SEMATA, Ciencias Sociais e Humanidades, vol. 26, pp.383-404, 2014
A corpus of MSS prophetic translated in Castilian roman... more AUTHOR= Juana Maria ARCELUS-ULIBARRENA.
A corpus of MSS prophetic translated in Castilian romance included in miscellaneous of diverse thematic it shows us the activation of the ingenious propagandistic machinery [ss.XIV-XV]: interpretation of signs and prodigies on the territorial mutation of the Hispanic Kingdom and the Great Schism, variants of the original source with predictions that fits in new realities with the intention of increasing the vision of the king's image in the face of the papal force, or other forces, by means of the speculative selection of the propaganda. You ended up manipulating and to translate inclusive in Castilian aljamiado: Azrā'īl", the two future Orders identified in dominicos and Cistercian (white and black), the appearance of Shahada, the [second?] Antichrist Fātimï, conqueror of the Hispanic Kingdom in forty two months and destroyer of the Santa Mother Church full with pomp, vanity and wealth.
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ALSO IN January 2013 in: Juana MarIa ARCELUS-ULIBARRENA, Visionarios y Mss. Proféticos [ss. XIV-XV] en los Reinos Hispánicos. Traducción y manipulación, 120 pp., 2013, Saarbrucken: Editorial Académica Española [LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG [ISBN: 978-3-659-08377-8]
Someone with little Academic seriousness published my “FIGURE n. 1” the this Research Work from page 398, protected by Copyright and related to the preceding pages [395-398] ; whose text was also published in January 2013 in no. 7 of pages 97-100 of the following Research Work=
Juana MarIa ARCELUS-ULIBARRENA [2013] Visionarios y Mss. Proféticos [ss. XIV-XV] en los Reinos Hispánicos. Traducción y manipulación, 120 pp., Saarbrucken: Editorial Académica Española [LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG [ISBN: 978-3-659-08377-8]
Cultura Latinoamericana, 2003
Pagani: CULTURA LATINOAMERICANA 5 (2003) pp. 312-340. Annali dell’Istituto di Studi Latinoamerica... more Pagani: CULTURA LATINOAMERICANA 5 (2003) pp. 312-340. Annali dell’Istituto di Studi Latinoamericani.......................................................................................................................................................... ABSTRACT: On August 24, 1492, the Floreto de Sant Francisco was published in Seville, barely twenty-one days had elapsed since Christopher Columbus set out on his voyage with his caravels to the West Indies. An evangelization was coming that was very difficult in terms of the repercussion it was going to have on the mentality of the Institutions of the time, because it was going to generate changes in behavior in a society that was not used to witnessing such a momentous event as the discovery of the "Indies"
Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana, "SYMPOSIA PHILOLOGICA" 10, ... more Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana, "SYMPOSIA PHILOLOGICA" 10, 3 v., Alacant 2005, v. I, pp. 295-320 [ISBN 84608-0303-1] ONLY AUTHOR: JUANA MARIA ARCELUS ULIBARRENA ABSTRACT: A la muerte de su soberana, María de Velasco no pudo menos que comprar en la almoneda de Isabel la católica la parte de librería y de los bienes muebles que habían pertenecido al príncipe don Juan. Estos bienes pasaron al palacio real de Arévalo donde vivía la familia de Velázquez de Cuéllar-Velasco. Trabajo de investigación que Juana Maria Arcelus Ulibarrena realizó en su AÑO SABÁTICO tras la resolución "Estancia de profesores extranjeros en régimen de año sabático (BOE 242, 09-10-1997). - Boletín bibliográfico de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval 19 (2005) 77. [ISSN: 1130-3867]
Fray Bernardino De Sahagun Y Su Tiempo Congreso Internacional 2000 Isbn 84 7719 870 5 Pags 691 714, 2000
Isbn 84 7719 870 5 Pags 691 714
Archivo Ibero Americano, 1995
Exilio E Identidad 2014 Isbn 978 84 616 9478 5 Pags 230 273, 2014
