Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem autoimmune disease. Skin involvement occurs i... more Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem autoimmune disease. Skin involvement occurs in nearly 76 % of all lupus patients. The Bullous Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (BSLE) is a rare cutaneous variant of SLE, affecting in less than 1%. A26-year-old female with a history of a vesiculobullous eruption on face, neck, trunks, andarms, along with oral mucosa ulcers.She hadphotosensitivity, a non-scarring alopecia, hemolytic anemia, serositis, arthralgia, renal impairment, and high antibody titers confirmingSLE. Histopathologicalexamination showed features in accordance with SLE, tends to beBSLE. The renal biopsy confirmed the features of lupus nephritis. The patient was diagnosed as BSLE based on the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) criteria, location of a blister, and histopathologicfinding. She responded well to systemic corticosteroid pulse therapy. BSLE should be considered as a differential diagnosis among patients with bullous lesions.It is vital to prevent the complication of SLE, that is lupus nephritis because it relates to a worse prognosis. We choose corticosteroid given as pulsed therapy to enhance the therapeutic effect and reduce the side effects, followed by azathioprine as sparing agent. Systemic corticosteroid pulse therapy is considered as first-line therapy, with azathioprine which has been proved to be effective in maintaining disease remission. The objectiveof BSLE therapy is to prevent new blisters, promote healing, and prevent scarring.Prognosis ad vitamdubiaadbonam, ad sanamdubiaadmalam, ad cosmetic dubiaadbonam.
Media dermato - venereologica Indonesiana, Nov 6, 2019
Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) tercatat sebanyak 75% dari semua kanker kulit. Data epidemiologis dunia... more Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) tercatat sebanyak 75% dari semua kanker kulit. Data epidemiologis dunia menunjukkan peningkatan insidensi KSB 3-10% dalam setahun, hal ini diduga berkaitan dengan penipisan lapisan ozon (2% dalam 20 tahun terakhir) dan perubahan gaya hidup. Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) dapat menyebabkan cacat kosmetik maupun cacat fungsional sehingga diperlukan diagnosis dini dan penatalaksanaan yang tepat. Seorang perempuan 72 tahun, dengan keluhan benjolan yang semakin membesar kemudian menjadi borok di pelipis kiri sejak satu tahun. Riwayat sering terpajan sinar matahari. Pada pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan ulkus dengan diameter 3 cm dan krusta. Temuan histopatologik menunjukkan sel ganas dengan inti hiperkromatik dan tepi palisade. Penatalaksanaan dengan bedah eksisi, flap rotasi dan skin graft. KSB jarang bermetastasis, namun dapat mendestruksi jaringan di dekatnya. Studi epidemiologi memberikan fakta bahwa patogenesis KSB dapat terjadi melalui efek imunologik dan karsinogenik. Gambaran histopatologik penting untuk menentukan varian KSB. Prognosis quo ad vitam bonam, ad sanam dubia ad bonam, ad kosmetikam dubia ad bonam.
Trisomy 13 is a serious genetic anomaly in the fetus that is one of the causes of abortion as a r... more Trisomy 13 is a serious genetic anomaly in the fetus that is one of the causes of abortion as a result of the chromosomal aneuploidy. Trisomy 13 affects roughly 1 in 10,000 to 20,000 live births, and more than 95% of pregnancies end in prenatal death. Due to the higher prevalence of preeclampsia and the danger of maternal death associated with early birth, abnormalities in these infants also have an impact on the mother's health. According to Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health, women who eligble for abortions if there are medical reasons to do so. The problems in this paper are 1) What are the ethical problems found in pregnancies with a fetus diagnosed with a genetic disorder due to trisomy 13? 2) What is the procedure for implementing medical abortion provocation that fulfills ethical aspects and complies with applicable regulations. To answer these problems, a research using normative legal research, accompanied by reports of cases of abortion. This normative legal research...
