Papers by Ludger Koerntgen
... Das sakrale Königtum der Ottonen zwi-schen Herrschaftspraxis, Herrschaftstheologie und Heilss... more ... Das sakrale Königtum der Ottonen zwi-schen Herrschaftspraxis, Herrschaftstheologie und Heilssorge, in: Die Ottonen. Kunst, Architektur und Geschichte, ed. Klaus Gereon Beuckers/Johannes Cramer /Michael Imhof (Petersberg 2002) 51–61, hier 53. Page 4. ...
Der frühmittelalterliche Staat - europäische Perspektiven, 2009
Mittelalterliche Rechtstexte und mantische Praktiken, 2021
D ie Veröffentlichung dieses Bandes w urde durch das Bundesm inisterium für Bildung u nd Forschun... more D ie Veröffentlichung dieses Bandes w urde durch das Bundesm inisterium für Bildung u nd Forschung unterstützt. GEFÖRDER T VOM Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung Bibliografische Inform ation der D eutschen N ationalbibliothek: D ie D eutsche N atio n alb ib lio th ek verzeichnet diese P ublikation in der D eutschen N ationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische D aten sind im In tern et über h ttp s ://d n b .d e abrufbar.
Großbaustelle 793. Das Kanalsprojekt Karls des Großen zwischen Rhein und Donau, 2014
This volume consists of the papers presented at the conference of the Prince Albert Society held ... more This volume consists of the papers presented at the conference of the Prince Albert Society held at Coburg in 2010. It was the first time that the annual conference was dedicated to a medieval topic, focusing on religion and politics from the late antiquity to the late medieval period. Aiming at a comparative, English-German perspective, we invited scholars from the United Kingdom and Germany to cover the different periods in pairs. We are therefore happy that all but two of the papers can be presented in this volume. Unfortunately, Ralf Behrwald (Bayreuth) has not been able to finalise his paper on state and church after the Constantinian shift ("Staat und Kirche nach der konstantinischen Wende") for this volume. Katy Cubitt, who spoke on "Apocalypse and Invasion in the Reign of AEthelred the Unready (978-1016)", modified her paper which is now focusing on another important phenomenon of AEthelreds reign-and equally fitting into the volume's general theme. We would like to express our gratitude to the participants not only for the lively and fruitful discussions at the conference but also for their kind willingness to take on the painstaking task of preparing their papers for printing. The editors would not have been able to finish this book without the help of others. Therefore, we would like to thank Bettina Neuhoff and Andreas Brandmair at De Gruyter for their patience and assistance during the publishing process, Kerstin Wiese (Leipzig) for her kind permission to reprint an illustration of hers, as well as Isabelle Chwalka and Birgit Kynast (Mainz) for their assistance in preparing the volume. Since it was the first conference of the Prince Albert Society devoted to the Middle Ages, we owe special thanks to the former President of the Society, Dieter J. Weiß (Munich), and likewise to the current President, Frank-Lothar Kroll (Chemnitz), for their committed support of the project and its publication.
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Germanistische Abteilung, 2000
Papers by Ludger Koerntgen