Papers by Claudio Leporelli
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 1984
The classical group approach to integer linear programming problems (IP) can be generalized in or... more The classical group approach to integer linear programming problems (IP) can be generalized in order to obtain group minimization problems with different computational load and different relaxation. The aim of this work is to analyze some group problems, associated to the same (IP), both from the point of view of the relaxation of the (IP) and of the complexity of the group solution algorithm; evaluation criteria for these group problems are pointed out.
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences
In this paper different approaches to the modelling of the market penetration of new goods, proce... more In this paper different approaches to the modelling of the market penetration of new goods, processes and brands are briefly discussed. A warning is given on the use of purely descriptive models based on the common features (the s- shaped market penetration curve) of phenomena that widely differ in causes and possible controls; diffusion and capacity expansion models are compared to this end. An optimal pricing exercise is finally presented to clarify the importance of interpretative and control models in technological forecasting problems.
A vertically integrated firm invests in network quality and provides bottleneck access to its own... more A vertically integrated firm invests in network quality and provides bottleneck access to its own downstream subsidiary and an independent firm, which offer differentiated value-added services. We consider two model variants, one in which the regulator commits to an access price before quality investment, and one in which there are first-mover advantages, such as consumer switching costs. We find that, contrary to common wisdom, in both variants access regulation may simultaneously promote consumer welfare and foster investment incentives.
The OBDM approach in a nutshell The key idea of OBDM is to resort to a three-level architecture, ... more The OBDM approach in a nutshell The key idea of OBDM is to resort to a three-level architecture, constituted by the ontology, the sources, and the mapping between the two. The ontology is a conceptual, formal description of the domain of interest to a given organization (or, a community of users), expressed in terms of relevant concepts, attributes of concepts, relationships between concepts, and logical assertions characterizing the domain knowledge. The data sources are the repositories accessible by the organization where data concerning the domain are stored. In the general case, such repositories are numerous, heterogeneous, each one managed and maintained independently from the others. The mapping is a precise specification of the correspondence between the data contained in the data sources and the elements of the ontology. The main purpose of an OBDM system is to allow information consumers to query the data using the elements in the ontology as predicates. In this sense, OB...
This paper proposes an Ontology-Based Data Management (OBDM) approach to a multi-dimensional rese... more This paper proposes an Ontology-Based Data Management (OBDM) approach to a multi-dimensional research assessment. It is shown that an OBDM approach is able to take into account the recent trends in quantitative studies of Science, Technology and Innovation, including computerization of bibliometrics, multidimensionality of research assessment, altmetrics, and, more generally, the generation of new indicators with higher granularity and cross-referencing specificities according to increasingly demanding policy needs. The main features of Sapientia are presented, the Ontology of Multi-dimensional Research Assessment, developed within a project funded by the University of Rome La Sapienza. Illustrative examples are given of its usefulness for the specification of well known as well as recently developed indicators of research assessment.
We provide a general procedure to deal with the airport slot allocation problem, which applies th... more We provide a general procedure to deal with the airport slot allocation problem, which applies the principles underlying the Administered Incentive Pricing model for regulation of radio spectrum in electronic communications markets. In particular, we propose an incentive pricing mechanism that generates an efficient slot allocation, where prices are built on a measure of the best use of each slot in serving end users. Incentive prices are set by considering the structure of the air transport network (and thus interdependencies among slots at different airports) in a given region, and the effect on both quantity and quality of passenger air transport in the region. Therefore, incentive prices should better align private and social decisions over the use of slots compared with pure market mechanisms (auctions and trading).