Trisomy 13 is a serious genetic anomaly in the fetus that is one of the causes of abortion as a r... more Trisomy 13 is a serious genetic anomaly in the fetus that is one of the causes of abortion as a result of the chromosomal aneuploidy. Trisomy 13 affects roughly 1 in 10,000 to 20,000 live births, and more than 95% of pregnancies end in prenatal death. Due to the higher prevalence of preeclampsia and the danger of maternal death associated with early birth, abnormalities in these infants also have an impact on the mother's health. There is a medical emergency condition to save the mother's life in trisomy 13 pregnancy. Termination of pregnancy avoids the adverse effects that will be experienced by babies with severe congenital abnormalities. According to Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health, women who eligble for abortions if there are medical reasons to do so. Pregnancies that endanger the fetus' life and health, including those with severe genetic diseases that cannot be treated so that they have a negative impact on the baby and mother's life are medically indicated for medical provocatus abortions. The problems in this paper are 1) What are the ethical problems found in pregnancies with a fetus diagnosed with a genetic disorder due to trisomy 13? 2) What is the procedure for implementing medical abortion provocation that fulfills ethical aspects and complies with applicable regulations. To answer these problems, a research using normative legal research, accompanied by reports of cases of abortion. This normative legal research focuses on ethical and legal aspects of the implementation of provocative medical abortion following statutory regulations. This normative legal research starts with articles and case reports of fetal pregnancies with genetic disorders from the Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital. The results of the study show that consent to termination of pregnancy with medical indications by the patient and approved by the
The question of how to treat a professional degree upon marital dissolution has produced a passel... more The question of how to treat a professional degree upon marital dissolution has produced a passel of conflicting state court opinions. 1 The issue 1. Courts have wrestled with the issues of whether a degree is property that can be valued and distributed, whether the supporting spouse will be compensated for contributions made to the student spouse's professional education, and what the proper measure of an award for those contributions will be. Most courts have held that the degree is not property, but have granted restitution to the supporting spouse. This Note is not intended to be a compendium of the decisions on this issue. The cases cited in In re Marriage of Washburn, 101 Wn. 2d 168,677 P.2d 152 (1984), are the leading cases from other states. See infra note 29 and accompanying text. For a comprehensive discussion of decisions on point, see Bruch,
Latar belakang: Sindrom Ramsay Hunt (SRH) merupakan komplikasi yang jarang terjadi pada herpes zo... more Latar belakang: Sindrom Ramsay Hunt (SRH) merupakan komplikasi yang jarang terjadi pada herpes zoster. SRH dapat terjadi tanpa adanya ruam kulit (zoster sine herpete). Karena gejala-gejala ini tidak selalu muncul saat onset, sindrom ini sering salah didiagnosis. Insidensi 5/100.000 kasus pada populasi di Amerika Serikat dan meningkat pada kelompok umur di atas 60 tahun dan kondisi imunokompromais. Laporan Kasus: Laki-laki, 66 tahun, timbul plenting-plenting di daerah telinga kiri menyebar ke dada sebelah kiri sejak 8 hari sebelum dikonsulkan. Terdapat nyeri pada telinga, pendengaran berkurang, pusing berputar, wajah sebelah kiri sulit digerakkan dan sulit berbicara. Permeriksaan fisik ditemukan vesikel berkelompok dengan dasar kulit eritem dan edema, bula, erosi, krusta, konfigurasi herpetiformis, distribusi unilateral, segmental setinggi persarafan servikal 2-4. Temuan tzank test menunjukkan sel datia berinti banyak. Penatalaksanaan dengan sistemik asiklovir dan metilprednison. Pem...
Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) tercatat sebanyak 75% dari semua kanker kulit. Data epidemiologis dunia... more Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) tercatat sebanyak 75% dari semua kanker kulit. Data epidemiologis dunia menunjukkan peningkatan insidensi KSB 3-10% dalam setahun, hal ini diduga berkaitan dengan penipisan lapisan ozon (2% dalam 20 tahun terakhir) dan perubahan gaya hidup. Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) dapat menyebabkan cacat kosmetik maupun cacat fungsional sehingga diperlukan diagnosis dini dan penatalaksanaan yang tepat. Seorang perempuan 72 tahun, dengan keluhan benjolan yang semakin membesar kemudian menjadi borok di pelipis kiri sejak satu tahun. Riwayat sering terpajan sinar matahari. Pada pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan ulkus dengan diameter 3 cm dan krusta. Temuan histopatologik menunjukkan sel ganas dengan inti hiperkromatik dan tepi palisade. Penatalaksanaan dengan bedah eksisi, flap rotasi dan skin graft. KSB jarang bermetastasis, namun dapat mendestruksi jaringan di dekatnya. Studi epidemiologi memberikan fakta bahwa patogenesis KSB dapat terjadi melalui efek imunologik dan karsinogenik. Gambaran histopatologik penting untuk menentukan varian KSB. Prognosis quo ad vitam bonam, ad sanam dubia ad bonam, ad kosmetikam dubia ad bonam.
Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) tercatat sebanyak 75% dari semua kanker kulit. Data epidemiologis dunia... more Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) tercatat sebanyak 75% dari semua kanker kulit. Data epidemiologis dunia menunjukkan peningkatan insidensi KSB 3-10% dalam setahun, hal ini diduga berkaitan dengan penipisan lapisan ozon (2% dalam 20 tahun terakhir) dan perubahan gaya hidup. Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) dapat menyebabkan cacat kosmetik maupun cacat fungsional sehingga diperlukan diagnosis dini dan penatalaksanaan yang tepat. Seorang perempuan 72 tahun, dengan keluhan benjolan yang semakin membesar kemudian menjadi borok di pelipis kiri sejak satu tahun. Riwayat sering terpajan sinar matahari. Pada pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan ulkus dengan diameter 3 cm dan krusta. Temuan histopatologik menunjukkan sel ganas dengan inti hiperkromatik dan tepi palisade. Penatalaksanaan dengan bedah eksisi, flap rotasi dan skin graft. KSB jarang bermetastasis, namun dapat mendestruksi jaringan di dekatnya. Studi epidemiologi memberikan fakta bahwa patogenesis KSB dapat terjadi melalui efek imunologik dan karsinogen...
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem autoimmune disease. Skin involvement occurs i... more Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem autoimmune disease. Skin involvement occurs in nearly 76 % of all lupus patients. The Bullous Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (BSLE) is a rare cutaneous variant of SLE, affecting in less than 1%. A26-year-old female with a history of a vesiculobullous eruption on face, neck, trunks, andarms, along with oral mucosa ulcers.She hadphotosensitivity, a non-scarring alopecia, hemolytic anemia, serositis, arthralgia, renal impairment, and high antibody titers confirmingSLE. Histopathologicalexamination showed features in accordance with SLE, tends to beBSLE. The renal biopsy confirmed the features of lupus nephritis. The patient was diagnosed as BSLE based on the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) criteria, location of a blister, and histopathologicfinding. She responded well to systemic corticosteroid pulse therapy. BSLE should be considered as a differential diagnosis among patients with bullous lesions.It is vital to prevent the complication of SLE, that is lupus nephritis because it relates to a worse prognosis. We choose corticosteroid given as pulsed therapy to enhance the therapeutic effect and reduce the side effects, followed by azathioprine as sparing agent. Systemic corticosteroid pulse therapy is considered as first-line therapy, with azathioprine which has been proved to be effective in maintaining disease remission. The objectiveof BSLE therapy is to prevent new blisters, promote healing, and prevent scarring.Prognosis ad vitamdubiaadbonam, ad sanamdubiaadmalam, ad cosmetic dubiaadbonam.
