Papers by Christoph Dartmann
co-authored together with: Wolfram Drews, Antje Flüchter, Christoph Dartmann, Jörg Gengnagel, Alm... more co-authored together with: Wolfram Drews, Antje Flüchter, Christoph Dartmann, Jörg Gengnagel, Almut Höfert, Jenny Rahel Oesterle, Ruth Schilling, Gerald Schwedler
Friedrich Barbarossa in den Nationalgeschichten Deutschlands und Ostmitteleuropas (19.–20 Jh.), 2017
Die Interaktion von Herrschern und Eliten in imperialen Ordnungen des Mittelalters
The Empire of the Ottonian and Salian dynasties was a fragile entity, and the reign over Italy as... more The Empire of the Ottonian and Salian dynasties was a fragile entity, and the reign over Italy as well as the cooperation with the popes provided considerable potential for conflict. An effective exercise of power and successful rule over the three regna was dependent on a complex web of local power structures and agents belonging to different elite groups. Against this backdrop, the paper intends to ask to what degree the monarchs of East Francia / Germany were able to base their government on Italian bishops as an important imperial elite and what the bishops could expect from the monarchs in return. In order to answer these questions, the article concentrates on bishop Leo of Vercelli (998-1026) and on archbishop Aribert II of Milan (1018-1045). By examining the important role of Italian bishops, the paper attempts to pinpoint strategies employed by the bishops in order to coordinate and reconcile their own interests with those of East Frankish kings and emperors as well as other authorities in Northern Italy. In addition, it tries to evaluate the overall implications of imperial structures for local Italian politics. The general conception and orientation of the paper, moreover, highlights the value of studying the interaction between rulers and elites from the perspective of the periphery.
Un monachesimo di confine: l’abbazia cistercense di Cerreto nel medioevo. Atti della giornata di studio Abbadia Cerreto (LO), 27 maggio 2017, a cura di Guido Cariboni, Gianmarco Cossandi e Nicolangelo D’Acunto, 2020
The contribution aims to explain how the foundation or the control of a
monastic institution dest... more The contribution aims to explain how the foundation or the control of a
monastic institution destined for great success, such as San Pietro in Cerreto, can be configured both as an instrument for affirming the city’s expansionist intentions and as a subject of organization of the territory in order to its wider and safer control.
In short words, the contribution reconstructs the events and factors that favored the development and affirmation of San Pietro in Cerreto and that contributed to assign the monastery a function of reference for the nearby territories and villages.
Un monachesimo di confine: l’abbazia cistercense di Cerreto nel medioevo, 2020
The article proposes an analysis of the constitution and management of the landholding of the Abb... more The article proposes an analysis of the constitution and management of the landholding of the Abbey of Cerreto, with particular interest in the turning point occurred in 1139 with its passage from the Benedictine monks to the Cistercians, in order to search for traces of discontinuity or persistence in the ways and forms used by the two orders in land management.
The analysis of the documentation, at a first glance, does not show great variations in the passage of the monastery from Benedictine hands to Cistercian ones: expansion and consolidation remained centered on the same territory, with the implementation of the same type of negotiations.
Greater differences emerge in the attitudes adopted in asset management. The Cistercians carried out a strenuous defense of their rights and property interests by promoting the reorganisation of properties in a system of farms, called grange, which guaranteed a certain degree of unity in management. The white monks were able to continue the exploitation of the landholding potential, grafting their agricultural and settlement experiences in an articulated and already exploited landscape.
L'articolo propone un'analisi della costituzione e gestione del patrimonio dell'Abbazia di Cerreto, con particolare interesse per la svolta avvenuta nel 1139 con il passaggio dai monaci benedettini ai cistercensi, al fine di ricercare tracce di discontinuità o persistenza nei modi e nelle forme utilizzate dai due ordini nella gestione del territorio.
L'analisi della documentazione, a prima vista, non mostra grandi variazioni nel passaggio del monastero dalle mani benedettine a quelle cistercensi: espansione e consolidamento rimasero centrati sullo stesso territorio, con l'attuazione della stessa tipologia di negozi giuridici. Maggiori differenze emergono negli atteggiamenti adottati nella gestione patrimoniale. I Cistercensi operarono una strenua difesa dei loro diritti e interessi patrimoniali promuovendo la riorganizzazione delle proprietà in un sistema di aziende, chiamate grange, che garantivano un certo grado di unità nella gestione. I monaci bianchi hanno così potuto continuare lo sfruttamento del potenziale agrario, innestando le loro esperienze agricole e
Libertas. Secoli X-XIII. Atti del Convegno Internazionale. Brescia, 14-16 settembre 2017, 2019
La comunicazione (che non è parte del convegno di Brescia) illustra le linee guida del progetto d... more La comunicazione (che non è parte del convegno di Brescia) illustra le linee guida del progetto di ricerca attualmente in corso. Si intende indagare i rapporti tra istituzioni ecclesiastiche e primo comune nel Ducato di Spoleto - 'complicati' dalle influenze ‘esterne’ dell'Impero prima, del papato poi - ponendo particolare attenzione, caso per caso, alle occasioni in cui e alle modalità attraverso le quali si faccia riferimento alla "libertas Ecclesie"
Dimensionen mittelalterlicher Schriftkultur, 2011
Funktionen der Beredsamkeit im kommunalen Italien / Funzioni dell'eloquenza nell'Italia comunale, 2011
Physical, Spoken and Written Performance in the Middle Ages, 2011
Studies on Text and Trust in the Middle Ages: Papers from “Trust in Writing in the Middle Ages” (Utrecht, 28-29 November 2002), 2008
Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 2004
Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 2000
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Kanonistische Abteilung, 2014
Die Konfliktpraxis vormoderner Synoden zwischen Religion und Politik, 2015
Die Konfliktpraxis vormoderner Synoden zwischen Religion und Politik, 2015
Papers by Christoph Dartmann
monastic institution destined for great success, such as San Pietro in Cerreto, can be configured both as an instrument for affirming the city’s expansionist intentions and as a subject of organization of the territory in order to its wider and safer control.