Actas Del Ix Congreso Internacional De La Asociacion Hispanica De Literatura Medieval Vol 1 2005 Isbn 84 96259 73 0 Pags 331 342, 2005
Isabel La Catolica Y Su Epoca Actas Del Congreso Internacional Valladolid Barcelona Granada 15 a 20 De Noviembre De 2004 Vol 2 2007 Isbn 978 84 8448 432 5 Pags 1385 1401, 2007
Madrid-Salamanca, Colección" Espirituales Españoles". Serie B. Lecturas
Archivo Ibero Americano, 1995
Jose Maria de Elizondo est un franciscain qui est reste en contact epistolaire permanent avec les... more Jose Maria de Elizondo est un franciscain qui est reste en contact epistolaire permanent avec les bollandistes, notamment ceux d'Alencon. La polemique a son sujet tourne autour d'une edition de la Vida de San Francisco en castillan. L'oeuvre originale est de Jorgensen; certains passages ont ete censures et les notes que le pere Elizondo avait ajoutees n'ont pas ete retenues pour la publication. En appendice, l'A. offre une edition de la correspondance entre les bollandistes et le pere Elizondo
L Edat Mitjana En El Cinema I En La Novel La Historica 2009 Isbn 978 84 608 0956 2 Pags 45 56, 2009
Thesaurus Boletin Del Instituto Caro Y Cuervo, May 1, 1982
Sujeto Exilico Epistolarios Y Diarios Exilio En Primera Persona 2010 Isbn 978 84 614 5636 9 Pags 171 196, 2010
Aportes Revista De Historia Contemporanea, 2010
Exilio Y Universidad Presencias Y Realidades Vol 2 2008 Isbn 978 84 934455 4 6 Pags 773 798, 2008
El Libro Antiguo Espanol Actas Del Segundo Coloquio Internacional 1992 Isbn 84 7481 707 2 Pags 49 60, 1992
Clio Crimen Revista Del Centro De Historia Del Crimen De Durango, 2011
Francis from Assisi said for Spirit Saint that the siblings Secretaries had to deceive to God and... more Francis from Assisi said for Spirit Saint that the siblings Secretaries had to deceive to God and him, but their friars should keep the perfection of the Saint Gospel; that in the principle and the end of the Rule is written that until must come the even of the world and they would pass tribulations until achieving the "perfect laetitia" with the evangelism and conversion of unfaithful in a longing to follow the pattern of sanctity of Francis from Assisi. An example, fr. ALONSO DE MELLA OFMobs (and fr. Guillermo de Alvisa and fr. Ángel Tovar) in pursuit of spiritual perfection of the "free spirit" bringing together a group of tertiary women ("beatas de Santiago") with which he traveled to the lands of Islam (in this case the caliphate of Granada) ending up converting to Islam ("Most of the women of that land... they left their husbands and the waiters to their fathers and mothers and left with the said friars" / "la mayor parte de las mujeres de aquella tierra... dexaron a sus maridos e las moças a sus padres e madres e se fueron con los dichos frailes") Key words: Alonso de Mella. Fontes franciscani. Language"free spirit". Orthodoxy. Centro de Historia del Crimen/ Krimenaren Historia Zentroa, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea/Universidad del País Vasco, Facultad de Letras / Letren Fakultateko. Clio&Crimen 8 (2011) 455-480, Durango, Bizkaia [ISSN/IBSN: 1698-4374]
A corpus of MSS prophetic translated in Castilian romance included in miscellaneous of diverse thematic it shows us the activation of the ingenious propagandistic machinery [ss.XIV-XV]: interpretation of signs and prodigies on the territorial mutation of the Hispanic Kingdom and the Great Schism, variants of the original source with predictions that fits in new realities with the intention of increasing the vision of the king's image in the face of the papal force, or other forces, by means of the speculative selection of the propaganda. You ended up manipulating and to translate inclusive in Castilian aljamiado: Azrā'īl", the two future Orders identified in dominicos and Cistercian (white and black), the appearance of Shahada, the [second?] Antichrist Fātimï, conqueror of the Hispanic Kingdom in forty two months and destroyer of the Santa Mother Church full with pomp, vanity and wealth.
