Maikel Simbiak. 2010. Flora of Papuasia: an Overview. Novae Guinea 2(2) 2010: 159-165. – Floristi... more Maikel Simbiak. 2010. Flora of Papuasia: an Overview. Novae Guinea 2(2) 2010: 159-165. – Floristic region of Papuasia is an area to combine geographical area from New Guinea with its offshore islands to the Solomon Is base on similarity of climate and topography. In the wide context Papuasia is a part of Malesia, the geographical area of plant distribution between South East Asia and Australia. Papuasia is an important area because has high level of endemism. However, data collections of Papuasia mainly from eastern part of New Guinea (Papua New Guinea), so, the area still need floristic study to give taxonomic account about its plant diversity for science and human needs. Keywords: Flora Papuasia, New Guinea
Wilujeng S, Simbiak M. 2015. Karakterisasi morfologi Xanthostemon novoguineensis Valeton (Myrtace... more Wilujeng S, Simbiak M. 2015. Karakterisasi morfologi Xanthostemon novoguineensis Valeton (Myrtaceae) dari Papua. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 466-471. Xanthostemon novoguineensis Valeton merupakan satu-satunya spesies Xanthostemon yang dilaporkan dari Papua (New Guinea Barat) oleh Valeton, namun dengan data ilmiah yang sangat terbatas. Pemanfaatan yang berlebihan menjadikan penyusutan populasi tumbuhan ini secara drastis sehingga kajian dasar tumbuhan ini di alam perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan standar penelitian flora melalui studi eksploratif dan juga studi pustaka. Studi ini menghasilkan informasi ilmiah dasar mengenai deskripsi lengkap spesies. X. novoguineensis menunjukan kemiripan morfologis yang cukup tinggi dengan X. melanoxylon dari Kepulauan Solomon. Hasil ini mengindikasikan perlunya studi lanjut dengan menggunakan sumber bukti taksonomi yang memadai guna validasi kedua spesies ini. Wilujeng S, Simbiak M. 2015. Morphological characterization of Xanthostemon novoguineensis Valeton (Myrtaceae) from Papua. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 466-471. Xanthostemon novoguineensis is the only species of Xanthostemon reported from Papua, Indonesia (Western New Guinea) by Valeton, but lack in scientific data. Excessive use makes this plant population shrinkage drastically so that the basic assessment of this plant in the nature needs to be done. This research was conducted with a standardized approach of flora research through exploratory and literature studies. This study resulted basic scientific information about full description of the species. X. novoguineensis shows high morphological similarities with X. melanoxylon from Solomon Islands. These results indicate the need for further studies using adequate sources of taxonomic evidence to validate these two species.
Maikel Simbiak. 2013. The aspect of Vegetation on Flash Flood in Teluk Wondama Regency Province o... more Maikel Simbiak. 2013. The aspect of Vegetation on Flash Flood in Teluk Wondama Regency Province of Papua Barat. Novae Guinea 5 (1) 2013: 427-438. – Vegetation naturally plays a role in the hydrological control in a variety of soil conditions, especially on slopes. Flood events are often associated with a loss of function of the vegetation in the hydrological control. Vegetation alleged role in controlling hydrological conditions and the stability of the soil mass in the slope through the interception of rain water with vegetation which resulted in a reduced number of infiltrated water, evapotranspiration by water uptake by leaves and roots of plants that result in reduced water saturation in the soil mass, and increased permeability ground because the presence of network plant roots in the soil. However, the flood that occurred in Kabupaten Teluk Wondama was an interesting fact due to the condition of the vegetation in the Mountains Wondiboy Nature Reserve quite good. With a slope of 450 and a mass of soil surface conditions that are prone to move the role of vegetation to control the hydrological situation in the region is small.
ABSTRAK Maikel Simbiak. 2012. Biodiversity Studies in Warloy the Island of Kobror Aru Islands. No... more ABSTRAK Maikel Simbiak. 2012. Biodiversity Studies in Warloy the Island of Kobror Aru Islands. Novae Guinea 4 (2) 2012: 388-405.-Biodiversity studies have been carried out in the forest of Warloy village Kobror Island. Some methods were used in this study to collect biodiversity data. Track method to observe of composition and structure of vegetation; VES and interviews methods for data collection about fauna and water sampling for analysis of planktonic organisms. The forest area is still classified as either supporting a variety of wildlife on the area.
