Papers by Michael Springmann

Content-based retrieval has become a very popular and also powerful paradigm for searching in mul... more Content-based retrieval has become a very popular and also powerful paradigm for searching in multimedia collections, especially in large collections of images. However, such queries require that one or even several reference images are available prior to the start of the search process. These reference images must be close to the final result so that the user can take them to express her information need. If such reference images are not available or if the information need is covered only by parts of the query object, the result usually does not meet the user’s expectation. Therefore, more flexible user interfaces are needed that allow users to sketch a query image by hand drawings and to dynamically select regions of interest from a given query image. In this paper, we present a novel approach to query by sketch where interactive paper and image similarity search are seamlessly combined. It is based on the iPaper/iServer system of ETH Zurich and the ISIS/OSIRIS content-based imag...
Future information spaces such as Digital Libraries require new infrastructures that allow to use... more Future information spaces such as Digital Libraries require new infrastructures that allow to use and to combine various kinds of functions in a unified and reliable way. The paradigm of service-oriented architectures (SoA) allows providing application functionality in a modular, self-contained way and to individually combine this functionality. The paper presents the ISIS/OSIRIS system which consists of a generic infrastructure for the reliable execution of distributed service-based applications (OSIRIS) and a set of dedicated Digital Library application services (ISIS) that provide, among others, content-based search in multimedia collections.
Abstract. DelosDLMS is a prototype of a next-generation Digital Li-brary (DL) management system. ... more Abstract. DelosDLMS is a prototype of a next-generation Digital Li-brary (DL) management system. It is realized by combining various spe-cialized DL functionalities provided by partners of the DELOS network of excellence. Currently, DelosDLMS combines text and audio-visual searching, offers new information visualization and relevance feedback tools, provides novel interfaces, allows retrieved information to be anno-tated and processed, integrates and processes sensor data streams, and finally, from a systems engineering point of view, is easily configured and adapted while being reliable and scalable. The prototype is based on the OSIRIS/ISIS platform, a middleware environment developed by ETH Zürich and now being extended at the University of Basel.

This paper presents the OSIRIS middleware (Open Service Infrastructure for Reliable and Integrate... more This paper presents the OSIRIS middleware (Open Service Infrastructure for Reliable and Integrated process Support) which allows combining different distributed services into processes, thereby implementing flexible digital library applications. In OSIRIS, we distinguish between system services and application services. System services are used internally for coordinating the execution of processes in a distributed way, without relying on a central execution engine/scheduler. In addition, the distributed architecture of OSIRIS allows for reliable peer-to-peer process management and sophisticated failure handling according to the transactional process model and is able to balance the load among several providers of the same service. For application services, we distinguish between loosely coupled and tightly coupled services. Usually, a part of the distributed OSIRIS middleware (called OSIRIS layer) runs on each host providing application services. These application services are cons...

ABSTRACT Dabei muss sowohl die exakte Suche (z.B. Zugriff auf die Akte eines eindeutig id entifiz... more ABSTRACT Dabei muss sowohl die exakte Suche (z.B. Zugriff auf die Akte eines eindeutig id entifizierten Patienten) als auch die ähnlichkeitsbasierte Suche ermöglicht werden. Ein Röntgenarzt in der Ausbildung möchte beispielsweise überprüfen, ob seine Diagnose plausibel ist. Dazu benötigt er Zugriff auf Fachliteratur, aber auch Aufnahmen aus Krankenakten anderer Patienten, die eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit zu seinem aktuellen Fall aufweisen. Dies schließt ein, dass er an Aufnahmen inter- essiert ist, bei denen eine übereinstimmende bzw. ähnliche Diagnose gestellt wurde. Ebenso interessiert er sich auch für Fälle, die dem seines Patienten gleichen (die insbesondere ähnliche Bilder und ähnliche/übereinstimmende Krankheitssymptome aufweisen), bei denen jedoch die Diagnose abweicht. In diesem kurzen Beispiel wird deutlich, dass mehrere Bausteine aus verschiedenen Ber eichen an der Lösung der Aufgabe beteiligt sind: Zum einen müssen charakteris- tische Merkmale aus dem Röntgenbild, welches dem Arzt vorliegt, extrahiert werden. Diese können dann mit den Merkmalen der im RIS verwalteten Röntgen- bilder verglichen werden, um darauf aufbauend nach ähnlichen Bildern zu suchen. Zum anderen ist gleichzeitig eine Ähnlichkeitssuche über die im KIS in kodierter Form (z.B. ICD) oder als Freitext vorliegenden Diagnosen von Patienten mit ver- gleichbaren Symptomen nötig. Weitere Bausteine führen die Einzelresultate zu einem gewichteten Gesamtergebnis zusammen, präsentieren dieses und ermöglichen die Interaktion mit dem Benutzer. An forderungen an die ähnlichkeitsbasierte Suche Für die ähnlichkeitsbasierte Suche sind folgende Probleme zu lösen: i.) für jedes der ex istierenden Systeme, in dem Teile der elektronischen Patientenakte verwaltet wer- den, sind geeignete Schnittstellen für den Datenzugriff nötig, ii.) es müssen spezielle

