Papers by Maria Mudrovcic
En este trabajo intento abordar la importancia que posee el análisis del presente para una teoría... more En este trabajo intento abordar la importancia que posee el análisis del presente para una teoría del tiempo histórico. A tal fi n, abordo la noción de “políticas del tiempo” como actos que realizamos en el presente y que determinan quiénes lo habitan. En primer lugar, intento mostrar cómo en el siglo XIX y, en Occidente, el presente comenzó a ser experimentado como “contemporáneo”. En segundo lugar, discuto los presupuestos que subyacen a esta experiencia de lo contemporáneo y de qué forma produce una discriminación sincrónica (los “primitivos” o “salvajes” de la antropología) y diacrónica (los “muertos” del pasado histórico). Palabras-clave: presente; tiempo histórico; políticas del tiempo.
Esboços. Histórias em contextos globais, 2024
La trampa de las 'temporalidades múltiples'. Es posible escribir historia sin cronología?
The Tra... more La trampa de las 'temporalidades múltiples'. Es posible escribir historia sin cronología?
The Trap of 'Multiple Temporalities': Is it Possible to Write Without Chronology?
In this paper, I attempt to answer the following questions: to what extent can we affirm, broadening the meaning of the phrase by Denise da Silva (2016), that "others" are "necessarily without time"?; why does the "other" appear to be carrying "another" temporality when it becomes visible?; why is the concept of "multiple temporalities" flawed at its origin?. In this regard, I attempt to show how, in constituting itself as a historical subject, the West transforms time-as-relation into time-as-noun and how the "problem" of the synchronization of the multiplicity of temporalities is its counterpart.
Multiple temporalities. Synchronization of temporalities. Time-as-noun. Time-as- relation.
RESUMEN En el presente trabajo intento responder a las siguientes preguntas: ¿En qué medida podemos afirmar, extendiendo el sentido de la frase de Denise da Silva (2016), que los "otros" son "necesariamente sin tiempo"?, ¿por qué cuando se hace visible el "otro" aparece portando "otra" temporalidad?, ¿por qué el concepto de "temporalidades múltiples" está viciado en su origen?. Al respecto, intento mostrar cómo al constituirse Occidente en sujeto histórico transforma al tiempo relación en tiempo-sustantivo y cómo el "problema" de la sincronización de la multiplicidad de temporalidades es su contrapartida. PALAVRAS CLAVE Temporalidades múltiples. Sincronización de temporalidades. Tiempo-sustantivo. Tiempo-relación.
Voltaire, "Reflexions sur l'histoire, et en particulier sur l'histoire d'Angleterre de M. Hume". ... more Voltaire, "Reflexions sur l'histoire, et en particulier sur l'histoire d'Angleterre de M. Hume". En Melanges Historiques, II, pigs. 416-20.
This work takes as a point of departure the well-known François Hartog's thesis on historical tim... more This work takes as a point of departure the well-known François Hartog's thesis on historical time and examines how a dominant "régime of historicity" or historical régime becomes the receptacle of a specific historiographical régime. We shall develop the idea that historiography, understood as social practice based upon the representation of time, reflects the dominant historical régime of which is part. To that purpose we suggest two hypotheses: first, the "historical past" must be considered the historiographical régime or time assumption corresponding to modern régime of historicity; and second, is the "History of the Present" what has questioned most the very notion of "historical past" because of its links with a new régime characterized by "presentism".
Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method Articles. London: Bloomsbury Publishing,, 2021
François Hartog coined the term “regimes of historicity” in a critical note entitled... more Introduction
François Hartog coined the term “regimes of historicity” in a critical note entitled “Marshall
Sahlins et l´antropologie de l´histoire” (1983) on Marshall Sahlins’s lecture that was published in
the American Anthropological Journal. This notion was born from the encounter between history
and anthropology. Hartog and Gérard Lenclud defined it for the first time in 1993 as “the type of
relation that every society has with its past, the way that it is treated by it and how she treats it to
use it and build this thing that we call history” and subsequently added that the regime of
historicity “refers to the modality of a self-consciousness of a human community” (Hartog and
Lenclud 1993: 26, my translation). In 2003, Hartog developed this concept in his key book on this
topic Régimes d´historicité: Présentisme et experiences du temps, and he defined it as “the ways
in which these universal categories or forms we call ‘the past’, ‘the present’, and ‘the future’ are
articulated,” namely, the ways that societies in different times and in different spaces organize
the past, present, and future.
