dynamical equations lead to quasistationary beam configurations with enhanced transverse dispersion and transverse emittance growth. In the limit of a frozen space-charge core it is then possible to determine and study the properties of stationary, stable core-plus-halo beam distributions. In this scheme the possible reproduction of the halo after its elimination is a consequence of the stationarity of the transverse distribution which plays the role of an attractor for every other distribution.

Physical Review E, 2000
We introduce a description of the collective transverse dynamics of charged (proton) beams in the... more We introduce a description of the collective transverse dynamics of charged (proton) beams in the stability regime by suitable classical stochastic fluctuations. In this scheme, the collective beam dynamics is described by time-reversal invariant diffusion processes deduced by stochastic variational principles (Nelson processes). By general arguments, we show that the diffusion coefficient, expressed in units of length, is given by λc √ N , where N is the number of particles in the beam and λc the Compton wavelength of a single constituent. This diffusion coefficient represents an effective unit of beam emittance. The hydrodynamic equations of the stochastic dynamics can be easily recast in the form of a Schrödinger equation, with the unit of emittance replacing the Planck action constant. This fact provides a natural connection to the so-called "quantum-like approaches" to beam dynamics. The transition probabilities associated to Nelson processes can be exploited to model evolutions suitable to control the transverse beam dynamics. In particular we show how to control, in the quadrupole approximation to the beam-field interaction, both the focusing and the transverse oscillations of the beam, either together or independently.

Physical Review A, 2011
We present a comprehensive analysis of the performance of different classes of Gaussian states in... more We present a comprehensive analysis of the performance of different classes of Gaussian states in the estimation of Gaussian phase-insensitive dissipative channels. In particular, we investigate the optimal estimation of the damping constant and reservoir temperature. We show that, for two-mode squeezed vacuum probe states, the quantum-limited accuracy of both parameters can be achieved simultaneously. Moreover, we show that for both parameters two-mode squeezed vacuum states are more efficient than either coherent, thermal or single-mode squeezed states. This suggests that at high energy regimes two-mode squeezed vacuum states are optimal within the Gaussian setup. This optimality result indicates a stronger form of compatibility for the estimation of the two parameters. Indeed, not only the minimum variance can be achieved at fixed probe states, but also the optimal state is common to both parameters. Additionally, we explore numerically the performance of non-Gaussian states for particular parameter values to find that maximally entangled states within d-dimensional cutoff subspaces [d ≤ 6] perform better than any randomly sampled states with similar energy. However, we also find that states with very similar performance and energy exist with much less entanglement than the maximally entangled ones.

Physical Review A, 2013
We introduce and discuss a set of tunable two-mode states of continuous-variable systems, as well... more We introduce and discuss a set of tunable two-mode states of continuous-variable systems, as well as an efficient scheme for their experimental generation. This novel class of tunable entangled resources is defined by a general ansatz depending on two experimentally adjustable parameters. It is very ample and flexible as it encompasses Gaussian as well as non-Gaussian states. The latter include, among others, known states such as squeezed number states and de-Gaussified photon-added and photon-subtracted squeezed states, the latter being the most efficient non-Gaussian resources currently available in the laboratory. Moreover, it contains the classes of squeezed Bell states and even more general non-Gaussian resources that can be optimized according to the specific quantum technological task that needs to be realized. The proposed experimental scheme exploits linear optical operations and photon detections performed on a pair of uncorrelated two-mode Gaussian squeezed states. The desired non-Gaussian state is then realized via ancillary squeezing and conditioning. Two independent, freely tunable experimental parameters can be exploited to generate different states and to optimize the performance in implementing a given quantum protocol. As a concrete instance, we analyze in detail the performance of different states considered as resources for the realization of quantum teleportation in realistic conditions. For the fidelity of teleportation of an unknown coherent state, we show that the resources associated to the optimized parameters outperform, in a significant range of experimental values, both Gaussian twin beams and photon-subtracted squeezed states.

