Papers by Cecilia Murniati
This study is a part of educational R and D cycles which focuses on the needs of digital-based co... more This study is a part of educational R and D cycles which focuses on the needs of digital-based communicative competence assessment instrument for bilingual program teachers. This study involved 35 bilingual program teachers and 10 assessors in Central Java as participants of focus group discussion. To support the qualitative approach employed in this study, the writers also used semi open-ended questionnaire, and in-depth interviews as the research instruments. The findings of this study showed the positive perceptions towards digital CCA instrument and the expected features of digital-based CCA to enhance teachers’ professional developmen

Recent studies have suggested that teachers" beliefs have a significant influence on actual ... more Recent studies have suggested that teachers" beliefs have a significant influence on actual classroom practice and, consequently, on students" achievements. However, little research has been done to investigate the influence of Indonesian language policy and teachers" beliefs. The study reported seeks to examine the influence of English language policy on pre-service teacher's beliefs about the teaching of English language grammar in Indonesian schools. The research participants were pre-service teachers who have taken the subjects of Structure, Teaching Methods, and Micro-teaching in three public and private universities in Central Java and Yogyakarta Special District. Due to time and scheduling limitations, the sampling method used in this study was convenient sampling. Documentation, survey schedules, interviews, focus group discussions were used to gather the data. The findings revealed that although the language policy in Indonesia has put English language te...

2018 2nd International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences (ICICoS), 2018
Educative games are trending among students. Games can be used to support student learning. Diffi... more Educative games are trending among students. Games can be used to support student learning. Difficulties in completing a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) can be helped by doing game exercises that are similar to the actual test conditions. The TOEFL learning method while playing the game becomes an interesting project, to see how students can use the game experience to master the skills needed for doing a TOEFL. In this study a mobile educative game application is created to understand the TOEFL test that has many features. The Tommy & Pokina TOEFL-Like App Game is one game that is expected to be used to improve students' TOEFL abilities. In seeing the results of the students' TOEFL as game players, the integration of games with information systems makes it easy for teachers to get the information quickly. This article shares how the information system help facilitate fast and good data management of the students' TOEFL results.
Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu para guru mempersiapkan para murid SD St Yusup dalam mengha... more Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu para guru mempersiapkan para murid SD St Yusup dalam menghadapi tes akhir, memperluas jejaring kerjasama Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Unika Soegijapranata dengan SD St Yusup. sekaligus menjadi tempat pelatihan para mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni yang menjadi asisten kegiatan ini terutama dalam kaitannya dengan mata kuliah pengajaran Bahasa Inggris.

The recent spread of technological innovation along with the sophistication of the ICT gadgets ha... more The recent spread of technological innovation along with the sophistication of the ICT gadgets have shapped and transformed the realm of learning and teaching including in that of English Language. Alongside, ICT has become more and more inextricable part of human businesses and put a higher level of demand for technological literacy in the part of English learners in order for them to be convident in the digital era membership and participation. This study surveyed 400 high school students as regards: (a) their ICT gadgets perceived ownership; (b) their day-to-day outside and in-school use and; (c) their activities using ICT gadgets for English learning. Findings from the descriptive analyses of the mixed-method study, disclose the positive perception about the gadget ownership. Interestingly, the current study also discovers that there has been a mismatch between the positively perceived ownership of the ICT gadgets and the real day-to-day use as facilitative media for learning, i...

Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching and Literature, 2012
One of the responsibilities of higher educational institutions is to enhance students' charac... more One of the responsibilities of higher educational institutions is to enhance students' character building and soft skills. The disjuncture between institutions' expectation in educating their students and students' perceptions on the benefit of their teaching and learning processes necessitates a paradigm shift in the college curriculum. Given that universities prepare students to be an individual and a member of a society, college curriculum, therefore, should enhance students' experience both academically and nonacademically. This paper attempts to propose a modest and brief preliminary proposal for curricular change for English Departments in Indonesia. The proposal includes the proposal for five elements of curricular revision - purpose, learner, content, instructional processes, and evaluation and assessment.
Banyak orang beranggapan lulusan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia tidak siap kerja. Karena itu tahun... more Banyak orang beranggapan lulusan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia tidak siap kerja. Karena itu tahun 2012 Dikti merancang Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) sebagai paradigma baru pendidikan tinggi. Upaya itu guna menyelaraskan capaian pembelajaran pada perguruan tinggi dan dunia kerja.

