Papers by Andrzej Śliwerski
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica, 2017
Testy projekcyjne cieszą się niesłabnącą popularnością, szczególnie wśród biegłych psychologów są... more Testy projekcyjne cieszą się niesłabnącą popularnością, szczególnie wśród biegłych psychologów sądowych, którzy każdego dnia muszą mierzyć się z tendencją osób badanych do pokazywania się w lepszym świetle. W ich mniemaniu testy projekcyjne pomagają zbadać „rzeczywiste” cechy osobowości badanych, a w przypadku diagnozowania dzieci umożliwiają im symboliczną prezentację przeżytej traumy. Rosnąca liczba badań pokazuje jednak, że wskaźniki stosowane w testach projekcyjnych nie mają nic wspólnego z cechami, które rzekomo reprezentują. Jest to szczególnie ważne w przypadku diagnozy wykorzystania seksualnego dziecka oraz diagnozy potencjalnego sprawcy. Ze względu na brak jakichkolwiek badań uzasadniających zastosowanie do tego celu testów projekcyjnych, powinno być zabronione stosowanie następujących narzędzi: Testu Drzewa Kocha; Testu Plam Atramentowych Rorschacha; Testu Apercepcji Tematycznej (TAT/CAT); rysunku postaci; Testu Dom–Drzewo–Człowiek; rysunku rodziny; Testu Barw Luschera; Te...
The diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) poses a c... more The diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) poses a challenge for clinicians due to the overdiagnosis of retrospective methods and overlapping symptoms with depression. The present study utilized an Item Response Theory analysis to examine the predictive utility of the Premenstrual Symptom Screening Tool (PSST) in women with and without depression. Two hundred and fifteen women aged 20–35 completed the PSST, a daily symptom calendar, SCID-I, and CES-D for two consecutive menstrual cycles. PSST items: fatigue, depressed mood, feeling overwhelmed, anxiety/tension, and decreased interest in everyday activities were the best predictors of PMS. Unlike the daily symptom ratings, the PSST over-diagnosed PMS/PMDD in the depressed group but not in the group of women without PMS/PMDD. While diagnosing premenstrual disorders, clinicians should be aware that a retrospective diagnosis with PSST can be more sensitive to mood disorders and cycle phases t...
Performing qualitative research through direct interviews enables researchers to obtain data and ... more Performing qualitative research through direct interviews enables researchers to obtain data and information that cannot be obtained in quantitative research. The access to individual conditions of certain attitudes or actions gives a huge opportunity of exploration of various research areas. Each researcher must meet strict ethical standards before committing to the study to prevent harming or exposing the participants. However, the law clearly imposes the need to disclose the knowledge about committed crimes. In this article we will present which specific crimes should be reported according to the Criminal Code. We will also consider whether, in this case, the researcher can provide the participants full anonymity and confidentiality. We also indicate if it is necessary to inform the participants that some content of an interview may be reported to law enforcement agencies and what implications it may have for the conducted research.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
Aims and objectives: The aim of this systematic review was to summarize the key findings of empir... more Aims and objectives: The aim of this systematic review was to summarize the key findings of empirical studies assessing the influence of maternal depression on child attachment security measured before 24 months after birth. Method: The study followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement guidelines. A literature search was conducted on the EBSCO (Academic Search Complete; Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition; MEDLINE; PsycARTICLES) and PubMed databases, with infant attachment AND depression as search terms with Boolean operators. Study design or sample size did not affect inclusion. After screening, 29 of the 1510 unique publications originally identified were included in the review. Results: The studies reveal an equivocal association between maternal depression and child attachment security. Our findings indicate that depression had a significant influence on the attachment style almost only when diagnosed by structured interview: Depression measured by self-descriptive questionnaires was unrelated to attachment style. Furthermore, postpartum depression was found to be significant only when measured up to six months after childbirth. Conclusion: The relationship between maternal depression and infant attachment is both complex and dynamic, and the possible negative effects of depression might be compensated by maternal involvement in childcare. Therefore, further studies in this area should employ a reliable methodology for diagnosing depression and a suitable time point for measuring it; they should also adopt a multifactorial and prospective approach. It is important to note that breastfeeding/formula feeding was omitted as a factor in the majority of studies.
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2018
Background: The purpose of our study is to verify whether ele- ments of cognitive vulnerability t... more Background: The purpose of our study is to verify whether ele- ments of cognitive vulnerability to affective disorders may enhance the occurrence of PMS/PMDD.
Methods: In total, 293 women with regular cycles took part in the study. The subjects were exposed to failure during the follicular phase or luteal phase, as appropriate, and the attributional style of failure, cognitive triad inventory (CTI) and presence of biased information processing were determined. The mood of the sub- jects before and after failure was measured, and the depressive mood was screened by CES-D. The occurrence of PMS/PMDD was assessed on the basis of PSST.
Results: The women suffering from PMS/PMDD differed from those without PMS in terms of the cognitive triad, the use of positive and negative adjectives when describing themselves and biased information processing. In the luteal cycle phase, consider- ably greater sadness and irritation were observed in women with PMS/PMDD after experiencing failure, but only in those from the group not taking oral contraceptives.
