Netzwerkadministratoren müssen häufig mit manuellen Eingriffen auf Ereignisse im Netz reagieren. ... more Netzwerkadministratoren müssen häufig mit manuellen Eingriffen auf Ereignisse im Netz reagieren. Auf diese Weise kann jedoch keine große Zahl von Ereignissen ausreichend schnell bearbeitet werden. Zudem führen manuelle Eingriffe, insbesondere unter Zeitdruck, immer wieder zu Fehlern. Diese Arbeit stellt eine grundlegende Architektur zur automatischen Reaktion auf unterschiedliche Ereignisse vor. Durch die Berücksichtigung der Netzwerktopologie und gerätespezifischer Eigenschaften ist auch ein Einsatz in heterogenen Umgebungen möglich. Es wird gezeigt, wie die Architektur für ein selbstregulierendes System zur Eindämmung des Netzwerk-Missbrauchs genutzt werden kann. Dabei werden Hinweise auf den Missbrauch als Ereignisse betrachtet, auf die mit der Einschränkung des Netzwerkzugangs bis hin zur vollständigen Trennung eines Nutzers vom Netz reagiert wird.
International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP'05)
Dependability is a major concern in software development, deployment, and operation. A commonly a... more Dependability is a major concern in software development, deployment, and operation. A commonly accepted solution for providing fault tolerant services on the Internet is to create replica of the services and to deploy them to several hosts. Whenever the service or the underlying node or network fails, another service is ready to take over. In the Venice project, several techniques are combined to create a dependable framework for deploying and managing distributed services using replica on several distinct network nodes.
Communications in Computer and Information Science
With the broad adoption of service-orientation for the realization of business applications and t... more With the broad adoption of service-orientation for the realization of business applications and their provisioning and usage over open cloud infrastructures, the topology of the resulting service networks is becoming extremely complex. Due to the composition of services for value-added business capabilities and the reusability of a service in multiple compositions, the execution of one service often depends on other services and changes in its provisioning can affect the health of large parts of the service network. The lack of insight on the relationships between the network components makes the management of the service network's health and change impact hard and error prone tasks. This paper proposes a service network modeling approach for capturing the topology of a service network at design time. The model is used to validate the health of the service network to ensure the operability of its services. At run time the model can be applied for analyzing the effects of evolutionary events such as service modification or withdrawal. Our major contributions are a generic and adaptable modeling structure and a classification of service network entities and relationships. The applicability of our approach is demonstrated on an example service network scenario.
This paper introduces shortly into the security and privacy issues of RFID systems and presents a... more This paper introduces shortly into the security and privacy issues of RFID systems and presents a simple approach to greatly enhance location privacy by changing traceable identifiers securely on every read attempt. The scheme gets by with only a single, unreliable message exchange. By employing one-way hash functions the scheme is safe from many security threats. It is intended for use in item identification but is useful in other applications as well.
Abstract— Finding an appropriate tool to develop ontology is the first step towards ontology de... more Abstract— Finding an appropriate tool to develop ontology is the first step towards ontology development. A lot of ontology development tools are available in the market, however, some are free and some are commercial. Which tools are mostly used by users? Are there any drawbacks using the tools? And if any, then what? The answers of these questions are highlighted in this paper. These topics are investigated and discussed based on the findings of an online survey concerned with current process of ontology development, the users of the tools, and their domain of working.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services - iiWAS '08
Virtualisation and abstraction are the keys to an open, flexible and dependable service deploymen... more Virtualisation and abstraction are the keys to an open, flexible and dependable service deployment on the Internet. The Venice Service Grid is a framework that provides a set of services and an abstraction layer supporting the development and deployment of services. As part of its abstraction layer, the Venice Service Grid contains a service compiler that creates the necessary files and code constructs needed during the life-cycle of a Venice service. This paper describes the Venice Service Compiler that shifts the technology-dependant WSDL file creation from the design phase to the implementation phase and discusses the compiler's benefits to developing services for the Venice Service Grid.
32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO'06)
... [2] Florian Forster, Hermann de Meer: Discovery of Web Services with a P2P Network, Proceedin... more ... [2] Florian Forster, Hermann de Meer: Discovery of Web Services with a P2P Network, Proceedings of Inter-national Conference on Computational Science, June 2004, Krakow, Poland ... [14] Jande Clercq: Single sign-on architectures, Proceed-ings of Infrastructure Security ...
