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The European Citizens’ Initiative was introduced by the art. 11 of the Treaty of Lisbon and it allows one million EU citizens to participate in the development of EU policies, by calling on the European Commission to make a legislative... more
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      European StudiesEuropean PoliticsEuropean Union
Pressure groups have always been playing a crucial role in the European decision making processes. This role on the one hand have been analyzed in term of traditional lobbying, on the other hand the involvement of civil society in the... more
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      European StudiesEuropean PoliticsEuropean Union
In the last decades, law and economy, politics and communication have started a redefinition of the traditional category of collective action grounded on the dichotomy public/private. We assist at the birth of “new public spaces”, that go... more
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      Social SciencesSpace and PlaceArchitecture and Public Spaces
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      Social MovementsDigital MediaPublic spaces
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    • Public spaces
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      Fashion TheoryGender EqualityWomen and Gender StudiesFashion
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      SociologyEuropean StudiesInternational RelationsEuropean integration
The relationship between European citizenship and national one is since the first formulation the main topic of the debate on its statute. At the present time, the short circuit between European citizenship and national one produces... more
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      European Union CitizenshipCitizenship Theory
Re-read Weber and Pareto. Reason and sensibility in social action theory Social action theory constitutes an absolute novelty in the panorama of sociology between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. It marks the... more
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      EmotionsVilfredo Pareto
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The relationship between European citizenship and national one is since the first formulation the main topic of the debate on its statute. At the present time, the short circuit between European citizenship and national one produces... more
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      Political ScienceEuropean Union CitizenshipCitizenship TheoryCittadinanza
The chapter analyses aspects of the Politik als Beruf by Max Weber
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      Religion and PoliticsPower SystemEuropean PoliticsMax Weber Studies
The article focuses on the first responses to Covid19 Pandemic and social distancing
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    • Social Distancing