In short words, the contribution reconstructs the events and factors that favored the development and affirmation of San Pietro in Cerreto and that contributed to assign the monastery a function of reference for the nearby territories and villages.
The analysis of the documentation, at a first glance, does not show great variations in the passage of the monastery from Benedictine hands to Cistercian ones: expansion and consolidation remained centered on the same territory, with the implementation of the same type of negotiations.
Greater differences emerge in the attitudes adopted in asset management. The Cistercians carried out a strenuous defense of their rights and property interests by promoting the reorganisation of properties in a system of farms, called grange, which guaranteed a certain degree of unity in management. The white monks were able to continue the exploitation of the landholding potential, grafting their agricultural and settlement experiences in an articulated and already exploited landscape.
L'articolo propone un'analisi della costituzione e gestione del patrimonio dell'Abbazia di Cerreto, con particolare interesse per la svolta avvenuta nel 1139 con il passaggio dai monaci benedettini ai cistercensi, al fine di ricercare tracce di discontinuità o persistenza nei modi e nelle forme utilizzate dai due ordini nella gestione del territorio.
L'analisi della documentazione, a prima vista, non mostra grandi variazioni nel passaggio del monastero dalle mani benedettine a quelle cistercensi: espansione e consolidamento rimasero centrati sullo stesso territorio, con l'attuazione della stessa tipologia di negozi giuridici. Maggiori differenze emergono negli atteggiamenti adottati nella gestione patrimoniale. I Cistercensi operarono una strenua difesa dei loro diritti e interessi patrimoniali promuovendo la riorganizzazione delle proprietà in un sistema di aziende, chiamate grange, che garantivano un certo grado di unità nella gestione. I monaci bianchi hanno così potuto continuare lo sfruttamento del potenziale agrario, innestando le loro esperienze agricole e
monastic institution destined for great success, such as San Pietro in Cerreto, can be configured both as an instrument for affirming the city’s expansionist intentions and as a subject of organization of the territory in order to its wider and safer control.
In short words, the contribution reconstructs the events and factors that favored the development and affirmation of San Pietro in Cerreto and that contributed to assign the monastery a function of reference for the nearby territories and villages.
The analysis of the documentation, at a first glance, does not show great variations in the passage of the monastery from Benedictine hands to Cistercian ones: expansion and consolidation remained centered on the same territory, with the implementation of the same type of negotiations.
Greater differences emerge in the attitudes adopted in asset management. The Cistercians carried out a strenuous defense of their rights and property interests by promoting the reorganisation of properties in a system of farms, called grange, which guaranteed a certain degree of unity in management. The white monks were able to continue the exploitation of the landholding potential, grafting their agricultural and settlement experiences in an articulated and already exploited landscape.
L'articolo propone un'analisi della costituzione e gestione del patrimonio dell'Abbazia di Cerreto, con particolare interesse per la svolta avvenuta nel 1139 con il passaggio dai monaci benedettini ai cistercensi, al fine di ricercare tracce di discontinuità o persistenza nei modi e nelle forme utilizzate dai due ordini nella gestione del territorio.
L'analisi della documentazione, a prima vista, non mostra grandi variazioni nel passaggio del monastero dalle mani benedettine a quelle cistercensi: espansione e consolidamento rimasero centrati sullo stesso territorio, con l'attuazione della stessa tipologia di negozi giuridici. Maggiori differenze emergono negli atteggiamenti adottati nella gestione patrimoniale. I Cistercensi operarono una strenua difesa dei loro diritti e interessi patrimoniali promuovendo la riorganizzazione delle proprietà in un sistema di aziende, chiamate grange, che garantivano un certo grado di unità nella gestione. I monaci bianchi hanno così potuto continuare lo sfruttamento del potenziale agrario, innestando le loro esperienze agricole e
Die Autorinnen und Autoren laden zu einer Reflexion der geschichtskulturellen Praxis und des Selbstverständnisses der Geschichtswissenschaft ein. Sie zeichnen nach, wie von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert der Zusammenhang von bedeutsamen Ereignissen betont worden ist, um aktuellen Bedürfnissen nach Tradition und Identität zu dienen – oder um Gespenster aus Vergangenheit und Zukunft zu beschwören.
History comes into being whenever people read and narrate the manifold traces of the past as a meaningful and significant context. Historical scholarship, like other practices of historical culture, is based on the belief that these very traces are more than a random mishmash of infinite episodes. But what is this belief based on and when does an event become a 'part of history'? What meaning did and does history have for pre-modern and modern societies?
The authors invite reflection on the practice of historical culture and the self-understanding of historical scholarship. They trace how, from antiquity to the 20th century, the context of significant events has been emphasized to serve current needs for tradition and identity-or to conjure up ghosts from the past and future.