This article attempts to show that in western societies of today, in the absence of absolute foun... more This article attempts to show that in western societies of today, in the absence of absolute foundations and the lack of a frame of meaning that opens new horizons of expectations, a political self understanding of the present in terms of past, begins to emerge. This is possible because the major “catastrophes” of the 20th century have not established a rupture between past and present on the political plane. What I am trying to show here is that the kind of break between past and present made possible by events such as the French Revolution and the Fall of the Soviet Union, took place because these events provoked political ruptures. Because the catastrophes of the 20th century did not break the political order which gave them birth (the modern secular state), they have created an order of time which, without leaving the future aside, feeds itself from the past.
Cuadernos de Historia. Universidad de Chile, 2021
Resumen: Este artículo intenta dar cuenta de qué modo la experiencia de la pandemia cualificó al ... more Resumen: Este artículo intenta dar cuenta de qué modo la experiencia de la pandemia cualificó al presente como un "presente suspendido". A tal fin, se desarrolla el concepto de "evento sin precedentes" siguiendo a Derrida y a Simon. El objetivo es mostrar que la pandemia hizo posible configurar un "nosotros como especie", sujeto considerado, por Chakrabarty, imposible de experimentar como humanos.
KEYWORDS: Unprecedented event; suspended present; species; historical temporality; epochal event; historical present.
Palabras clave: evento sin precedentes, presente suspendido, especie, temporalidad histórica, evento epocal, presente histórico.
Do Fake ao Fato (des)atualizando Bolsonaro, 2020
Sumário O tempo presente e os desafios de uma historiografia (in)atual .....
Rethinking History. The Journal of Theory and Practice , 2019
The article focuses on the notion of the ‘politics of time’ from a performative point of view. I ... more The article focuses on the notion of the ‘politics of time’ from a performative point of view. I aim to show that periodization is a way we act upon time. The first part of the article argues that, during the nineteenth century, ‘contemporaneity’ began to be understood as ‘sharing the present’. I focus mainly on the writings of Taine and Tocqueville. I then show the normative presupposition underlying the ‘contemporaneity/non-contemporaneity issue’. Finally, I explore its consequences for a Western conception of the present.
Representación Histórica y nueva experiencia del tiempo , 2019
En el trabajo parto de la fuerte convicción de que las más diversas prácticas (como la historia, ... more En el trabajo parto de la fuerte convicción de que las más diversas prácticas (como la historia, el arte, la filosofía en general, la praxis económica) expresan el modo en que una determinada sociedad experimenta en el presente, sus relaciones con el pasado y el futuro.
ArtCultura, 2018
En este trabajo intento abordar la importancia que posee el análisis del presente para una teoría... more En este trabajo intento abordar la importancia que posee el análisis del presente para una teoría del tiempo histórico. A tal fin, abordo la noción de “políticas del tiempo” como actos que realizamos en el presente y que determinan quiénes lo habitan. En primer lugar, intento mostrar cómo en el siglo XIX y, en Occidente, el presente comenzó a ser experimentado como “contemporáneo”. En segundo lugar, discuto los presupuestos que subyacen a esta experiencia de lo contemporáneo y de qué forma produce una discriminación sincrónica (los “primitivos” o “salvajes” de la antropología) y diacrónica (los “muertos” del pasado histórico).
Entrevista realizada a varios autores entre los que me incluye
The aim of this paper is to explain why the many turns that historiography has undergone from the... more The aim of this paper is to explain why the many turns that historiography has undergone from the middle of the twentieth century to the present are related to the " living experiences " that have occurred outside of academia. Trying to grasp the concept of " practical past " from Oakeshott and White, it will be argued that the disciplinary transformations such as " gender history " or the " historiography of decolonization " that accompany " living experiences " outside of academia are the result of the " practical attitude " that accompanies historical narratives and function as a moral guide to the present. Finally, it will be discussed that if historians assume a critical attitude toward the " living experiences " and regard the " present as history, " then the different transformations of the discipline can be explained by a critical attitude and go together with an ethical project.
