Papers by Adeyemi Ogundokun

Al-ādāb, Mar 15, 2024
In literary criticism, both the context and the content of a given text; speech, graph, image, or... more In literary criticism, both the context and the content of a given text; speech, graph, image, or picture are essential. It is the totality of these two elements that pave the way for a better understanding of any given text. Hence, since the purpose of every communication or speech act is comprehension, this study examines the stylistic profile of Wole Soyinka and Jean Pliya in The Lion and the Jewel (1964) and La secrétaire particulière (2001) respectively. The study adopts the French 'explication de texte' technique as its methodology to carry out a textual analysis of the two selected plays. As a theoretical framework, the study uses Edward Said and Homi Bhabha's Postcolonial theory which interrogates the effects of the interactions between the centre and the margin with the view to reconstructing the worldview on matters of history, race, identity, and culture. Findings reveal that in resisting colonial domination and imposition, the two African playwrights take advantage of linguistic manipulations in the composition of their literary texts. With the application of transliteration, direct translation, proverbs, figures of speech, allusions, lexical borrowing, and grammatical and phonemic corruption, the writers are able to foreground their intention to postcolonialize and africanize their literary works.

Mouvance Francophone, University of Western Ontario, Canada, 2020
Résumé Dans le monde entier, l’oralité est la base de la littérature. En effet, toutes les littér... more Résumé Dans le monde entier, l’oralité est la base de la littérature. En effet, toutes les littératures possèdent des caractéristiques du discours traditionnel. A travers cet article, nous essayons d’examiner les éléments de l’oralité dans trois romans de Ramonu Sanusi; à savoir, Le Bistouri des larmes (2005), Un Nègre a violé une Blonde à Dallas (2016) et La vie d’un enfant mystérieux (2016). A travers cette étude, on note que l’écrivain africain peut exploiter à une fin créative des œuvres littéraires : les contes, les proverbes, les comparaisons, les métaphores, les dialogues, le concept du surnaturel et les mythes. En conclusion, nous disons que pour améliorer la transmission et la promotion de la culture d’un peuple pendant une période particulière, chaque écrivain doit mettre l’accent sur l’application des éléments oraux dans son œuvre littéraire
Mouvance Francophone, University of Western Ontario, Canada, 2020
Résumé Notre argument, dans ce chapitre, est que La calebasse cassée de Tunde Fatunde est une rép... more Résumé Notre argument, dans ce chapitre, est que La calebasse cassée de Tunde Fatunde est une réponse à certaines pratiques jugées anormales en Afrique occidentale. Le dramaturge dénonce l’abus de pouvoir politique, le néo-colonialisme, la corruption, l’infidélité dans le foyer conjugal et l’oppression de la femme. Cette réflexion a pour but de corriger les méfaits sociopolitiques dans la société humaine non seulement en Afrique. La littérature est bien sûr, un instrument qui permet de régler les actions et les événements dans une société donnée

Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
The fact that African literary works have gained considerable patronage in scholarly writings and... more The fact that African literary works have gained considerable patronage in scholarly writings and debates. Most previous studies concern themselves with writers’ styles and themes whereas inadequate attention has been paid to the ecological functionality of the texts. This study, therefore, interrogates the issue of climate change and its effects on human race around the world. Adopting eco-criticism as theoretical framework, a close reading of five purposively selected African literary texts was carried out, with content analysis applied as our methodology. The study reveals that there is a break away from the old tradition of praise songs for Africa, as a continent, and a blind attack on the colonial imperialists. In the selected texts, the writers demonstrate the environmental realities of the modern society by depicting the indices of climate change and its adverse effects on man. It is observed that climate is the topmost factor which affects agriculture (crop and livestock pro...
That there is a relationship between literature and a society, which produces it, is no longer ne... more That there is a relationship between literature and a society, which produces it, is no longer news. However, the extent of the perceived interconnectivity between literature and its milieu remains a serious argument among literary theorists, historians and other practitioners of creative arts generally. In an attempt to contribute to the debate on the meeting point between literature and the environment which paves the way for its creation and production, we examine Sembène Ousmane's Guelwaar with the view that Art is not only for its own sake and purpose but also for the development of the society, which it claims it is a product of. This paper therefore is premised on the pragmatic approach which stresses that literature performs certain functions. The paper concludes that literature is a potential tool for sustainable developments in various human societies.

