Papers by Caroline Siqueira Gomide
Abstracts with programs, 2021
Lithos, Jul 1, 2012
Bebedourite is a cumulate rock composed of variable but roughly equant amounts of diopside, apati... more Bebedourite is a cumulate rock composed of variable but roughly equant amounts of diopside, apatite, magnetite, phlogopite, and a Ca-Ti phase (mostly perovskite.
Gender affects all aspects of life, and the working and learning environments of science, technol... more Gender affects all aspects of life, and the working and learning environments of science, technology, engineering and geosciences present no exception. Gender issues concerning the access, permanence and ascension of women in exact sciences and Earth sciences careers in general are related to a variety of causes. The underrepresentation of women in science communications, sexual or moral harassment caused by professors and colleagues during undergraduate and graduate ages or the overloading of girls, when compared to boys, with housework during early school ages are some examples mentioned in the literature. In other words, the gender imbalance in science and technology careers may be seen as the result of a series of structured oppression suffered by women of all ages. In this context, we propose the development of an education package that is designed to understand these processes at different levels. One of the tools of this package is known as the "Theatre of the Oppressed". Elaborated on by Augusto Boal in the 1970s, the Theatre of the Oppressed uses theatre techniques as a means of promoting social and political changes. Usually, a scene takes place that reveals a situation of oppression. The audience become what is called "spect-actors", where they become active by exploring, showing and transforming the reality in which they are living. In the context of gender issues in exact sciences careers, the students can stage situations that reveal the subtle actions of power relations that usually put women in subservient positions. Our experience showed that, even though the acting is based on fiction, the spectators learn a great deal from the enactment because the simulation of reallife situations, problems and solutions stimulates the practice of resisting oppression in reality from within a setting that offers a safe space to practise making a change.
Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo, 2019
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Journal of South American Earth Sciences
<p&amp... more <p><span>The gender gap is measured globally by the World’s Economic Forum in four key areas: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment. According to the 2020 Global Gender Gap index, it will take us nearly 100 years to get gender parity. Also according to the World’s Economic Forum report, if we consider the fastest growing professions of the future, a critical data reveals a problematic situation: women form only 26% among people with AI and data skills, 15% among people with engineering skills and 12% among those with cloud computing skills. Education is thus an important key to embed gender parity into the future. Today, 55% of working-age women are in the labour market, against 78% of men. This gap can increase even more if we do not include young girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) courses. Gender issues concerning access, permanence and ascension of women in STEM careers, in general, relates to various aspects. Between other elements, we point the underrepresentation of women in science communications, sexual or moral harassment caused by professors and colleagues during undergraduate and graduate ages, or the overload of housework for girls, when compared to boys, during early school ages. In other words, gender imbalance in STEM careers is the result of a series of structured oppression suffered by women of all ages. In this context, we developed a set of laboratory routines based on the work of female scientists, directed to students from 12 to 18 years old, at the Planaltina Campus of the University of Brasília. The University of Brasília is the 4th most prominent university in Brazil, and its resources are distributed between four camps. Planaltina Campus is situated 40 km away from the main campus. In recent research, it has been shown that only 30% of Planaltina young population has the intention of accessing the university. From those, only 15% pretend to study exact and earth sciences. Thinking about the World’s Economic Forum alert about professions of the future, we felt the necessity of promoting a program to capacitate, inform and demystify tabus from exact sciences among high school students, especially among girls. The activities start with the rescue of a prominent female scientist in the field that will be worked on that day, followed by a pedagogical transcript of her work. We conduct a hands-on laboratory within the University of Brasília infrastructure. The idea of the labs is to work as a school reinforcement on natural sciences disciplines, and to give visibility to women in science, improving issues such as underrepresentation and mistrust in women work. We will present the results of an implemented questionnaire and also comment about the challenges of our experience. </span></p>
Aos amigos da geologia, pelo apoio e partilha da choradeira do "nunca acaba", pelos lanchinhos na... more Aos amigos da geologia, pelo apoio e partilha da choradeira do "nunca acaba", pelos lanchinhos na hora do desespero para uma energia a mais, pela ajuda com o trabalho, pelos papos nos intervalos para um cafezinho.
Abstract. Gender affects all aspects of life, and the working and learning environments of scienc... more Abstract. Gender affects all aspects of life, and the working and learning environments of science, technology, engineering and geosciences present no exception. Gender issues concerning the access, permanence and ascension of women in exact sciences and Earth sciences careers in general are related to a variety of causes. The underrepresentation of women in science communications, sexual or moral harassment caused by professors and colleagues during undergraduate and graduate ages or the overloading of girls, when compared to boys, with housework during early school ages are some examples mentioned in the literature. In other words, the gender imbalance in science and technology careers may be seen as the result of a series of structured oppression suffered by women of all ages. In this context, we propose the development of an education package that is designed to understand these processes at different levels. One of the tools of this package is known as the “Theatre of the Oppre...
Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2021
Os Sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) são sistemas de produção agrícola que atuem próximos a dinâmica... more Os Sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) são sistemas de produção agrícola que atuem próximos a dinâmica da natureza. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar características químicas, físicas e microbiológicas de solos de SAF’s em três estágios sucessionais e em uma área controle (pastagem), localizadas em Brasília, Distrito Federal. O histórico da área foi elaborado a partir de informações coletadas em entrevista. Realizou-se análises químicas (pH, MO, C, N, C:N, P, K, Ca, Mg e Al), físicas (granulometria) e microbiológicas (glomalina facilmente extraível). Os dados foram analisados através de análise multivariadas e univariadas. A agrobiodiversidade vegetal foi de 19 espécies no SAF estabelecido, 11 no SAF em formação, 5 no SAF inicial e 2 na pastagem. Os SAFs estabelecido e em formação foram os que obtiveram o maior aumento progressivo de C, MO, K e Ca. Quanto maior o estágio sucessional, maior o grau de agregação e a distribuição dos agregados. Os solos de todos os SAFs e da pastagem apr...
Gender affects all aspects of life, and the working and learning environment of science, technolo... more Gender affects all aspects of life, and the working and learning environment of science, technology, engineering and geosciences presents no exception. Gender issues concerning access, permanence and ascension of women in exact and earth sciences careers in general relates between other causes, to the underrepresentation of women in science communications, sexual or moral harassment caused by professors and colleagues during undergraduate and graduate ages, or the overload of housework for girls, when compared to boys, during early school ages. In other words, gender imbalance in science and technology careers may be seen as the result of a series of structured oppressions suffered by women of all ages. In this context, we propose the development of an education package designed to understand these processes at different levels. One of the tools of this package is known as the Theatre of the Oppressed. Elaborated by Augusto Boal in the 1970s, the Theatre of the Oppressed uses theatre techniques as means of promoting social and political changes. Usually, a scene takes place, revealing an oppression situation. The audience becomes what is called "spect-actors", where they become active by exploring, showing, and transforming the reality in which they are living. In the context of gender issues in exact sciences careers, the students can stage situations that reveal subtle actions of power relations that usually put women in subservience places. Our experience showed that even though the acting is fiction, the spectators learn much from the enactment, because the simulation of real-life situations, problems, and solutions stimulates the practice of resistance to oppression in reality, within a condition that offers a "safe space" for practicing making a change. The package also includes a set of laboratory routines based on the work of female scientists, directed to students from 12 to 18 years old. The idea of the labs is to work as a school reinforcement on natural sciences disciplines, and to give visibility to women in science, improving issues such as underrepresentation and mistrust in women work. We show the evaluation of learning efficiency by assessing the results of a quiz.
Chemical Geology, 2013
This work presents the first sulfur isotope data for the Tapira, Araxá, Salitre, Serra Negra, Cat... more This work presents the first sulfur isotope data for the Tapira, Araxá, Salitre, Serra Negra, Catalão I and Catalão II alkaline-carbonatite complexes of the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province (APIP) and the Jacupiranga complex of the Ponta Grossa Province, in central and southeast Brazil, respectively. The APIP complexes are composed of alkaline silicate rocks (bebedourite, alkali clinopyroxenite, minor syenite), phoscorites, nelsonites, and carbonatites. The Jacupiranga complex is composed of ijolite-series rocks, syenites, carbonatites and alkaline gabbros. Many of these rocks contain sulfides and the carbonatites contain both sulfides and sulfates. Although there is extensive overlap, the δ 34 S decreases in sulfides from ultramafic rocks through phoscorites to carbonatites in each complex. Initially, this variation may be controlled by the temperature dependence of the sulfur isotope fractionation between crystallizing sulfides and magma, but in later stages it is dominated by the increasing oxidation state of the magma and crystallization of 34 S-enriched sulfate minerals. Core to rim isotopic variation in quenched individual pyrite crystals indicates that δ 34 S increases with degassing. Metasomatic sulfides have low δ 34 S, resulting from the interaction of late-stage carbonatite fluids with the host rock. On a regional scale, the APIP complexes have a wider sulfur isotopic range than Jacupiranga, suggesting a more extensive interplay between magma evolution, degassing and metasomatism, probably due to a shallower emplacement of the APIP intrusions and/or a less evolved character of the Jacupiranga magmas. Sulfur isotope ranges for the studied complexes are comparable with other worldwide carbonatite and alkaline provinces, but the APIP results extend to lower δ 34 S.
Lithos, 2012
Bebedourite is a cumulate rock composed of variable but roughly equant amounts of diopside, apati... more Bebedourite is a cumulate rock composed of variable but roughly equant amounts of diopside, apatite, magnetite, phlogopite, and a Ca-Ti phase (mostly perovskite.
