Papers by suzanna ratih sari
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik, 2020
This study aims to determine and analyze the role of the community in managing household waste in... more This study aims to determine and analyze the role of the community in managing household waste in Pakpak Bharat Regency and to identify and analyze constraints in household waste management in Pakpak Bharat District. Research informants were selected by purposive sampling. Data collection techniques used through interviews and observation. Data Analysis Techniques used in this study are qualitative data analysis techniques. The results of the study indicate that the role of the community in Pakpak Bharat District in waste management is still less important. The community still lacks a role in reducing household waste sources, and has less role in handling waste in their respective environments. The obstacle factor in waste management is the lack of public awareness to reduce the source of waste by avoiding products with a lot of waste to reduce the volume of waste, not trying to choose products that can be refilled, not using shopping in place of packaging from sellers, not trying t...
A tourist destination designed through the concept of eco-park, Dusun Semilir is one of the envi... more A tourist destination designed through the concept of eco-park, Dusun Semilir is one of the environmentally friendly tourist destinations in Semarang. However, the design implementation does not consider the humanist aspects, especially for tourists with limitations (parents and children), who are unable to access. This study aims to provide perspective on a tourist destination that uses the concept of ecotourism as well as combines with humanist architecture, to ensure that environmental relationship with humans remains in synergy. A qualitative method was used to explore phenomena and problems that occur in study objects to produce ecological and universal design concepts. The humanist concept needs to be borrowed to complement the ecotourism concept for the architects and related stakeholders to plan a tourist destination from two perspectives of the concept. We argue that the eco-humanist tourism perspective provides an understanding that a tourist destination is successful whe...
RUANG-SPACE, Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan (Space : Journal of the Built Environment)
Kolam retensi merupakan salah satu bangunan pengendali banjir, yang sebagian besar dibuat untuk t... more Kolam retensi merupakan salah satu bangunan pengendali banjir, yang sebagian besar dibuat untuk tujuan fungsional saja, tanpa memperhatikan alternatif objektif lain. Keberadaan kolam retensi di Universitas Diponegoro belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Kapasitas tampungnya menyusut karena mengalami pendangkalan serta kondisi di sekitarnya belum tertata. Agar optimal, dilakukan perhitungan dan analisis kondisi eksisting untuk direkomendasikan solusi optimalisasi dalam penataan lanskap yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kelayakan kolam retensi sebagai pengendali banjir jangka panjang, dan bagaimana optimalisasi pemanfaatannya sebagai bagian dari elemen lanskap berkelanjutan pada kawasan pendidikan perkotaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode campuran, menggunakan analisis hidrologi dan pendekatan rasional. Untuk optimalisasi pemanfaatannya sebagai elemen lanskap digunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis menggunakan indikator keberlanjutan. Dari perhitungan hidr...
Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies
Evaluation of thermal comfort in the 1st and 2nd-floor reading rooms of Pekalongan City Public Li... more Evaluation of thermal comfort in the 1st and 2nd-floor reading rooms of Pekalongan City Public Library is to support the aim of designing a comfortable reading room that can increase people's reading interest. This study uses a quantitative approach defined descriptively and evaluatively. Direct measurement data in the morning and afternoon using a thermometer, hygrometer, and anemometer for four days. Data also uses a questionnaire. The collected data compares the measurement analysis results with recommended standards. The result shows that the reading room on the 1st floor was in the threshold and heat-comfort category, which was around 26℃ - 27.4 ℃, while the reading room on the 2nd floor was in the optimal comfortable category, which was around 24.7℃ - 26.4℃. The effective temperature of the 1st-floor reading room is higher than the 2nd floor. The final result shows that the room is in the less comfortable category because the air conditioner in the reading room is not as i...
Pasar Kota Rembang merupakan pasar induk yang memiliki potensi besar dalam pemasukan keuangan dae... more Pasar Kota Rembang merupakan pasar induk yang memiliki potensi besar dalam pemasukan keuangan daerah serta masuk dalam kategori prioritas tinggi untuk dikelola dan dikembangkan menjadi pasar tradisional yang layak serta mampu dalam menghadapi tantangan persaingan pertumbuhan pasar modern. Pemerintah Kabupaten Rembang dalam RPJMD (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah) tahun 2016-2020 telah mencanangkan program relokasi Pasar Kota Rembang yang akan dilaksanakan pada tahun 2019. Relokasi Pasar Kota Rembang bertujuan untuk membangun pasar yang lebih layak untuk penggunanya melalui ekspansi lahan, penambahan kapasitas unit layanan, serta memperbaiki fasilitas yang ada. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah perancangan Pasar Kota Rembang yang sesuai dengan standar bangunan pasar yang dapat mengakomodasi kelengkapan fasilitas, kebutuhan kapasitas ruang, dan mampu memberikan pelayanan yang baik. Kajian diawali dengan tinjauan pasar tradisional, tinjauan khusus Pasar Kota Rembang, dan tin...