Maikel Simbiak. 2010. Phylogenetic and Cladistic: an Application of Concept on the Pometia Genus ... more Maikel Simbiak. 2010. Phylogenetic and Cladistic: an Application of Concept on the Pometia Genus Relationship Analyses Base on Morphological Characters. Novae Guinea 2(1) 2010: 103-112. – The organisms of the world show similarity and differences in their characters. Base on the interpretation of their characters we know about the theory of evolution. Related to evolution, the phylogenetic talk about how the progress of the evolution could happen and the cladistic is a tool to study about the phylogenetic. As an application of the concept, a study about Pometia genus relationship analyses has been done base on morphological characters using Hennig86 for the cladistic method. Analysis of the morphological character shows differences to the recent taxa concept on the Pometia genus. This result shows that future investigation with other taxonomical evident still needed to evaluate the recent species concept on the Pometia genus.
The Marori is a small indigenous community inhabits Wasur villages in the Wasur National Park Mer... more The Marori is a small indigenous community inhabits Wasur villages in the Wasur National Park Merauke, Papua. This indigenous community still depends directly on forest products in their traditional territories. A study of ethnobotany was conducted on this tribe to document ethnotaxonomy aspects of their botanical knowledge refers to principles of ethnobiological classification proposed by Berlin. Field surveys were conducted with key informants to record all the species that are recognized or not recognized. For recognized species, the species name in Marori language, the meaning of the name, and cultural significance are noted. Identification of plant species is assisted by taxonomist of the Wasur National Park. All species that found in the fieldtrips were collected for the further identification and validation of the scientific names. A total of 194 generic names in the Marori language were documented and a preliminary analysis of the relationship between their ethnotaxonomy with the scientific taxonomy based on identified species is explained.
Maikel Simbiak. 2010. Flora of Papuasia: an Overview. Novae Guinea 2(2) 2010: 159-165. – Floristi... more Maikel Simbiak. 2010. Flora of Papuasia: an Overview. Novae Guinea 2(2) 2010: 159-165. – Floristic region of Papuasia is an area to combine geographical area from New Guinea with its offshore islands to the Solomon Is base on similarity of climate and topography. In the wide context Papuasia is a part of Malesia, the geographical area of plant distribution between South East Asia and Australia. Papuasia is an important area because has high level of endemism. However, data collections of Papuasia mainly from eastern part of New Guinea (Papua New Guinea), so, the area still need floristic study to give taxonomic account about its plant diversity for science and human needs. Keywords: Flora Papuasia, New Guinea
Wilujeng S, Simbiak M. 2015. Karakterisasi morfologi Xanthostemon novoguineensis Valeton (Myrtace... more Wilujeng S, Simbiak M. 2015. Karakterisasi morfologi Xanthostemon novoguineensis Valeton (Myrtaceae) dari Papua. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 466-471. Xanthostemon novoguineensis Valeton merupakan satu-satunya spesies Xanthostemon yang dilaporkan dari Papua (New Guinea Barat) oleh Valeton, namun dengan data ilmiah yang sangat terbatas. Pemanfaatan yang berlebihan menjadikan penyusutan populasi tumbuhan ini secara drastis sehingga kajian dasar tumbuhan ini di alam perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan standar penelitian flora melalui studi eksploratif dan juga studi pustaka. Studi ini menghasilkan informasi ilmiah dasar mengenai deskripsi lengkap spesies. X. novoguineensis menunjukan kemiripan morfologis yang cukup tinggi dengan X. melanoxylon dari Kepulauan Solomon. Hasil ini mengindikasikan perlunya studi lanjut dengan menggunakan sumber bukti taksonomi yang memadai guna validasi kedua spesies ini. Wilujeng S, Simbiak M. 2015. Morphological characterization of Xanthostemon novoguineensis Valeton (Myrtaceae) from Papua. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 466-471. Xanthostemon novoguineensis is the only species of Xanthostemon reported from Papua, Indonesia (Western New Guinea) by Valeton, but lack in scientific data. Excessive use makes this plant population shrinkage drastically so that the basic assessment of this plant in the nature needs to be done. This research was conducted with a standardized approach of flora research through exploratory and literature studies. This study resulted basic scientific information about full description of the species. X. novoguineensis shows high morphological similarities with X. melanoxylon from Solomon Islands. These results indicate the need for further studies using adequate sources of taxonomic evidence to validate these two species.
