Books by Gennaro Ascione
This book addresses the ideological figure of modernity, its presumed historical significance as ... more This book addresses the ideological figure of modernity, its presumed historical significance as an era, and its theoretical adequacy as a frame. It shows how science is evoked to prevent the sociological imagination from elaborating non-Eurocentric categories and terminologies that are more adequate for a global age. The idea of modernity should not only be contested, but radically unthought in its foundational assumptions. These assumptions inform concepts such as secularization, emancipation, the 'global' and accumulation of capital. This book frees these concepts from ethnocentrism and discloses a path toward a new, non-Eurocentric, global social theory.
Gennaro Ascione explores the transformative potential of decolonizing knowledge through a radical reconsideration of the historical and epistemological role that the intellectual reference to science plays in the construction of concepts. This ground-breaking work challenges social theorists to think globally beyond modernity, bringing together social theory and science in an unprecedented way. Importantly, it makes accessible a new space of missing theorization for further developments and inquiries in the field.
America latina e modernità. L'opzione decoloniale: saggi scelti Traduzione italiana di Clara Cicc... more America latina e modernità. L'opzione decoloniale: saggi scelti Traduzione italiana di Clara Ciccioni (per Colonialità del potere ed eurocentrismo in America latina e geopolitica e la corpo-politica del sapere), Monica di Girolamo (per Scienze sociali, dell'invenzione dell'altro), Rosalina Nigro (per sulle epistemologie decoloniali), Giuseppina Notaro (per Il mondo postnaturale: elementi per un'ecologia politica anti-essenzialista), Maria Rossi (per Sistema-mondo e transmodernità) e Marcella Solinas (per Natura del postcolonialismo: dall'eurocentrismo al ) Revisione di Clara Ciccioni e Livio Santoro
Indice Prefazione, Sandro Mezzadra 9 Premessa. A sud di nessun Sud 11 Introduzione. Archeologia d... more Indice Prefazione, Sandro Mezzadra 9 Premessa. A sud di nessun Sud 11 Introduzione. Archeologia dei saperi, paleontologia dei movimenti 15 PRIMA PARTE TERZO MONDO E TERZOMONDISMO Il farsi storia del concetto di Terzo Mondo 23 La parabola del terzomondismo (1955-1981) 29 Terzo Mondo oggi. Mito mobilitante o chimera paralizzante? 39 SECONDA PARTE ALLE RADICI DEGLI STUDI SUBALTERNI Indian Subaltern Studies. Per una storiografia antielitaria 49 La rivolta contadina da oggetto di ricerca a paradigma dell'agire subalterno 55 La strutturazione cognitiva dell'esperienza nassalita 67 L'archivio coloniale in chiaro-scuro 81 TERZA PARTE SAPERI SUBALTERNI SOSTENIBILI Al limite degli studi subalterni 95 Le coordinate del dibattito latinoamericano 103 Studi subalterni e Postcoloniali in America Latina. Transizioni politiche e transiti concettuali 113 7 A SUD DI NESSUN SUD:Layout 1 12/2/09 12:16 PM Pagina 7 Decentrare gli studi postcoloniali. Latinamericanismo requiescat in pace? 121 Dal postoccidentalismo ai De-colonial Studies. Apuntes per un nuovo paradigma 129 La questione indigena nella prospettiva decoloniale 139 (In) conclusione. Imparare a imparare dagli oppressi 149 Bibliografia 151 Indice dei nomi 170 8 A SUD DI NESSUN SUD:Layout 1 12/2/09 12:16 PM Pagina 8 Se sei qualcuno che non s'identifica come occidentale, o in qualche modo non completamente occidentale anche se vivi in un paese occidentale, o qualcuno che è parte di una cultura ma tuttavia 11 1 Young 2003: 2. A SUD DI NESSUN SUD:Layout 1 12/2/09 12:16 PM Pagina 11 16 1 Whyte 1987: 72. 2 Mandelbrot 1987: 7. 3 Mutuiamo il concetto di effervescenza gnoseologica da Lentini (Lentini 2003: 394). A SUD DI NESSUN SUD:Layout 1 12/2/09 12:16 PM Pagina 16 23 1 Said 1999: 348. 2 Amin 1989: 9. A SUD DI NESSUN SUD:Layout 1 12/2/09 12:16 PM Pagina 23 A SUD DI NESSUN SUD:Layout 1 12/2/09 12:16 PM Pagina 37 A SUD DI NESSUN SUD:Layout 1 12/2/09 12:16 PM Pagina 38 111 26 Si vedano gli articoli comparsi sulla rivista su cui gran parte del dibattito sull'importazione dei Postcolonial Studies in America Latina trovò spazio, «Nepantla. Views from the South», edita dal centro di studi culturali della Duke University, allora presieduto da Arif Dirlik e animato da Mignolo e Jameson, tra gli altri (cfr. Castro-Gomez 2000). Si veda anche il saggio del 1993, scritto nelle prime battute del dibattito in questione.