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, Aug 4, 2021
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE, 2021
Abstract: Ngaliyan District Park is public park in the city of Semarang which designed a social f... more Abstract: Ngaliyan District Park is public park in the city of Semarang which designed a social function. The social function of the Ngaliyan District Park is not fully optimal. This research talked about conducted to determine the factors influence the community in using public parks such as social function based on community preferences. The research uses qualitative and quantitative approach with the analysis to take achieve these objectives including the characteristics of public parks. The results of this research indicate that the factors that influence the use of public parks as a social function are in accordance with community preferences, comfort, security and accessibility.Abstrak: Taman Kecamatan Ngaliyan adalah taman publik di Kota Semarang yang dirancang dengan fungsi sosial. Namun, fungsi sosial pada Taman Kecamatan Ngaliyan belum optimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan taman publik sebagai fungs...
Dinamika Lingkungan Indonesia, 2022
This study aims to determine the principles of a green architecture approach that can support beh... more This study aims to determine the principles of a green architecture approach that can support behavior change during the Covid-19 pandemic and to determine the arrangement of green architecture that can support behavior change during the Covid-19 pandemic in Batam City Square. This research method is to use literature study. The results show that in the Covid-19 pandemic maintaining environmental health is very crucial for our physical & mental health, and the concept of green buildings is a way to create environmentally or ecologically friendly buildings. To achieve a balance between systems, interactions between humans and the environment. Spatial planning and design using the green building method in Batam City Square is expected to be able to overcome and minimize adverse impacts on human health and the environment, as well as overcome Covid-19 promotion efforts. With a development concept based on keeping your distance and washing your hands, an artistic and useful appearance f...
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE, 2021
Kandang Ayam settlement in lowland typology and directly adjacent to the river, and vulnerable to... more Kandang Ayam settlement in lowland typology and directly adjacent to the river, and vulnerable to flood area. In evolution, this village became a place who migrants hope to get a job. Migrants who do not have a permanent residence, and then they build some0house0and no give attention of environmental aspects, and it can give impression of0slums.0The0purpose0of0thisFstudyRisVtoLfind out the characteristicsRof0slumsUinRKandang Ayam village. Analytical method used is qualitative analysis with steps : (1) Analyze and describe by used the theory of factors causingLenvironmentalTslum based on theory (2) Assesement based on ministerial regulation oftpubliciworkiandipublicihousinginumberl2 of 2016 on quality improvement oftslumRhousingRand slums. ResultToftthiststudyNisethevcharacteristicsvofislumsiin Kandang Ayam village at the moderate level of slums with characteristics, as follows : water network, drainage and sanitation quality are poor, in thistvillagetmajority of the house is homes not liveable and makes impression of slum.NThetsocio-economic conditionsioftthetpopulationtintgenerally low income, unfortunately motivation to have a decent and healthy home is still low.
Millennial Asia, 2021
Historical areas are one of the alternative tourism destinations in Semarang City. The most attra... more Historical areas are one of the alternative tourism destinations in Semarang City. The most attractive and popular spot is the Semarang Old City, which is presently being prepared to become a World Heritage based on the beauty, authenticity and environmental attraction of the colonial buildings as well as the fascinating history of the area. However, most millennials prefer more recreational activities such as taking pictures, riding bicycles, sightseeing and enjoying the culinary surroundings without showing any interest in the history of the Old City. The potential importance of these millennials to the tourism market of this area requires the accommodation of their ever-changing needs. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to study young people’s perspectives and preferences towards historical tourist destinations such as the Old City. This involved the application of the qualitative method to examine the characteristics, preferences and motivations of millennials travelling in h...
Di Kota Semarang terdapatberbagaimacamjenistempatwisata. Salah satutempatwisatabaru yang diminati... more Di Kota Semarang terdapatberbagaimacamjenistempatwisata. Salah satutempatwisatabaru yang diminatiwargaadalahwisataWadukJatibarang, yaituwisata air danalam yang terletak di Kota Semarang. WadukJatibarangdifungsikanuntukpembangkitlistriktenagamikro hydro (PLTMG) berkapasitas 1,5kiloWatt, penyediaan air bakusebanyak 10,9 juta meter kubikdanuntuk program pariwisata. Namun fungsiwadukdalam program wisatabelummemadaidenganmelihatfasilitas-fasilitaswisata yang belumtersedia. Bahkan sebagai wisata air, dilihat dari Peraturan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata No 96 Tahun 2010 tentang Tata Cara Pendaftaran Usaha Wisata Tirta, di Waduk Jatibarang belum terdapat jenis usaha dalam bidang usaha wisata tirta (air). MakadibutuhkanusahapengembanganKawasanWisataWadukJatibarangsehinggaselainbermanfaatsebagaisumber air baku, PLTMG dansolusibanjir, wadukinidiharapkandapatbermanfaatsebagaiobjekwisatapotensial, sertasekaligusmeningkatkanindustripariwisataKawasanWadukJatibarang.Olehkarenaitu, untukmenjawab...