IEEE Annual Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, 2004. Proceedings of the Second
Radio-Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) may emerge as one of the most pervasive computing t... more Radio-Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) may emerge as one of the most pervasive computing technologies in history. On the one hand, with tags affixed to consumer items as well as letters, packets or vehicles costs in the supply chain can be greatly reduced and new applications introduced. On the other hand, unique means of identification in each tag like serial numbers enable effortless traceability of persons and goods. But data protection and privacy are worthwhile civil liberties. This paper introduces a simple scheme relying on oneway hash-functions that greatly enhances location privacy by changing traceable identifiers on every read getting by with only a single, unreliable message exchange. Thereby the scheme is safe from many threats like eavesdropping, message interception, spoofing, and replay attacks.
2008 Sixth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
RFID technology shall increase security, e.g. by helping to prevent counterfeiting. But the techn... more RFID technology shall increase security, e.g. by helping to prevent counterfeiting. But the technology also causes privacy issues. In this paper, after highlighting goals and problems, an approach called "Triggered Hash Chains" is proposed to address the problems. The approach combines concepts of two very different, widely known RFID protocols, i.e. the "Hash-based ID variation" approach and the "Hash chain" approach. The resulting proposal joins the advantages of both protocols. The approach is evaluated using a variety of criteria that are relevant in practice.
PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Durch die immer weitere Verbreitung des Internet wird der Computer für eine ständ... more ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Durch die immer weitere Verbreitung des Internet wird der Computer für eine ständig steigende Zahl von Menschen zum zentralen Kommunikationsmedium. Im Zuge dieser Veränderung des Einsatzgebietes von Computern entstehen neue Klassen von Anwendungen, die gänzlich neue Anforderungen an die eingesetzte Netzwerktechnologie stellen. Standen bisher Eigenschaften wie eine sichere Datenübertragung im Vordergrund, so werden in Zukunft zunehmend Quality-of-Service Eigenschaften wie garantierte Übertragungsbandbreiten, minimale Verzögerung und minimale Verzögerungsschwankung wichtig. Diese Anforderungen können von den heute im lokalen Bereich verwendeten Netzwerktechnologien und -protokollen nicht oder nur unzureichend erfüllt werden. Im Gegensatz dazu wird im WAN bzw. Backbone Bereich oft ATM eingesetzt, eine Netzwerktechnologie, die QoS-Eigenschaften für die Kommunikationsbeziehungen anbietet. Da aber bis zum Arbeitsplatz zumeist eine Schicht 2 Technologie wie z.B. Ethernet realisiert ist, stehen die QoS-Eigenschaften von ATM am Arbeitsplatz nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt einen neuen Ansatz, Endsystemen, die über keinen direkten ATM Zugang verfügen aber über eine beliebige Schicht 2 Netzwerktechnik mit einem ATM Edge Device verbunden sind, die Möglichkeit zu geben, die QoS-Eigenschaften von ATM zumindest für den ATM basierten Teil einer Verbindung nutzen zu können. Im Gegensatz zu den bekannten Ansätzen, die auf einer niedrigeren Abstraktionsebene angesiedelt sind und große Teile der ATM Funktionalität implementieren, ist die hier präsentierte Lösung der Virtuellen ATM API auf einer hohen Abstraktionsebene und damit von wesentlich geringerer Komplexität. Dabei ist der Einsatz von ViAA für alle Applikationen transparent.