Physics Reports, 2006
We present a review of theoretical and experimental aspects of multiphoton quantum optics. Multip... more We present a review of theoretical and experimental aspects of multiphoton quantum optics. Multiphoton processes occur and are important for many aspects of matter-radiation interactions that include the efficient ionization of atoms and molecules, and, more generally, atomic transition mechanisms; system-environment couplings and dissipative quantum dynamics; laser physics, optical parametric processes, and interferometry. A single review cannot account for all aspects of such an enormously vast subject. Here we choose to concentrate our attention on parametric processes in nonlinear media, with special emphasis on the engineering of nonclassical states of photons and atoms that are relevant for the conceptual investigations as well as for the practical applications of forefront aspects of modern quantum mechanics. We present a detailed analysis of the methods and techniques for the production of genuinely quantum multiphoton processes in nonlinear media, and the corresponding models of multiphoton effective interactions. We review existing proposals for the classification, engineering, and manipulation of nonclassical states, including Fock states, macroscopic superposition states, and multiphoton generalized coherent states. We introduce and discuss the structure of canonical multiphoton quantum optics and the associated one-and two-mode canonical multiphoton squeezed states. This framework provides a consistent multiphoton generalization of two-photon quantum optics and a consistent Hamiltonian description of multiphoton processes associated to higher-order nonlinearities. Finally, we discuss very recent advances that by combining linear and nonlinear optical devices allow to realize multiphoton entangled states of the electromnagnetic field, either in discrete or in continuous variables, that are relevant for applications to efficient quantum computation, quantum teleportation, and related problems in quantum communication and information.
Physical Review Letters, 2010
We study state engineering through bilinear interactions between two remote qubits and two-mode G... more We study state engineering through bilinear interactions between two remote qubits and two-mode Gaussian light fields. The attainable two-qubit states span the entire physically allowed region in the entanglementversus-global-purity plane. Two-mode Gaussian states with maximal entanglement at fixed global and marginal entropies produce maximally entangled two-qubit states in the corresponding entropic diagram. We show that a small set of parameters characterizing extremally entangled two-mode Gaussian states is sufficient to control the engineering of extremally entangled two-qubit states, which can be realized in realistic matter-light scenarios.

Physical Review E, 2005
We describe the transverse beam distribution in particle accelerators within the controlled, stoc... more We describe the transverse beam distribution in particle accelerators within the controlled, stochastic dynamical scheme of the Stochastic Mechanics (SM) which produces time reversal invariant diffusion processes. This leads to a linearized theory summarized in a Shchrödinger-like (S-ℓ) equation. The space charge effects have been introduced in a recent paper [1] by coupling this S-ℓ equation with the Maxwell equations. We analyze the space charge effects to understand how the dynamics produces the actual beam distributions, and in particular we show how the stationary, self-consistent solutions are related to the (external, and space-charge) potentials both when we suppose that the external field is harmonic (constant focusing), and when we a priori prescribe the shape of the stationary solution. We then proceed to discuss a few new ideas [2] by introducing the generalized Student distributions, namely non-Gaussian, Lévy infinitely divisible (but not stable) distributions. We will discuss this idea from two different standpoints: (a) first by supposing that the stationary distribution of our (Wiener powered) SM model is a Student distribution; (b) by supposing that our model is based on a (non-Gaussian) Lévy process whose increments are Student distributed. We show that in the case (a) the longer tails of the power decay of the Student laws, and in the case (b) the discontinuities of the Lévy-Student process can well account for the rare escape of particles from the beam core, and hence for the formation of a halo in intense beams.
Physical Review A, 2014
When two chains of quantum systems are driven at their ends by a two-mode squeezed reservoir, the... more When two chains of quantum systems are driven at their ends by a two-mode squeezed reservoir, they approach a steady state characterized by the formation of many entangled pairs. Each pair is made of one element of the first and one of the second chain. This effect has been already predicted under the assumption of broadband squeezing. Here we investigate the situation of finite-bandwidth reservoirs. This is done by modeling the driving bath as the output field of a non-degenerate parametric oscillator. The resulting non-Markovian dynamics is studied within the theoretical framework of cascade open quantum systems. It is shown that the formation of pair-entangled structures occurs as long as the normal-mode splitting of the arrays does not overcome the squeezing bandwidth of the reservoir.
Physical Review A, 2014
We investigate theoretically systems of ions in segmented linear Paul traps for the quantum simul... more We investigate theoretically systems of ions in segmented linear Paul traps for the quantum simulation of quantum spin models with tunable interactions. The scheme is entirely general and can be applied to the realization of arbitrary spin-spin interactions. As a specific application we discuss in detail the quantum simulation of models that exhibit long-distance entanglement in the ground state. We show how tailoring of the axial trapping potential allows for generating spin-spin coupling patterns that are suitable to create long-distance entanglement. We discuss how suitable sequences of microwave pulses can implement Trotter expansions and realize various kinds of effective spin-spin interactions. The corresponding Hamiltonians can be varied on adjustable time scales, thereby allowing the controlled adiabatic preparation of their ground states.