Kota Bekasi terus mengalami pertumbuhan baik dalam sektor ekonomi, industri, maupun pariwisata. R... more Kota Bekasi terus mengalami pertumbuhan baik dalam sektor ekonomi, industri, maupun pariwisata. Ramainya kegiatan budaya dan pariwisata di Kota Bekasi semenjak tahun 2013, tidak lain dilatar belakangi oleh usaha Walikota Bekasi untuk meningkatan kegiatan pertunjukan budaya dan pariwisata guna memperkuat potensi daerah dalam menarik wisatawan memasuki MEA ditahun 2016 lalu. Sehingga meningkatnya kegiatan pertukaran informasi melalui kegiatan pertemuan dan sebagainya tidak luput terpengaruh dari perkembang Kota Bekasi. Namun kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut belum dimbangi dengan ketersediaan fasilitas yang memadai di Kota Bekasi. Sehingga dibutuhkan fasilitas gedung pertemuan yang memadai, serta representatif untuk Kota Bekasi. Pendekatan desain yang dilakukan diawali dengan memahami kriteria dari masing-masing kegiatan yang ada dan hasil studi banding sehingga didapatkan tiga fasilitas utama pada gedung yaitu ruang auditorium, ruang jamuan dan ruang pameran. Dilakukan pula pendekatan men...
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE, 2021
The supply of subsidized housing in Indonesia is rising rapidly. One of them is Mawar Indah resid... more The supply of subsidized housing in Indonesia is rising rapidly. One of them is Mawar Indah residence, Kaliwungu, Central Java. The current problem with subsidized houses is in the house planning that does not consider the needs and developments of the occupants of the house. It causes subsidized housing to have low standard quality, as a result, the occupants make spatial development that will involve changes in spatial territory. The purpose of this research is to ascertain changes in space territory and its effects on occupant privacy and comfort. This research applies a qualitative approach and descriptive methods. A purposefully select sampling technique was used to determine 3 samples of houses that had experienced space development. The study results show changes in space territory, making the privacy and comfort of residents not fulfilled. The changing spatial territory is more dominant in the area of semi-public space and private space, this is because residents develop space to accommodate the needs of family social and economic activities. In this case, the living room and family are used for economic activities as a shop. This causes a lack of privacy and comfort for occupants.
ABSTRACT— Urban slums often create complicated problems, such as its existence which become the m... more ABSTRACT— Urban slums often create complicated problems, such as its existence which become the most difficult problem to handle. Besides, there are physical and social problems that worsen the environment quality. This ishappened in North Jakarta as the research area. As one of the central economic activities, North Jakarta had attracted local people to work and live there. This conditions encourage the development of slum area in certain parts of North Jakarta. It is also worsened by the loose government control therefore, the slums grew prosperously in the greenbelt area of the city. Slums commonly caused various problems related to the decrease of the environment quality. The appearance of poor housing environment is probably because it is based on the individual activities pattern and environment setting that directly influence the people activities and process of environment formation. Thus, poor people always think on how to optimized the empty and illegal spaces but neglect ...
Seiring dengan arus globalisasi, teknologi informasi, layanan pendidikan tinggi telah berkembang ... more Seiring dengan arus globalisasi, teknologi informasi, layanan pendidikan tinggi telah berkembang melampaui batas-batas teritorial baik secara elektronik atau melalui berbasis kampus secara fisik. Pertumbuhan di bidang Industri Pendidikan Tinggi sangat cepat, sehingga mendorong pihak universitas negeri maupun swasta tersebut untuk bersaing dalam setiap aktivitasnya termasuk dalam bidang pemasaran. Keterkaitan antara tempat tinggal dan kampus tidak bisa dihindari oleh mahasiswa oleh karena itu pembangunan hunian sewa sesuai dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa seperti asrama yang dekat dengan kampus sangat dibutuhkan oleh para mahasiswa, karena akses yang dekat memudahkan mahasiswa untuk meminimalisir perjalanan jarak tempuh, sehingga bias menghemat efisiensi waktu. UII atau Universitas Islam Indonesia memiliki empat lokasi kampus yang tersebar di beberapa wilayah, seperti Kampus Terpadu terletak di Jalan Kaliurang KM 14,5 Kabupaten Sleman, dekat daerah wisata Kaliurang dan berjarak 20 KM dari ...
