Papers by Irving de Vellasco
[Português] Este trabalho propõe-se a apresentar o substrato e os três marcos principais da traje... more [Português] Este trabalho propõe-se a apresentar o substrato e os três marcos principais da trajetória da política externa dos Estados Unidos da América para a América Latina durante o pouco mais de um século e meio desde o último quartel do século XVIII até os anos 1930 e 1940, no contexto da Segunda Guerra Mundial. São trazidos, portanto, elementos que elucidam ou ilustram os comportamentos e os procedimentos dos Estados Unidos para com os seus vizinhos de continente e, marginalmente, mas não de forma dissociada, para com as potências européias, com as quais os estadunidenses competiam por influência econômica e política no hemisfério ocidental. Num segundo momento, demonstrar-se-á como um redirecionamento revisionista na política externa dos Estados Unidos para a região suscitado na década de 1930, aliado ao contexto internacional, favoreceu a concretização do projeto de desenvolvimento do Brasil imaginado por Getúlio Vargas.
[English] This work aims to show the roots of the three main milestones of the American foreign policy for Latin America throughout the one and a half century comprehending the period between the last quarter of the 18th century and decades of 1930 and 1940, in the context of the World War II. Therefore, elements such as excerpts from political leaders’ statements and speeches will be presented in order to elucidate and illustrate the US behavior and proceedings concerning its neighbors and, marginally but not dissociated from, the European powers as well, with whom they competed for economic and political influence in the Western hemisphere. Secondly, it will be presented how a revisionist diversion on the US foreign policy for Latin America given rise during the 1930s, coupled with the international context of that time, provided the achievement of Getúlio Vargas’ development project for Brazil.
O presente artigo pretende tratar do chamado “Ciclo Holandês”, apresentando e explicando de modo ... more O presente artigo pretende tratar do chamado “Ciclo Holandês”, apresentando e explicando de modo abreviado as causas principais que fizeram das Províncias Unidas a hegemonia inconteste durante boa parte do século XVII.
Resenha crítica elaborada para a disciplina de Mudanças Sociais Contemporâneas do Curso de Ciênci... more Resenha crítica elaborada para a disciplina de Mudanças Sociais Contemporâneas do Curso de Ciências Sociais, com base em ADELMAN, Miriam. "Visões da Pós-modernidade: discursos e perspectivas teóricas". In: Sociologias. Porto Alegre, ano 11, nº 21, jan./jun. 2009, pp. 184-217. VIEIRA, Irving Elias de Vellasco.
Papers by Irving de Vellasco
[English] This work aims to show the roots of the three main milestones of the American foreign policy for Latin America throughout the one and a half century comprehending the period between the last quarter of the 18th century and decades of 1930 and 1940, in the context of the World War II. Therefore, elements such as excerpts from political leaders’ statements and speeches will be presented in order to elucidate and illustrate the US behavior and proceedings concerning its neighbors and, marginally but not dissociated from, the European powers as well, with whom they competed for economic and political influence in the Western hemisphere. Secondly, it will be presented how a revisionist diversion on the US foreign policy for Latin America given rise during the 1930s, coupled with the international context of that time, provided the achievement of Getúlio Vargas’ development project for Brazil.
[English] This work aims to show the roots of the three main milestones of the American foreign policy for Latin America throughout the one and a half century comprehending the period between the last quarter of the 18th century and decades of 1930 and 1940, in the context of the World War II. Therefore, elements such as excerpts from political leaders’ statements and speeches will be presented in order to elucidate and illustrate the US behavior and proceedings concerning its neighbors and, marginally but not dissociated from, the European powers as well, with whom they competed for economic and political influence in the Western hemisphere. Secondly, it will be presented how a revisionist diversion on the US foreign policy for Latin America given rise during the 1930s, coupled with the international context of that time, provided the achievement of Getúlio Vargas’ development project for Brazil.