Papers by Flavia Usai
Erga/Logoi 12.1, 2024
The essay examines the role of the poristai, a financial magistracy that functioned in Athens bet... more The essay examines the role of the poristai, a financial magistracy that functioned in Athens between the 5th and 4th centuries BC, and to which scholars have devoted scarce attention. The importance that Athens ascribed to the poroi was a central factor in its politics from as early as the 5th century. Management of the Athenian economy underwent a series of substantial changes from the end of the Peloponnesian War onwards, and since the state required increasingly specialized financial management skills, these authorities seem to have played a prominent role. The difficult economic situation that ensued from the Sicilian defeat of 413 had necessitated the creation of this unusual board of magistrates known as the poristai, whose unusual task was most likely that of administering public funds and state revenues. This essay focuses on references to the board in ancient sources, and on the often ‘technical’ use of the verb porizo, in order to shed light on the functions and identity of some of these magistrates, and on the possibility that this initially anomalous office gradually gained a permanent status during the 4th century.
Crisi e Resilienza. Atti della Summer School 2022, (a cura di) A. Barzanò, C. Bearzot, E. Chiocchetti, 2023
The role of the economy in Athenian politics has been prominent since the
second half of the fift... more The role of the economy in Athenian politics has been prominent since the
second half of the fifth century BC. The consideration of the political and
financial crises that affected Athens has made it possible to detect significant changes in the management of financial resources between the fifth and fourth centuries. We will try to demonstrate how, often, a state of emergency has led to change, even in the long term, transforming initially extraordinary institutions into indispensable means for maintaining the management of the economy. The establishment of extraordinary magistracies, the specialization of public offices, the complexity reached by the Athenian financial system are a non-negligible index.
Rhesis, International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 2020
This paper intends to provide new evidence to support the thesis which recognises a primary inter... more This paper intends to provide new evidence to support the thesis which recognises a primary interest in the topicality of
Athens in Aristophanes’ last comic production. It therefore focuses on the case of Ecclesiazusae and on the rhetoric of
soteria. Starting from 411 BCE, the slogan of soteria tes poleos became recurrent in Athenian political language: the
opposing factions tried to lay claim to the theme of salvation, ascribing the ability to overcome the emergency to their
political manifesto. This opposition is evident in Ecclesiazusae, where Aristophanes does not simply recall traumatic
events but uses the case of soteria in a continuous dialogue between Athens’ past and the present. The numerous
occurrences of the concept do not seem fortuitous in 392/391, during a new war between Athens and Sparta. The aim of
this paper is to prove that the references to the Athenian past, to the institutional irregularities and the recovery of the
theme of soteria, represented the denunciation of oligarchic manipulation to undermine democratic institutions from
within, and also the demagogic action of popular leaders. They even used the slogan of salvation to impose their political
vision: in conclusion, this was the real emergency from which the polis had to be saved.
Course Presentation by Flavia Usai
Introduzione Nel pensiero contemporaneo sussistono tutt'oggi ampi dibattiti sulla nozione di gius... more Introduzione Nel pensiero contemporaneo sussistono tutt'oggi ampi dibattiti sulla nozione di giustizia e sulla variabilità del suo campo di applicazione; varietà dovuta, oggi come nella Grecia antica, alle differenti formulazioni di giustizia e alle conseguenti diverse interpretazioni (relativamente anche all'ambito linguistico).
La verità e l'inganno: il potere della parola nella retorica gorgiana
L’oggetto al centro di questa relazione è l’assetto costituzionale di Atene negli anni 480/79-463... more L’oggetto al centro di questa relazione è l’assetto costituzionale di Atene negli anni 480/79-463/2 a.C., quei diciassette anni in cui l’Areopago ricevette tanto prestigio al termine delle Guerre Persiane da instaurare un’egemonia.
