The Bible still enjoys great popularity as a pool of material for authors. This could be understo... more The Bible still enjoys great popularity as a pool of material for authors. This could be understood as evidence for its valid topicality. Focusing on the multiple receptions of biblical stories in literature, at the same time the view onto the biblical text itself is sharpened. This essay wants to depict the interplay between a biblical text and its literal reception, using the example of the death letter motive. For this purpose the motive will be analysed in the David, Batseba and Uriah-story (2 Sam 11) on the one hand and in three selected drama texts (1871‒1911) on the other hand.
The reception history of the woman Bathsheba shows a great variety of different traditions, aspec... more The reception history of the woman Bathsheba shows a great variety of different traditions, aspects and motifs. In most cases, you will come across the attempt to conceive the character Bathsheba as “victim” or “intriguer” usually by means of the divisive attribution. This examination pursues the question of why such a disparate interpretation is prevailing and provides the biblical depiction of the character Bathsheba as one reason. Typical of the biblical narratives relating to Bathsheba (first of all 2Sam 11, but also 2Sam 12,24 et seq. and 1Kings 1–2 ) is an open-ness in her character description that is implemented in a variety of ways while reading the texts, or else in later receptions. In a second step, Bathsheba’s depiction as femme fatale appearing in drama texts from around the turn of the century (Alberti, 1904; Lehmann, 1920) is picked out as an example from the diverse reception history of this character. The (very common) dicho-tomy of Bathsheba as “victim” or “intriguer” proves inadequate here. This form of description of Bathsheba may only be fully grasped by including the historical context, namely the concepts of womanhood around 1900.
The Bible as a material pool still enjoys great popularity by authors. This could be understood a... more The Bible as a material pool still enjoys great popularity by authors. This could be understood as an evidence for its valid topicality and the esteem shown for it. Due to many receptions of biblical stories in the literature the perspective on the biblical text sharpens itself simultaneously. This essay would like to depict the interplay between a biblical text and his literal reception using the death letter motive. For this purpose the motive will be analysed in the David, Batseba and Urija-story (2 Sam 11) on the one hand and on the other hand in three selected drama texts (1871-1911).
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verz... more Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar. Alle Rechte, auch die des auszugsweisen Nachdrucks, der fotomechanischen Wiedergabe und der Übersetzung, vorbehalten. Dies betrifft auch die Vervielfältigung und Übertragung einzelner Textabschnitte, Zeichnungen oder Bilder durch alle Verfahren wie Speicherung und Übertragung auf Papier, Transparente, Filme, Bänder, Platten und andere Medien, soweit es nicht § § 53 und 54 UrhG ausdrücklich gestatten.
Die Erzählung von "David, Batseba und Urija" mit ihren Themen wie Königsmacht, Begehren, Ehebruch... more Die Erzählung von "David, Batseba und Urija" mit ihren Themen wie Königsmacht, Begehren, Ehebruch und Mord ist eine der spannendsten alttestamentlichen Geschichten und zugleich ein herausragendes Exempel der hebräischen Erzählkunst. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Studie steht die Analyse von 2 Sam 11 anhand narratologischer Kriterien wie Erzählstimme, Perspektive, Handlung, Raum, Zeit und Figuren. Diese ermöglichen eine detaillierte Beschreibung der biblischen Erzählung und zeigen, dass ebenso viel verschwiegen wie erzählt wird. Wie solche Leerstellen und Ambiguitäten die Lektüre des Bibeltextes beeinflussen, wird anhand der Rezeptionsgeschichte der Figuren aufgezeigt.
The Bible still enjoys great popularity as a pool of material for authors. This could be understo... more The Bible still enjoys great popularity as a pool of material for authors. This could be understood as evidence for its valid topicality. Focusing on the multiple receptions of biblical stories in literature, at the same time the view onto the biblical text itself is sharpened. This essay wants to depict the interplay between a biblical text and its literal reception, using the example of the death letter motive. For this purpose the motive will be analysed in the David, Batseba and Uriah-story (2 Sam 11) on the one hand and in three selected drama texts (1871‒1911) on the other hand.
The reception history of the woman Bathsheba shows a great variety of different traditions, aspec... more The reception history of the woman Bathsheba shows a great variety of different traditions, aspects and motifs. In most cases, you will come across the attempt to conceive the character Bathsheba as “victim” or “intriguer” usually by means of the divisive attribution. This examination pursues the question of why such a disparate interpretation is prevailing and provides the biblical depiction of the character Bathsheba as one reason. Typical of the biblical narratives relating to Bathsheba (first of all 2Sam 11, but also 2Sam 12,24 et seq. and 1Kings 1–2 ) is an open-ness in her character description that is implemented in a variety of ways while reading the texts, or else in later receptions. In a second step, Bathsheba’s depiction as femme fatale appearing in drama texts from around the turn of the century (Alberti, 1904; Lehmann, 1920) is picked out as an example from the diverse reception history of this character. The (very common) dicho-tomy of Bathsheba as “victim” or “intriguer” proves inadequate here. This form of description of Bathsheba may only be fully grasped by including the historical context, namely the concepts of womanhood around 1900.
The Bible as a material pool still enjoys great popularity by authors. This could be understood a... more The Bible as a material pool still enjoys great popularity by authors. This could be understood as an evidence for its valid topicality and the esteem shown for it. Due to many receptions of biblical stories in the literature the perspective on the biblical text sharpens itself simultaneously. This essay would like to depict the interplay between a biblical text and his literal reception using the death letter motive. For this purpose the motive will be analysed in the David, Batseba and Urija-story (2 Sam 11) on the one hand and on the other hand in three selected drama texts (1871-1911).
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verz... more Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar. Alle Rechte, auch die des auszugsweisen Nachdrucks, der fotomechanischen Wiedergabe und der Übersetzung, vorbehalten. Dies betrifft auch die Vervielfältigung und Übertragung einzelner Textabschnitte, Zeichnungen oder Bilder durch alle Verfahren wie Speicherung und Übertragung auf Papier, Transparente, Filme, Bänder, Platten und andere Medien, soweit es nicht § § 53 und 54 UrhG ausdrücklich gestatten.
Die Erzählung von "David, Batseba und Urija" mit ihren Themen wie Königsmacht, Begehren, Ehebruch... more Die Erzählung von "David, Batseba und Urija" mit ihren Themen wie Königsmacht, Begehren, Ehebruch und Mord ist eine der spannendsten alttestamentlichen Geschichten und zugleich ein herausragendes Exempel der hebräischen Erzählkunst. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Studie steht die Analyse von 2 Sam 11 anhand narratologischer Kriterien wie Erzählstimme, Perspektive, Handlung, Raum, Zeit und Figuren. Diese ermöglichen eine detaillierte Beschreibung der biblischen Erzählung und zeigen, dass ebenso viel verschwiegen wie erzählt wird. Wie solche Leerstellen und Ambiguitäten die Lektüre des Bibeltextes beeinflussen, wird anhand der Rezeptionsgeschichte der Figuren aufgezeigt.
Papers by Andrea Fischer
Books by Andrea Fischer