Conference Presentations by Risa Triassanti
Prosody is one aspect of pronunciation that contributes to the naturalness and intelligibility of... more Prosody is one aspect of pronunciation that contributes to the naturalness and intelligibility of speech. Regarding the importance of these features, teachers and programmers have tried to use computer software such as Praat to teach to language learners. Praat program can show clearly the aspects of prosody such as stress. It displays some acoustic features that are useful to give self-feedback in language class. English stress can be indicated by one or more of the following: pitch, intensity (loudness) and vowel duration. Thus, this paper explores how to utilize Praat, computer software for phonetic analysis, in training pronunciation skills especially stress for EFL learners. The results showed that Praat could enable learners to refine their word stress. By having direct visual feedback, students were able to actually observe the declination that they might not otherwise notice through listening only. This study also demonstrates that the training from Praat transferred to sound production as the students were able to produce these stress forms more clearly and naturally in a follow up task such as conversation task. Through the results of this study, this paper shows how EFL teachers and students can benefit greatly from this free and readily available open-source educational software. A. Previous studies of Utilizing Praat Software in Teaching Pronunciation Using praat software in teaching prosodic features to EFL learners has been studied by Bahman ,Hayati and Pourkhonic (2013) in Iranian EFL students context. The study is experimental that reveal the effectiveness of computer software (Praat) in helping students to acquire prosodic features of English language. There is a significant difference between the performances of control group and Experimental group. Teaching prosodic features (stress and intonation) in computerized environment and allow them to practice what they have learned with computer, can help them to acquire these features well. Consequently it affects their pronunciation and accent. The results of this study are in line with the outcomes of some of the studies having been done in the domain of teaching prosodic features through the CALL system. Hardison (2003; 2004), for instance, emphasized the importance of using CALL on teaching prosodic
Papers by Risa Triassanti
English Education:Journal of English Teaching and Research
The focus of this research is on EFL students’ language learning strategies used in Argumentative... more The focus of this research is on EFL students’ language learning strategies used in Argumentative Writing class at UNIROW Tuban. It sought to determine the students’ most frequent language learning strategies and the strategies’ distinctions between students, both male and female. The descriptive qualitative was employed as the design of research for this study. The study's participants are 15 EFL students enrolled in Argumentative Writing class from English Language Education department undergraduate program of UNIROW Tuban. The questionnaire and interview data were qualitatively examined using Oxford's (1990) theories of language learning. It was identified that there were six kinds of language learning strategies used by the students, namely memory strategies, cognitive strategies, compensation strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies. The findings showed that in the Argumentative Writing class, both genders of students most freque...
JELITA: Journal of Education, Language Innovation, and Applied Linguistics
This article aims at explaining the EFL students’ perspectives on classroom activities on classro... more This article aims at explaining the EFL students’ perspectives on classroom activities on classroom activities during Extensive Reading Classes. To be specific it describes the classroom activities and the students’ perspectives on the activities in Extensive Reading Classes. Descriptive qualitative is used as the research design of this study. The participants of this study were a lecturer of the Extensive Reading class and 12 students of the English language education class 2019 in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of PGRI Ronggolawe University. To collect the data observation using video recording, questionnaire, and interview were used. The data were analyzed descriptively. From the analysis, the result showed that classroom activities used in Extensive Reading classes were reading activities by individual students in which the students chose their reading materials freely, and then they chose two reading materials to be presented in the class. From the study, it was...
Journal of Applied Studies in Language
Most of the students in EFL classes have less exposure and chances to speak with friends and coll... more Most of the students in EFL classes have less exposure and chances to speak with friends and colleagues in English. In the present study, students were situated on video. The peer feedback-based application was employed for guiding students to provide comments on peers' speaking performance. In order to investigate peer feedback, an online observation was conducted in the English education study program, online class. The online questionnaire was also done to recognize the students’ perceptions of peer feedback. The study results reveal some steps done in doing the peer-feedback-based application in terms of the learners' speaking aspects including pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, and fluency. Moreover, it was found that the students can give feedback comprehensively to their peers. The perception of students toward peer feedback is positive and significantly helps students to improve their speaking ability. In conclusion, students have to think about their feedback be...