Conclusions: Negative cognitive styles are an important factor in the development of PMS/PMDD. PMDD is similar to major depres- sion regarding cognitive vulnerability. Only in the case of PMDD was biased information processing in the luteal cycle phase recorded.
Performing qualitative research through direct interviews enables researchers to obtain data and ... more Performing qualitative research through direct interviews enables researchers to obtain data and information that can not be obtained in quantitative research. The access to individual conditions of certain attitudes or actions gives a huge opportunity of exploration of various research areas. Each researcher must meet strict ethical standards before committing to the study to prevent harming or exposing the participants. On the other side, the law clearly impose the need to disclose the knowledge about commited crimes. In this article we will present, which specific crimes should be reported according to the Criminal Code. We will also consider whether, in this case, the researcher can provide the participants full anonymity and confidentiality. We also indicate if it is necessary to inform the participants that some content of interview may be reported to law enforcement agencies and what implications it may have for the conducted research.
Abstrakt. Teorie poznawczo-behawioralne są jednymi z najmłodszych koncepcji w psycholo-gii klinic... more Abstrakt. Teorie poznawczo-behawioralne są jednymi z najmłodszych koncepcji w psycholo-gii klinicznej. Ulegają one ciągłym przemianom, co rodzi wiele nieporozumień i błędnych interpre-tacji. Niektórzy autorzy uważają, że jest to koncepcja " mało spójna " , a kwestie osobowości schodzą na dalszy plan, " gdyż jest to bardziej psychologia zachowań, procesów i struktur poznawczych niż psychologia człowieka " (Sęk, 2005, s. 106). Historia rozwoju koncepcji poznawczych pozwala zro-zumieć jej założenia, aktualne miejsce w psychopatologii oraz obecny stan wiedzy. Podział na tzw. trzy generacje koncepcji poznawczo-behawioralnych pozwala oddzielić stereotypy dotyczące tej koncepcji od jej właściwego obrazu. W artykule opisano aktualny stan teorii poznawczych z uwzględnieniem najnowszej generacji koncepcji poznawczo-behawioralnych, obejmujących: te-rapię poznawczą opartą na uważności (MBCT), terapię akceptacji i zaangażowania (ACT), jak również terapię schematów (SFT). Słowa kluczowe: terapia poznawczo-behawioralna, generacje koncepcji poznawczo-behawio-ralnych, koncepcje oparte na uważności.
Do lat 90. XX w. zniekształcenia i błędy pamięci rzadko były przedmiotem badań eksperymentalnych.... more Do lat 90. XX w. zniekształcenia i błędy pamięci rzadko były przedmiotem badań eksperymentalnych. Błędy uznawano wcześniej "za efekt zgadywania, który powinien być kontrolowany lub eliminowany z odpowiedzi uczestników badania" (N i e d ź w i e ń s k a, 2004). Eksperymenty takich badaczy jak Barlett, Bransford czy wreszcie E. F. Loftus doprowadziły do podkreślenia znaczenia błędów oraz do wypracowania ich systematyzacji oraz modeli pamięci je uzasadniających. Zmiana spostrzegania natury błędów dała podwaliny pod powstanie psychologii zeznań świadków zdarzeń. Często to właśnie relacje naocznych świadków "bywają jedynym lub najważniejszym źródłem informacji o konkretnym przestępstwie" (C i o s e k, 2003, s. 94). Jak trafnie zauważa E. F. L o f t u s i G. L. W e l l s (2003, s. 149), ślad pamięciowy, tak samo jak dowód rzeczowy, "może być zanieczyszczony, utracony, zniszczony, jak również może doprowadzić do błędnych rekonstrukcji zdarzenia". Co więcej, tak samo, jak w przypadku dowodów rzeczowych, istotna jest metoda zbierania danych, gdyż wpływa ona na celność i dokładność wniosków. W tej pracy główny nacisk kładziony będzie na mechanizmy kodowania i przechowywania danych.
Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2014
Aim of the study. The aim of this study was to translate and evaluate the Polish version of the C... more Aim of the study. The aim of this study was to translate and evaluate the Polish version of the Cognitive Triad Inventory (CTI), an instrument developed to measure the cognitive triad conceptualized by Beck as an important variable in depression. subject or material and methods. A sample of N=86 adults included depressed, non-depressed and prisoners completed a survey test battery comprised of CTI, CES-D, and STAI.
Results: This study provided evidence for the reliability and validity of the Polish CTI. Exploratory factor analysis showed the one-factor model to best fit the data, as in the American version. discussion. The division into self, world, and future is an unwieldy taxonomy with highly overlapping categories. Because the three-factor model did not fit the data very well it is suggested that it would be reasonable to label that one CTI factor “Self-Relevant Negative Attitude”.
Conclusions, This study examined the psychometric properties and factor structure of the CTI on both clinical and nonclinical samples, and confirms that CTI may be used to measure the cognitive triad. Eval- uation of suicidal ideation was also discussed.
