M Cristina Secci
Translator and Associate professor at the Faculty of Humanistic Studies of University of Cagliari, in 2009 completed her PhD in Hispanic Philology at UAM, Madrid. She translated a number of Hispano-American authors, including J. Villoro, J. Ibargüengoitia, R. Bartra, N. Huidobro and M.A. Campos. In 2017 she was awarded the Best Translation Award by the Italian Association of Iberoamerican Studies (AISI) for "Il testimone" by Juan Villoro (Gran Vía, 2016).
She is the author of the books: "Con la imagen en el espejo. El autorretrato literario de Frida Kahlo" (UNAM,l 2009); "La realidad según yo la veo: la ley de Jorge Ibargüengoitia" (La Rana/Univ. de Guanajuato, 2013); "Eva Mameli Calvino. Gli anni cubani (1920-1925)" (Franco Angeli/Univ. di Cagliari, 2017).
She taught at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. She was a visiting researcher at the Inst. de Investigaciones Filológicas and at the Inst. de Investigaciones Sociales of the UNAM and at the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the Univ. de La Habana.
She coordinates Aulas Abiertas, Permanent Seminar of linguistic and literary studies on Latin America and the Caribbean at the Philology.
She is an individual member of the Italian Association of Latin American Studies (AISI), of the Italian Association of Hispanists (AISPI) and of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). She is part of Laboratorio di studi internazionali gramsciani (GramsciLab) and of Centro Interdip. di Studi sull’America Pluriversale (CISAP). Since 2016 she has been taking part in “Proyecto de estudio sobre filología, traducción y tradición clásicas" of the Universidad de La Habana.
She manages the series Dédalos for the Italian publisher Gran Vía and Tertulias for university publisher UNICApress. She is a member of the Scientific Committee for the publisher Editpress and the drafting committee of América Critica. She also works as an editorial coordinator for Ammentu.
She is the author of the books: "Con la imagen en el espejo. El autorretrato literario de Frida Kahlo" (UNAM,l 2009); "La realidad según yo la veo: la ley de Jorge Ibargüengoitia" (La Rana/Univ. de Guanajuato, 2013); "Eva Mameli Calvino. Gli anni cubani (1920-1925)" (Franco Angeli/Univ. di Cagliari, 2017).
She taught at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. She was a visiting researcher at the Inst. de Investigaciones Filológicas and at the Inst. de Investigaciones Sociales of the UNAM and at the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the Univ. de La Habana.
She coordinates Aulas Abiertas, Permanent Seminar of linguistic and literary studies on Latin America and the Caribbean at the Philology.
She is an individual member of the Italian Association of Latin American Studies (AISI), of the Italian Association of Hispanists (AISPI) and of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). She is part of Laboratorio di studi internazionali gramsciani (GramsciLab) and of Centro Interdip. di Studi sull’America Pluriversale (CISAP). Since 2016 she has been taking part in “Proyecto de estudio sobre filología, traducción y tradición clásicas" of the Universidad de La Habana.
She manages the series Dédalos for the Italian publisher Gran Vía and Tertulias for university publisher UNICApress. She is a member of the Scientific Committee for the publisher Editpress and the drafting committee of América Critica. She also works as an editorial coordinator for Ammentu.
Papers by M Cristina Secci
Abstract The present contribution, besides recreating the map of the main studies on color, starting from the the 19th-century debate about Homer's "wine-dark sea", focuses on the translation and translatability of chromonyms in literary texts through examples taken from the Italian version of El testigo by Mexican writer Juan Villoro.
Abstract: Una jabá divina: considerations on the translatability of chromonyms into Spanish and Italian The lexical field of colors is very complex and culture sensitive. Studies conducted in this domain focus on physical and linguistic definitions, symbolic and connotative values as well as social and cultural implications. Literary translators too participate in this debate and their contribution seems to be fundamental particularly with respect to a characteristic aspect of chromonyms: the value judgment and the articulated connotations of affection or contempt which they entail. This study focuses on the translation and translatability of chromonyms; namely it explores epithelial colors and examples drawn from Cuban and Mexican literature.
agrónomo Mario Calvino, padres del escritor Italo Calvino, fue el embajador
mexicano Joaquín Casasús quien en un viaje a Italia conoció los trabajos del
entonces joven catedrático Calvino, y le propuso trabajar en México, consiguiéndole
el nombramiento de jefe de la División de Horticultura de la Estación
Agraria Central. Gracias en parte a la consulta del recientemente restaurado
en Cuba “Expediente Sra. Eva Mameli de Calvino”, es posible documentar la
estancia en América Latina del matrimonio Calvino, pioneros en estudios de
botánica y agricultura en México desde 1909 y en Cuba desde 1917.
Abstract: According to Eva Mameli’s testimony, the wife and colleague of
the scientist and agronomer Mario Calvino, Italo Calvino’s parents, it was the
mexican Embassador Joaquín Casasús who during a trip to Italy became acquainted
with the then young italian profesor Calvino, and invited him to work
in México, as Jefe de la División de Horticultura de la Estación Agraria Central.
The recently restored “Expediente Sra. Eva Mameli de Calvino” in Cuba, gives
the autor the possibility to document the years spent in Latinoamerica of the
Calvino matrimony, pioneers in botanical and agricultural studies in México
since 1909 and in Cuba since 1917.
