Hintergrund: Zur Analyse der Ursachen einer erhöhten Vulnerabilität für Essstörungen bei homosexu... more Hintergrund: Zur Analyse der Ursachen einer erhöhten Vulnerabilität für Essstörungen bei homosexuellen Männern wird zunächst auf die Mehrdimensionalität "schwuler Identitäten", auf die Queer-Theorie und die Männlichkeitsforschung hingewiesen.[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
Wood-Polymer Composites (WPCs) can contribute towards resource efficiency as they mainly consist ... more Wood-Polymer Composites (WPCs) can contribute towards resource efficiency as they mainly consist of wood by-products and/or waste materials. The eco-innovative materials represent a hybrid solution on the 'two-evils' continuum' constituted by the competing materials of wood and plastics; the former being too expensive and resource consuming in mass consumption, the latter cheap but environmentally hazardous. However, consumer acceptance of WPCs is questioned due to the merger of components consumers perceive as being contradictory (wood and plastics). Additionally, it is discussed whether consumers' innovativeness enhances WPC acceptance, while ecofriendly consumers may reject WPCs because of environmental concerns related with the synthetic components. To determine the potential market for products made of eco-innovative materials, two German-language online studies (n ¼ 198, n ¼ 357) were created to examine consumer acceptance of WPCs in relation to the competing materials. Study 1 introduced a 3 (material: wood, WPC, plastics) x 2 (appearance: wooden or synthetic) within-subject design. Consistent with the expectations, study 1 showed a clear preference for wood over plastics based on a convenient sample. WPCs remained in the centre position, even for environmentally concerned consumers. Study 2 was conducted to replicate the findings with a representative sample. It additionally considered consumer innovativeness and included further product categories. WPCs only slightly deviated from the centre position in study 2. Mostly important, study 2 proved that the higher the environmental concern and the innovativeness of consumers, the more WPCs were accepted. When taken together, the results point to a greater WPC market than previous research had indicated. In general, premature concerns about innovative materials can be prevented by consumer acceptance studies examining the new materials' position in a surrounding 'multi evils' continuum'.
Vor dem Hintergrund hoher Pravalenzen und haufiger Fehldiagnosen dissoziativer Storungen wurde an... more Vor dem Hintergrund hoher Pravalenzen und haufiger Fehldiagnosen dissoziativer Storungen wurde an einer Patientinnengruppe mit der Diagnose Komplexe PTBS (kPTBS) des NLKH Gottingen die Validitat des Fragebogens zu Dissoziativen Symptomen (FDS) von Freyberger et al. (1998) untersucht. Mit der ROC-Analyse wurden die Sensitivitat und Spezifitat des FDS sowie ein sinnvoller Cutoff- Wert ermittelt. Die Flache unter der ROC-Kurve erreicht 90,4%. Bei einem Cut-off-Wert von 9,3 werden eine Sensitivitat von 80% und eine Spezifitat von 90% erreicht. Die Befunde der ROC-Analyse werden zugunsten des prognostischen Wertes des FDS als Screening-Instrument interpretiert. Die Werte von Sensitivitat und Spezifitat weisen den FDS als ein nutzliches Screeningverfahren fur dissoziative Storungen aus. Der Cut-off-Wert von neun wird empfohlen.
Skript zur Lehrveranstaltung. (teaching script, German Language).Sometimes the paper is cited for... more Skript zur Lehrveranstaltung. (teaching script, German Language).Sometimes the paper is cited for its ordering of validity criteria or for the Solomon - Four-Groups-Evaluation-Design explanation.
Background: Classic rapid-sequence induction of anaesthesia (RSI-classic) in infants and small ch... more Background: Classic rapid-sequence induction of anaesthesia (RSI-classic) in infants and small children presents a time-critical procedure, regularly associated with hypoxia. This results in high stress levels for the provider and may trigger unsafe actions. Hence, a controlled induction technique (RSI-controlled) that involves gentle mask ventilation until full non-depolarizing muscular blockade has become increasingly popular. Clinical observation suggests that RSI-controlled may reduce the adverse effects noted above. We aimed to evaluate both techniques with respect to unsafe actions and stress. Methods: In this controlled, randomized simulator-based study, 30 male trainees and specialists in anaesthesiology performed a simulated anaesthesia induction in a 4-weekold infant with pyloric stenosis. Two different RSI techniques, classic and controlled, were applied to 15 candidates each. We recorded the incidence of hypoxaemia, forced mask ventilation, and intubation difficulties. In addition, we measured individual stress levels by ergospirometry, salivary cortisol, and a-amylase, as well as a post-trial questionnaire. Results: Hypoxaemia always occurred in RSI-classic but not in RSI-controlled, repeatedly resulting in unsafe actions. Subjective stress perception and some objective stress levels were lower in the volunteers performing RSI-controlled. Conclusions: Our data suggest that RSI-controlled, as compared with RSI-classic, leads to fewer unsafe actions and may reduce individual stress levels.