Odpowiedź na komentarz dotyczący kampanii "Psychologia to nauka, nie czary" napisany przez pracow... more Odpowiedź na komentarz dotyczący kampanii "Psychologia to nauka, nie czary" napisany przez pracowników naukowych Uczelni Heleny Chodkowskiej w Warszawie Odnosząc się do komentarza prof. nadzw. dr hab. Katarzyny Stęplewskiej-Żakowicz i mgr Bartosza Szymczyka (2012), chcemy w pierwszym miejscu podziękować za pierwszy poważny i w znacznej mierze merytoryczny głos dotyczący przeprowadzonej przez nas akcji "Psychologia to nauka, nie czary". Cieszy nas to, iż głoszone przez nas postulaty dotyczące stosowania rzetelnych i wiarygodnych narzędzi diagnostycznych spotkały się z poparciem ze strony całego grona naukowców podpisanych pod stanowiskiem wyżej wymienionych autorów. Nie możemy zgodzić się jednak z niektórymi zarzutami formułowanymi co do podjętych przez nas metod działania.
Suicydologia, Jan 1, 2008
The main principle of therapy is to respect the patient’s right to make their own decisions. But ... more The main principle of therapy is to respect the patient’s right to make their own decisions. But how to deal with this principle when the patient wants to commit suicide? In the Polish literature of suicide, we can find many contradictory positions. On the one hand, it is said, that we do not have the right to deter a motivated person from committing suicide if this is their internal desire. Rescuing from suicide forces the therapist to take the responsibility for the patient’s further hopeless life. If we want to reinforce one’s wish to live, we must give them a reason to continue their living. On the other hand, it is said that the therapist should always be on the side of life, even when they meet with inconceivable grief. So how can a therapist reconcile the respect for the patient’s decision and the prevention of their suicide? Cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques may be very helpful in coping with this dilemma.
Books by Andrzej Śliwerski
Papers by Andrzej Śliwerski
Methods: In total, 293 women with regular cycles took part in the study. The subjects were exposed to failure during the follicular phase or luteal phase, as appropriate, and the attributional style of failure, cognitive triad inventory (CTI) and presence of biased information processing were determined. The mood of the sub- jects before and after failure was measured, and the depressive mood was screened by CES-D. The occurrence of PMS/PMDD was assessed on the basis of PSST.
Results: The women suffering from PMS/PMDD differed from those without PMS in terms of the cognitive triad, the use of positive and negative adjectives when describing themselves and biased information processing. In the luteal cycle phase, consider- ably greater sadness and irritation were observed in women with PMS/PMDD after experiencing failure, but only in those from the group not taking oral contraceptives.
Conclusions: Negative cognitive styles are an important factor in the development of PMS/PMDD. PMDD is similar to major depres- sion regarding cognitive vulnerability. Only in the case of PMDD was biased information processing in the luteal cycle phase recorded.
Results: This study provided evidence for the reliability and validity of the Polish CTI. Exploratory factor analysis showed the one-factor model to best fit the data, as in the American version. discussion. The division into self, world, and future is an unwieldy taxonomy with highly overlapping categories. Because the three-factor model did not fit the data very well it is suggested that it would be reasonable to label that one CTI factor “Self-Relevant Negative Attitude”.
Conclusions, This study examined the psychometric properties and factor structure of the CTI on both clinical and nonclinical samples, and confirms that CTI may be used to measure the cognitive triad. Eval- uation of suicidal ideation was also discussed.
Books by Andrzej Śliwerski
Methods: In total, 293 women with regular cycles took part in the study. The subjects were exposed to failure during the follicular phase or luteal phase, as appropriate, and the attributional style of failure, cognitive triad inventory (CTI) and presence of biased information processing were determined. The mood of the sub- jects before and after failure was measured, and the depressive mood was screened by CES-D. The occurrence of PMS/PMDD was assessed on the basis of PSST.
Results: The women suffering from PMS/PMDD differed from those without PMS in terms of the cognitive triad, the use of positive and negative adjectives when describing themselves and biased information processing. In the luteal cycle phase, consider- ably greater sadness and irritation were observed in women with PMS/PMDD after experiencing failure, but only in those from the group not taking oral contraceptives.
Conclusions: Negative cognitive styles are an important factor in the development of PMS/PMDD. PMDD is similar to major depres- sion regarding cognitive vulnerability. Only in the case of PMDD was biased information processing in the luteal cycle phase recorded.
Results: This study provided evidence for the reliability and validity of the Polish CTI. Exploratory factor analysis showed the one-factor model to best fit the data, as in the American version. discussion. The division into self, world, and future is an unwieldy taxonomy with highly overlapping categories. Because the three-factor model did not fit the data very well it is suggested that it would be reasonable to label that one CTI factor “Self-Relevant Negative Attitude”.
Conclusions, This study examined the psychometric properties and factor structure of the CTI on both clinical and nonclinical samples, and confirms that CTI may be used to measure the cognitive triad. Eval- uation of suicidal ideation was also discussed.