This paper presents the OSIRIS middleware (Open Service Infrastructure for Reliable and Integrate... more This paper presents the OSIRIS middleware (Open Service Infrastructure for Reliable and Integrated process Support) which allows combining different distributed services into processes, thereby implementing flexible digital library applications. In OSIRIS, we distinguish between system services and application services. System services are used internally for coordinating the execution of processes in a distributed way, without relying on a central execution engine/scheduler. In addition, the distributed architecture of OSIRIS allows for reliable peer-to-peer process management and sophisticated failure handling according to the transactional process model and is able to balance the load among several providers of the same service. For application services, we distinguish between loosely coupled and tightly coupled services. Usually, a part of the distributed OSIRIS middleware (called OSIRIS layer) runs on each host providing application services. These application services are cons...
Content-based image retrieval mainly follows a Query-byExample approach and therefore requires we... more Content-based image retrieval mainly follows a Query-byExample approach and therefore requires well selected examples to start an initial search. This position paper describes how Regions of Interest (ROI) can be used to better adapt the system to the user’s information needs. In particular, it highlights how novel input devices such as Interactive Paper or TabletPCs can be used to capture much more details about what the user is precisely looking for already at the time the query is defined or when relevance feedback is specified.

Abstract: With the availability of easy and inexpensive methods to create and store images in dig... more Abstract: With the availability of easy and inexpensive methods to create and store images in digital formats, the visual information preserved and shared electronically has grown dramatically. As images are important means to archive, express, and communicate human knowledge, experience, and feelings it is desirable or even unavoidable that digital libraries do not contain only textual information, but also such images. One central aspect of digital libraries is the ability, to make its content easily available to its users and therefore also to provide adequate retrieval mechanisms for image-related search tasks. Traditional text- and metadata-based approaches are not sufficient as personal digital libraries as well as automatically acquired image collections commonly lack detailed descriptions that could be used in searches. To better support image search in digital libraries also methods from content-based image retrieval (CBIR) are needed: CBIR provides mechanisms to search for...
Future digital libraries will not only contain pure text documents, but increasingly hold massive... more Future digital libraries will not only contain pure text documents, but increasingly hold massive amounts of compound documents which comprise many multimedia objects, e.g. texts, images, audio, and video. Already existing collections of documents, e.g. all electronic health records of one clinic can form a digital library with millions of multimedia objects and a total storage of several terabytes. It is therefore important to provide ways for effective and efficient retrieval for those collections. This paper proposes a novel approach for compound document matching using a filter-and-refinement algorithm for similarity-based retrieval. At the same time, this approach increases the effectiveness by establishing only semantically meaningful matches and providing greater expressiveness in queries by restricting the number of allowed matches to a single query object.

With the increasingly growing size of digital image collections, known image search is gaining mo... more With the increasingly growing size of digital image collections, known image search is gaining more and more importance. Especially in collections where individual objects are not tagged with metadata describing their content, content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a promising approach. However, the application of CBIR to known item search usually suffers from the unavailability of query images that are good enough to express the user’s information need. In this technical report, we present the QbS system that provides content-based search in large image collections based on user-drawn sketches. The QbS system combines angular radial partitioning for the extraction of features in the user-provided sketch, taking into account the spatial distribution of edges, and the image distortion model. This combination offers several highly relevant invariances that allow the query sketch to slightly deviate from the searched image in terms of rotation, translation, relative size, and/or unkno...