High moisture extrusion cooking is a well-established method to develop soy-based meat alternativ... more High moisture extrusion cooking is a well-established method to develop soy-based meat alternatives. Algae are increasingly researched into as an alternative protein source, particularly the micro-algae spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is known for its high protein content. However, little is known how spirulina behaves during the extrusion process. This study investigates the sensory properties of spirulina (10 %, 30 % or 50 %) and soy-based meat alternatives (16 samples) produced according to a Design of Experiment (DoE) with different levels of moisture (57 %, 67 % or 77 %), screw speed (600 rpm, 900 rpm or 1200 rpm), temperature (140 °C, 160 °C or 180 °C) and two production days (independent replicates). Conventional profiling by a trained sensory panel (n = 12) based on a product-specific vocabulary was carried out and the samples were also subjected to instrumental texture profile analysis (TPA) and razor shear measurement (MORS). The data revealed that high spirulina content caused a black color, an intense taste with earthy notes and an algae odor that is rather musty. Additionally, the higher the share of spirulina, the lower were the elasticity, fibrousness and firmness of extruded samples. High moisture content resulted in products evoking a juicy and soft mouthfeel plus a moist appearance. Instrumentally measured texture parameters matched with the sensory profile regarding texture: high moisture induces a decrease in shear force, shear energy, hardness, cohesion, springiness and chewiness. Particularly firmness perceived by the panel correlates with both MORS and TPA measurements while sensory elasticity correlates with springiness. When keeping moisture low, but screw speed and temperature high during extrusion, it is possible to partly substitute soy with spirulina in order to produce firm and fibrous products with a decent algae flavor that will contribute to shape a more sustainable future for food.
Abstract Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is currently being increasingly researched for its usa... more Abstract Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is currently being increasingly researched for its usability and suitability in human nutrition. The inclusion of alternative protein sources, such as spirulina, in familiar products is a possible strategy to nudge consumers towards dietary change in Western societies. Filled pasta variants with three levels of spirulina-soy-extrudate in the filling (10%, 30% or 50%) were developed and investigated for their sensory characteristics and consumer liking. Recipe development was based on the concepts of flavor-flavor learning (beet-ginger or tomato) and masking (lemon-basil) to account for the musty and earthy notes of the alga. Consumer tests were conducted in Germany (n = 139), the Netherlands (n = 137) and France (n = 144), and conventional sensory profiling was accomplished with trained panelists (n = 12). Consumers preferred the lemon-basil flavor over tomato and beet-ginger flavored fillings. As expected, liking decreased with increased extrudate content, regardless of the flavor. For all flavors expected liking was higher than liking after product exposure; for the lemon-basil flavor the gap was the smallest. It was shown that low general food neophobia and familiarity with spirulina promoted consumer liking. The sensory profiling revealed that the spirulina-soy-extrudate content affected all sensory attributes identified across all flavors, but for the tomato flavor the most. Overall, this study confirms that it is important to consider differences in consumer motivation as well as the product’s conceptual and intrinsic sensory characteristics in new product development.
Current meat production places high costs on the environment. However, only a small portion of co... more Current meat production places high costs on the environment. However, only a small portion of consumers are willing to opt for meat substitutes or a vegetarian diet. Cultured meat may contribute to solve this dilemma. In this journal, Bryant and Barnett recently reviewed current attitude research and summarized objections perceived by consumers concerning cultured meat. However, no research from Germany was available. Thus, we conducted a survey of German participants, including attitudes previously found to be important in the literature. With a panel sample of 713 consumers, attitudes were found to structure in three dimensions: ethics (e.g., animal welfare, ecological) was the strongest positive driver and depended on pre-knowledge available for 38% of participants; emotional objections (e.g., unnatural) were the second strongest predictor but unrelated to pre-knowledge and demographics; and the third attitudinal dimension expresses concern over the global diffusion of cultured meat. A path model summarizes the results. In conclusion, Germany shows itself to be only moderately prepared to accept cultured meat.
The world population is steadily growing and the demand for protein increases along with it, yet ... more The world population is steadily growing and the demand for protein increases along with it, yet our planetary resources are finite. Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is an underutilized protein source suitable for human nutrition, and little is known about the use of spirulina as a food and the associated consumer opinion. New product development (NPD) requires early and active participation of consumers for the success of new products; therefore, a mixed method approach was applied to conceptualize (sensory profiling of spirulina extrudates and expert interviews) and then evaluate consumer’s willingness to try (consumer survey) three innovative products: pasta filled with spirulina, maki-sushi filled with spirulina, and spirulina jerky. To evaluate the consumer orientation towards novel, spirulina-based products, 1035 consumers from three countries (GER,n=348; FR,n=337; NL,n=350) were surveyed regarding their hedonic opinion about these concepts. A photo of each product was system...
Despite growing consumer awareness of ethical consumption, market sales are not growing according... more Despite growing consumer awareness of ethical consumption, market sales are not growing accordingly. Because the presentation of appropriate ethical product information may influence consumers to choose ethical products, this paper analyses the requirements necessary for the successful communication of ethical product features. Based on McGuire's (1976) information-processing model, and a review of current literature, the information's comprehensibility, meaningfulness, and credibility are investigated in an online survey of US American citizens (n ¼ 595) for two product categories representing Fast Moving Consumer Goods, and durable goods. A generalized mixed logit model revealed that all three communication factors affect consumers' choices. The more concerns about, or expertise in, organic production and fair trade purchase the consumers expressed, the less important their price sensibility and the more they preferred a comprehensive addendum and credible sources (e.g., government certificate or traceability). The results strongly suggest that advertisers and marketers can customize product communications in order to better engage both the mass market, and ethically oriented consumers.
Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 2016
ZusammenfassungDie Beobachtung von Gruppenprozessen ermöglicht Aufschlüsse darüber, was erfolgrei... more ZusammenfassungDie Beobachtung von Gruppenprozessen ermöglicht Aufschlüsse darüber, was erfolgreiche Gruppen anders machen als weniger erfolgreiche Gruppen. Typischerweise werden dafür Beobachtungsdaten zunächst transkribiert oder in eine Kodiersoftware überführt und anschließend Einheiten segmentiert, denen Inhaltskategorien aus Kategoriensystemen zugeordnet werden. Während es für die Transkription und Kodierung etablierte Verfahren gibt, bleibt die Segmentierung der Kodiereinheiten häufig der Intuition der Kodierenden überlassen. Dies schränkt die Reliabilität des Kodierens ein. Es fehlen standardisierte und überprüfte Vorgehensweisen für die Bildung von Kodiereinheiten, die für gruppenpsychologische Fragestellungen geeignet sind. Ziel der hier vorgestellten Methode zur systematischen Bildung von Kodiereinheiten ist es, ein transparentes, sparsames und allgemein anwendbares Vorgehen zur Erhöhung der Reliabilität von Kodierungen zu ermöglichen. Wir stellen SYNSEG vor – eine Methode zur syntaxgeleiteten Segmentierung von Kodiereinheiten anhand von zehn Regeln, die auf der deutschen Grammatik basieren. Wir diskutieren sowohl eine Realitätsprüfung als auch mögliche Anwendungen von SYNSEG in der Gruppenforschung und -beratung.AbstractObserving group processes allows for obtaining insights into what successful groups do differently than less successful groups. In doing so, observational data is typically transcribed or integrated into coding software, coding units are identified, and coding systems are applied to code these units with regard to the respective content. While there are systems available for transcribing and coding observational group data, the segmentation of coding units is mostly left to the coders’ intuition. Standardized and tested procedures for identifying coding units are not available for group research, limiting the reliability of coding group data. We introduce a method which aims at systematically identifying and segmenting coding units to enhance coding reliability. SYNSEG – syntax-based segmentation of coding units – suggests ten rules to segment coding units based on German grammar. To test for reliability, two coders applied SYNSEG for segmenting a 60-minute group discussion. A normalised Levensthein Distance of nD = 0,19 indicated satisfying coder agreement. We discuss the relevance and applicability of SYNSEG in applied group research.
In an attempt to explain the relationship between psychopathy and severe violent behavior, this s... more In an attempt to explain the relationship between psychopathy and severe violent behavior, this study associates previous animal abuse, psychopathy, and sadistic acting in forensic patients. Two topics are addressed: (i) whether previous animal abuse can be identified by a patient's Psychopathy Checklist profile and (ii) whether animal abuse statistically mediates between psychopathy and sadistic acting. In a German forensic hospital, 60 patients were investigated. Animal abuse was assessed using face-to-face interviews and the Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (PCL:SV), and sadistic acting was identified by file records.Discriminant analysis separated previous animal abuse (10/60) by high adolescent antisocial behavior, superficiality, lack of remorse, lack of empathy, and grandiosity. The mediation from psychopathy to sadistic acting (6/60) through animal abuse was found to be complete.The results, although sample size is limited and base rate of animal abuse and sadistic acting are low, fit with a model suggestive of animal abuse as a causal step toward sadistic crimes. Animal abuse correlates with callous, unemotional traits, and a development of sadistic crimes.
Companies engage in various brand activities in Social Media, e.g. establishing Facebook brand Pa... more Companies engage in various brand activities in Social Media, e.g. establishing Facebook brand Pages. Concurrently, many Facebook users actively link themselves to one or more brands. But why do people link themselves to brand Pages and how does this contribute to the brand’s success? Self-completion theory may explain processes such as linking oneself to brand Pages as identity formation and self-verification. Using the method of Cognitive Mapping, we visualise the self as a constituent of the cognitive map of the brand and the brand as a constituent of the cognitive map of the self. A three-sample online survey (N = 327) regarding an exemplary brand from the hair cosmetics sector was conducted. Consistent with hypotheses, for those respondents linked to the brand on Facebook, the self was closer to the core of the brand’s map, and the brand was closer to the core of the self’s map. Accordingly, the majority of Facebook users linked to brand Pages are “true fans”, who make the bran...
Based on the 21-item Human Values Scale of the European Social Survey (ESS, 2002-2006), Bilsky, J... more Based on the 21-item Human Values Scale of the European Social Survey (ESS, 2002-2006), Bilsky, Janik, and Schwartz (2011) concluded that the quasi-circular model of Schwartz's value theory "fits somewhat less well in less developed societies" (p. 16). This article focuses on their mitigating quantifier "somewhat" and proposes an impartial measure to evaluate Schwartz's universality claim. European Social Survey data of four rounds 2002-2008 (33 countries, 98 samples) were analysed. Applying restricted confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), we partitioned the 21 items' variance into an acquiescence part and the two diagonal axes of growth-protection and social-personal focused values. The variance in the growth-protection axis varied between 22.0% (Austria, in 2002) and 2.0% (samples from Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, and Slovakia remain below 5%). Within rounds across countries (respective df = 94), the growth-protection axis' variance strongly correlates (r = .76) with an index of socioeconomic development, aggregated from five indicators adopted from the World Bank. It also strongly correlates (r = .81) with a sample's mean member's location on the growth vs. protection value dimension. We interpret these results as a strong effect and conclude that in socioeconomically less developed countries the value structure remains elliptical or even one-dimensional. The discussion relates the results to Klages' value synthesis theory.
Hintergrund: Zur Analyse der Ursachen einer erhöhten Vulnerabilität für Essstörungen bei homosexu... more Hintergrund: Zur Analyse der Ursachen einer erhöhten Vulnerabilität für Essstörungen bei homosexuellen Männern wird zunächst auf die Mehrdimensionalität "schwuler Identitäten", auf die Queer-Theorie und die Männlichkeitsforschung hingewiesen.[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
Wood-Polymer Composites (WPCs) can contribute towards resource efficiency as they mainly consist ... more Wood-Polymer Composites (WPCs) can contribute towards resource efficiency as they mainly consist of wood by-products and/or waste materials. The eco-innovative materials represent a hybrid solution on the 'two-evils' continuum' constituted by the competing materials of wood and plastics; the former being too expensive and resource consuming in mass consumption, the latter cheap but environmentally hazardous. However, consumer acceptance of WPCs is questioned due to the merger of components consumers perceive as being contradictory (wood and plastics). Additionally, it is discussed whether consumers' innovativeness enhances WPC acceptance, while ecofriendly consumers may reject WPCs because of environmental concerns related with the synthetic components. To determine the potential market for products made of eco-innovative materials, two German-language online studies (n ¼ 198, n ¼ 357) were created to examine consumer acceptance of WPCs in relation to the competing materials. Study 1 introduced a 3 (material: wood, WPC, plastics) x 2 (appearance: wooden or synthetic) within-subject design. Consistent with the expectations, study 1 showed a clear preference for wood over plastics based on a convenient sample. WPCs remained in the centre position, even for environmentally concerned consumers. Study 2 was conducted to replicate the findings with a representative sample. It additionally considered consumer innovativeness and included further product categories. WPCs only slightly deviated from the centre position in study 2. Mostly important, study 2 proved that the higher the environmental concern and the innovativeness of consumers, the more WPCs were accepted. When taken together, the results point to a greater WPC market than previous research had indicated. In general, premature concerns about innovative materials can be prevented by consumer acceptance studies examining the new materials' position in a surrounding 'multi evils' continuum'.
Vor dem Hintergrund hoher Pravalenzen und haufiger Fehldiagnosen dissoziativer Storungen wurde an... more Vor dem Hintergrund hoher Pravalenzen und haufiger Fehldiagnosen dissoziativer Storungen wurde an einer Patientinnengruppe mit der Diagnose Komplexe PTBS (kPTBS) des NLKH Gottingen die Validitat des Fragebogens zu Dissoziativen Symptomen (FDS) von Freyberger et al. (1998) untersucht. Mit der ROC-Analyse wurden die Sensitivitat und Spezifitat des FDS sowie ein sinnvoller Cutoff- Wert ermittelt. Die Flache unter der ROC-Kurve erreicht 90,4%. Bei einem Cut-off-Wert von 9,3 werden eine Sensitivitat von 80% und eine Spezifitat von 90% erreicht. Die Befunde der ROC-Analyse werden zugunsten des prognostischen Wertes des FDS als Screening-Instrument interpretiert. Die Werte von Sensitivitat und Spezifitat weisen den FDS als ein nutzliches Screeningverfahren fur dissoziative Storungen aus. Der Cut-off-Wert von neun wird empfohlen.
Skript zur Lehrveranstaltung. (teaching script, German Language).Sometimes the paper is cited for... more Skript zur Lehrveranstaltung. (teaching script, German Language).Sometimes the paper is cited for its ordering of validity criteria or for the Solomon - Four-Groups-Evaluation-Design explanation.
Background: Classic rapid-sequence induction of anaesthesia (RSI-classic) in infants and small ch... more Background: Classic rapid-sequence induction of anaesthesia (RSI-classic) in infants and small children presents a time-critical procedure, regularly associated with hypoxia. This results in high stress levels for the provider and may trigger unsafe actions. Hence, a controlled induction technique (RSI-controlled) that involves gentle mask ventilation until full non-depolarizing muscular blockade has become increasingly popular. Clinical observation suggests that RSI-controlled may reduce the adverse effects noted above. We aimed to evaluate both techniques with respect to unsafe actions and stress. Methods: In this controlled, randomized simulator-based study, 30 male trainees and specialists in anaesthesiology performed a simulated anaesthesia induction in a 4-weekold infant with pyloric stenosis. Two different RSI techniques, classic and controlled, were applied to 15 candidates each. We recorded the incidence of hypoxaemia, forced mask ventilation, and intubation difficulties. In addition, we measured individual stress levels by ergospirometry, salivary cortisol, and a-amylase, as well as a post-trial questionnaire. Results: Hypoxaemia always occurred in RSI-classic but not in RSI-controlled, repeatedly resulting in unsafe actions. Subjective stress perception and some objective stress levels were lower in the volunteers performing RSI-controlled. Conclusions: Our data suggest that RSI-controlled, as compared with RSI-classic, leads to fewer unsafe actions and may reduce individual stress levels.
