Alexandru Ioan Manea
Psychologist with over 10 years of experience in both practice and research in the fields of Organizational Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy.
Currently looking forward for the public defence of my PhD Thesis, entitled "Personality oriented work analysis: Quality, validity and distortion indicators" coordinated by Univ. Prof. Dragos Iliescu, PhD.
For further details regarding my ongoing research activity (publications, citations, etc...), please access the links below:
Google Scholar -
ResearchGate - https:/
Supervisors: Univ. Prof. Dragos Iliescu, PhD
Currently looking forward for the public defence of my PhD Thesis, entitled "Personality oriented work analysis: Quality, validity and distortion indicators" coordinated by Univ. Prof. Dragos Iliescu, PhD.
For further details regarding my ongoing research activity (publications, citations, etc...), please access the links below:
Google Scholar -
ResearchGate - https:/
Supervisors: Univ. Prof. Dragos Iliescu, PhD
Papers by Alexandru Ioan Manea