Maikel Simbiak. 2013. The aspect of Vegetation on Flash Flood in Teluk Wondama Regency Province o... more Maikel Simbiak. 2013. The aspect of Vegetation on Flash Flood in Teluk Wondama Regency Province of Papua Barat. Novae Guinea 5 (1) 2013: 427-438. – Vegetation naturally plays a role in the hydrological control in a variety of soil conditions, especially on slopes. Flood events are often associated with a loss of function of the vegetation in the hydrological control. Vegetation alleged role in controlling hydrological conditions and the stability of the soil mass in the slope through the interception of rain water with vegetation which resulted in a reduced number of infiltrated water, evapotranspiration by water uptake by leaves and roots of plants that result in reduced water saturation in the soil mass, and increased permeability ground because the presence of network plant roots in the soil. However, the flood that occurred in Kabupaten Teluk Wondama was an interesting fact due to the condition of the vegetation in the Mountains Wondiboy Nature Reserve quite good. With a slope of 450 and a mass of soil surface conditions that are prone to move the role of vegetation to control the hydrological situation in the region is small.
ABSTRAK Maikel Simbiak. 2012. Biodiversity Studies in Warloy the Island of Kobror Aru Islands. No... more ABSTRAK Maikel Simbiak. 2012. Biodiversity Studies in Warloy the Island of Kobror Aru Islands. Novae Guinea 4 (2) 2012: 388-405.-Biodiversity studies have been carried out in the forest of Warloy village Kobror Island. Some methods were used in this study to collect biodiversity data. Track method to observe of composition and structure of vegetation; VES and interviews methods for data collection about fauna and water sampling for analysis of planktonic organisms. The forest area is still classified as either supporting a variety of wildlife on the area.
Maikel Simbiak. 2010. Phylogenetic and Cladistic: an Application of Concept on the Pometia Genus ... more Maikel Simbiak. 2010. Phylogenetic and Cladistic: an Application of Concept on the Pometia Genus Relationship Analyses Base on Morphological Characters. Novae Guinea 2(1) 2010: 103-112. – The organisms of the world show similarity and differences in their characters. Base on the interpretation of their characters we know about the theory of evolution. Related to evolution, the phylogenetic talk about how the progress of the evolution could happen and the cladistic is a tool to study about the phylogenetic. As an application of the concept, a study about Pometia genus relationship analyses has been done base on morphological characters using Hennig86 for the cladistic method. Analysis of the morphological character shows differences to the recent taxa concept on the Pometia genus. This result shows that future investigation with other taxonomical evident still needed to evaluate the recent species concept on the Pometia genus.
The Marori is a small indigenous community inhabits Wasur villages in the Wasur National Park Mer... more The Marori is a small indigenous community inhabits Wasur villages in the Wasur National Park Merauke, Papua. This indigenous community still depends directly on forest products in their traditional territories. A study of ethnobotany was conducted on this tribe to document ethnotaxonomy aspects of their botanical knowledge refers to principles of ethnobiological classification proposed by Berlin. Field surveys were conducted with key informants to record all the species that are recognized or not recognized. For recognized species, the species name in Marori language, the meaning of the name, and cultural significance are noted. Identification of plant species is assisted by taxonomist of the Wasur National Park. All species that found in the fieldtrips were collected for the further identification and validation of the scientific names. A total of 194 generic names in the Marori language were documented and a preliminary analysis of the relationship between their ethnotaxonomy with the scientific taxonomy based on identified species is explained.
Papers by Maikel Simbiak
Keywords: Flora Papuasia, New Guinea
Drafts by Maikel Simbiak
Keywords: Flora Papuasia, New Guinea