Papers by Ana-Maria Chisega
Societatea modernă se dezvoltă într-un ritm alert, deci modul în care percepem educaţia trebuie s... more Societatea modernă se dezvoltă într-un ritm alert, deci modul în care percepem educaţia trebuie să se schimbe pentru a se potrivi nevoii crescute a celor ce învaţă. Este clar că viitorul va fi dominat din ce în ce mai mult de calculatoare şi de Internet. Prin urmare, noua variantă a Internetului va avea un impact asupra modului în care oamenii învaţă, favorizând învăţarea comunicativă şi îmbunătăţind competenţele de comunicare. Prezentul articol se va concentra atât asupra unor tendinţe în educaţie, m-learning şi mediul de învăţare personalizat, cât şi asupra impactului pe care noua variantă de Internet, Web 3.0, o va avea asupra educaţiei în secolul al XXI-lea.

IntroductionThe term PLE was first used in 2004 (The Personal Learning Environments Session at JI... more IntroductionThe term PLE was first used in 2004 (The Personal Learning Environments Session at JISC/CETIS Conference 2004) and represented a personal virtual space where people had the freedom to decide what to leam according to their needs and interests. It consisted of a collection of tools and application that could be combined and used in different circumstances. At that moment, it seemed to represent a step forward, and a possible future of education.However, since then, the term has been largely discussed and there is still no consensus reached regarding its functionality, content, tools and assessment. Even with the advancement of technology, the Internet is not totally prepared to support the large number of learners who are at the moment absorbed by formal education. Still, some organizations have tried to aggregate frameworks where learners and educators can meet and discuss. Further, we will present both approaches to PLE and will discuss its effectiveness and possible us...

This paper aims to describe a relatively new learning paradigm, known as ubiquitous learning or u... more This paper aims to describe a relatively new learning paradigm, known as ubiquitous learning or u-learning; its name derives from the support it receives from the ubiquitous computing technologies. The paper also intends to provide some fundamental information related to u-learning with application in the ESP courses in the Romanian military. Ubiquitous learning or u-learning is a relatively new learning paradigm; it is about the learning process keeping abreast of the latest technologies to be incorporated in the material support of courses. These last decades English language learning has seen an unprecedented development insofar as methods, technologies and their support are concerned. We have witnessed the fast shift from the traditional learning methods and means to e-learning, and further on to m-learning. Now we are shifting to u-learning. What has made these learning concepts possible is the boom of handheld devices, all networked and available worldwide, in all environment...

E-learning 2.0 has marked the change from individual, passive learning, to student’s collaboratin... more E-learning 2.0 has marked the change from individual, passive learning, to student’s collaborating to improve their knowledge. Multitasking and ubiquitous computing represented a turning point in learners’ using various devices to gain information. The Internet extended from the desktop towards iPhones, tablets, etc. while classroom activities escaped the traditional framework and moved on to the virtual medium. Differentiated instruction has represented the dawn of modern instruction and gained momentum due to the changes in the Information Society. Social media have thus become extremely popular among learners as it transformed their experience in an entertaining and engaging one. If Facebook and Twitter have already become commonplace in terms of public use and acceptance as learning tools, other platforms seem to have emerged in the last years in an attempt to topple the popularity of the former. Gaining impetus in the last years, Pinterest has drawn the attention of ESL teacher...
… proceedings of" eLearning and Software for …, 2011
Abstract: This paper examines some of the strategies used by the students to learn and continuous... more Abstract: This paper examines some of the strategies used by the students to learn and continuously improve by being exposed to an array of learning modes. The aim is to become more conscious of their learning and polyvalent in choosing the methods and strategies ...

STRATEGIES XXI - Command and Staff College
As the time in which online teaching and learning was still an element of novelty has long been g... more As the time in which online teaching and learning was still an element of novelty has long been gone, virtual learning environments have to be studied thoroughly so that they will provide students not only with the necessary knowledge, but also with the proper tools to meet their learning objectives. The advancement in information technology and the access to an almost inordinate number of learning and teaching tools should have already been fructified and, as a result, not only teachers, but also learners should have already picked up the fruit of knowledge grown in the vast virtual environment of the Internet. However, as education has recently moved almost entirely online, some questions have arisen. Are the Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) enough to offer ESL students both motivation and knowledge? Will foreign languages benefit from this growing trend or will traditional, face-to-face interaction, prove to have been more efficient? The present article will look into some of these questions and into the benefits of VLEs in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