Media dermato - venereologica Indonesiana, Nov 6, 2019
Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) tercatat sebanyak 75% dari semua kanker kulit. Data epidemiologis dunia... more Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) tercatat sebanyak 75% dari semua kanker kulit. Data epidemiologis dunia menunjukkan peningkatan insidensi KSB 3-10% dalam setahun, hal ini diduga berkaitan dengan penipisan lapisan ozon (2% dalam 20 tahun terakhir) dan perubahan gaya hidup. Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) dapat menyebabkan cacat kosmetik maupun cacat fungsional sehingga diperlukan diagnosis dini dan penatalaksanaan yang tepat. Seorang perempuan 72 tahun, dengan keluhan benjolan yang semakin membesar kemudian menjadi borok di pelipis kiri sejak satu tahun. Riwayat sering terpajan sinar matahari. Pada pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan ulkus dengan diameter 3 cm dan krusta. Temuan histopatologik menunjukkan sel ganas dengan inti hiperkromatik dan tepi palisade. Penatalaksanaan dengan bedah eksisi, flap rotasi dan skin graft. KSB jarang bermetastasis, namun dapat mendestruksi jaringan di dekatnya. Studi epidemiologi memberikan fakta bahwa patogenesis KSB dapat terjadi melalui efek imunologik dan karsinogenik. Gambaran histopatologik penting untuk menentukan varian KSB. Prognosis quo ad vitam bonam, ad sanam dubia ad bonam, ad kosmetikam dubia ad bonam.
Trisomy 13 is a serious genetic anomaly in the fetus that is one of the causes of abortion as a r... more Trisomy 13 is a serious genetic anomaly in the fetus that is one of the causes of abortion as a result of the chromosomal aneuploidy. Trisomy 13 affects roughly 1 in 10,000 to 20,000 live births, and more than 95% of pregnancies end in prenatal death. Due to the higher prevalence of preeclampsia and the danger of maternal death associated with early birth, abnormalities in these infants also have an impact on the mother's health. According to Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health, women who eligble for abortions if there are medical reasons to do so. The problems in this paper are 1) What are the ethical problems found in pregnancies with a fetus diagnosed with a genetic disorder due to trisomy 13? 2) What is the procedure for implementing medical abortion provocation that fulfills ethical aspects and complies with applicable regulations. To answer these problems, a research using normative legal research, accompanied by reports of cases of abortion. This normative legal research...
Trisomy 13 is a serious genetic anomaly in the fetus that is one of the causes of abortion as a r... more Trisomy 13 is a serious genetic anomaly in the fetus that is one of the causes of abortion as a result of the chromosomal aneuploidy. Trisomy 13 affects roughly 1 in 10,000 to 20,000 live births, and more than 95% of pregnancies end in prenatal death. Due to the higher prevalence of preeclampsia and the danger of maternal death associated with early birth, abnormalities in these infants also have an impact on the mother's health. There is a medical emergency condition to save the mother's life in trisomy 13 pregnancy. Termination of pregnancy avoids the adverse effects that will be experienced by babies with severe congenital abnormalities. According to Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health, women who eligble for abortions if there are medical reasons to do so. Pregnancies that endanger the fetus' life and health, including those with severe genetic diseases that cannot be treated so that they have a negative impact on the baby and mother's life are medically indicated for medical provocatus abortions. The problems in this paper are 1) What are the ethical problems found in pregnancies with a fetus diagnosed with a genetic disorder due to trisomy 13? 2) What is the procedure for implementing medical abortion provocation that fulfills ethical aspects and complies with applicable regulations. To answer these problems, a research using normative legal research, accompanied by reports of cases of abortion. This normative legal research focuses on ethical and legal aspects of the implementation of provocative medical abortion following statutory regulations. This normative legal research starts with articles and case reports of fetal pregnancies with genetic disorders from the Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital. The results of the study show that consent to termination of pregnancy with medical indications by the patient and approved by the
