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We report on a measurement of the tensor-analyzing power T20 in elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the range of four-momentum transfer from 1.8 to 3.2 fm-1. Electrons of 704 MeV were scattered from a polarized deuterium internal... more
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      Civil EngineeringHigh Energy PhysicsPhysical sciencesElastic Scattering
The interaction of Escherichia coli agmatinase (EC with the substrate guanidinium group was investigated by kinetic and site-directed mutagenesis studies. Putrescine and guanidinium ions (Gdn + ) were slope-linear, competitive... more
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      Civil EngineeringCatalysisKineticsMutation
To examine the interaction of human arginase II (EC with substrate and manganese ions, the His120Asn, His145Asn and Asn149Asp mutations were introduced separately. About 53% and 95% of wild-type arginase activity were expressed... more
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      Civil EngineeringKineticsManganeseDNA
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Los algoritmos genéticos se han aplicado con éxito a una gran variedad de problemas de ingeniería. Este trabajo propone un algoritmo genético para resolver el problema del flujo óptimo de potencia teniendo en cuenta solamente la potencia... more
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En el ámbito de la teoría de conjuntos difusos y de la teoría de la posibilidad se han desarrollado muchas aplicaciones para ingeniería sin prestar mucha atención a la semántica involucrada en su uso. Como consecuencia, existe una muy... more
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