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 2016
ABSTRACT: The present work investigates the relationship between whole-rock geochemistry and stab... more ABSTRACT: The present work investigates the relationship between whole-rock geochemistry and stable isotope composition from carbonatites belonging to the Tapira, Araxá, Salitre, Serra Negra, Catalão I, and Catalão II alkaline-carbonatite complexes of the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province (APIP), central Brazil and from the Jacupiranga Complex, of the Ponta Grossa Province, southeast Brazil. The APIP complexes are ultrapotassic, comprising bebedourites, phoscorites, nelsonites, and carbonatites, whereas Jacupiranga is a sodic complex composed of ijolite-series rocks, syenites, carbonatites, and alkaline gabbros. The geochemistry data allied to mineralogical constraints allowed us to classify the carbonatites into five groups, and to devise a chemical index (BaO/(BaO+SrO)) to gauge the magmatic evolution of the studied carbonatites.The APIP carbonatites evolve from apatite-rich calciocarbonatites toward Ba-, Sr-, and rare earth element (REE)-rich magnesiocarbonatites. This evolution is...
Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo, 2019
The intent of this article is to historicize the dynamics of the Teaching certifications in Rural... more The intent of this article is to historicize the dynamics of the Teaching certifications in Rural Education at University of Brasília (UnB) with the communities of the historical site of the Kalunga territory and cities around the quilombo. With this aim, we systematize and analyze the advances, limits and challenges of teaching, extension and research activities carried out in the territory, considering the forms of political and community organization existing in the region, the relationship between culture and resistance form to the production modes that imply degradation of the region, such as mining and agribusiness. We sought to highlight in the extension activities the perspective of the praxis operating in the Community Time seminars, in the theater and audiovisual collectives actions, in the construction challenges of the Kalunga territory research committee. From this performance, it was possible to notice a series of advances in strengthening the process of education, tra...
Lithos, 2012
Bebedourite is a cumulate rock composed of variable but roughly equant amounts of diopside, apati... more Bebedourite is a cumulate rock composed of variable but roughly equant amounts of diopside, apatite, magnetite, phlogopite, and a Ca-Ti phase (mostly perovskite, more rarely titanite and/or Ti-garnet). Other minerals may be modally important, such as olivine and K-feldspar in the least and most evolved members of the bebedourite series, respectively. The magmatic evolution in bebedourites is accompanied by a progressive increase in SiO 2 activity, which results in the transformation of perovskite into titanite and titanite into Ti-garnet. Although the SiO 2 increase may, in some cases, result from crustal contamination, it seems to be a localized effect and cannot account for the evolution of the whole bebedourite series. Crystal fractionation is supported by the chemical variation of key mineral phases such as pyroxene and phlogopite. The Salitre complex is an ultrapotassic carbonatite-and phoscorite-bearing plutonic complex belonging to the Late-Cretaceous Alto Paranaíba Igneous Province (APIP) and consisting of three main bodies (Salitre I, II, and III). The complex is composed mainly of bebedourite, with lesser amounts of carbonatite and phoscorite in its central-north portion. A particular type of bebedourite, where the main Ca-Ti phase is Ti-garnet, dominates the southern part of Salitre I and also occurs as dikes crosscutting older bebedourites, suggesting that Ti-garnet-bebedourites form an independent intrusion. Sr and Nd isotopic data indicate that the parental magmas to the bebedourites in the Salitre complex originated in a metasomatized sub-continental lithospheric mantle similar to that involved in the origin of the rest of the APIP.
Brazilian Journal of Geology, 2016
The present work investigates the relationship between whole-rock geochemistry and stable isotope... more The present work investigates the relationship between whole-rock geochemistry and stable isotope composition from carbonatites belonging to the Tapira, Araxá, Salitre, Serra Negra, Catalão I, and Catalão II alkaline-carbonatite complexes of the Alto Paranaiba Igneous Province (APIP), central Brazil and from the Jacupiranga Complex, of the Ponta Grossa Province, southeast Brazil. The APIP complexes are ultrapotassic, comprising bebedourites, phoscorites, nelsonites, and carbonatites, whereas Jacupiranga is a sodic complex composed of ijolite-series rocks, syenites, carbonatites, and alkaline gabbros. The geochemistry data allied to mineralogical constraints allowed us to classify the carbonatites into five groups, and to devise a chemical index (BaO/(BaO+SrO)) to gauge the magmatic evolution of the studied carbonatites.The APIP carbonatites evolve from apatite-rich calciocarbonatites toward Ba-, Sr-, and rare earth element (REE)-rich magnesiocarbonatites. This evolution is mostly driven by apatite, phlogopite, dolomite, and calcite fractionation and consequent enrichment in monazite, norsethite, and strontianite. Stable isotope data show a wide diversity of petrogenetic processes in play at the APIP, relatively to the Jacupiranga Complex, which is interpreted as a result of the shallower intrusion levels of the APIP complexes. Such shallower emplacement, at low lithostatic pressure, allowed for a complex interplay of fractional crystallization, liquid immiscibility, degassing, and interaction with hydrothermal and carbohydrothermal systems.
Papers by Caroline Siqueira Gomide