Papers by Gennaro Ascione
Springer International Publishing eBooks, 2022
Science, Technology and Society
The reaction to the pandemic has put in place some profound transformations. These transformation... more The reaction to the pandemic has put in place some profound transformations. These transformations do not come entirely anew. They are rooted in the long-term process of oscillation between scientism and relativism. Yet, the fallout of the pandemic promises to work as a new global social regulatory system, different from the ones that predate it. Thereby, it preludes to a paradigmatic epistemological shift. I sketch out four dimensions of such a shift, which I refer to in terms of vectors, in order to emphasise the directional as well as orientational nature of such elements. A vector is a pattern of long-term and large-scale social change. It manifests as a historical configuration of power that organises the collective and individual activities of humans. The evolution of these four vectors designs trajectories of development. The four vectors of the shifting horizon of the pandemic are as follows: the normalisation of the colonial exception; the centrality of necro-politics as gl...
Immanuel Wallerstein, disparu à l’été 2019, est très largement reconnu pour sa théorisation d’un ... more Immanuel Wallerstein, disparu à l’été 2019, est très largement reconnu pour sa théorisation d’un cadre d’analyse de l’histoire du capitalisme et de son expansion mondiale depuis le XVIe siècle (le système-monde moderne). On ne saurait cependant réduire son œuvre à cet aspect. Sociologue et africaniste de formation, il fut aussi un fervent défenseur d’une science sociale historique englobante et moins marquée par les oppositions entre disciplines. Observateur attentif de l’histoire et de l’épistémologie des sciences sociales, il devint l’un des pourfendeurs de l’eurocentrisme de ces dernières. Partageant sa vie de chercheur entre les États-Unis et la France, il noua également des contacts approfondis avec des auteurs non occidentaux défendant une vision alternative. Dans son ensemble, sa production académique et engagée offre également des pistes pour comprendre le monde actuel et celui de demain. Immanuel Wallerstein, who died in the summer of 2019, is widely recognized for theorizi...
Российский научный центр хирургии им. акад. Б. В. Петровского, Москва, РФ Осложнения со стороны с... more Российский научный центр хирургии им. акад. Б. В. Петровского, Москва, РФ Осложнения со стороны системы дыхания у пациентов после кардиохирургических вмешательств встречаются в 20-30% случаев; многие из них связаны с неэффективной эвакуацией бронхиального секрета в ранние сроки после операции� Цель: сравнить эффективность и безопасность методов стимулирования эвакуации бронхиального секрета с помощью осцилляторной РЕР-терапии, аппаратной стимуляции кашля механическим инсуффлятором-аспиратором и традиционного метода мануальной перкуссии грудной клетки в раннем послеоперационном периоде у кардиохирургических пациентов� Материал и методы. Проспективное исследование включало 120 кардиохирургических пациентов� Выделены 3 группы по 40 больных каждая в зависимости от вида применяемого респираторного воздействия после кардиохирургических операций� Распределение по группам проводили методом случайного отбора� Все процедуры выполняли через 10-12 ч после экстубации трахеи (спустя 15-20 ч после окончания операции) при дыхании воздухом� До процедуры и через 20 мин после нее оценивали эффективность отхождения мокроты, измеряли показатели газообмена и максимальную инспираторную емкость легких (МИЕЛ)� Результаты. Затруднения в эвакуации мокроты при кашле в ранние сроки после экстубации трахеи наблюдались у 86,7% больных� Проведение однократного сеанса как РЕР-терапии с помощью спиротренажера Acapella Duet (1-я группа), так и аппаратной стимуляции кашля с помощью осцилляторной компрессии грудной клетки аппаратом Comfort Cough Plus (2-я группа) приводило к улучшению пассажа мокроты, о чем свидетельствовало увеличение числа больных с продуктивным отхождением мокроты в 4,25 раза (p < 0,0009) и в 5,3 раза (p < 0,0007) соответственно� У пациентов 1-й и 2-й групп наблюдалось увеличение МИЕЛ (на 42,2 и 60,0% соответственно, p = 0,000001), различия между группами значимы� В контрольной, 3-й группе, при мануальной физиотерапии средний прирост МИЕЛ составил лишь 11,6%� Процедуры аппаратной респираторной терапии приводили к значимому улучшению показателей газообмена: увеличению