Literature is an essential weapon for socio-political, cultural and economic struggles among othe... more Literature is an essential weapon for socio-political, cultural and economic struggles among other things. This art called literature is a source of dialogue, debate, exchange and innovation. A form of creativity which allows transfer of culture and knowledge that are useful for coping with societal challenges In other words, it paints life with a view to share human experiences, feelings, imaginations, observations, findings, predictions and suggestions for practical realities. In this paper, we attempt to examine " Satire as exemplified in Ramonu Sanusi's Le Bistouri des larmes. " The purpose is to enhance the decoding/understanding of African Literature of French expression. Our review is premised on sociological approach, which holds that literature and other forms of creative arts should be examined in the cultural, economic and political context in which they are written, produced or received. This literary theory explores the connections/relationships between th...

There is no hullabaloo about the dynamism of every culture. However, people, all over the world, ... more There is no hullabaloo about the dynamism of every culture. However, people, all over the world, cannot be absolutely separated from their history and culture. In all artistic creations, context of situation, which dwells much on cultural and/or environmental elements, plays a key role since there is a serious link between art and the society which produces it. This paper examines gender issue, which has become a contemporary world affair. As its purpose, the paper seeks gender equality and preaches for unconditional fair treatment for women. Using Mariama Bâ's Une si longue lettre as a yardstick, the paper explains the relationship between feminism and womanism with a view to articulate the need for such movements as well as to validate the necessity for mutual understanding between men and women in the sincere call for nation building and human development. Feminist criticism is the theoretical framework which provides roots for our discussion. The study concludes that women in the whole wide world have suffered almost similar fate, always oppressed, used and dumped and painfully too, they are hooked by legislations, cultural and religious practices. Hence, there is the need for a redress.

Fuji as a style of music has gained world recognition and is waxing stronger. However, intellectu... more Fuji as a style of music has gained world recognition and is waxing stronger. However, intellectuals are not really buying into this aspect of African culture which is a major part of oral literature. This paper therefore attempted to bridge the gap created by the neglect. In discussing the relationship or interplay between literature and society, this article addressed the extent to which creative art can be applied to share facts. Premised on ‘faction’, which is a concept which holds that texts (and other creative arts) are rooted on real historical figures and actual happenings, this essay examined two of the Sikiru Ayinde Ọlayinka’s albums titled Current Affairs and The Truth and contemporary realities in Nigeria by a way of juxtaposing them. Interestingly, it can be deduced that most of what (issues) Sikiru Ayinde Ọlayinka discusses in his musical compositions are true pictures of societies in Nigeria, as much as in Africa. Hence, it is concluded that literature is a tool for s...

Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2013
L’art comme la litterature est un instrument pour amuser, exprimer des idees, informer et eduquer... more L’art comme la litterature est un instrument pour amuser, exprimer des idees, informer et eduquer les gens et meme pour initier les lecteurs aux certains concepts, ideologies, theories ou a certaines pratiques donnees. Dans cette composition, nous examinons le rite de l’excision des jeunes filles africaines dans Le Bistouri des larmes de Ramonu Sanusi. C’est vrai que la culture fait partie du peuple mais, c’est aussi bien etabli que la culture est dynamique. Elle se change et evolue de temps en temps et c’est la raison pour laquelle il existe des histoires pour les epoques particulieres. Donc, notre ecrivain, Ramonu Sanusi ne rechigne pas quand la revendication des droits des femmes est en cause ; il nous montre absolument sa prise de position concernant le sexe feminin. Notre discussion porte sur l’approche sociologique. Le but principal de ce travail est pour decourager la pratique d’une tradition barbare qui detruit les enfants africains ; particulierement nos filles. Et pour con...

IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2013
Sociolinguistic treatment of a text, big or small, holds that it is important to relate the study... more Sociolinguistic treatment of a text, big or small, holds that it is important to relate the study of language to a society because meaning is derived from both the linguistic level and extra-linguistic contexts. This essay analyses how Mbuko Lynn, a Nigerian writer of French expressions, adopts French language in its African local colour or form to display the cultural practices and social values of especially the Hausa people in the play, Chaque Chose En Son Temps, with emphasis on the use of proverbs and code-mixing as elements of literary creation. Through the theoretical framework of Hymes Ethnography of speaking which emphasizes the manipulation of major text-features such as lexical borrowing, lexical adaptation, code-mixing, code switching, transliteration, funny phonological mimicry and other useful sociolinguistic elements, the text is examined. The paper, as its purpose, explains how language usage in a text forms part of the culture of the society which produces the text and by extension, to underscore the fact that the study of a language should be connected to both the linguistic and extra-linguistic realities in an attempt to establish how certain linguistic features can serve to characterize particular social arrangements. The paper concludes that meaning is a product of linguistic factors and extra-linguistic variables.

IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2013
Drama, poetry and prose are the three major genres of literature. They provide a functional platf... more Drama, poetry and prose are the three major genres of literature. They provide a functional platform where socio-cultural, political and economic conflicts are presented and debated for the purpose of reconstructing human societies for peaceful coexistence and enduring development. For adequate sharing and/or dissemination of multidimensional human experiences, feelings, imaginations, observations, findings, predictions and recommendations, the potential/capability to effectively interpret and apply literature becomes unavoidable. In this article, we try to examine Guillaume Oyono Mbia as a committed writer using his play titled: Trois prétendants…un mari as a parameter. This review is anchored on pragmatic literary method, with a strong belief that literature like other artifacts has certain essential functions to perform in rebuilding human societies through moral or behavior modification and reorientation. The paper concludes that in reconstructing or rebuilding any human society, generational conflict is a necessary evil to cope with.

Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2013
Le fait que la litterature est un produit d’une societe humaine donnee est incontestablement prev... more Le fait que la litterature est un produit d’une societe humaine donnee est incontestablement previsible. Mais la mesure de la relation entre la litterature et la societe qui la produit reste une question discutable parmi les historiens et les erudites litteraires. Pour cette raison, ce travail porte sur le fait que l’art est cree par rapport aux activites quotidiennes sur le plan cultural et les rapports entre une societe et ses artistes. Dans ce travail, nous examinons le rapport entre la creation litteraire de Sembene Ousmane, un ecrivain Senegalais et sa societe ; surtout le Senegal et en general le continent africain. Nous mettons l’accent sur la preoccupation de l’auteur qui est generalement defini comme Marxiste. Pour but, ce travail souligne le fait qu’il existe une relation magnifique entre la litterature et une societe humaine. La « faction », qui designe la litterature comme fusion de fait et de fiction est notre theorie litteraire pour elucider le sujet. En conclusion, ce...

The spoken words are more natural and perhaps better understood than the written letters, which a... more The spoken words are more natural and perhaps better understood than the written letters, which are invented to capture and to re-enact human mind, intention, emotion, opinion, view, experience and prediction among other things. Oral narratives, all over the world, set the pace for the written literature. It is an integral part of every human culture. However, the sophistication of the modern world, particularly the globalisation, has directly or indirectly affected the potency of oral narratives in Africa. Having discovered the neglect of orature in Africa as a whole and in the Yoruba land in particular, this article seeks to explain the essentials of this aspect of life which is at a dangerous point of extinction. The study sets its search light on certain elements of African oral literature such as folklores, myths, legends, proverbs and oral poetry which emanate from the Yoruba community. Using the theme study method/approach, the article aims at reversing the dying fortune of the oral narratives being a tool to achieving sustainable socio-cultural transformation among the African people.

Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2014
Considering the degree of resemblance between literature and human societies, one is convinced th... more Considering the degree of resemblance between literature and human societies, one is convinced that literature is not just a social construct which is rooted in mere ideas, imaginations or imaginary situations. Instead, it is a social institution; a form of tradition, which has existed for a long time and is accepted as a vital component of a given society to perform certain functions. In this paper, we see literature as a social reality, which presents the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be. In the selected literary works for this study, the three writers expose and condemn the harsh and hostile social and political realities which confront the African society at different periods of its evolution. Premised on sociological approach to literary criticism, this paper justifies that literature can be employed in working out national reconstruction being a tool that can make people co-operate with one another through information sharing and dissemination.

Abstract. Literature is an essential platform for socio-political, cultural and economic struggle... more Abstract. Literature is an essential platform for socio-political, cultural and economic struggles among other things. This creative art called literature is a source of dialogue, debate, exchange and innovation. A form of creativity which enhances transfer of culture and knowledge that are useful for coping with societal tasks In other words, it paints life with a view to share human experiences, feelings, imaginations, observations, findings, predictions and suggestions for prevailing social realities. However, as open and flexible literature is, practitioners; writers and critics alike are advised to desist from arbitrariness. We conceive literature as something more than art for art sake not because such stance is wrong but because literature has other potent roles to play in human society. In this paper, we attempt to decode Sembène Ousmane’sLe Mandat with a view to unmasking the representations of a society in literary work. In other words, we demonstrate the relationships bet...

Journal for Foreign Languages
Literature is an open concept and a creative art which expresses human history, experiences, imag... more Literature is an open concept and a creative art which expresses human history, experiences, imagination, observations, predictions and suggestions at a particular time in a given society. Either as fiction or non-fiction, literature can be rendered in both spoken and written words. It is often argued whether literature is for itself or the development of the society that produces it. This study, therefore, interrogates how the selected Francophone African novels, namely Sembène Ousmane’s Les bouts de bois de Dieu, Mariama Bâ’s Une si longue lettre, Ferdinand Oyono’s Le vieux nègre et la médaille, Aminata Sow Fall’s La grève des bàttu, Patrick Ilboudo’s Les vertiges du trône and Fatou Keïta’s Rebelle, depict the function of literature. The novelists are selected because of their inclination towards the social transformation paradigm. The purpose of this paper is to raise people’s awareness and mobilize them towards positive change. Based on close reading, the paper is built around M...

Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research, 2013
Linguistic alienation is a wall, which separates the African elite away from their fellow African... more Linguistic alienation is a wall, which separates the African elite away from their fellow African brothers and sisters. This gap is what we intend to break because it is a kind of cultural alienation, which hinders development in all its ramifications. Our search light in this paper is on cultural and political segregations in SembA¨ne Ousmane’s Xala. We demonstrate that El Hadji Kader Beye, the chief character in the story represents the Senegalese elite in a post-colonial setting while the beggars stand-in for the oppressed masses, who are more than 80% of the country’s population. The oppressed make themselves relevant in the scheme of societal affairs by being the ones that have solution to the xala, a disease of impotence which the protagonist in the story suffers. The spitting act becomes a form of freedom of speech to voice out their mind; especially by showing their displeasure over an exploitative system in the perceived new dispensation. As its purpose, the paper valid...

One significant beauty of literature is the opennes s of this academic discipline. It permits sen... more One significant beauty of literature is the opennes s of this academic discipline. It permits sensible endless debate on issues with a vi ew to reconciling them and to bring out the best from the divided opinions for ultimate use of the most enduring and outstanding perspective from among many. Even before now that world has tur ned a global village; the geography of our existence allows us to tell our stories because man is heavily connected to his environment. Our culture and all our material creations including li terature are therefore reflections of our ecological existence. This paper examines J. P. Cla rk’s “Night Rain” as a product of the relationship between literature and the environment , and the representation of nature, which make up the environment in a literary work. With th e application of Eco-criticism as our theoretical framework, the paper concludes that our lives are not meaningful except they are situated in the cultural context of our environment . Hence, the ...
Asian journal of multidisciplinary studies, 2016
Papers by Adeyemi Ogundokun