De un tiempo a esta parte se ha hecho un lugar común afirmar que asistimos a una "crisis del futu... more De un tiempo a esta parte se ha hecho un lugar común afirmar que asistimos a una "crisis del futuro y crisis de la política", al "fin de un futuro prometedor", a la "crisis de la proyectabilidad", etc. La idea que intento defender en este trabajo es que el proceso de "globalización" que estamos transitando ha puesto en cuestión ciertas dimensiones de los Estado-nación, precisamente aquellas que lo transformaban en el "lugar" político para avizorar un futuro optimista. La tensión entre un espacio de experiencia nacional y un horizonte de expectativa global -que no se ha podido salvar-se traduciría en una visión pesimista del futuro.
Reservados todos los derechos. De acuerdo a lo dispuesto en el art. 270 del Código Penal, podrán ... more Reservados todos los derechos. De acuerdo a lo dispuesto en el art. 270 del Código Penal, podrán ser castigados con penas de multa y privación de libertad quienes reproduzcan sin la preceptiva autorización o plagien, en todo o en parte, una obra literaria, artística o científica fijada en cualquier tipo de soporte.
In this paper, I intend to show that different ways of describing, representing or think... more Abstract
In this paper, I intend to show that different ways of describing, representing or thinking about human affairs presuppose different types of consciousness of temporality. This proposal is embedded in the fruitful concept ‘régimes d´historicités’, which was coined by F. Hartog. Within this context and in regard to historiography and the philosophy of history, I will try to show that these disciplines and concepts, coined by these fields of study, are only possible in a temporal order governed by the future. Within this context, I will examine historiography, understood as the discipline which makes sense of human past and other disciplines, including the analytical or narrativist philosophies of history, which have yielded concepts such as the ‘historical past’, ‘historical consciousnesses’ and ‘historical time’.
Keywords: regime of historicity-historiographical regime-historical past-historical present
This article attempts to show that in western societies of today, in the absence of abso... more Abstract
This article attempts to show that in western societies of today, in the absence of absolute foundations and the lack of a frame of meaning that opens new horizons of expectations, a political self understanding of the present in terms of past, begins to emerge. This is possible because the major “catastrophes” of the 20th century have not established a rupture between past and present on the political plane. What I am trying to show here is that the kind of break between past and present made possible by events such as the French Revolution and the Fall of the Soviet Union, took place because these events provoked political ruptures. Because the catastrophes of the 20th century did not break the political order which gave them birth (the modern secular state), they have created an order of time which, without leaving the future aside, feeds itself from the past.
El debate en torno a la representación de acontecimientos límites del pasado reciente: alcances d... more El debate en torno a la representación de acontecimientos límites del pasado reciente: alcances del testimonio como fuente María Inés Mudrovcic Universidad Nacional del Comahue-Conicet Introducción En un célebre pasaje del Fedro, Platón pone en boca de Sócrates el mito del origen de la escritura. Cuenta la tradición que en Egipto hubo un dios, llamado Teuth que inventó los números, el cálculo, la geometría, la astronomía, así como los juegos del ajedrez y de los dados y, también, la escritura. Teuth se presentó al rey Thamus, que reinaba por entonces en el país, y le ofreció las artes que había creado y el rey le preguntó por la utilidad de cada una de ellas. Al llegar a la escritura, Teuth dijo al rey que "esta enseñanza ... hará a los
María Inés Mudrovcic Universidad Nacional del Comahue La transposición de categorías patológicas ... more María Inés Mudrovcic Universidad Nacional del Comahue La transposición de categorías patológicas al plano de lo histórico puede ser interpretada como una tentativa de dar sentido a la relación fundamental de la historia con la violencia, relación que Hobbes transformó en origen del pacto contractual. Los regímenes totalitarios latinoamericanos, el Apartheid, el Holocausto o Hiroshima constituyen algunos de los acontecimientos del siglo XX que enfrentaron al historiador con el problema de representar lo que Hannah Arendt ha denominado "la banalidad del mal". La posibilidad de una reconstrucción realista de acontecimientos límites por medio de los procedimientos estándar de la historiografía ha sido puesta en duda desde dentro mismo de la profesión histórica. Parafraseando a Adorno ( 1 ) , un eminente historiador del Holocausto, Raul Hilberg se pregunta: "Yo no soy un poeta ... pero, no es igualmente bárbaro escribir notas al pie de página después de Auschwitz?" y más adelante agrega: "... algunas personas que lean lo que he escrito tendrán la creencia errada de que aquí, en mis páginas impresas, encontrarán la verdad última del Holocausto tal como realmente ocurrió" ( 2 ).
