Rolf Bambauer
Curriculum VitaeRolf Bambauer, M.D., Ph.D.,Born: 20. June 1943Home Address: Frankenstrasse 4, 66424 Homburg/Saar, GermanyTelephone: 0049/6841/68500, Fax: 0049/68416/68561 E-Mail: [email protected]: 1969 – 1974: University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, GermanyPostgraduate Training: 1975 – 1982: Internal Medicine, Fellow in Nephrology, University of Saarland , 66424 Homburg/Saar, GermanyScientific Certification: 1976: Medical Doctor, 1985: Habilitation, PrivatdozentProfessional Experience: 1980 – 1990: Head of the Department of Nephrology, University of Saarland, Homburg/Saar, Germany. 1990 – 2008: Private praxis, Institute for Blood Purifica-tion with Dialysis and Apheresis, Homburg/Saar, Germany. Research Activition: Therapeutic Plasma Exchange, LDL-Apheresis, Immunoadsorption, Vascular Access, Catheter Technology, Dialysis Technology, Cancer Therapy. Scientific Activities: 270 Publications, 6 Books, 10 Special Issues, 345 Oral Presentations (most in English). Since 2008: RetirementHomburg, 18.1.2018
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