The regulatory reform of electronic communications which is currently being developed in the EU e... more The regulatory reform of electronic communications which is currently being developed in the EU envisages the rapid and complete transition of these markets from heavy-handed regulation to the mere application of competition policy. The aim of this paper is to discuss the crucial factors that affect the transition process and its outcome, depending on: the structural features of technologies and industries; firms' strategic behaviour; the regulator's goals in facing the equity vs. efficiency trade-off; the agents' bounded rationality in an uncertain environment. Thus, we first examine the observed evolutionary trends, with particular regard to Europe and Italy. Then, we analyse both the sustainability and the desirability of facility-based competition, discussing whether it can be sufficient to avoid (possibly also joint-) market dominance in the absence of regulation. Finally, we address the main issues related to the residual role of regulation in the mobile service se...
Abstract We analyse the operational implications of carrying out local loop unbundling, to identi... more Abstract We analyse the operational implications of carrying out local loop unbundling, to identify the structural barriers that delay entry by alternative operators. We claim that this analysis should be used to define appropriate price squeeze tests, to be applied both as ex-post antitrust ...
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 2000
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. If the documents have been made available under an Open Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.
Information Economics and Policy, 1995
In this paper we point out that in regulated industries for tradeable services, as telecommunicat... more In this paper we point out that in regulated industries for tradeable services, as telecommunications, local decisions of national regulators may lead to inefficiencies deriving from discrepancies between local and global cost-benefit evaluations. Assuming perfect information, we show that the configuration of such international industries is the result of a sequential game among national regulators anticipating firms' strategies. We solve for the subgame perfect Cournot-Nash equilibria of this game and investigate the impact on these equilibria of the non-cooperative or cooperative attitude of domestic regulators and of the different policies they can implement (access regulation, imposition of franchise fees for access and installed capacity). This allows us to assess the efficiency of different market outcomes from a national and global point of view. In particular, we show that the pre-existence of differentiated services and cost asymmetries among new service providers could make the market access liberalization no longer a Pareto efficient outcome.
Information Economics and Policy, 1993
In this paper we study the economic behaviour of the suppliers of a set of advanced tel~communiea... more In this paper we study the economic behaviour of the suppliers of a set of advanced tel~communieations services with a joint adoption cost (common access facilities, learning process, etc.). In fixing the two-part tariffs for their services the suppliers have tn share the burden of Leaving to the users a surplus sufficient to cover the adoption cost. The lack of coordination in supplying a critical mass of services or in the pricing decisions has high changes to result in suboptimaI or unviable diffusion of the new technology as a whole. We present a static optimization model of user behaviour. and derive access and usage demand with a two-part tariff and a joint adoption cost. We compare noncooperative and cooperative market equilibria in a duopoly with perfect information; finally we discuss the extension of our analysis to the case of imperfect information in a dynamic setting.
L'industria, 1998
L'industria Rivista di economia e politica industriale ISSN : 0019-7416. Numero: 4, ottobre-... more L'industria Rivista di economia e politica industriale ISSN : 0019-7416. Numero: 4, ottobre-dicembre 1998, Indice. DOI: 10.1430/2103. Le nuove Tlc italiane: costruzione delle reti e costruzione dei mercati Claudio Leporelli, pp. ...
Computers & Operations Research
Probabilistic Discrete Choice Models (PDCM) have been extensively used to interpret the behavior ... more Probabilistic Discrete Choice Models (PDCM) have been extensively used to interpret the behavior of heterogeneous decision makers that face discrete alternatives. The classification approach of Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) uses discrete optimization to generate patterns, which are logic formulas characterizing the different classes. Patterns can be seen as rules explaining the phenomenon under analysis. In this work we discuss how LAD can be used as the first phase of the specification of PDCM. Since in this task the number of patterns generated may be extremely large, and many of them may be nearly equivalent, additional processing is necessary to obtain practically meaningful information. Hence, we propose computationally viable techniques to obtain small sets of patterns that constitute meaningful representations of the phenomenon and allow to discover significant associations between subsets of explanatory variables and the output. We consider the complex socioeconomic problem of the analysis of the utilization of the Internet in Italy, using real data gathered by the Italian National Institute of Statistics.
Papers by Claudio Leporelli