Physical Review A, 2006
We present a complete analysis of multipartite entanglement of three-mode Gaussian states of cont... more We present a complete analysis of multipartite entanglement of three-mode Gaussian states of continuous variable systems. We derive standard forms which characterize the covariance matrix of pure and mixed threemode Gaussian states up to local unitary operations, showing that the local entropies of pure Gaussian states are bound to fulfill a relationship which is stricter than the general Araki-Lieb inequality. Quantum correlations can be quantified by a proper convex roof extension of the squared logarithmic negativity, the continuous-variable tangle, or contangle. We review and elucidate in detail the proof that in multimode Gaussian states the contangle satisfies a monogamy inequality constraint [G. Adesso and F. Illuminati, New J. Phys. 8, 15 (2006)]. The residual contangle, emerging from the monogamy inequality, is an entanglement monotone under Gaussian local operations and classical communication and defines a measure of genuine tripartite entanglement. We determine the analytical expression of the residual contangle for arbitrary pure three-mode Gaussian states and study in detail the distribution of quantum correlations in such states. This analysis yields that pure, symmetric states allow for a promiscuous entanglement sharing, having both maximum tripartite entanglement and maximum couplewise entanglement between any pair of modes. We thus name these states GHZ/W states of continuous variable systems because they are simultaneous continuous-variable counterparts of both the GHZ and the W states of three qubits. We finally consider the effect of decoherence on three-mode Gaussian states, studying the decay of the residual contangle. The GHZ/W states are shown to be maximally robust against losses and thermal noise.
Physical Review A, 2004
We study the evolution of purity, entanglement and total correlations of general two-mode continu... more We study the evolution of purity, entanglement and total correlations of general two-mode continuous variable Gaussian states in arbitrary uncorrelated Gaussian environments. The time evolution of purity, Von Neumann entropy, logarithmic negativity and mutual information is analyzed for a wide range of initial conditions. In general, we find that a local squeezing of the bath leads to a faster degradation of purity and entanglement, while it can help to preserve the mutual information between the modes.

Physical Review A, 2004
We investigate the relationship between mixedness and entanglement for Gaussian states of continu... more We investigate the relationship between mixedness and entanglement for Gaussian states of continuous variable systems. We introduce generalized entropies based on Schatten p-norms to quantify the mixedness of a state, and derive their explicit expressions in terms of symplectic spectra. We compare the hierarchies of mixedness provided by such measures with the one provided by the purity (defined as tr ̺ 2 for the state ̺) for generic n-mode states. We then review the analysis proving the existence of both maximally and minimally entangled states at given global and marginal purities, with the entanglement quantified by the logarithmic negativity. Based on these results, we extend such an analysis to generalized entropies, introducing and fully characterizing maximally and minimally entangled states for given global and local generalized entropies. We compare the different roles played by the purity and by the generalized p-entropies in quantifying the entanglement and the mixedness of continuous variable systems. We introduce the concept of average logarithmic negativity, showing that it allows a reliable quantitative estimate of continuous variable entanglement by direct measurements of global and marginal generalized p-entropies.
Physical Review A, 2014
We predict that the collective excitations of an atomic array become entangled with the light of ... more We predict that the collective excitations of an atomic array become entangled with the light of a high-finesse cavity mode when they are suitably coupled. This entanglement is of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen type, it is robust against cavity losses and is a stationary property of the coupled system. It is generated when the atomic array is aligned along the cavity axis and driven transversally by a laser, when coherent scattering of photons into the cavity mode is suppressed because of phase-mismatching. We identify the parameter regimes under which entanglement is found and show that these are compatible with existing experimental setups.
Papers by Fabrizio Illuminati