Abstract The present contribution, besides recreating the map of the main studies on color, starting from the the 19th-century debate about Homer's "wine-dark sea", focuses on the translation and translatability of chromonyms in literary texts through examples taken from the Italian version of El testigo by Mexican writer Juan Villoro.
Abstract: Una jabá divina: considerations on the translatability of chromonyms into Spanish and Italian The lexical field of colors is very complex and culture sensitive. Studies conducted in this domain focus on physical and linguistic definitions, symbolic and connotative values as well as social and cultural implications. Literary translators too participate in this debate and their contribution seems to be fundamental particularly with respect to a characteristic aspect of chromonyms: the value judgment and the articulated connotations of affection or contempt which they entail. This study focuses on the translation and translatability of chromonyms; namely it explores epithelial colors and examples drawn from Cuban and Mexican literature.
agrónomo Mario Calvino, padres del escritor Italo Calvino, fue el embajador
mexicano Joaquín Casasús quien en un viaje a Italia conoció los trabajos del
entonces joven catedrático Calvino, y le propuso trabajar en México, consiguiéndole
el nombramiento de jefe de la División de Horticultura de la Estación
Agraria Central. Gracias en parte a la consulta del recientemente restaurado
en Cuba “Expediente Sra. Eva Mameli de Calvino”, es posible documentar la
estancia en América Latina del matrimonio Calvino, pioneros en estudios de
botánica y agricultura en México desde 1909 y en Cuba desde 1917.
Abstract: According to Eva Mameli’s testimony, the wife and colleague of
the scientist and agronomer Mario Calvino, Italo Calvino’s parents, it was the
mexican Embassador Joaquín Casasús who during a trip to Italy became acquainted
with the then young italian profesor Calvino, and invited him to work
in México, as Jefe de la División de Horticultura de la Estación Agraria Central.
The recently restored “Expediente Sra. Eva Mameli de Calvino” in Cuba, gives
the autor the possibility to document the years spent in Latinoamerica of the
Calvino matrimony, pioneers in botanical and agricultural studies in México
since 1909 and in Cuba since 1917.
come nerbo smorzato da proverbi, l’eterna smania di riscatto
e l’impossibilità di emancipazione del protagonista de La ley de
Herodes confluiscono in una raccolta di racconti che, a più cinquant’anni
dalla sua pubblicazione, gode dell’attualità di un classico
degno di rappresentare un genere così fortunato in America
Latina. Ragione in più questa per una riscrittura: non sono solo i
classici conclamati a vantare più traduzioni o edizioni, ma anche
quelli potenziali.
Con la ritraduzione de La ley de Herodes di Jorge Ibargüengoitia,
l’autrice affronta anche questioni paratestuali, oltre a un
approfondimento su riscrittura e potere. Mecenati e sovvenzioni
sono infatti temi emergenti nella raccolta di racconti dell’autore
considerato tra i più rappresentativi della letteratura messicana
contemporanea, pubblicata nel 1967 e alimentata da aneddoti autobiografici.
Franca è la critica all’intellettualità messicana sollevata
da Ibargüengoitia in un’epoca in cui certi archetipi erano
ancora intoccabili: il conflitto morale o ideologico di chi contestava
il feroce capitalismo degli Stati Uniti pur continuando a
ricevere numerosi benefici, quali borse di studio e finanziamenti
di vario tipo; il fantasma ricorrente di spie e informatori della
CIA; la celebrazione della trasgressione di norme o forme di organizzazione
come metafora controculturale. Si potrebbe in tal
senso parlare di una ribellione nella repubblica delle lettere, ma
un conflitto (come nella riscrittura di un testo) non necessariamente
deve essere aggressivo: per Jorge Ibargüengoitia esiste la
possibilità di perforare la realtà con un’elegante verve e rivelare in
questo modo gli irrazionali intrecci tra il banale e il trascendente.
de 1920– se embarcó en el transatlántico Aquitania de Italia hacia
Cuba, para hacerse cargo de la dirección del Departamento de Botánica
de la Estación Experimental Agronómica de Santiago de las Vegas donde,
en 1923, nacerá Ítalo, quien se convertirá en el gran maestro de las
letras italianas.
La científica publicó numerosos ensayos en español como parte de sus
investigaciones. Resultado de la experiencia en tierra americana deben
también considerarse las reflexiones lingüísticas y etimológicas sobre las
sinonimias en los nombres botánicos vulgares, las voces del Diccionario
botánico de nombres vulgares cubanos, la redacción de contribuciones
pioneras sobre los nombres de las flores en diferentes idiomas.
Los archivos históricos cubanos, que preservan materiales esencialmente
de carácter científico, han permitido a la autora de esta monografía
reconstruir sin aproximaciones el calendario y las etapas relacionadas
con la época. Al mismo tiempo, se reconstruyeron las experiencias educativas
más importantes de Mameli y la docencia en la Universidad de
Cagliari; además de la dirección del Jardín Botánico, con el objetivo de
superar los prejuicios relacionados con su corta estadía allí y aumentar
su importancia desde el punto de vista de la historia de la ciencia.