The question of how to treat a professional degree upon marital dissolution has produced a passel... more The question of how to treat a professional degree upon marital dissolution has produced a passel of conflicting state court opinions. 1 The issue 1. Courts have wrestled with the issues of whether a degree is property that can be valued and distributed, whether the supporting spouse will be compensated for contributions made to the student spouse's professional education, and what the proper measure of an award for those contributions will be. Most courts have held that the degree is not property, but have granted restitution to the supporting spouse. This Note is not intended to be a compendium of the decisions on this issue. The cases cited in In re Marriage of Washburn, 101 Wn. 2d 168,677 P.2d 152 (1984), are the leading cases from other states. See infra note 29 and accompanying text. For a comprehensive discussion of decisions on point, see Bruch,
Latar belakang: Sindrom Ramsay Hunt (SRH) merupakan komplikasi yang jarang terjadi pada herpes zo... more Latar belakang: Sindrom Ramsay Hunt (SRH) merupakan komplikasi yang jarang terjadi pada herpes zoster. SRH dapat terjadi tanpa adanya ruam kulit (zoster sine herpete). Karena gejala-gejala ini tidak selalu muncul saat onset, sindrom ini sering salah didiagnosis. Insidensi 5/100.000 kasus pada populasi di Amerika Serikat dan meningkat pada kelompok umur di atas 60 tahun dan kondisi imunokompromais. Laporan Kasus: Laki-laki, 66 tahun, timbul plenting-plenting di daerah telinga kiri menyebar ke dada sebelah kiri sejak 8 hari sebelum dikonsulkan. Terdapat nyeri pada telinga, pendengaran berkurang, pusing berputar, wajah sebelah kiri sulit digerakkan dan sulit berbicara. Permeriksaan fisik ditemukan vesikel berkelompok dengan dasar kulit eritem dan edema, bula, erosi, krusta, konfigurasi herpetiformis, distribusi unilateral, segmental setinggi persarafan servikal 2-4. Temuan tzank test menunjukkan sel datia berinti banyak. Penatalaksanaan dengan sistemik asiklovir dan metilprednison. Pem...
Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) tercatat sebanyak 75% dari semua kanker kulit. Data epidemiologis dunia... more Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) tercatat sebanyak 75% dari semua kanker kulit. Data epidemiologis dunia menunjukkan peningkatan insidensi KSB 3-10% dalam setahun, hal ini diduga berkaitan dengan penipisan lapisan ozon (2% dalam 20 tahun terakhir) dan perubahan gaya hidup. Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) dapat menyebabkan cacat kosmetik maupun cacat fungsional sehingga diperlukan diagnosis dini dan penatalaksanaan yang tepat. Seorang perempuan 72 tahun, dengan keluhan benjolan yang semakin membesar kemudian menjadi borok di pelipis kiri sejak satu tahun. Riwayat sering terpajan sinar matahari. Pada pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan ulkus dengan diameter 3 cm dan krusta. Temuan histopatologik menunjukkan sel ganas dengan inti hiperkromatik dan tepi palisade. Penatalaksanaan dengan bedah eksisi, flap rotasi dan skin graft. KSB jarang bermetastasis, namun dapat mendestruksi jaringan di dekatnya. Studi epidemiologi memberikan fakta bahwa patogenesis KSB dapat terjadi melalui efek imunologik dan karsinogenik. Gambaran histopatologik penting untuk menentukan varian KSB. Prognosis quo ad vitam bonam, ad sanam dubia ad bonam, ad kosmetikam dubia ad bonam.
Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) tercatat sebanyak 75% dari semua kanker kulit. Data epidemiologis dunia... more Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) tercatat sebanyak 75% dari semua kanker kulit. Data epidemiologis dunia menunjukkan peningkatan insidensi KSB 3-10% dalam setahun, hal ini diduga berkaitan dengan penipisan lapisan ozon (2% dalam 20 tahun terakhir) dan perubahan gaya hidup. Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) dapat menyebabkan cacat kosmetik maupun cacat fungsional sehingga diperlukan diagnosis dini dan penatalaksanaan yang tepat. Seorang perempuan 72 tahun, dengan keluhan benjolan yang semakin membesar kemudian menjadi borok di pelipis kiri sejak satu tahun. Riwayat sering terpajan sinar matahari. Pada pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan ulkus dengan diameter 3 cm dan krusta. Temuan histopatologik menunjukkan sel ganas dengan inti hiperkromatik dan tepi palisade. Penatalaksanaan dengan bedah eksisi, flap rotasi dan skin graft. KSB jarang bermetastasis, namun dapat mendestruksi jaringan di dekatnya. Studi epidemiologi memberikan fakta bahwa patogenesis KSB dapat terjadi melalui efek imunologik dan karsinogen...
Papers by Hayra Avianggi