Papers by Caroline Hagemeyer
Patient information leaaet (PIL) is the oocial label for the written information that accompanies... more Patient information leaaet (PIL) is the oocial label for the written information that accompanies medicines and that is intended to maximize the eeec-tive use of the medicine (van der Waarde, 2004). However, studies show that this information is not simply ineeciently conveyed (Pander Maat and Lentz, 2011) but that it can even introduce health risks. This article examines the adequacy of the PILs included in a sample of over-the-counter medicines sold in the UK and in Brazil. The analysis focuses on textual characteristics of the warning sections of the PILs, in order to assess their readability and intelligibility. We also note that there are occasions when a consumer, although able to read and understand the text, may not realise the signiicance or the importance of the warning, as it is not expressed suuciently strongly. In examining this problem we draw on Tiersma's (2002: 55) observation that a good warning "is one in such form that could reasonably be expected to catc...
Language and Law / Linguagem e Direito é uma revista gratuita publicada exclusivamente online, su... more Language and Law / Linguagem e Direito é uma revista gratuita publicada exclusivamente online, sujeita a revisão por pares, publicada semestralmente e disponível no website da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto Os materiais para publicação deverão ser enviados por email para o endereço da revista ([email protected]), e devem seguir as instruções disponíveis no final deste volume. As propostas de recensão de livros devem ser enviadas para [email protected]. Os resumos de teses de doutoramento devem ser enviados para a Editora de
ATTENTION! READ IT CAREFULLY! ON THE (IN)EFFICIENCY OF WARNING LABELS CAROLINE DE ARAÚJO PUPO HAG... more ATTENTION! READ IT CAREFULLY! ON THE (IN)EFFICIENCY OF WARNING LABELS CAROLINE DE ARAÚJO PUPO HAGEMEYER UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA CATARINA 2016 Supervising Professor: Dr. Richard Malcolm Coulthard Warning labels and Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) play an important role in risk prevention. However, there is evidence that if they are inefficient, consumers are forced to make inferences that may well be different from those intended by the author. Unfortunately, misinferences can lead consumers to adopt behavior that results in serious consequences, which could have been avoided by efficient warnings. A recent area in the Law (Tiersma, 2002), product liability, which deals with cases where the consumer suffers any kind of injury, has been attracting the interest of some Forensic Linguists, who have been working as expert witness aiming at evaluating whether the warning labels and PILs inform consumers clearly about either the potential risks or how to use the products safely. ...
THE ROLE OF TEACHER-STUDENT INTERACTION IN THE PROCESS OF READING ENGAGEMENT OF EFL ADOLESCENT ST... more THE ROLE OF TEACHER-STUDENT INTERACTION IN THE PROCESS OF READING ENGAGEMENT OF EFL ADOLESCENT STUDENTS CAROLINE DE ARAÚJO PUPO HAGEMEYER UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA CATARINA 2005 Supervising Professor: Dr. Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch The purpose of this work is to analyze EFL teachers’ practice in order to examine how it is related to students’ reading motivation. These teachers’ practice is discussed in terms of pedagogical procedures and feedback given to students. Three teachers and sixty seven students from both public and private schools in Guarapuava, Paraná, Brazil, participated in the study. The data were collected through a questionnaire applied to the three EFL teachers, video recording of the classes of these teachers and a questionnaire administered to the students who attended the observed classes. The results demonstrated that motivation is a multi-dimensional construct. Although it is not possible to identify all of its components and the relationship between them (Dö...
Cadernos De Linguagem E Sociedade, Nov 10, 2013
This article is concerned with Product Warnings. We review what linguists Dumas, Fraser and Shuy ... more This article is concerned with Product Warnings. We review what linguists Dumas, Fraser and Shuy have said about the definition and evaluation of Warnings before moving on to examine real world texts. We then analyse in detail a set of Brazilian hair dye warnings in order to see what comprehension problems they create for their Readers and in what ways they are deficient. The article ends with a detailed analysis of a set of warning texts taken from a Canadian court case in which a man was suing a company that manufactured BBQs for compensation after a BBQ exploded causing third degree burns to his son. He claimed that the product warnings were inadequate.