Rumah sebagai tempat yang layak huni untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penggunanya hingga dapat menjadi as... more Rumah sebagai tempat yang layak huni untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penggunanya hingga dapat menjadi aset bagi pemiliknya. Kebutuhan hunian merupakan kebutuhan pokok yang harus dipenuhi pada setiap keluarga. Pembangunan rumah didalam kawasan perumahan dapat menjadi alternatif bagi keluarga atau masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Pihak developer mendirikan perumahan dengan menyediakan rumah untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah. Fasilitas – fasilitas yang mendasar seperti jaringan jalan, jaringan listrik, jaringan air bersih dan kotor sudah disediakan oleh pihak developer. Fasilitas ini dapat berkembang dengan bertambahnya penghuni untuk membuat kehidupan pada perumahan ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi sarana dan prasarana kondisi eksisting dengan standar SNI dan mengembangkan atau menambah kebutuhan sarana dan prasarana yang belum sesuai atau belum ada di perumahan ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif pendekatan deskriptif evaluatif dengan memban...
MODUL, 2017
Kota Semarang sebagai ibukota Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan juga termasuk dalam kategori kota besar di... more Kota Semarang sebagai ibukota Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan juga termasuk dalam kategori kota besar di Indonesia, memiliki ketiga aspek utama dari pengembangan kota berkelanjutan. Konservasi kawasan bersejarah yang termasuk dalam ikon pariwisata, dapat menjadi sumber pendapatan masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah yang menjanjikan dan menjadi fokus utama pengembangannya. Kota Semarang sendiri memiliki beberapa kawasan yang strategis untuk di konservasi keberadaannya seperti Kota Lama, daerah Pecinan, Pasar Johar, dan Kampung Sekayu. Konservasi kawasan dilakukan untuk memberikan perlindungan kawasan bersejarah termasuk isi di dalamnya agar perkembangannya terkendali dan tidak tergusur oleh pembangunan dan modernisasi.Kota Semarang terbentuk melalui perjalanan sejarah panjang dan unik, yang ditandai dengan berbagai peninggalan sejarah utamanya gedung dan bangunan kuno. Bertolak dari hal ini, kiranya diperlukan suatu konsep pemikiran yang komprehensif untuk menangani mutiara-mutiara yang ada di...
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE, 2020
Lampu Satu settlement is one of 12 slum areas in Merauke Regency. Based on the verification resul... more Lampu Satu settlement is one of 12 slum areas in Merauke Regency. Based on the verification results, Lampu Satu slum settlement is the largest, which is 43.67 hectares or 39.44% of the total area of Merauke Regency slum areas. The purpose of this study is to determine the classification and concept of treatment slum settlements in the Merauke One Light settlement. The analytical method used is descriptive quantitative analysis of the characteristics of the Merauke Lampu Satu slums and measurement of the survey results based on the Minister of Public Works and Housing No. 2 of 2016 to determine the classification of slums and to analyze the concept of handling. The final results obtained in this study are the classification of Lampu Satu slums at a moderate level of slums. The concept of treatment that can be done is prevention with the socialization of licensing procedures, healthy living behaviors, waste management, fire disasters, as well as socialization of regional spatial plans. While the improvement of the quality of settlements is carried out on infrastructure and facilities that are still not by applicable standards and criteria as well as by conducting a resettlement program in settlements located in coastal zones.
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE, 2020
The tourism sector is currently one of the sectors that are relied upon to improve the economy of... more The tourism sector is currently one of the sectors that are relied upon to improve the economy of a region. Various types of tourism destinations emerge, one of which is a tourist destination that comes from settlements in the form of villages or tourist villages. This gives a variety of impacts including in terms of the social, cultural, economic, and spatial structure of the settlement. The writing of this article aims to get a theoretical foundation that can later support in solving the problem being studied and the writer can better understand the problem being studied. The method used in this paper is to review literature by gathering several journals that are relevant to the topic. The results of writing this article found that spatial changes that occur in settlements that add a new function as a place of tourism are a form of adaptation of people, people, and tourists (tour operators), with their environment in fulfilling these new functions in order to run well. The factors...
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE, 2020
The presence of Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang International Airport, caused many tourists to come ... more The presence of Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang International Airport, caused many tourists to come to Semarang, and the impact of one of them was on Anjasmoro Raya corridor whose activities were growing. This phenomenon can be found with the presence of shops as formal sector activities and the development of pedagang kaki lima activities as a sector informal. This informal activity uses the shoulder space of the road which should fuction to support the transportation activities in the corridor, but is used as a place of sale by pedagang kaki lima, so there is a strength of property that supports the activities of pedagang kaki lima. This study aims to find the relationship between the setting of the Anjasmoro Raya corridor and pedagang kaki lima activity through the strength of property in the Anjasmoro Raya corridor. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques in the form of place centered mapping. The result showed that there was a relationship between the setting of the Anjasmoro Raya corridor and the activities of street vendors.
Papers by suzanna ratih sari