DIDAKTIKA : Jurnal Pemikiran Pendidikan
This study focuses on the perceptions of students and teachers regarding the use of ICT media in ... more This study focuses on the perceptions of students and teachers regarding the use of ICT media in learning English. This study also aims to determine the attitudes of students and teachers about the use and benefits of ICT media in learning and teaching in English classes and to find out the problemsfaced by teachers when using or operating ICT media in English classes. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach applying survey. Data was collected from a survey in the form of giving a questionnaire or questionnaire, which involved 10 randomly selected students from grades VI and VII and two English teachers at SMP PGRI 3 Tuban. The quantitative data obtained were analyzed by calculating the percentage of each item and the average to draw conclusions descriptively. The findings of this study revealed a positive response from teachers and students regarding the use of ICT media in English classes, students felt that learning English using ICT media was more fun and not bo...
Proceeding of International Conference in Education, Science and Technology, Jul 30, 2021
Prosiding SNasPPM, Aug 28, 2021
Prosiding SNasPPM, Aug 28, 2021
Bisnis dengan modal kecil dan hanya berbekal keahlian sangat cocok untuk ibu rumah tangga. Salahs... more Bisnis dengan modal kecil dan hanya berbekal keahlian sangat cocok untuk ibu rumah tangga. Salahsatu yang sedang popular saat ini adalah merajut. Kegiatan merajut tidak terbatas tempat dan waktu. Selainitu merajut dipilih karena nilai jualnya yang tinggi dan untuk saat ini merupakan produk yang sangatdigemari di semua kalangan wanita. Menurut pelaku bisnis ini, produk dompet, tas dan sepatu sangat digemari dan nilai jualnya bisa mencapai ratusan ribu. Keahlian merajut saja dianggap tidak cukup. Masalahutama bisnis rumah tangga adalah dari segi pemasaran. Untuk itu di era serba online dimana sangat umum ditemukan produk rajutan di tawarkan. Namun demikian masih banyak yang menggunakan media sosial sepertifacebook, instagram dan messanger hanya untuk hiburan semata. Jika di manfaatkan secara maksimal mediaini berpotensi besar mendongkrak penjualan. Untuk itu ibu rumahtangga perlu di latih cara sederhanamelakukan pemasaran online sehingga mereka bisa menarik lebih banyak pembeli dari d...
English Education : Journal of English Teaching and Research, 2020
Doing oral presentation has been a common classroom activity for university students including EF... more Doing oral presentation has been a common classroom activity for university students including EFL students for almost any subject they are taking, but the writer found that students still had problems with their presentation and could not do their presentation effectively. In order to do the task successfully, students need metacognitive skill because they need to think about the task, plan for the task, monitor the task, and evaluate how well they have done the task. To reach this purpose, teachers need to facilitate the process through strategy instruction, especially metacognitive strategy instruction. By applying metacognitive strategies, students will be more aware of the importance of their active role in their learning. This paper is intended to present metacognitive strategy instruction adopting Oxford’ metacognitive strategies to enhance EFL students’ oral presentation skill in their speaking class and the students’ responses toward the strategy instruction. Based on the a...
Journal of English Teaching, Literature, and Applied Linguistics
Based on preliminary observation most students feel hesitate to continue English conversation whe... more Based on preliminary observation most students feel hesitate to continue English conversation when they lacked of vocabularies and structured grammatical sentences. The students prefer to stop speaking. Therefore they need strategies to keep the communication on. Dealing with the problems, the present study investigates the lexical and grammatical communication problems that can be managed by communication strategies. An observation was done to 60 students in different levels of proficiency. it was revealed that there was a significant difference in the frequency and percentage of learners’ solved lexical problems (72.2 %) and grammatical problems (27.8%). The results drawn from these items were that EFL students used communication strategies on lexical problems are more frequent than used communication strategies on grammatical problems. This strategy is one small step towards clarifying the balanced of using communication strategy on lexical and grammatical problems in communication.
Conference Presentations by Risa Triassanti
Papers by Risa Triassanti