departamento de filosofía • facultad de ciencias humanas • universidad nacional de colombia
O Que nos faz pensar, Jun 1, 1997
Archives internationales d'histoire des idées, 2013
Discurso, Dec 30, 2022
O artigo responde a duas perguntas: o que Montaigne entende por experiência? Como ele constrói su... more O artigo responde a duas perguntas: o que Montaigne entende por experiência? Como ele constrói sua ciência de si mesmo com base na experiência? Há diversos tipos de experiência e é preciso compreender como cada tipo permite a construção de sua ciência. Aprende-se da experiência coletiva da prática jurídica pelo contraexemplo; da experiência interna da alma pelo exemplo tomado a contrapelo; e, por fim, pelo exemplo da experiência pura, aprendem-se as regras para a saúde corporal.

Resumen: Este artículo busca identificar las razones que llevaron a Hume a adoptar lo que él llam... more Resumen: Este artículo busca identificar las razones que llevaron a Hume a adoptar lo que él llamó escepticismo mitigado. En primer lugar defiende que nadie empieza a filosofar siendo un escéptico, ni siquiera cuando adopta un escepticismo antecedente de tipo cartesiano. En segundo lugar arguye que Hume juzgó que los argumentos escépticos tradicionales, basados en el método de la antinomia, incluso los de Bayle, no son decisivos para convertir a alguien en un escéptico, ya que en general admiten respuesta y son débiles. Después de establecer la confianza de Hume en su ciencia empírica de la naturaleza humana, muestra, en tercer lugar, que los buenos argumentos que pueden llevar a alguien a adoptar el escepticismo están basados en los descubrimientos de esa ciencia. Es fundamental percatarse de que esa ciencia denuncia los principios del entendimiento como imperfectos, involucrando errores, confusiones, falacias y contradicciones. Así, Hume revela la importancia que el empirismo y la doctrina de los ídolos de Bacon tuvieron para su escepticismo mitigado. Finalmente, una breve comparación entre la «Conclusión» del libro I con la «Conclusión» del libro III del Tratado confirma la interpretación de que los argumentos escépticos más fuertes dependen del descubrimiento de defectos constitutivos de la mente humana. Palabras-clave: escepticismo; pirronismo; método de la antinomia; ciencia empírica; suspensión del juicio; creencia.
Cuadernos salmantinos de filosofía, Nov 14, 2022
The aim of this paper is to assess Wittgenstein's later philosophy relation to skepticism. Despit... more The aim of this paper is to assess Wittgenstein's later philosophy relation to skepticism. Despite the fact that he explicitly rejects it, it is argued that his conception of philosophy has strong affinities to ancient Pyrrhonism, and not to Humean skepticism, as some claim. Among other features, it is highlighted that both Wittgenstein and the ancient Pyrrhonist think of philosophy as a therapy requiring some specific abilities, whose goal is to bring about tranquility, leaving everyday life as it is without any dogmatic commitment. Lastly, it is suggested that Wittgenstein renewed this skeptical tradition inventing a new method, or methods, to achieve this goal.
Dialogue, 2008
ABSTRACTIn his critical period, Kant thought that scepticism was a threat to the metaphysical ent... more ABSTRACTIn his critical period, Kant thought that scepticism was a threat to the metaphysical enterprise of Enlightenment. He consequently tried to tackle three of its species: Baylean scepticism, which doubts that reason could establish any truth concerning its ideas; Humean scepticism, which must be distinguished from Hume's formulation of the problem if we want to show that synthetica priorijudgements are possible; and Cartesian scepticism, which puts in doubt the reference of empirical concepts to things in the external world. Kant's treatment reveals the fundamental role played by scepticism in his critical enterprise not only as a triple challenge to the critical project, but also as an ally against idealist dogmatism.
We examine the development and impact of the study of philosophical skepticism throughout Latin A... more We examine the development and impact of the study of philosophical skepticism throughout Latin America, highlighting some significant trends and important contributions made to this venerable tradition by a number of Latin American philosophers.
Hermann eBooks, Nov 14, 2014

Philosophical studies series, 2019
Though no theory about reflection is advanced, some things are said about philosophical reflectio... more Though no theory about reflection is advanced, some things are said about philosophical reflection and how one should pursue philosophical investigation. I think that the most important clash in philosophy is the conflict between skeptics and dogmatists. First, I recall some of their mutual criticisms. This sets the criterion according to which we shall decide their dispute. Then, I describe philosophical investigation as a kind of reflection which has two complementary sides: on the one hand, philosophers reflect on ordinary thinking, trying to produce a better view of the world; on the other, they reflect on the philosophical results of this first reflection. I suggest that while skeptics and dogmatists pursue truth in philosophical investigation, they do it using different sorts of abilities and under different conditions. Accordingly, there is a skeptical reflection and a dogmatic reflection both on ordinary and on philosophical beliefs. In the final section, I argue for the superiority of the skeptical stance, which may be called neo-Pyrrhonism. In my view, the neo-Pyrrhonist is more truthful to the philosophical criterion of impartiality and rationality, whereas dogmatists move away from it at some point. I also explain why skeptics can suspend judgment and investigate the truth at the same time, while they accuse dogmatists of rashness, interrupting their investigation too soon. The basic point is to realize that, in the case of the Pyrrhonian skeptic, tranquility is no longer a product of philosophical investigation, but one of its conditions.
Archives internationales d'histoire des idées, 2013