Books by Ernst Axel Knauf
On the place mentioned in Judg 5.23 and on the secondary nature of 5.17; a supplement to "Deborah... more On the place mentioned in Judg 5.23 and on the secondary nature of 5.17; a supplement to "Deborah's Language".
The festschrift for Manfred Lindner (22.7.1918 - 30.10. 2007) on his 85th birthday, with article... more The festschrift for Manfred Lindner (22.7.1918 - 30.10. 2007) on his 85th birthday, with articles on Petra and the Nabataeans, by U. Hübner, E.A. Knauf, K. Parlasca, R. Wenning, J. Zangenberg and others.
Contributors were asked for contributions on cultural contacts in and with Canaan/Israel/Palestin... more Contributors were asked for contributions on cultural contacts in and with Canaan/Israel/Palestine from the Late Bronze Age to the Persian period.
‘Vestigia leonis’ coillected the most important articles of Leo Mildenberg ז"ל on the numismatics... more ‘Vestigia leonis’ coillected the most important articles of Leo Mildenberg ז"ל on the numismatics of the Achaemenid empire, the province of Yehud, the wider Mediterranaean, and the Bar Kokhba war.
The enlarged second edition (1989; first edition 1985) of my Kiel dissertation of 1982, on the bi... more The enlarged second edition (1989; first edition 1985) of my Kiel dissertation of 1982, on the biblical figure of Ishmael and on Arabs in the first millennium BCE, from Shalmanezer's Gindibu to the Nabataeans.
Who were the Midianites in the Late Bronze and Early Iron ages, and how did the end up in the Bib... more Who were the Midianites in the Late Bronze and Early Iron ages, and how did the end up in the Bible in the context of the exodus traditions? Although the chronological presupositions of the book are as outdated as the then presupposed history of biblical literature, there is no need to modify the main point: the Midianites were neither bedouin nor marauders, they were farmers, herders, metallurgists and traders instead. New data from Tayma indicate that the Midianite culture lasted somewhat longer than the 10th/9th centuries, but their envolvement in the affairs of Israel and Judah probably ceased after the first half of the 9th century.
Papers by Ernst Axel Knauf
Encyclopedia of the Bible Online
The Fire Signals of Lachish, 2011
The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992
The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992
The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, 1992
The Hebrew Bible and History, 2019
Even God Cannot Change the Past, 2018
Tous les textes bibliques vivent du debat dont ils sont porteurs. La mission du theologien, telle... more Tous les textes bibliques vivent du debat dont ils sont porteurs. La mission du theologien, telle que la presentent les auteurs, consiste essentiellement a faire emerger les enjeux de ce debat dans leur contexte historique, et donc a faire decouvrir - et si possible aimer - les deux partenaires du dialogue. Cette demarche ne peut etre que comprehensive, et donc descriptive. Il n'y a la aucun abandon de substance, car l'ideal que la Bible se fait de son lecteur n'est pas celui d'un militant, mais celui d'un homme curieux et cultive. Quant au langage de l'action et de l'esperance, il a certes sa place dans notre vie d'aujourd'hui, tant sur le plan individuel que collectif, mais il releve d'une autre sphere, celle de la poesis, et c'est dans cette sphere seulement que le predicateur peut, le cas echeant, prendre la releve du theologien
Books by Ernst Axel Knauf
Papers by Ernst Axel Knauf