SpO 2 в 1-й и 2-й группах (p = 0,000009 и 0,000001 cоответственно) и уменьшению доли пациентов с нарушением оксигенирующей функции легких (SpO 2 < 92%) в 11 и 12 раз соответственно (p < 0,01)� Наиболее значимые изменения показателей газообмена выявлены при использовании аппаратной стимуляции кашля инсуффлятором-аспиратором благодаря сочетанию осцилляторной компрессии грудной клетки с раздуванием легких� В группе контроля значимой динамики показателей газообмена не наблюдалось� Вывод. Вибрационные методы стимулирования эвакуации бронхиального секрета имеют значительные преимущества по сравнению с классическим мануальным массажем грудной клетки у кардиохирургических больных в ранние сроки после операции� Отмечено их положительное влияние на пассаж мокроты, вентиляционные показатели и оксигенирующую функцию легких� Наиболее выраженный эффект наблюдается при аппаратной стимуляции кашля механическим инсуффлятором-аспиратором� Отмечены хорошая переносимость процедур и отсутствие связанных с ними осложнений� Ключевые слова: послеоперационная дыхательная недостаточность, кардиохирургические больные, аппаратная стимуляция кашля, осцилляторная РЕР-терапия, осцилляторная компрессия грудной клетки, максимальная инспираторная емкость, оксигенирующая функция легких
Pensamiento social italiano sobre América Latina, 2017
Nel dibattito italiano, la questione della traduzione come strategia di decolonizzazione dei sape... more Nel dibattito italiano, la questione della traduzione come strategia di decolonizzazione dei saperi e stata affrontata di recente nel volume collettivo curato da Stefano Rota. Il titolo ne connota l’intento critico: La (in)traducibilita del mondo. Attraversamenti e confini della traduzione. Le diverse voci che prendono parola definiscono un dialogo contrappuntistico, il cui nucleo tematico centrale coincide con l’assunzione dei limiti intrinseci alla possibilita di traduzione “transglobale” in termini di consapevolezza teorica condivisa. L’approccio alla questione della (in)traducibilita si configura come strategia di decolonizzazione dei saperi a cavallo tra scienze umane e sociali, che si appropria degli strumenti della critica postcoloniale sviluppati tanto nell’ambito della critica letteraria e della linguistica, quanto negli Studi culturali.
This Doctor of Creative Arts thesis has two sections. The first section is my creative component,... more This Doctor of Creative Arts thesis has two sections. The first section is my creative component, Artemis, which comprises four parts: the Transmedia Storyworld Bible, which outlines the complimentary transmedia artefacts of the project; the Alternative Reality Game (ARG) outline Aura; the feature film screenplay Artemis Town; and the Interactive Web Experience, Artemis: Seeking Asylum, outline. The second section is an exegesis that contextualises Artemis within the broader theoretical framework underpinning my practice-led research. Artemis is a work of fiction and all characters and events contained in the creative component of the thesis are products of my imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental. Artwork and Illustrations: Unless otherwise captioned, all tables, illustrations, and graphs were created by me. Character concept art was created by Nichelle Nolan ( and Environment concept art was created by Scott Jackson (
European Journal of International Relations, 2015
The transformation of the Eurocentric epistemological base of International Relations, without in... more The transformation of the Eurocentric epistemological base of International Relations, without inadvertently generating a ‘derivative discourse’ of Western International Relations, requires an intellectual flight over rigid boundaries of Western scientism, thereby reorienting the discipline of International Relations itself towards a post-Western epoch. As such, post-Western International Relations theory can be largely viewed as an offspring of scholastic explorations aimed at breaking epistemological imperialism in International Relations. Not surprisingly, the non-Western ‘rising powers’ in global politics are taking particular interest in designing a post-Western International Relations theory. While the notion of ‘Tianxia’ has emerged as a Chinese conceptual response to the budding intellectual curiosity surrounding post-Western International Relations, the Indian scholarly scepticism towards formulating ‘systemic’ theories projects a hazy image of the status of post-Western In...
