Papers by claudio lucchiari

Il paziente con sincope pur essendo caratterizzato da un quadro clinico piuttosto chiaro presenta... more Il paziente con sincope pur essendo caratterizzato da un quadro clinico piuttosto chiaro presenta anche delle criticit\ue0 sul piano psicologico. Infatti, laddove la caduta, conseguente alla transitoria perdita di coscienza, pu\uf2 essere prevenuta e/o evitata attraverso trattamenti fisici, farmaci e precauzioni comportamentali, risolvendo di fatto il sintomo principale, il paziente rimane pur sempre in una condizione di stress psicologico. La paura di futuri eventi traumatici, il ricordo di episodi passati, lo stigma della malattia persistente anche in assenza di un sintomo visibile agli altri, il timore per i rifessi della malattia sui propri cari, come anche considerazioni circa, ad esempio, una futura genitorialit\ue0 sono temi ricorrenti nella costellazione psicologica del paziente affetto da sincope (Cohen et al. 2000; Lemma et al., 2013). Alcuni studi sottolineano, del resto, la diversa percezione fra medici e pazienti rispetto alla rilevanza dei sintomi. Da un punto di vista clinico, infatti, sembrerebbe prioritario diminuire o eliminare i sintomi fisici (in particolare, le sincopi), ma da un punto di vista del paziente sono i correlati dei sintomi, pi\uf9 che i sintomi stessi, a influire sul benessere percepito e la qualit\ue0 di vita (Yardley et al, 2001; Gracie et al., 2006). Da un punto di vista cognitivo, il distress psicologico e l\u2019alto livello di ansia spesso associato alla sincope pu\uf2 essere descritto con conseguenza di un attentional bias nei confronti di sintomi e situazioni potenzialmente in grado di scatenare la crisi. Inoltre, \ue8 spesso presente una forte associazione tra distress psicologico e rumination: i pazienti che tendono a pensare maggiormente agli aspetti negativi della malattia, mostrano anche livelli pi\uf9 alti di depressione e ansia. Tutti questi correlati psicologici, oltre ad essere importanti per gli psicologi che lavorano con tali pazienti, rivestono anche una rilevanza clinica, in quanto il distress psicologico correla negativamente con l\u2019efficacia delle terapie
... Uno studio elettrofisiologico su pazienti con Malattia di Parkinson / M. Fumagalli, M. Rosa, ... more ... Uno studio elettrofisiologico su pazienti con Malattia di Parkinson / M. Fumagalli, M. Rosa, S. Marceglia, S. Mrakic-Sposta, C. Lucchiari, M. Porta, D. Servello, M. Sassi, LM Romito, A.Albanese, F. Carella, F. Cogiamanian, G. Pravettoni, A. Priori. - 2009. ...
Psychological Reports, Dec 1, 2007
This study assessed the role of usability in trust of e-banking services. A questionnaire was adm... more This study assessed the role of usability in trust of e-banking services. A questionnaire was administered to 185 Italian undergraduate working students who volunteered for the experiment (M age = 30.5 yr., SD = 3.1). Participants were differentiated on computer ability (Expert, n = 104; Nonexpert, n = 81) and e-banking use (User, n = 93; Nonusers, n = 92). Analysis showed that the website usability of e-banking services did not play a very important role for the User group. Instead, institution-based trust, e.g., the trust in the security policy of the Web merchant, customers, and the overall trust of the bank were the crucial factors in the adoption of e-banking.
Brain Sciences, Apr 15, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Ecancermedicalscience, Dec 8, 2016
Quality of life (QoL) is an increasingly important outcome measure in medicine. Health, in fact, ... more Quality of life (QoL) is an increasingly important outcome measure in medicine. Health, in fact, is not only based on functional status but also on psychological and social well being. Since QoL is related to the patient's perception of their position in life in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns, the way in which the medical context is experienced may be critical. We then hypothesised that self-perceived QoL may be linked to unmet needs in information management and decision involvement. To analyse this hypothesis, we conducted a quantitative study on 84 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of primary high-grade glioma. The functional assessment of cancer therapy-Brain (FACT-Br) scales, the hospital anxiety and depression (HAD) scale and the need evaluation questionnaire (NEQ) questionnaire were used, in order to measure quality-of-life dimension, mood and unmet needs. Patients were classified as having no need (cluster 1), a moderate need (cluster 2) or a high need (cluster 3) to be more involved in the clinical process. Our data confirmed previous studies in other clinical areas, showing that shared decision might contribute to a better adaptation process to the illness [1]. In fact, patients in cluster 1 showed a significant better self-perceived QoL, despite the lack of clinical differences between clusters. The study showed that patients satisfied with respect to decisional involvement seem to be able to better cope with their disease. Finally, the study suggests the need for a more attuned decision-making process in approaching clinical decisions. Physicians need to better understand patient preferences related to information and decision sharing.
Education Sciences, Jan 31, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Neuro-oncology, Sep 1, 2021
BACKGROUND Insomnia linked to therapeutical intake of intravenous (IV) megadoses of steroid (Mgds... more BACKGROUND Insomnia linked to therapeutical intake of intravenous (IV) megadoses of steroid (Mgds, 8–16 mg) is a common side effect in neuro-oncology patients. Hypno-inducing drugs (IP) and Benzodiazepines (BDZ) can provoke drug interference and daytime sedation. Trazodone (Trz) is an atypical antidepressant with poor liver metabolism; it has moderate histamine-1 (H1) receptor antagonism and possesses some anxiolytic and hypnotic properties. We tested the use of the Trz retard (RP) formulation as a hypnotic drug in patients undergoing a therapeutic regimen with IV Mgds. To evaluate anxiety and side effects. MATERIAL AND METHODS 10 patients (6 females and 4 males) admitted to the Neuro-oncology Department of the Neurological Institute “Carlo Besta” treated with Mgds IV. The average age was 55 years and the mean HAM-A score was 25. Instruments included the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A), the Clinical Global Impression (CGI), and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Trz RP was administered at a dosage of 25-50-75 mg/day in the evening. RESULTS All 10 patients reported improved hypnotic profiles within the third day of Trz RP administration. Four patients improved on the first day. Reduction of the HAM-A score was found on the third day. No adverse events (epilepsy, daytime sedation, incontinence) were observed in 3 weeks. CONCLUSIONS Trz RP proved to have a swift beneficial effect on sleep and anxiety without side effects in the short term. Trz may be preferred to IP and BDZ in patients receiving IV Mgds, considering the lack of daytime sedation and the reduced pharmacological inference. Larger samples will enable future research to better describe the characteristics and the indication of Trz.

The presented performance, using an EEG-BCI (Brain Computer Interface), is dedicated to artists, ... more The presented performance, using an EEG-BCI (Brain Computer Interface), is dedicated to artists, scholars and experts interested in the whole world of creativity and the related psychological and neuro-cognitive mechanisms. The aims of this work are: to identify possible biomarkers (EEG) related to the creative process in specific tasks, exploring it in a real-time ecological setting; to investigate the relation between explicit and implicit mechanisms, between creativity personality trait, and semantic memory; to validate a tool to study creativeness. In a previous pilot study, we revealed the presence of significant relations between personality components, EEG indices and creative processes, suggesting that the use of a self-echo setting may be applied also to boost creativity in people with specific thinking styles and personality traits, and to empower creativity in a tailored fashion. In this paper we extended the experimentation, consolidating the previous obtained results
Papers by claudio lucchiari