Recent studies have suggested that teachers‟ beliefs have a significant influence on actual class... more Recent studies have suggested that teachers‟ beliefs have a significant influence on actual classroom practice and, consequently, on students‟ achievements. However, little research has been done to investigate the influence of Indonesian language policy and teachers‟ beliefs. The study reported seeks to examine the influence of English language policy on pre-service teacher's beliefs about the teaching of English language grammar in Indonesian schools. The research participants were pre-service teachers who have taken the subjects of Structure, Teaching Methods, and Micro-teaching in three public and private universities in Central Java and Yogyakarta Special District. Due to time and scheduling limitations, the sampling method used in this study was convenient sampling. Documentation, survey schedules, interviews, focus group discussions were used to gather the data. The findings revealed that although the language policy in Indonesia has put English language teaching and lear...
Abstract: Research indicates that human perception about technologies determines the attitudes to... more Abstract: Research indicates that human perception about technologies determines the attitudes towards them (Aviram & Tami, 2004). Thus, prior to attempting to make use of the technology for teaching, understanding of users’ perceptions or beliefs about ICTs is crucial to be established. The purpose of this study is to understand how technologies are used and perceived by the students and how much the technological gadgets have been used for English-skill-related activities. The study employs descriptive quantitative method by which data were collected through questionnaire surveys. This paper will discuss the preliminary findings of an on-going study on the above issues. Implication that this study informs EFL in Indonesia in that technologies indeed have a significant role in school environment and may be optimized for learning purposes will be discussed.

A large body of literature has discussed the benefits and the shortcomings of the use of games in... more A large body of literature has discussed the benefits and the shortcomings of the use of games in education. Studies in this area of inquiry have indicated that games are not significantly correlated to student academic performance. Rather, they facilitate knowledge acquisition and sharing among students. However, implications from existing literature on the use of games in education suggest that futher research needs to be done to explore how games are used to enhance students’ social and problem-solving skills. This study attempts to investigate students’ perception of the collaborative task of game making for language classrooms and the challenges in creating such games. To address the research questions in this study, we used Role Play Game Maker MV to create a customized game for a language classroom. We employed both qualitative and quantitative method to address the research questions. The findings suggest that students viewed the collaborative task of making a game interesti...

Digital technology has been changing the landscape of higher education teaching and learning. Exi... more Digital technology has been changing the landscape of higher education teaching and learning. Existing literature on students‘ attitude on technology in the classroom shows that students are highly adaptable in using sophisticated technology for communication and for educational purposes. However, in order to be able to make the most of technology, students need guidance. Research on technology-based projects for knowledge sharing indicates that students have highly favorable opinions toward active learning strategies where students can contribute significantly to the collective knowledge. While the impact of technology on the academic achievement shows mixed results, numerous studies highlight the benefits of the use of technology on students‘ retention rate, class engagement, teamwork skill, and students‘ undergraduate education satisfaction. This paper discusses the results of a collaborative technologybased project and its implications on undergraduate educational policies. We e...
Proceedings of DIALOGO-CONF 2020, 2020

Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature, 2016
Recent studies have suggested that teachers beliefs have a significant influence on actual classr... more Recent studies have suggested that teachers beliefs have a significant influence on actual classroom practice and, consequently, on students achievements. However, little research has been done to investigate the influence of Indonesian language policy and teachers beliefs. The study reported seeks to examine the influence of English language policy on pre-service teacher's beliefs about the teaching of English language grammar in Indonesian schools. The research participants were pre-service teachers who have taken the subjects of Structure, Teaching Methods, and Micro-teaching in three public and private universities in Central Java and Yogyakarta Special District. Due to time and scheduling limitations, the sampling method used in this study was convenient sampling. Documentation, survey schedules, interviews, focus group discussions were used to gather the data. The findings revealed that although the language policy in Indonesia has put English language teaching and learnin...

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat - Sendimas 2016, 2016
Program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memperluas gerakan pemberdayaan komunitas buruh... more Program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memperluas gerakan pemberdayaan komunitas buruh tani dan nelayan, mendiseminasi kegiatan Lembaga Pendampingan Buruh Tani dan Nelayan (LPUBTN) kepada khalayak luas dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi yang tersedia, meningkatkan literasi teknologi para pengelola dan relawan yang berkecimpung dalam kegiatan pendampingan LPUBTN, serta menjalin kemitraaan yang strategis antara Unika Soegijaranata dan Keuskupan Agung Semarang melalui pemanfatan teknologi informasi dan media sosial. Data untuk membuat situs dan mengintegrasikan media sosial dalam situs didapat dengan wawancara dengan pengelola dan relawan. Saat ini situs sudah berfungsi dan pengelola situs sudah menggunakan program ini untuk memperbarui kegiatan pendampingan. Namun demikian, di masa mendatang, situs dan media sosial yang digunakan oleh LPUBTN harus di evaluasi ulang untuk mengetahui apakah program kerja lembaga diketahui banyak orang dan apakah situs ini berpengaruh terhadap diseminasi informasi lembaga tersebut. Kata kunci: teknologi informasi, media sosial, pemberdayaan, buruh tani, nelayan.
Papers by Cecilia Murniati