The blockchain technology foremost known in 2008 as the underlying technology of the cryptocurren... more The blockchain technology foremost known in 2008 as the underlying technology of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin is a technology which was first introduced by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta [1] in 1991 as a cryptographically secured chain of blocks. Their basic idea was to implement a system in which document timestamps could not be corrupted. This idea was extended [2] in 1992 with the so called Merkle trees accepting different certificates to be collected into one block. Despite its earlier roots, the breakthrough of the blockchain technology only came 17 years later in 2008 whenSatoshiNakamoto (a pseudonymusedby an individual or a group of peoples) published the paper “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” [3]. The basic architecture of theBitcoinblockchain is a confluenceof three basic technologies as of cryptography, peer-2-peer systems and consensus mechanisms [4]. In the light of this, it is more likely that “Satoshi Nakamoto” is a group of people coordinating the knowledge of these three fields of research rather than a single genius experienced in all these fields. Inspired by the success of Bitcoin, a lot of systems attempting tomimic Bitcoin’s success appeared, with Litecoin (2011) [5], Ripple (2012) [6], or Monero (2014) [7] as only a few1 of the more well-known examples. Also, the Hyperledger project (2015) [8] of the Linux foundation as an umbrella project of open source blockchains and related tools, which started in 2015 should be mentioned here. Because the Bitcoin architecture is based on a simple Forth-like scripting language called Script [9] which is not Turing complete, it has no great flexibility and is therefore mainly restricted to money transfer. Moreover, there are other shortcomings like power wastage for consensus building [10], transaction fees which are not acceptable for micro payments and data exchange in the Internet-ofThings (IoT) context, and last but not least the storage of
PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 2006
Prof. Dr. Heinz-Gerd Hegering. 1984 bis 1988 Professor für Informatik an der Technischen Universi... more Prof. Dr. Heinz-Gerd Hegering. 1984 bis 1988 Professor für Informatik an der Technischen Universität München. Seit 1989 Lehrstuhl für Informatik und Vorstand des Instituts für Informatik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München sowie Vorsitzender des Direktoriums des Leibniz-Rechenzentrums. Mitglied der Kommission für Rechenanlagen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) von 1995 bis 2000 und des Nationalen Koordinationsausschusses für Höchstleistungsrechnen beim Wissenschaftsrat seit 2002. Vorstand des Vereins Deutsches Forschungsnetz (DFN-Verein) von 1996 bis 2005. Mitglied des Lenkungsausschusses der Deutschen GRID-Initiative. Mitglied diverser ministerieller Experten-Kommissionen für IT-Infrastrukturplanung und Informatik-Entwicklung an Hochschulen. Forschungsgebiete: Kommunikationssysteme, Netzund Systemmanagement, IT-Infrastrukturen.
ABSTRACT What is The Grid? This question has been asked by many people and has been answered by m... more ABSTRACT What is The Grid? This question has been asked by many people and has been answered by many more. On our way to the One Grid, it iscurrently only possible to distinguish between several Computational, Data and Service Grids. This paper introduces Venice, a lightweight Service Grid that allows for easy service deployment, easy maintenance and easy service usage. It contains man- agement services, information services and application services that can be used to build distributed applications upon. Its main focus in on providing a flexible and dependable infrastructure for deploying services that do not require special knowledge and expertise in Grid computing.
Netzwerkadministratoren müssen häufig mit manuellen Eingriffen auf Ereignisse im Netz reagieren. ... more Netzwerkadministratoren müssen häufig mit manuellen Eingriffen auf Ereignisse im Netz reagieren. Auf diese Weise kann jedoch keine große Zahl von Ereignissen ausreichend schnell bearbeitet werden. Zudem führen manuelle Eingriffe, insbesondere unter Zeitdruck, immer wieder zu Fehlern. Diese Arbeit stellt eine grundlegende Architektur zur automatischen Reaktion auf unterschiedliche Ereignisse vor. Durch die Berücksichtigung der Netzwerktopologie und gerätespezifischer Eigenschaften ist auch ein Einsatz in heterogenen Umgebungen möglich. Es wird gezeigt, wie die Architektur für ein selbstregulierendes System zur Eindämmung des Netzwerk-Missbrauchs genutzt werden kann. Dabei werden Hinweise auf den Missbrauch als Ereignisse betrachtet, auf die mit der Einschränkung des Netzwerkzugangs bis hin zur vollständigen Trennung eines Nutzers vom Netz reagiert wird.
International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP'05)
Dependability is a major concern in software development, deployment, and operation. A commonly a... more Dependability is a major concern in software development, deployment, and operation. A commonly accepted solution for providing fault tolerant services on the Internet is to create replica of the services and to deploy them to several hosts. Whenever the service or the underlying node or network fails, another service is ready to take over. In the Venice project, several techniques are combined to create a dependable framework for deploying and managing distributed services using replica on several distinct network nodes.
Communications in Computer and Information Science
With the broad adoption of service-orientation for the realization of business applications and t... more With the broad adoption of service-orientation for the realization of business applications and their provisioning and usage over open cloud infrastructures, the topology of the resulting service networks is becoming extremely complex. Due to the composition of services for value-added business capabilities and the reusability of a service in multiple compositions, the execution of one service often depends on other services and changes in its provisioning can affect the health of large parts of the service network. The lack of insight on the relationships between the network components makes the management of the service network's health and change impact hard and error prone tasks. This paper proposes a service network modeling approach for capturing the topology of a service network at design time. The model is used to validate the health of the service network to ensure the operability of its services. At run time the model can be applied for analyzing the effects of evolutionary events such as service modification or withdrawal. Our major contributions are a generic and adaptable modeling structure and a classification of service network entities and relationships. The applicability of our approach is demonstrated on an example service network scenario.