Papers by Maria Mudrovcic
The Trap of 'Multiple Temporalities': Is it Possible to Write Without Chronology?
In this paper, I attempt to answer the following questions: to what extent can we affirm, broadening the meaning of the phrase by Denise da Silva (2016), that "others" are "necessarily without time"?; why does the "other" appear to be carrying "another" temporality when it becomes visible?; why is the concept of "multiple temporalities" flawed at its origin?. In this regard, I attempt to show how, in constituting itself as a historical subject, the West transforms time-as-relation into time-as-noun and how the "problem" of the synchronization of the multiplicity of temporalities is its counterpart.
Multiple temporalities. Synchronization of temporalities. Time-as-noun. Time-as- relation.
RESUMEN En el presente trabajo intento responder a las siguientes preguntas: ¿En qué medida podemos afirmar, extendiendo el sentido de la frase de Denise da Silva (2016), que los "otros" son "necesariamente sin tiempo"?, ¿por qué cuando se hace visible el "otro" aparece portando "otra" temporalidad?, ¿por qué el concepto de "temporalidades múltiples" está viciado en su origen?. Al respecto, intento mostrar cómo al constituirse Occidente en sujeto histórico transforma al tiempo relación en tiempo-sustantivo y cómo el "problema" de la sincronización de la multiplicidad de temporalidades es su contrapartida. PALAVRAS CLAVE Temporalidades múltiples. Sincronización de temporalidades. Tiempo-sustantivo. Tiempo-relación.
François Hartog coined the term “regimes of historicity” in a critical note entitled “Marshall
Sahlins et l´antropologie de l´histoire” (1983) on Marshall Sahlins’s lecture that was published in
the American Anthropological Journal. This notion was born from the encounter between history
and anthropology. Hartog and Gérard Lenclud defined it for the first time in 1993 as “the type of
relation that every society has with its past, the way that it is treated by it and how she treats it to
use it and build this thing that we call history” and subsequently added that the regime of
historicity “refers to the modality of a self-consciousness of a human community” (Hartog and
Lenclud 1993: 26, my translation). In 2003, Hartog developed this concept in his key book on this
topic Régimes d´historicité: Présentisme et experiences du temps, and he defined it as “the ways
in which these universal categories or forms we call ‘the past’, ‘the present’, and ‘the future’ are
articulated,” namely, the ways that societies in different times and in different spaces organize
the past, present, and future.
KEYWORDS: Unprecedented event; suspended present; species; historical temporality; epochal event; historical present.
Palabras clave: evento sin precedentes, presente suspendido, especie, temporalidad histórica, evento epocal, presente histórico.
In this paper, I intend to show that different ways of describing, representing or thinking about human affairs presuppose different types of consciousness of temporality. This proposal is embedded in the fruitful concept ‘régimes d´historicités’, which was coined by F. Hartog. Within this context and in regard to historiography and the philosophy of history, I will try to show that these disciplines and concepts, coined by these fields of study, are only possible in a temporal order governed by the future. Within this context, I will examine historiography, understood as the discipline which makes sense of human past and other disciplines, including the analytical or narrativist philosophies of history, which have yielded concepts such as the ‘historical past’, ‘historical consciousnesses’ and ‘historical time’.
Keywords: regime of historicity-historiographical regime-historical past-historical present
This article attempts to show that in western societies of today, in the absence of absolute foundations and the lack of a frame of meaning that opens new horizons of expectations, a political self understanding of the present in terms of past, begins to emerge. This is possible because the major “catastrophes” of the 20th century have not established a rupture between past and present on the political plane. What I am trying to show here is that the kind of break between past and present made possible by events such as the French Revolution and the Fall of the Soviet Union, took place because these events provoked political ruptures. Because the catastrophes of the 20th century did not break the political order which gave them birth (the modern secular state), they have created an order of time which, without leaving the future aside, feeds itself from the past.
The Trap of 'Multiple Temporalities': Is it Possible to Write Without Chronology?