Talks by Flavia Usai
Introduzione 16.00 Stefan Schorn (KU Leuven) Riflessioni sulle biografie dei diadochi in P. Oxy. ... more Introduzione 16.00 Stefan Schorn (KU Leuven) Riflessioni sulle biografie dei diadochi in P. Oxy. 5535 16.30 Elena Franchi (Università di Trento) οὐ μικρὸν οὖν τοῦτο καὶ πρὸς δόξαν αὐτῷ καὶ δύναμιν ὑπῆρχεν (Plut. Cleom. XVIII 1). L'antica inimicizia tra Argo e Sparta nelle Vite plutarchee 17.00 Pausa 17.30 Francesca Cau (Università di Trento) La Vita di Pompeo di Plutarco come fonte storica: maneggiare con cura 18.
Manipolazione e percezione. Forme e modi di comunicazione persuasiva nel mondo antico (Cagliari, 25-27 settembre), 2019
Cagliari, 25-26-27 settembre 2019 Facoltà di Studi Umanistici La partecipazione è valida come agg... more Cagliari, 25-26-27 settembre 2019 Facoltà di Studi Umanistici La partecipazione è valida come aggiornamento per i docenti degli Istituti Secondari di primo e secondo grado. La partecipazione a 4 sessioni del Convegno, insieme con la stesura di una breve relazione, darà diritto al conferimento di 1 CFU agli studenti dei corsi di "Lettere" e "Filologie e letterature classiche e moderne".
Papers by Flavia Usai
second half of the fifth century BC. The consideration of the political and
financial crises that affected Athens has made it possible to detect significant changes in the management of financial resources between the fifth and fourth centuries. We will try to demonstrate how, often, a state of emergency has led to change, even in the long term, transforming initially extraordinary institutions into indispensable means for maintaining the management of the economy. The establishment of extraordinary magistracies, the specialization of public offices, the complexity reached by the Athenian financial system are a non-negligible index.
Athens in Aristophanes’ last comic production. It therefore focuses on the case of Ecclesiazusae and on the rhetoric of
soteria. Starting from 411 BCE, the slogan of soteria tes poleos became recurrent in Athenian political language: the
opposing factions tried to lay claim to the theme of salvation, ascribing the ability to overcome the emergency to their
political manifesto. This opposition is evident in Ecclesiazusae, where Aristophanes does not simply recall traumatic
events but uses the case of soteria in a continuous dialogue between Athens’ past and the present. The numerous
occurrences of the concept do not seem fortuitous in 392/391, during a new war between Athens and Sparta. The aim of
this paper is to prove that the references to the Athenian past, to the institutional irregularities and the recovery of the
theme of soteria, represented the denunciation of oligarchic manipulation to undermine democratic institutions from
within, and also the demagogic action of popular leaders. They even used the slogan of salvation to impose their political
vision: in conclusion, this was the real emergency from which the polis had to be saved.
Course Presentation by Flavia Usai
Talks by Flavia Usai
second half of the fifth century BC. The consideration of the political and
financial crises that affected Athens has made it possible to detect significant changes in the management of financial resources between the fifth and fourth centuries. We will try to demonstrate how, often, a state of emergency has led to change, even in the long term, transforming initially extraordinary institutions into indispensable means for maintaining the management of the economy. The establishment of extraordinary magistracies, the specialization of public offices, the complexity reached by the Athenian financial system are a non-negligible index.
Athens in Aristophanes’ last comic production. It therefore focuses on the case of Ecclesiazusae and on the rhetoric of
soteria. Starting from 411 BCE, the slogan of soteria tes poleos became recurrent in Athenian political language: the
opposing factions tried to lay claim to the theme of salvation, ascribing the ability to overcome the emergency to their
political manifesto. This opposition is evident in Ecclesiazusae, where Aristophanes does not simply recall traumatic
events but uses the case of soteria in a continuous dialogue between Athens’ past and the present. The numerous
occurrences of the concept do not seem fortuitous in 392/391, during a new war between Athens and Sparta. The aim of
this paper is to prove that the references to the Athenian past, to the institutional irregularities and the recovery of the
theme of soteria, represented the denunciation of oligarchic manipulation to undermine democratic institutions from
within, and also the demagogic action of popular leaders. They even used the slogan of salvation to impose their political
vision: in conclusion, this was the real emergency from which the polis had to be saved.