Cultural Sociology, 2016
What should ‘global’ stand for in order to qualify ‘historical sociology’ when it aspires to move... more What should ‘global’ stand for in order to qualify ‘historical sociology’ when it aspires to move beyond its Eurocentric foundations? The answer to this question lies in the ability to investigate the limits that Eurocentrism imposes on the possibility of reformulating the world as a unit of analysis, and simultaneously in tackling the centrality of the colonial question in methodological and epistemological terms, rather than exclusively in historical terms.
Sociology, 2017
In this article I take issues with some Eurocentric limits of the two contradictions of capital: ... more In this article I take issues with some Eurocentric limits of the two contradictions of capital: capital/labour and capital/nature. These limits are exposed by elaborating on two theoretical insights from researches in critical race studies and indigenous political ecologies: respectively thingification and uncommon. These insights produce a tension between colonialism and capitalism, which calls for a post-Eurocentric process of concept formation. This reconceptualization of capital is pursued through the notion of muri, which the Japanese thinker Uno Kōzō deployed to designate a bold non-western pathway to reading Capital. The article elaborates and formulates three conceptual and terminological landmarks to unthinking capital for a global social theory.
Science and the Decolonization of Social Theory, 2016
In a letter to his friend Carl Friedrich Zelter, Wolfgang Goethe commented: ‘The greatest art in ... more In a letter to his friend Carl Friedrich Zelter, Wolfgang Goethe commented: ‘The greatest art in theoretical and practical life consists in changing a problem into a postulate’ (Cassirer 1952 [1923]: 371). The nexus between Eurocentrism and the master narrative of scientific modernity seems to have suffered a similar fate nowadays (Seth 2011). Anyone who attempts to produce non-Eurocentric narratives of modernity, or who restates European centrality as historical evidence, acknowledges that the formation of modern knowledge is inextricable from the rise of Europe to the position of world dominance through colonialism. In social theory, Europe has partly lost its presumed objective historical presence as a coherent cultural entity integral to a determined geographical space (Bhambra 2007a, b); Escobar and Mignolo 2013; Seth 2007). Nonetheless, its hyper-real existence deeply informs available categories of historical and social thinking.
Science and the Decolonization of Social Theory, 2016
In the heterogeneous vocabulary of contemporary human and social sciences, the notion of the ‘glo... more In the heterogeneous vocabulary of contemporary human and social sciences, the notion of the ‘global’ as central is problematic. This is due either to its diffusion in the wake of globalization theories, or to the chimerical aspiration of reaching a general agreement around its meaning that accompanies any reflection on its historical construction (see Robertson 2001). Bennet et al. (2005: 146) summarize that ‘the concepts of the globe as a spherical object and, metonymically, as the planet earth appeared together in the sixteenth century. The adjectival form (global) appeared in the seventeenth century referring only to the former. In the late nineteenth century “global” appeared in its more common contemporary sense, combining a geographical (“the whole world; worldwide; universal”) and a mathematical or logical meaning (“the totality of a number of items, categories, and so on; comprehensive, all-inclusive, unified, total”). In the twentieth century, the more active and historical form—globalization—appears, parallel to other comparable historical markers such as “modernization” and “industrialization” and related to the notions of postmodernity.’ In what follows, I connote the ‘global’ both as a methodological issue and as a cultural product. As a methodological issue, it pertains to debates in social theory regarding the adequacy of constructing a single unit of analysis for long-term/large-scale processes of social change. As cultural product, ‘global’ inherits the colonizer’s view of the world and its aspiration to conceive the world as a whole. The two dimensions are strictly related, even though this constitutive relation is often underrated. This is because methodology surreptitiously suggests a relatively neutral space of theorization, while it is precisely in methods that the colonial construction of categories becomes invisible. Methodology is the space where the epistemological ritual of modernity celebrates cultural neutrality under the alleged transparency of concept formation.
Books by Gennaro Ascione
Gennaro Ascione explores the transformative potential of decolonizing knowledge through a radical reconsideration of the historical and epistemological role that the intellectual reference to science plays in the construction of concepts. This ground-breaking work challenges social theorists to think globally beyond modernity, bringing together social theory and science in an unprecedented way. Importantly, it makes accessible a new space of missing theorization for further developments and inquiries in the field.
Papers by Gennaro Ascione
Gennaro Ascione explores the transformative potential of decolonizing knowledge through a radical reconsideration of the historical and epistemological role that the intellectual reference to science plays in the construction of concepts. This ground-breaking work challenges social theorists to think globally beyond modernity, bringing together social theory and science in an unprecedented way. Importantly, it makes accessible a new space of missing theorization for further developments and inquiries in the field.