In this paper, I attempt to answer the following questions: to what extent can we affirm, broadening the meaning of the phrase by Denise da Silva (2016), that "others" are "necessarily without time"?; why does the "other" appear to be carrying "another" temporality when it becomes visible?; why is the concept of "multiple temporalities" flawed at its origin?. In this regard, I attempt to show how, in constituting itself as a historical subject, the West transforms time-as-relation into time-as-noun and how the "problem" of the synchronization of the multiplicity of temporalities is its counterpart.
Multiple temporalities. Synchronization of temporalities. Time-as-noun. Time-as- relation.
RESUMEN En el presente trabajo intento responder a las siguientes preguntas: ¿En qué medida podemos afirmar, extendiendo el sentido de la frase de Denise da Silva (2016), que los "otros" son "necesariamente sin tiempo"?, ¿por qué cuando se hace visible el "otro" aparece portando "otra" temporalidad?, ¿por qué el concepto de "temporalidades múltiples" está viciado en su origen?. Al respecto, intento mostrar cómo al constituirse Occidente en sujeto histórico transforma al tiempo relación en tiempo-sustantivo y cómo el "problema" de la sincronización de la multiplicidad de temporalidades es su contrapartida. PALAVRAS CLAVE Temporalidades múltiples. Sincronización de temporalidades. Tiempo-sustantivo. Tiempo-relación.
François Hartog coined the term “regimes of historicity” in a critical note entitled “Marshall
Sahlins et l´antropologie de l´histoire” (1983) on Marshall Sahlins’s lecture that was published in
the American Anthropological Journal. This notion was born from the encounter between history
and anthropology. Hartog and Gérard Lenclud defined it for the first time in 1993 as “the type of
relation that every society has with its past, the way that it is treated by it and how she treats it to
use it and build this thing that we call history” and subsequently added that the regime of
historicity “refers to the modality of a self-consciousness of a human community” (Hartog and
Lenclud 1993: 26, my translation). In 2003, Hartog developed this concept in his key book on this
topic Régimes d´historicité: Présentisme et experiences du temps, and he defined it as “the ways
in which these universal categories or forms we call ‘the past’, ‘the present’, and ‘the future’ are
articulated,” namely, the ways that societies in different times and in different spaces organize
the past, present, and future.
KEYWORDS: Unprecedented event; suspended present; species; historical temporality; epochal event; historical present.
Palabras clave: evento sin precedentes, presente suspendido, especie, temporalidad histórica, evento epocal, presente histórico.
In this paper, I intend to show that different ways of describing, representing or thinking about human affairs presuppose different types of consciousness of temporality. This proposal is embedded in the fruitful concept ‘régimes d´historicités’, which was coined by F. Hartog. Within this context and in regard to historiography and the philosophy of history, I will try to show that these disciplines and concepts, coined by these fields of study, are only possible in a temporal order governed by the future. Within this context, I will examine historiography, understood as the discipline which makes sense of human past and other disciplines, including the analytical or narrativist philosophies of history, which have yielded concepts such as the ‘historical past’, ‘historical consciousnesses’ and ‘historical time’.
Keywords: regime of historicity-historiographical regime-historical past-historical present
This article attempts to show that in western societies of today, in the absence of absolute foundations and the lack of a frame of meaning that opens new horizons of expectations, a political self understanding of the present in terms of past, begins to emerge. This is possible because the major “catastrophes” of the 20th century have not established a rupture between past and present on the political plane. What I am trying to show here is that the kind of break between past and present made possible by events such as the French Revolution and the Fall of the Soviet Union, took place because these events provoked political ruptures. Because the catastrophes of the 20th century did not break the political order which gave them birth (the modern secular state), they have created an order of time which, without leaving the future aside, feeds itself from the past.
contemporary, emphasizing its designation as a historical field. We
argue that disagreements about when the present or the contemporary
era begins stem from historians assuming a linear, chronological and
absolute conception of time. Following scholars like L. Descombes,
L. Hölscher, B. Latour, D. J. Wilcox and S. Tanaka, we propose conceiving
relational historical time without chronology, highlighting the original
sense of sharing the same time that the term “contemporary” acquired
for the first time. This perspective mitigates issues concerning the
beginnings or the meaning of the present. Accentuating relationships
within a relational time framework aids in overcoming ontological
challenges like too many presents or distance in time, along with the
corresponding epistemological issue of objectivity. This Element aims
to reevaluate and enrich our understanding of the multifaceted
concept of the present in the context of history.
Keywords: present time, history, memory, current times, historical temporality