This paper introduces shortly into the security and privacy issues of RFID systems and presents a... more This paper introduces shortly into the security and privacy issues of RFID systems and presents a simple approach to greatly enhance location privacy by changing traceable identifiers securely on every read attempt. The scheme gets by with only a single, unreliable message exchange. By employing one-way hash functions the scheme is safe from many security threats. It is intended for use in item identification but is useful in other applications as well.
Abstract— Finding an appropriate tool to develop ontology is the first step towards ontology de... more Abstract— Finding an appropriate tool to develop ontology is the first step towards ontology development. A lot of ontology development tools are available in the market, however, some are free and some are commercial. Which tools are mostly used by users? Are there any drawbacks using the tools? And if any, then what? The answers of these questions are highlighted in this paper. These topics are investigated and discussed based on the findings of an online survey concerned with current process of ontology development, the users of the tools, and their domain of working.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services - iiWAS '08
Virtualisation and abstraction are the keys to an open, flexible and dependable service deploymen... more Virtualisation and abstraction are the keys to an open, flexible and dependable service deployment on the Internet. The Venice Service Grid is a framework that provides a set of services and an abstraction layer supporting the development and deployment of services. As part of its abstraction layer, the Venice Service Grid contains a service compiler that creates the necessary files and code constructs needed during the life-cycle of a Venice service. This paper describes the Venice Service Compiler that shifts the technology-dependant WSDL file creation from the design phase to the implementation phase and discusses the compiler's benefits to developing services for the Venice Service Grid.
32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO'06)
... [2] Florian Forster, Hermann de Meer: Discovery of Web Services with a P2P Network, Proceedin... more ... [2] Florian Forster, Hermann de Meer: Discovery of Web Services with a P2P Network, Proceedings of Inter-national Conference on Computational Science, June 2004, Krakow, Poland ... [14] Jande Clercq: Single sign-on architectures, Proceed-ings of Infrastructure Security ...
IEEE Annual Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, 2004. Proceedings of the Second
Radio-Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) may emerge as one of the most pervasive computing t... more Radio-Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) may emerge as one of the most pervasive computing technologies in history. On the one hand, with tags affixed to consumer items as well as letters, packets or vehicles costs in the supply chain can be greatly reduced and new applications introduced. On the other hand, unique means of identification in each tag like serial numbers enable effortless traceability of persons and goods. But data protection and privacy are worthwhile civil liberties. This paper introduces a simple scheme relying on oneway hash-functions that greatly enhances location privacy by changing traceable identifiers on every read getting by with only a single, unreliable message exchange. Thereby the scheme is safe from many threats like eavesdropping, message interception, spoofing, and replay attacks.
2008 Sixth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
RFID technology shall increase security, e.g. by helping to prevent counterfeiting. But the techn... more RFID technology shall increase security, e.g. by helping to prevent counterfeiting. But the technology also causes privacy issues. In this paper, after highlighting goals and problems, an approach called "Triggered Hash Chains" is proposed to address the problems. The approach combines concepts of two very different, widely known RFID protocols, i.e. the "Hash-based ID variation" approach and the "Hash chain" approach. The resulting proposal joins the advantages of both protocols. The approach is evaluated using a variety of criteria that are relevant in practice.
PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Durch die immer weitere Verbreitung des Internet wird der Computer für eine ständ... more ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Durch die immer weitere Verbreitung des Internet wird der Computer für eine ständig steigende Zahl von Menschen zum zentralen Kommunikationsmedium. Im Zuge dieser Veränderung des Einsatzgebietes von Computern entstehen neue Klassen von Anwendungen, die gänzlich neue Anforderungen an die eingesetzte Netzwerktechnologie stellen. Standen bisher Eigenschaften wie eine sichere Datenübertragung im Vordergrund, so werden in Zukunft zunehmend Quality-of-Service Eigenschaften wie garantierte Übertragungsbandbreiten, minimale Verzögerung und minimale Verzögerungsschwankung wichtig. Diese Anforderungen können von den heute im lokalen Bereich verwendeten Netzwerktechnologien und -protokollen nicht oder nur unzureichend erfüllt werden. Im Gegensatz dazu wird im WAN bzw. Backbone Bereich oft ATM eingesetzt, eine Netzwerktechnologie, die QoS-Eigenschaften für die Kommunikationsbeziehungen anbietet. Da aber bis zum Arbeitsplatz zumeist eine Schicht 2 Technologie wie z.B. Ethernet realisiert ist, stehen die QoS-Eigenschaften von ATM am Arbeitsplatz nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt einen neuen Ansatz, Endsystemen, die über keinen direkten ATM Zugang verfügen aber über eine beliebige Schicht 2 Netzwerktechnik mit einem ATM Edge Device verbunden sind, die Möglichkeit zu geben, die QoS-Eigenschaften von ATM zumindest für den ATM basierten Teil einer Verbindung nutzen zu können. Im Gegensatz zu den bekannten Ansätzen, die auf einer niedrigeren Abstraktionsebene angesiedelt sind und große Teile der ATM Funktionalität implementieren, ist die hier präsentierte Lösung der Virtuellen ATM API auf einer hohen Abstraktionsebene und damit von wesentlich geringerer Komplexität. Dabei ist der Einsatz von ViAA für alle Applikationen transparent.
The blockchain technology foremost known in 2008 as the underlying technology of the cryptocurren... more The blockchain technology foremost known in 2008 as the underlying technology of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin is a technology which was first introduced by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta [1] in 1991 as a cryptographically secured chain of blocks. Their basic idea was to implement a system in which document timestamps could not be corrupted. This idea was extended [2] in 1992 with the so called Merkle trees accepting different certificates to be collected into one block. Despite its earlier roots, the breakthrough of the blockchain technology only came 17 years later in 2008 whenSatoshiNakamoto (a pseudonymusedby an individual or a group of peoples) published the paper “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” [3]. The basic architecture of theBitcoinblockchain is a confluenceof three basic technologies as of cryptography, peer-2-peer systems and consensus mechanisms [4]. In the light of this, it is more likely that “Satoshi Nakamoto” is a group of people coordinating the knowledge of these three fields of research rather than a single genius experienced in all these fields. Inspired by the success of Bitcoin, a lot of systems attempting tomimic Bitcoin’s success appeared, with Litecoin (2011) [5], Ripple (2012) [6], or Monero (2014) [7] as only a few1 of the more well-known examples. Also, the Hyperledger project (2015) [8] of the Linux foundation as an umbrella project of open source blockchains and related tools, which started in 2015 should be mentioned here. Because the Bitcoin architecture is based on a simple Forth-like scripting language called Script [9] which is not Turing complete, it has no great flexibility and is therefore mainly restricted to money transfer. Moreover, there are other shortcomings like power wastage for consensus building [10], transaction fees which are not acceptable for micro payments and data exchange in the Internet-ofThings (IoT) context, and last but not least the storage of
PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 2006
Prof. Dr. Heinz-Gerd Hegering. 1984 bis 1988 Professor für Informatik an der Technischen Universi... more Prof. Dr. Heinz-Gerd Hegering. 1984 bis 1988 Professor für Informatik an der Technischen Universität München. Seit 1989 Lehrstuhl für Informatik und Vorstand des Instituts für Informatik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München sowie Vorsitzender des Direktoriums des Leibniz-Rechenzentrums. Mitglied der Kommission für Rechenanlagen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) von 1995 bis 2000 und des Nationalen Koordinationsausschusses für Höchstleistungsrechnen beim Wissenschaftsrat seit 2002. Vorstand des Vereins Deutsches Forschungsnetz (DFN-Verein) von 1996 bis 2005. Mitglied des Lenkungsausschusses der Deutschen GRID-Initiative. Mitglied diverser ministerieller Experten-Kommissionen für IT-Infrastrukturplanung und Informatik-Entwicklung an Hochschulen. Forschungsgebiete: Kommunikationssysteme, Netzund Systemmanagement, IT-Infrastrukturen.
ABSTRACT What is The Grid? This question has been asked by many people and has been answered by m... more ABSTRACT What is The Grid? This question has been asked by many people and has been answered by many more. On our way to the One Grid, it iscurrently only possible to distinguish between several Computational, Data and Service Grids. This paper introduces Venice, a lightweight Service Grid that allows for easy service deployment, easy maintenance and easy service usage. It contains man- agement services, information services and application services that can be used to build distributed applications upon. Its main focus in on providing a flexible and dependable infrastructure for deploying services that do not require special knowledge and expertise in Grid computing.
Papers by Paul Mueller