Papers by Amalia N . Rahma
This study aims to analyze whether there is an effect of service quality on the satisfaction of j... more This study aims to analyze whether there is an effect of service quality on the satisfaction of justice seekers in electronic case administration services (e-Court) at the South Jakarta Religious Court. In accordance with Law number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, the Supreme Court of Indonesia and judicial bodies have a vision and mission to build public trust and improve service quality. The transformation of digital services is carried out, often there are deficiencies in the services.
This research used quantitative methods. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. And the theoretical basis used are service quality and citizens satisfaction. From the results of the answers to the service quality indicators used by the researchers, it shows that all aspects of the services available in the electronic case administration service (e-Court) at the South Jakarta Religious Court can be categorized as good. There are 9 indicators used to measure citizens satisfaction, which shows that justice seeker in electronic case administration services (e-Court) are quite satisfied with the quality of services provided by the South Jakarta Religious Court. There is an influence of service quality on the satisfaction of justice seekers in electronic case administration services (e-Court) at the South Jakarta Religious Court with a coefficient of determination of 0.744, equivalent to 74.4%. The value of the coefficient of determination is 74.4%, so it can be interpreted that the independent variable (quality of service) has an influence contribution of 74.4% to the dependent variable (justice seeker satisfaction) with the remaining 25.6% influenced by other factors.
Terselenggaranya pemerintah yang bersih, baik dan berwibawa (clean and good governance) telah lam... more Terselenggaranya pemerintah yang bersih, baik dan berwibawa (clean and good governance) telah lama menjadi cita-cita dan harapan setiap bangsa termasuk bangsa Indonesia. Pemerintahan yang bersih baik dan berwibawa ditandai dengan adanya akuntabilitas (accountability), transparansi (transparency), keterbukaan (openness), dan kerangka hukum (rule of law). Akuntabilitas lebih diarahkan pada kewajiban bagi aparatur pemerintah untuk bertindak selaku penanggung gugat atas segala tindakan dan kebijakan yang ditetapkannya. Transparansi lebih mengarah pada kejelasan mekanisme formulasi dan implementasi kebijakan, program dan proyek yang dibuat dan dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah.
Pemberian pelayanan publik oleh aparatur pemerintah kepada masyarakat merupakan implikasi dari fungsi aparat negara sebagai pelayan masyarakat sehingga kedudukan aparatur pemerintah dalam pelayanan umum (publik service) sangat strategis karena akan menentukan sejauhmana pemerintah mampu memberikan pelayanan yang sebaik-baiknya bagi masyarakat dan sejauhmana negara telah menjalankan perannya dengan baik sesuai dengan tujuannya. Pelayanan publik merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh seorang atau sekelompok orang atau instansi tertentu dengan tujuan memberikan bantuan pelayanan yang akan mempermudah masyarakat untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu.
Papers by Amalia N . Rahma
This research used quantitative methods. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. And the theoretical basis used are service quality and citizens satisfaction. From the results of the answers to the service quality indicators used by the researchers, it shows that all aspects of the services available in the electronic case administration service (e-Court) at the South Jakarta Religious Court can be categorized as good. There are 9 indicators used to measure citizens satisfaction, which shows that justice seeker in electronic case administration services (e-Court) are quite satisfied with the quality of services provided by the South Jakarta Religious Court. There is an influence of service quality on the satisfaction of justice seekers in electronic case administration services (e-Court) at the South Jakarta Religious Court with a coefficient of determination of 0.744, equivalent to 74.4%. The value of the coefficient of determination is 74.4%, so it can be interpreted that the independent variable (quality of service) has an influence contribution of 74.4% to the dependent variable (justice seeker satisfaction) with the remaining 25.6% influenced by other factors.
Pemberian pelayanan publik oleh aparatur pemerintah kepada masyarakat merupakan implikasi dari fungsi aparat negara sebagai pelayan masyarakat sehingga kedudukan aparatur pemerintah dalam pelayanan umum (publik service) sangat strategis karena akan menentukan sejauhmana pemerintah mampu memberikan pelayanan yang sebaik-baiknya bagi masyarakat dan sejauhmana negara telah menjalankan perannya dengan baik sesuai dengan tujuannya. Pelayanan publik merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh seorang atau sekelompok orang atau instansi tertentu dengan tujuan memberikan bantuan pelayanan yang akan mempermudah masyarakat untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu.
This research used quantitative methods. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. And the theoretical basis used are service quality and citizens satisfaction. From the results of the answers to the service quality indicators used by the researchers, it shows that all aspects of the services available in the electronic case administration service (e-Court) at the South Jakarta Religious Court can be categorized as good. There are 9 indicators used to measure citizens satisfaction, which shows that justice seeker in electronic case administration services (e-Court) are quite satisfied with the quality of services provided by the South Jakarta Religious Court. There is an influence of service quality on the satisfaction of justice seekers in electronic case administration services (e-Court) at the South Jakarta Religious Court with a coefficient of determination of 0.744, equivalent to 74.4%. The value of the coefficient of determination is 74.4%, so it can be interpreted that the independent variable (quality of service) has an influence contribution of 74.4% to the dependent variable (justice seeker satisfaction) with the remaining 25.6% influenced by other factors.
Pemberian pelayanan publik oleh aparatur pemerintah kepada masyarakat merupakan implikasi dari fungsi aparat negara sebagai pelayan masyarakat sehingga kedudukan aparatur pemerintah dalam pelayanan umum (publik service) sangat strategis karena akan menentukan sejauhmana pemerintah mampu memberikan pelayanan yang sebaik-baiknya bagi masyarakat dan sejauhmana negara telah menjalankan perannya dengan baik sesuai dengan tujuannya. Pelayanan publik merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh seorang atau sekelompok orang atau instansi tertentu dengan tujuan memberikan bantuan pelayanan yang akan mempermudah masyarakat untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu.