This is a short book, but not a minor one for Spanish readers interested in pragmatics. In about ... more This is a short book, but not a minor one for Spanish readers interested in pragmatics. In about a hundred pages, there is a fair amount of theses, contentions and analyses of linguistic and communicative phenomena accounted in a new and exciting light. The general idea is to reconsider some phenomena already treated or analyzed both by pragmatic scholars and the author herself, from a relatively new level of analysis called 'metapragmatic'. Up to now these phenomena were judged as being of heterogeneous nature or as having a disperse character; and they have been approached from the perspective of different models of explanation, for example, cognitive, linguistic and literary. What the book aims at is a revaluation of these phenomena as an expression of metapragmatic awareness; as forms of making explicit some communicative behavior by the speakers of a language. This awareness of the use of a language, or speaker metapragmatics, not only pervades the semantic level-in the usual way of determining the propositional content-but also the syntactic and the morphosyntactic one. The essay is divided in three parts. The first is dedicated to the definition of the notion of metapragmatics and the determination of its scope both as an expression of the awareness of the speaker about the use of the language and as an instrument of analysis. The second part is about the representation of discourse, i.e., the linguistic means by which discourse is cited, referred to, paraphrased or accounted by the speakers and the metapragmatic awareness that such means reflect. The last part is about an old acquaintance of linguists, philosophers and literary critics: irony. Metapragmatics is conceived as a by-product of reflexivity. Not linguistic reflexivity, thought of as a property of language (the linguistic tools developed in language to refer to itself), but the reflexivity of the speakers of a language, their capacity to be aware of the form and functions of the language and comment on it, through language itself. This reflexivity can be considered as having two dimensions, the semantic and the pragmatic. Semantic reflexivity is not envisaged in the essay, but is well known to be the backbone of some philosophical semantics (as in the work of Brandom, 1994). Pragmatic reflexivity is defined as the continuous ''commentary on the present and absent statement, on the communicative value of the words, on the scope and consequences of saying and not saying something in certain types of situations, on why a linguistic practice is appropriate or not, on the relations between language and the internal states of the speakers, in short, on the social, poetic, rhetoric, heuristic, political, historical value of language'' (p. 16). Thus widely characterized, metapragmatics only excludes two senses in which the notion could be used: (1) the theoretical
... Todas estas prácticas desencade-nan nuevas propuestas epistemológicas bajo los conceptos de O... more ... Todas estas prácticas desencade-nan nuevas propuestas epistemológicas bajo los conceptos de Open ... la innovación y la fiabilidad de las prácticas de las comunidades de software libre, Dalle y David (2005) apuestan por las prácticas epistémicas abiertas como ...
This is a short book, but not a minor one for Spanish readers interested in pragmatics. In about ... more This is a short book, but not a minor one for Spanish readers interested in pragmatics. In about a hundred pages, there is a fair amount of theses, contentions and analyses of linguistic and communicative phenomena accounted in a new and exciting light. The general idea is to reconsider some phenomena already treated or analyzed both by pragmatic scholars and the author herself, from a relatively new level of analysis called 'metapragmatic'. Up to now these phenomena were judged as being of heterogeneous nature or as having a disperse character; and they have been approached from the perspective of different models of explanation, for example, cognitive, linguistic and literary. What the book aims at is a revaluation of these phenomena as an expression of metapragmatic awareness; as forms of making explicit some communicative behavior by the speakers of a language. This awareness of the use of a language, or speaker metapragmatics, not only pervades the semantic level-in the usual way of determining the propositional content-but also the syntactic and the morphosyntactic one. The essay is divided in three parts. The first is dedicated to the definition of the notion of metapragmatics and the determination of its scope both as an expression of the awareness of the speaker about the use of the language and as an instrument of analysis. The second part is about the representation of discourse, i.e., the linguistic means by which discourse is cited, referred to, paraphrased or accounted by the speakers and the metapragmatic awareness that such means reflect. The last part is about an old acquaintance of linguists, philosophers and literary critics: irony. Metapragmatics is conceived as a by-product of reflexivity. Not linguistic reflexivity, thought of as a property of language (the linguistic tools developed in language to refer to itself), but the reflexivity of the speakers of a language, their capacity to be aware of the form and functions of the language and comment on it, through language itself. This reflexivity can be considered as having two dimensions, the semantic and the pragmatic. Semantic reflexivity is not envisaged in the essay, but is well known to be the backbone of some philosophical semantics (as in the work of Brandom, 1994). Pragmatic reflexivity is defined as the continuous ''commentary on the present and absent statement, on the communicative value of the words, on the scope and consequences of saying and not saying something in certain types of situations, on why a linguistic practice is appropriate or not, on the relations between language and the internal states of the speakers, in short, on the social, poetic, rhetoric, heuristic, political, historical value of language'' (p. 16). Thus widely characterized, metapragmatics only excludes two senses in which the notion could be used: (1) the theoretical
Dificultades del lenguaje, colaboración e inclusión educativa: manual para logopedas, psicopedagogos y profesores, 2003, ISBN 84-9751-014-3, págs. 41-56, 2003
amor: "de manera absolutamente literal dan valor a nuestro mundo" (p. 209). Naturalmente, no he p... more amor: "de manera absolutamente literal dan valor a nuestro mundo" (p. 209). Naturalmente, no he podido presentar aquí todos los argumentos de un libro hondo y bien escrito. ¿Novedoso? La misma Mary War• nock dice que no aspira a la novedad. Con todo, el libro es novedoso. Dentro de una filosofía de tipo analítico Mary Warnock, de espíritu abierto, da nuevo sentido a lo que en esencia sintieron los románticos-y no únicamente los que ella cita sino también (repito y aumento la lista) Jean Paul, Hólderlin, Novalis, Leopardi en el Zibaldone, NervaI e incluso ese posromántico que fue Baudelaire. No es inútil recordar que en relación a los poetas sigue siendo indispensable el libro de Albert Béguin, El alma romántica y el sueño (Fondo de Cultura Económica, varias ediciones). En el curso de este comentario he manifestado algunas discrepancias en cuanto a puntos precisos de análisis. La verdad es que se trata más de discrepancias de detalle que de fondo. lmagination representa un gran esfuerzo y consigue su propósito. La imaginación ha sido analizada, en nuestro siglo, por historiadores de las religiones, antropólogos, etnólogos, psicólogos. Los filósofos, salvo Bergson, Santa yana, Bachelard-además de los que cita Mary Warnock-, no han profundizado en asunto de tamaña importancia para el hombre. Espléndido que un libro nos lleve nuevamente a meditar sobre esta función de la conciencia que, voy de acuerdo con Mary War• nock, tanto contribuye a que seamos hombres. El hombre, "ser racional", "ser social", "ser económico". Más cercanamente a los reinos imaginarios, el hombre como el ser que juega (Huizinga) o el que conoce por la poesía de los sueños (Bachelard). El hombre pue• de definirse de varias maneras. Una de ellas: ser que imagina.
En este número Isegoría dedica su sección monográfica a reflexionar sobre «La filosofía ante el t... more En este número Isegoría dedica su sección monográfica a reflexionar sobre «La filosofía ante el terrorismo», un problema del que, cuando menos, no se puede negar su indudable actualidad. Nuestra pretensión ha sido reunir un conjunto de trabajos que muestren la suficiente distancia reflexiva y crítica sobre un tipo de situaciones que, debido a su profundo y radical vínculo con formas sumamente extremadas y cualitativamente diversas de violencia, suelen conllevar una radical toma de posición que con frecuencia hace difícil la ...
Parables are considered a form of expanded metaphors, with varying levels of complexity in their ... more Parables are considered a form of expanded metaphors, with varying levels of complexity in their narrative structure. They are defined by their perlocutionary purpose, meaning that they typically aim to convey a moral or spiritual teaching. This meaning is an indirect meaning, in the sense that it is inferred under structural and contextual constraints. Two kinds of parables are analyzed: conventional parables, such as the religious parables of the Gospel, and open texture parables, exemplified by Kafka’s parable “My destination”. The aim of this chapter is threefold. After a brief consideration on the nature of parables and some comments on the kind of knowledge they convey, the mechanisms whereby the meaning of the parable is accessed are examined. Section 6.5 details the structural requirements for working out the meaning of parables. These encompass the preservation of formal principles, such as the principle of invariance. Finally, Sect. 6.6 defines the conditions for such inferred meaning to be integrated into an analogy-based argument, that is, the requirements that allow parables to be used relevantly in argumentative exchanges.
The restructuring of the study of literature in the context of the new humanities features two as... more The restructuring of the study of literature in the context of the new humanities features two aspects: 1) the integration of elements of the sciences, particularly the cognitive sciences, which provide literary analysis with depth and intellectual rigor, and 2) the interest of those analyses in making evident the way in which they contribute to knowledge of the human mind. This article contributes to the project by outlining two possible paths. First, it highlights the points at which literary theory could integrate the achievements of cognitive sciences, especially those regarding the contemporary theory of the metaphor, to the analysis of poetry; and secondly, it develops the idea that those achievements make it possible to explain the cognitive and social function of poetry and the way it contributes to the knowledge of the human.
... | Ayuda. Estudios de historia del pensamiento cientifico. Información general. Autores: Alexa... more ... | Ayuda. Estudios de historia del pensamiento cientifico. Información general. Autores: Alexandre Koyré, Eduardo Bustos Guadaño, Encarnación Pérez Sedeño; Editores: Madrid : Siglo Veintiuno de España, 1977; Año de publicación: 1977; ...
... El conocimiento del lenguaje: su naturaleza, origen y uso. Información General. Autores: Noam... more ... El conocimiento del lenguaje: su naturaleza, origen y uso. Información General. Autores: Noam Chomsky, Eduardo Bustos Guadaño; Editores: Alianza Editorial; Año de publicación: 1989; País: España; Idioma: Español; ISBN : 84-206-2610-4. Otros catálogos. ...
This is a short book, but not a minor one for Spanish readers interested in pragmatics. In about ... more This is a short book, but not a minor one for Spanish readers interested in pragmatics. In about a hundred pages, there is a fair amount of theses, contentions and analyses of linguistic and communicative phenomena accounted in a new and exciting light. The general idea is to reconsider some phenomena already treated or analyzed both by pragmatic scholars and the author herself, from a relatively new level of analysis called 'metapragmatic'. Up to now these phenomena were judged as being of heterogeneous nature or as having a disperse character; and they have been approached from the perspective of different models of explanation, for example, cognitive, linguistic and literary. What the book aims at is a revaluation of these phenomena as an expression of metapragmatic awareness; as forms of making explicit some communicative behavior by the speakers of a language. This awareness of the use of a language, or speaker metapragmatics, not only pervades the semantic level-in the usual way of determining the propositional content-but also the syntactic and the morphosyntactic one. The essay is divided in three parts. The first is dedicated to the definition of the notion of metapragmatics and the determination of its scope both as an expression of the awareness of the speaker about the use of the language and as an instrument of analysis. The second part is about the representation of discourse, i.e., the linguistic means by which discourse is cited, referred to, paraphrased or accounted by the speakers and the metapragmatic awareness that such means reflect. The last part is about an old acquaintance of linguists, philosophers and literary critics: irony. Metapragmatics is conceived as a by-product of reflexivity. Not linguistic reflexivity, thought of as a property of language (the linguistic tools developed in language to refer to itself), but the reflexivity of the speakers of a language, their capacity to be aware of the form and functions of the language and comment on it, through language itself. This reflexivity can be considered as having two dimensions, the semantic and the pragmatic. Semantic reflexivity is not envisaged in the essay, but is well known to be the backbone of some philosophical semantics (as in the work of Brandom, 1994). Pragmatic reflexivity is defined as the continuous ''commentary on the present and absent statement, on the communicative value of the words, on the scope and consequences of saying and not saying something in certain types of situations, on why a linguistic practice is appropriate or not, on the relations between language and the internal states of the speakers, in short, on the social, poetic, rhetoric, heuristic, political, historical value of language'' (p. 16). Thus widely characterized, metapragmatics only excludes two senses in which the notion could be used: (1) the theoretical
... Todas estas prácticas desencade-nan nuevas propuestas epistemológicas bajo los conceptos de O... more ... Todas estas prácticas desencade-nan nuevas propuestas epistemológicas bajo los conceptos de Open ... la innovación y la fiabilidad de las prácticas de las comunidades de software libre, Dalle y David (2005) apuestan por las prácticas epistémicas abiertas como ...
This is a short book, but not a minor one for Spanish readers interested in pragmatics. In about ... more This is a short book, but not a minor one for Spanish readers interested in pragmatics. In about a hundred pages, there is a fair amount of theses, contentions and analyses of linguistic and communicative phenomena accounted in a new and exciting light. The general idea is to reconsider some phenomena already treated or analyzed both by pragmatic scholars and the author herself, from a relatively new level of analysis called 'metapragmatic'. Up to now these phenomena were judged as being of heterogeneous nature or as having a disperse character; and they have been approached from the perspective of different models of explanation, for example, cognitive, linguistic and literary. What the book aims at is a revaluation of these phenomena as an expression of metapragmatic awareness; as forms of making explicit some communicative behavior by the speakers of a language. This awareness of the use of a language, or speaker metapragmatics, not only pervades the semantic level-in the usual way of determining the propositional content-but also the syntactic and the morphosyntactic one. The essay is divided in three parts. The first is dedicated to the definition of the notion of metapragmatics and the determination of its scope both as an expression of the awareness of the speaker about the use of the language and as an instrument of analysis. The second part is about the representation of discourse, i.e., the linguistic means by which discourse is cited, referred to, paraphrased or accounted by the speakers and the metapragmatic awareness that such means reflect. The last part is about an old acquaintance of linguists, philosophers and literary critics: irony. Metapragmatics is conceived as a by-product of reflexivity. Not linguistic reflexivity, thought of as a property of language (the linguistic tools developed in language to refer to itself), but the reflexivity of the speakers of a language, their capacity to be aware of the form and functions of the language and comment on it, through language itself. This reflexivity can be considered as having two dimensions, the semantic and the pragmatic. Semantic reflexivity is not envisaged in the essay, but is well known to be the backbone of some philosophical semantics (as in the work of Brandom, 1994). Pragmatic reflexivity is defined as the continuous ''commentary on the present and absent statement, on the communicative value of the words, on the scope and consequences of saying and not saying something in certain types of situations, on why a linguistic practice is appropriate or not, on the relations between language and the internal states of the speakers, in short, on the social, poetic, rhetoric, heuristic, political, historical value of language'' (p. 16). Thus widely characterized, metapragmatics only excludes two senses in which the notion could be used: (1) the theoretical
Dificultades del lenguaje, colaboración e inclusión educativa: manual para logopedas, psicopedagogos y profesores, 2003, ISBN 84-9751-014-3, págs. 41-56, 2003
amor: "de manera absolutamente literal dan valor a nuestro mundo" (p. 209). Naturalmente, no he p... more amor: "de manera absolutamente literal dan valor a nuestro mundo" (p. 209). Naturalmente, no he podido presentar aquí todos los argumentos de un libro hondo y bien escrito. ¿Novedoso? La misma Mary War• nock dice que no aspira a la novedad. Con todo, el libro es novedoso. Dentro de una filosofía de tipo analítico Mary Warnock, de espíritu abierto, da nuevo sentido a lo que en esencia sintieron los románticos-y no únicamente los que ella cita sino también (repito y aumento la lista) Jean Paul, Hólderlin, Novalis, Leopardi en el Zibaldone, NervaI e incluso ese posromántico que fue Baudelaire. No es inútil recordar que en relación a los poetas sigue siendo indispensable el libro de Albert Béguin, El alma romántica y el sueño (Fondo de Cultura Económica, varias ediciones). En el curso de este comentario he manifestado algunas discrepancias en cuanto a puntos precisos de análisis. La verdad es que se trata más de discrepancias de detalle que de fondo. lmagination representa un gran esfuerzo y consigue su propósito. La imaginación ha sido analizada, en nuestro siglo, por historiadores de las religiones, antropólogos, etnólogos, psicólogos. Los filósofos, salvo Bergson, Santa yana, Bachelard-además de los que cita Mary Warnock-, no han profundizado en asunto de tamaña importancia para el hombre. Espléndido que un libro nos lleve nuevamente a meditar sobre esta función de la conciencia que, voy de acuerdo con Mary War• nock, tanto contribuye a que seamos hombres. El hombre, "ser racional", "ser social", "ser económico". Más cercanamente a los reinos imaginarios, el hombre como el ser que juega (Huizinga) o el que conoce por la poesía de los sueños (Bachelard). El hombre pue• de definirse de varias maneras. Una de ellas: ser que imagina.
En este número Isegoría dedica su sección monográfica a reflexionar sobre «La filosofía ante el t... more En este número Isegoría dedica su sección monográfica a reflexionar sobre «La filosofía ante el terrorismo», un problema del que, cuando menos, no se puede negar su indudable actualidad. Nuestra pretensión ha sido reunir un conjunto de trabajos que muestren la suficiente distancia reflexiva y crítica sobre un tipo de situaciones que, debido a su profundo y radical vínculo con formas sumamente extremadas y cualitativamente diversas de violencia, suelen conllevar una radical toma de posición que con frecuencia hace difícil la ...
Parables are considered a form of expanded metaphors, with varying levels of complexity in their ... more Parables are considered a form of expanded metaphors, with varying levels of complexity in their narrative structure. They are defined by their perlocutionary purpose, meaning that they typically aim to convey a moral or spiritual teaching. This meaning is an indirect meaning, in the sense that it is inferred under structural and contextual constraints. Two kinds of parables are analyzed: conventional parables, such as the religious parables of the Gospel, and open texture parables, exemplified by Kafka’s parable “My destination”. The aim of this chapter is threefold. After a brief consideration on the nature of parables and some comments on the kind of knowledge they convey, the mechanisms whereby the meaning of the parable is accessed are examined. Section 6.5 details the structural requirements for working out the meaning of parables. These encompass the preservation of formal principles, such as the principle of invariance. Finally, Sect. 6.6 defines the conditions for such inferred meaning to be integrated into an analogy-based argument, that is, the requirements that allow parables to be used relevantly in argumentative exchanges.
The restructuring of the study of literature in the context of the new humanities features two as... more The restructuring of the study of literature in the context of the new humanities features two aspects: 1) the integration of elements of the sciences, particularly the cognitive sciences, which provide literary analysis with depth and intellectual rigor, and 2) the interest of those analyses in making evident the way in which they contribute to knowledge of the human mind. This article contributes to the project by outlining two possible paths. First, it highlights the points at which literary theory could integrate the achievements of cognitive sciences, especially those regarding the contemporary theory of the metaphor, to the analysis of poetry; and secondly, it develops the idea that those achievements make it possible to explain the cognitive and social function of poetry and the way it contributes to the knowledge of the human.
... | Ayuda. Estudios de historia del pensamiento cientifico. Información general. Autores: Alexa... more ... | Ayuda. Estudios de historia del pensamiento cientifico. Información general. Autores: Alexandre Koyré, Eduardo Bustos Guadaño, Encarnación Pérez Sedeño; Editores: Madrid : Siglo Veintiuno de España, 1977; Año de publicación: 1977; ...
... El conocimiento del lenguaje: su naturaleza, origen y uso. Información General. Autores: Noam... more ... El conocimiento del lenguaje: su naturaleza, origen y uso. Información General. Autores: Noam Chomsky, Eduardo Bustos Guadaño; Editores: Alianza Editorial; Año de publicación: 1989; País: España; Idioma: Español; ISBN : 84-206-2610-4. Otros catálogos. ...
Papers by Eduardo Bustos