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ALSO IN January 2013 in: Juana MarIa ARCELUS-ULIBARRENA, Visionarios y Mss. Proféticos [ss. XIV-XV] en los Reinos Hispánicos. Traducción y manipulación, 120 pp., 2013, Saarbrucken: Editorial Académica Española [LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG [ISBN: 978-3-659-08377-8]
Someone with little Academic seriousness published my “FIGURE n. 1” the this Research Work from page 398, protected by Copyright and related to the preceding pages [395-398] ; whose text was also published in January 2013 in no. 7 of pages 97-100 of the following Research Work=
Juana MarIa ARCELUS-ULIBARRENA [2013] Visionarios y Mss. Proféticos [ss. XIV-XV] en los Reinos Hispánicos. Traducción y manipulación, 120 pp., Saarbrucken: Editorial Académica Española [LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG [ISBN: 978-3-659-08377-8]
A corpus of MSS prophetic translated in Castilian romance included in miscellaneous of diverse thematic it shows us the activation of the ingenious propagandistic machinery [ss.XIV-XV]: interpretation of signs and prodigies on the territorial mutation of the Hispanic Kingdom and the Great Schism, variants of the original source with predictions that fits in new realities with the intention of increasing the vision of the king's image in the face of the papal force, or other forces, by means of the speculative selection of the propaganda. You ended up manipulating and to translate inclusive in Castilian aljamiado: Azrā'īl", the two future Orders identified in dominicos and Cistercian (white and black), the appearance of Shahada, the [second?] Antichrist Fātimï, conqueror of the Hispanic Kingdom in forty two months and destroyer of the Santa Mother Church full with pomp, vanity and wealth.
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ALSO IN January 2013 in: Juana MarIa ARCELUS-ULIBARRENA, Visionarios y Mss. Proféticos [ss. XIV-XV] en los Reinos Hispánicos. Traducción y manipulación, 120 pp., 2013, Saarbrucken: Editorial Académica Española [LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG [ISBN: 978-3-659-08377-8]
Someone with little Academic seriousness published my “FIGURE n. 1” the this Research Work from page 398, protected by Copyright and related to the preceding pages [395-398] ; whose text was also published in January 2013 in no. 7 of pages 97-100 of the following Research Work=
Juana MarIa ARCELUS-ULIBARRENA [2013] Visionarios y Mss. Proféticos [ss. XIV-XV] en los Reinos Hispánicos. Traducción y manipulación, 120 pp., Saarbrucken: Editorial Académica Española [LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG [ISBN: 978-3-659-08377-8]
ABSTRACT, Giuseppe CREMASCOLI: Juana Maria Arcelus-Ulibarrena, Angela da Foligno nella Penisola Iberica alla fine del Medievo, STUDI MEDIEVALI XXXIII (1992) p.209
Bogotá : Instituto Caro y Cuervo
reprodução facsimilada do incunábulo no. 175 da Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa com nota de apresentação J. A. Moreira de Freitas C.
La autora, Juana Maria Arcelus-Ulibarrena, da noticia de 2 nuevos ejemplares desconocidos hasta esta fecha de 1989 del Incunable "Floreto de Sant Francisco [Menardo Ungut alemán, Stanislao Polono compañeros] Sevilla 1492", los ejemplares de Bilbao: Inc.5 (completo) Biblioteca Foral Bizcaia/ Bizkaiko) y de Barcelona: BCa Esp.15-Fol. (incompleto y tachado)
ABSTRACT: Following the discovery of an important collection of mss., Juana Maria Arcelus-Ulibarrena examines part of the mss correspondence of José María de Elizondo addressed to some exponents of historical and hagiographic criticism between the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th, allowing us to partially reconstruct the events relating to the critical study and transcription and punctuation of the “Floreto de Sant Francisco”. Cf. - MIRABILE. Digital archive of medieval culture / Digital Archives for Medieval culture / Digital Archives for Medieval Culture, SISMEL, Editions Galluzzo:[sevilla-1492]-fontes-fr/365586 - CHTAC id=168 - BETA bibid 5242, Manid 3723