Revista Intertexto
A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida em duas escolas de educação básica da rede pública no interi... more A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida em duas escolas de educação básica da rede pública no interior do Paraná, com as respectivas professoras de língua inglesa do Ensino Médio (EM), e com quatro alunas-professoras do último ano de um curso de licenciatura em Letras Inglês. As discussões teóricas desenvolvidas com as alunas-professoras e professoras foram embasadas em estudos realizados por pesquisadores como Meurer (2000), Heberle e Meurer (2006), entre outros, que têm se preocupado com uma pedagogia baseada em gêneros, com suporte na Lingüística Sistêmico Funcional (Halliday, 1994). Por meio deste estudo, buscamos proporcionar momentos de discussão sobre formas de atuação com ensino de língua inglesa para o EM. A partir dessas discussões com as professoras sobre a viabilização e resultados das atividades propostas pelas alunas-professoras e desenvolvidas com os alunos do EM, foi possível auxiliar o aluno do EM a desenvolver seu senso crítico, em relação a sua posição na sociedade.
Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade - Papers on Language and Society
This article is concerned with Product Warnings. We review what linguists Dumas, Fraser and Shuy ... more This article is concerned with Product Warnings. We review what linguists Dumas, Fraser and Shuy have said about the definition and evaluation of Warnings before moving on to examine real world texts. We then analyse in detail a set of Brazilian hair dye warnings in order to see what comprehension problems they create for their Readers and in what ways they are deficient. The article ends with a detailed analysis of a set of warning texts taken from a Canadian court case in which a man was suing a company that manufactured BBQs for compensation after a BBQ exploded causing third degree burns to his son. He claimed that the product warnings were inadequate.
A Linguística Forense é uma disciplina recente que vem ganhando prestígio tanto no meio acadêmico... more A Linguística Forense é uma disciplina recente que vem ganhando prestígio tanto no meio acadêmico quanto no judicial. É uma área interdisciplinar e preocupase com questões de cunho linguístico relacionadas ao Direito. O início dessa disciplina é marcado por duas publicações: The Language of the Law, de David Mellinkoff (1963) e The Evan's Statements, de Ian Startvik (1968). Entretanto, poucos trabalhos foram publicados nos anos subsequentes. A década de 1990 marca o amadurecimento da disciplina com um significativo número de publicações e, principalmente, com a criação da International Association of Forensic Linguistics (IAFL), em 1993, e da International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, em 1994. No Brasil, a Linguística Forense está se estabelecendo, contando com algumas publicações, dois congressos (um deles promovido pela UNICAP -Recife, em 2012, e outro sediado na UFSC -Florianópolis, em 2013), além de uma Associação de Linguagem e Direito (ALIDI), que foi fundada em 2012. The Routledge Handbook of Forensic Linguistics é uma excelente introdução, que convida o leitor a navegar pelos principais tópicos da Linguística Forense e destina-se a estudantes de Linguística, linguistas forenses e profissionais do Direito. Os autores são profissionais de prestígio, sendo que muitos deles já participaram de inúmeras audiências como peritos em Linguística. O resultado é uma magnífica coleção de artigos que, por meio de observações, análises de textos e exemplos de 1 Doutoranda em Língua Inglesa na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) com pesquisa na área da Linguística Forense.
This article is concerned with Product Warnings. We review what linguists Dumas, Fraser and Shuy ... more This article is concerned with Product Warnings. We review what linguists Dumas, Fraser and Shuy have said about the definition and evaluation of Warnings before moving on to examine real world texts. We then analyse in detail a set of Brazilian hair dye warnings in order to see what comprehension problems they create for their Readers and in what ways they are deficient. The article ends with a detailed analysis of a set of warning texts taken from a Canadian court case in which a man was suing a company that manufactured BBQs for compensation after a BBQ exploded causing third degree burns to his son. He claimed that the product warnings were inadequate.
Papers by Caroline Hagemeyer