High moisture extrusion cooking is a well-established method to develop soy-based meat alternativ... more High moisture extrusion cooking is a well-established method to develop soy-based meat alternatives. Algae are increasingly researched into as an alternative protein source, particularly the micro-algae spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is known for its high protein content. However, little is known how spirulina behaves during the extrusion process. This study investigates the sensory properties of spirulina (10 %, 30 % or 50 %) and soy-based meat alternatives (16 samples) produced according to a Design of Experiment (DoE) with different levels of moisture (57 %, 67 % or 77 %), screw speed (600 rpm, 900 rpm or 1200 rpm), temperature (140 °C, 160 °C or 180 °C) and two production days (independent replicates). Conventional profiling by a trained sensory panel (n = 12) based on a product-specific vocabulary was carried out and the samples were also subjected to instrumental texture profile analysis (TPA) and razor shear measurement (MORS). The data revealed that high spirulina content caused a black color, an intense taste with earthy notes and an algae odor that is rather musty. Additionally, the higher the share of spirulina, the lower were the elasticity, fibrousness and firmness of extruded samples. High moisture content resulted in products evoking a juicy and soft mouthfeel plus a moist appearance. Instrumentally measured texture parameters matched with the sensory profile regarding texture: high moisture induces a decrease in shear force, shear energy, hardness, cohesion, springiness and chewiness. Particularly firmness perceived by the panel correlates with both MORS and TPA measurements while sensory elasticity correlates with springiness. When keeping moisture low, but screw speed and temperature high during extrusion, it is possible to partly substitute soy with spirulina in order to produce firm and fibrous products with a decent algae flavor that will contribute to shape a more sustainable future for food.
Abstract Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is currently being increasingly researched for its usa... more Abstract Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is currently being increasingly researched for its usability and suitability in human nutrition. The inclusion of alternative protein sources, such as spirulina, in familiar products is a possible strategy to nudge consumers towards dietary change in Western societies. Filled pasta variants with three levels of spirulina-soy-extrudate in the filling (10%, 30% or 50%) were developed and investigated for their sensory characteristics and consumer liking. Recipe development was based on the concepts of flavor-flavor learning (beet-ginger or tomato) and masking (lemon-basil) to account for the musty and earthy notes of the alga. Consumer tests were conducted in Germany (n = 139), the Netherlands (n = 137) and France (n = 144), and conventional sensory profiling was accomplished with trained panelists (n = 12). Consumers preferred the lemon-basil flavor over tomato and beet-ginger flavored fillings. As expected, liking decreased with increased extrudate content, regardless of the flavor. For all flavors expected liking was higher than liking after product exposure; for the lemon-basil flavor the gap was the smallest. It was shown that low general food neophobia and familiarity with spirulina promoted consumer liking. The sensory profiling revealed that the spirulina-soy-extrudate content affected all sensory attributes identified across all flavors, but for the tomato flavor the most. Overall, this study confirms that it is important to consider differences in consumer motivation as well as the product’s conceptual and intrinsic sensory characteristics in new product development.
Current meat production places high costs on the environment. However, only a small portion of co... more Current meat production places high costs on the environment. However, only a small portion of consumers are willing to opt for meat substitutes or a vegetarian diet. Cultured meat may contribute to solve this dilemma. In this journal, Bryant and Barnett recently reviewed current attitude research and summarized objections perceived by consumers concerning cultured meat. However, no research from Germany was available. Thus, we conducted a survey of German participants, including attitudes previously found to be important in the literature. With a panel sample of 713 consumers, attitudes were found to structure in three dimensions: ethics (e.g., animal welfare, ecological) was the strongest positive driver and depended on pre-knowledge available for 38% of participants; emotional objections (e.g., unnatural) were the second strongest predictor but unrelated to pre-knowledge and demographics; and the third attitudinal dimension expresses concern over the global diffusion of cultured meat. A path model summarizes the results. In conclusion, Germany shows itself to be only moderately prepared to accept cultured meat.