Content-based retrieval has become a very popular and also powerful paradigm for searching in mul... more Content-based retrieval has become a very popular and also powerful paradigm for searching in multimedia collections, especially in large collections of images. However, such queries require that one or even several reference images are available prior to the start of the search process. These reference images must be close to the final result so that the user can take them to express her information need. If such reference images are not available or if the information need is covered only by parts of the query object, the result usually does not meet the user’s expectation. Therefore, more flexible user interfaces are needed that allow users to sketch a query image by hand drawings and to dynamically select regions of interest from a given query image. In this paper, we present a novel approach to query by sketch where interactive paper and image similarity search are seamlessly combined. It is based on the iPaper/iServer system of ETH Zurich and the ISIS/OSIRIS content-based imag...
Dabei muss sowohl die exakte Suche (z.B. Zugriff auf die Akte eines eindeutig id entifizierten Pa... more Dabei muss sowohl die exakte Suche (z.B. Zugriff auf die Akte eines eindeutig id entifizierten Patienten) als auch die ähnlichkeitsbasierte Suche ermöglicht werden. Ein Röntgenarzt in der Ausbildung möchte beispielsweise überprüfen, ob seine Diagnose plausibel ist. Dazu benötigt er Zugriff auf Fachliteratur, aber auch Aufnahmen aus Krankenakten anderer Patienten, die eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit zu seinem aktuellen Fall aufweisen. Dies schließt
Abstract. Future digital libraries will not only contain pure text documents, but increasingly ho... more Abstract. Future digital libraries will not only contain pure text documents, but increasingly hold massive amounts of compound documents which comprise many multimedia objects, eg texts, images, audio, and video. Already existing collections of documents, eg all ...
To avoid the cost of multiple and costly examinations, health care institutions are in need to sh... more To avoid the cost of multiple and costly examinations, health care institutions are in need to share information about scientific insights and patient data more intensively and transparently. The need for seamless but still robust and secure collaboration is rising. Based on that scenario, this paper proposes an architecture for dynamically parallelizing service requests in a grid environment without the need to change existing and conscientiously tested functionality. The task of preparing software for parallel execution is split into an application-specific part of partitioning requests and re-integrating results and a generic component responsible for the actual parallel calls, state management, failure handling, and robustness.
Content-based image retrieval mainly follows a Query-by-Example approach and therefore requires w... more Content-based image retrieval mainly follows a Query-by-Example approach and therefore requires well selected examples to start an initial search. This position paper describes how Regions of Interest (ROI) can be used to better adapt the system to the user's information needs. In particular, it highlights how novel input devices such as Interactive Paper or TabletPCs can be used to capture much more details about what the user is precisely looking for already at the time the query is defined or when relevance feedback is specified.

Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '10, 2010
With the increasingly growing size of digital image collections, known image search is gaining mo... more With the increasingly growing size of digital image collections, known image search is gaining more and more importance. Especially in collections where individual objects are not tagged with metadata describing their content, contentbased image retrieval (CBIR) is a promising approach, but usually suffers from the unavailability of query images that are good enough to express the user's information need. In this paper, we present a system that provides CBIR based on user-drawn sketches. The system combines angular radial partitioning for the extraction of features in the userprovided sketch, taking into account the spatial distribution of edges, and the image distortion model. This combination offers several highly relevant invariances that allow the query sketch to slightly deviate from the searched image in terms of rotation, translation, relative size, and/or unknown objects in the background. To illustrate the benefits of the approach, we present search results from the evaluation of our system on the basis of the MIRFLICKR collection with 25,000 objects and compare the retrieval results of pure metadata-driven approaches, pure content-based retrieval using different sketches, and combinations thereof.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
ABSTRACT A major challenge when dealing with large collections of digital images is to find relev... more ABSTRACT A major challenge when dealing with large collections of digital images is to find relevant objects, especially when no metadata on the objects is available. Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) addresses this problem but usually lacks query images that are good enough to express the user's information need. Therefore, in Query-by-Sketch, CBIR has been considered with user provided sketches as query objects --- but so far, this has suffered from the limitations of existing user interfaces. In this paper, we present a novel user interface for query by sketch that exploits emergent interactive paper and digital pen technology. Users can draw sketches on paper in a user-friendly way. Search can be started interactively from the paper front-end, due to a streaming interface from the digital pen to the underlying CBIR system. We present the implementation of the interactive paper/digital pen interface on top of QbS, our system for CBIR using sketches, and we present in detail the evaluation of the system on the basis of the MIRFLICKR-25000 image collection.
Computational Materials Science, 2005
To identify material parameters from suitable experiments it is prevalent to use global informati... more To identify material parameters from suitable experiments it is prevalent to use global informations like force–displacement or force–necking curves. The quality of accordance between measured and calculated forces at given displacements can be expressed by a least-squares functional. In this contribution a non-linear optimization method will be presented, which minimizes the least-squares functional by use of a gradient based method.
Papers by Michael Springmann