The world population is steadily growing and the demand for protein increases along with it, yet ... more The world population is steadily growing and the demand for protein increases along with it, yet our planetary resources are finite. Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is an underutilized protein source suitable for human nutrition, and little is known about the use of spirulina as a food and the associated consumer opinion. New product development (NPD) requires early and active participation of consumers for the success of new products; therefore, a mixed method approach was applied to conceptualize (sensory profiling of spirulina extrudates and expert interviews) and then evaluate consumer’s willingness to try (consumer survey) three innovative products: pasta filled with spirulina, maki-sushi filled with spirulina, and spirulina jerky. To evaluate the consumer orientation towards novel, spirulina-based products, 1035 consumers from three countries (GER,n=348; FR,n=337; NL,n=350) were surveyed regarding their hedonic opinion about these concepts. A photo of each product was system...
Despite growing consumer awareness of ethical consumption, market sales are not growing according... more Despite growing consumer awareness of ethical consumption, market sales are not growing accordingly. Because the presentation of appropriate ethical product information may influence consumers to choose ethical products, this paper analyses the requirements necessary for the successful communication of ethical product features. Based on McGuire's (1976) information-processing model, and a review of current literature, the information's comprehensibility, meaningfulness, and credibility are investigated in an online survey of US American citizens (n ¼ 595) for two product categories representing Fast Moving Consumer Goods, and durable goods. A generalized mixed logit model revealed that all three communication factors affect consumers' choices. The more concerns about, or expertise in, organic production and fair trade purchase the consumers expressed, the less important their price sensibility and the more they preferred a comprehensive addendum and credible sources (e.g., government certificate or traceability). The results strongly suggest that advertisers and marketers can customize product communications in order to better engage both the mass market, and ethically oriented consumers.
Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 2016
ZusammenfassungDie Beobachtung von Gruppenprozessen ermöglicht Aufschlüsse darüber, was erfolgrei... more ZusammenfassungDie Beobachtung von Gruppenprozessen ermöglicht Aufschlüsse darüber, was erfolgreiche Gruppen anders machen als weniger erfolgreiche Gruppen. Typischerweise werden dafür Beobachtungsdaten zunächst transkribiert oder in eine Kodiersoftware überführt und anschließend Einheiten segmentiert, denen Inhaltskategorien aus Kategoriensystemen zugeordnet werden. Während es für die Transkription und Kodierung etablierte Verfahren gibt, bleibt die Segmentierung der Kodiereinheiten häufig der Intuition der Kodierenden überlassen. Dies schränkt die Reliabilität des Kodierens ein. Es fehlen standardisierte und überprüfte Vorgehensweisen für die Bildung von Kodiereinheiten, die für gruppenpsychologische Fragestellungen geeignet sind. Ziel der hier vorgestellten Methode zur systematischen Bildung von Kodiereinheiten ist es, ein transparentes, sparsames und allgemein anwendbares Vorgehen zur Erhöhung der Reliabilität von Kodierungen zu ermöglichen. Wir stellen SYNSEG vor – eine Methode zur syntaxgeleiteten Segmentierung von Kodiereinheiten anhand von zehn Regeln, die auf der deutschen Grammatik basieren. Wir diskutieren sowohl eine Realitätsprüfung als auch mögliche Anwendungen von SYNSEG in der Gruppenforschung und -beratung.AbstractObserving group processes allows for obtaining insights into what successful groups do differently than less successful groups. In doing so, observational data is typically transcribed or integrated into coding software, coding units are identified, and coding systems are applied to code these units with regard to the respective content. While there are systems available for transcribing and coding observational group data, the segmentation of coding units is mostly left to the coders’ intuition. Standardized and tested procedures for identifying coding units are not available for group research, limiting the reliability of coding group data. We introduce a method which aims at systematically identifying and segmenting coding units to enhance coding reliability. SYNSEG – syntax-based segmentation of coding units – suggests ten rules to segment coding units based on German grammar. To test for reliability, two coders applied SYNSEG for segmenting a 60-minute group discussion. A normalised Levensthein Distance of nD = 0,19 indicated satisfying coder agreement. We discuss the relevance and applicability of SYNSEG in applied group research.
In an attempt to explain the relationship between psychopathy and severe violent behavior, this s... more In an attempt to explain the relationship between psychopathy and severe violent behavior, this study associates previous animal abuse, psychopathy, and sadistic acting in forensic patients. Two topics are addressed: (i) whether previous animal abuse can be identified by a patient's Psychopathy Checklist profile and (ii) whether animal abuse statistically mediates between psychopathy and sadistic acting. In a German forensic hospital, 60 patients were investigated. Animal abuse was assessed using face-to-face interviews and the Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (PCL:SV), and sadistic acting was identified by file records.Discriminant analysis separated previous animal abuse (10/60) by high adolescent antisocial behavior, superficiality, lack of remorse, lack of empathy, and grandiosity. The mediation from psychopathy to sadistic acting (6/60) through animal abuse was found to be complete.The results, although sample size is limited and base rate of animal abuse and sadistic acting are low, fit with a model suggestive of animal abuse as a causal step toward sadistic crimes. Animal abuse correlates with callous, unemotional traits, and a development of sadistic crimes.
Companies engage in various brand activities in Social Media, e.g. establishing Facebook brand Pa... more Companies engage in various brand activities in Social Media, e.g. establishing Facebook brand Pages. Concurrently, many Facebook users actively link themselves to one or more brands. But why do people link themselves to brand Pages and how does this contribute to the brand’s success? Self-completion theory may explain processes such as linking oneself to brand Pages as identity formation and self-verification. Using the method of Cognitive Mapping, we visualise the self as a constituent of the cognitive map of the brand and the brand as a constituent of the cognitive map of the self. A three-sample online survey (N = 327) regarding an exemplary brand from the hair cosmetics sector was conducted. Consistent with hypotheses, for those respondents linked to the brand on Facebook, the self was closer to the core of the brand’s map, and the brand was closer to the core of the self’s map. Accordingly, the majority of Facebook users linked to brand Pages are “true fans”, who make the bran...
Based on the 21-item Human Values Scale of the European Social Survey (ESS, 2002-2006), Bilsky, J... more Based on the 21-item Human Values Scale of the European Social Survey (ESS, 2002-2006), Bilsky, Janik, and Schwartz (2011) concluded that the quasi-circular model of Schwartz's value theory "fits somewhat less well in less developed societies" (p. 16). This article focuses on their mitigating quantifier "somewhat" and proposes an impartial measure to evaluate Schwartz's universality claim. European Social Survey data of four rounds 2002-2008 (33 countries, 98 samples) were analysed. Applying restricted confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), we partitioned the 21 items' variance into an acquiescence part and the two diagonal axes of growth-protection and social-personal focused values. The variance in the growth-protection axis varied between 22.0% (Austria, in 2002) and 2.0% (samples from Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, and Slovakia remain below 5%). Within rounds across countries (respective df = 94), the growth-protection axis' variance strongly correlates (r = .76) with an index of socioeconomic development, aggregated from five indicators adopted from the World Bank. It also strongly correlates (r = .81) with a sample's mean member's location on the growth vs. protection value dimension. We interpret these results as a strong effect and conclude that in socioeconomically less developed countries the value structure remains elliptical or even one-dimensional. The discussion relates the results to Klages' value synthesis theory.
Eine Online-Befragung eruiert arbeitsbedingte psychische Belastung, Beanspruchung
und Zufriedenhe... more Eine Online-Befragung eruiert arbeitsbedingte psychische Belastung, Beanspruchung und Zufriedenheit in der Psychoonkologie und verknüpft sie mit Motivatoren für diesen Beruf. Psychoonkologisch Tätige (N 123) haben trotz höherer psychischer Belastung als in anderen Berufen Tätige weniger Beanspruchung empfunden und waren eher zufrieden mit ihrer Arbeit. Wachstumsmotivierte Beschäftigte, die bspw. selbstbestimmt arbeiten wollen, profitieren. Allerdings war die Motivhaltung weder für eine Sensibilisierung, noch für eine Kompensation von psychischer Arbeitsbelastung verantwortlich.
Papers by Micha Strack
und Zufriedenheit in der Psychoonkologie und verknüpft sie mit Motivatoren für
diesen Beruf. Psychoonkologisch Tätige (N 123) haben trotz höherer psychischer Belastung als
in anderen Berufen Tätige weniger Beanspruchung empfunden und waren eher zufrieden mit
ihrer Arbeit. Wachstumsmotivierte Beschäftigte, die bspw. selbstbestimmt arbeiten wollen, profitieren.
Allerdings war die Motivhaltung weder für eine Sensibilisierung, noch für eine Kompensation
von psychischer Arbeitsbelastung verantwortlich.