E-learning 2.0 has marked the change from individual, passive learning, to student’s collaboratin... more E-learning 2.0 has marked the change from individual, passive learning, to student’s collaborating to improve their knowledge. Multitasking and ubiquitous computing represented a turning point in learners’ using various devices to gain information. The Internet extended from the desktop towards iPhones, tablets, etc. while classroom activities escaped the traditional framework and moved on to the virtual medium. Differentiated instruction has represented the dawn of modern instruction and gained momentum due to the changes in the Information Society. Social media have thus become extremely popular among learners as it transformed their experience in an entertaining and engaging one. If Facebook and Twitter have already become commonplace in terms of public use and acceptance as learning tools, other platforms seem to have emerged in the last years in an attempt to topple the popularity of the former. Gaining impetus in the last years, Pinterest has drawn the attention of ESL teacher because of its benefits to visual learners, its resemblance to the ESL textbooks, and its use as an online scrapbook suitable to incorporate a variety of materials (pictures, infographics, media files, links etc.).

Currently, because of the evolution in the knowledge-based society, the marketing reveals another... more Currently, because of the evolution in the knowledge-based society, the marketing reveals another dimension, the one of relational marketing, which represents the special relationship established between the company and its consumers, with win-win advantages over a long period. In these circumstances, the managerial approach of marketing has new connotations for a more efficient managerial approach of the new national and international business environment. Within the marketing management process of a company, consumers or customers play a very critical role as these are the people who finally buy the goods and services of the organization, and the firm is always on the move to make them buy so as to earn revenue. This article presents the managerial approach of marketing management concept toward the strategic planning of a company and the marketing planning focused on needs and desires of consumers and customers. Therefore, consumers are the beneficiaries of the general and marketing strategy of the company while customers are those who respond to the loyalty process established by the firm. In this context, the purpose of this analysis is to highlight the strategic planning process of a company by integrating the strategic and operational marketing. In addition, we also consider important the issues related to Michael Porter’s generic strategies, which are thus presented in the context of relational knowledge within the process of marketing management. All these approaches are related to winning customers’ loyalty and obviously to customers' value that determines the company to achieve a value chain in the business process. Hence, the consumers and customers are the most important people for any organization. They are the resources which trigger the success of the business.
Web 3.0 (Semantic Web) is considered a leap forward in people’s interaction with the web. It is b... more Web 3.0 (Semantic Web) is considered a leap forward in people’s interaction with the web. It is based on refining the search and creating multimedia reports that contain relevant information gathered from multiple sources. Still, this attempt also includes the need for a common language and software able not only to extract and unite data, but also to translate the information and make it available to a larger public.
Although students’ literacy knowledge and ability are at the core of education, too often the way... more Although students’ literacy knowledge and ability are at the core of education, too often the way knowledge and ability develop and change is overlooked. It is, of course, important to understand the knowledge, structures and strategies that are called on during literacy activities; however, it is at least as important to know how knowledge shifts and grows over time. This applies to both learners of own mother tongue and learners of English as a foreign language.
Conference Presentations by Ana-Maria Chisega

The emergence of Web 2.0 has marked a change in how the Internet users benefit from a number of t... more The emergence of Web 2.0 has marked a change in how the Internet users benefit from a number of tools that allow them to browse for information, exchange data, collaborate and interact with others. Web 2.0 has been a turning point in human interaction via computers, fostering social networks and even more personal environments for educational purposes such as PLEs or VLEs. Now, a leap forward is represented by Web 3.0, which should provide computers with the possibility to extract meaningful information from the Internet so that the inordinate number of data obtained after one search will be filtered, contrasted, and collated to better suit users’ needs. The advancement will consist in the fact that the search for information will not be just a sheer display of websites, chosen based on the key words entered, but meaningful information tagged with descriptors like mailing addresses. The implication for users are numerous as the new web search could function as a personal learning assistant and may help one reduce the amount of time spent looking for relevant data, be it educational or otherwise. Thus, the users interested in learning will be assisted by an agent, which will select the required information, and tailor it according to the individual learning needs. In this paper, the concept of Web 3.0 will be examined to find its possible educational uses and benefits. Moreover, the author will look into the impact of Web 3.0 on course design, on the one hand, and on the learners’ ability to identify and attend several courses provided by institutions, on the other hand.
This paper examines the differences and possible similarities between the formal eLearning and th... more This paper examines the differences and possible similarities between the formal eLearning and the informal PLE. Since its inception, eLearning has been widely appreciated by those used to functioning on the Internet even if it has been also subject to criticism. PLE is a concept dedicated not only to those who operate a computer or browse the Internet, but who use different other devices to gain information and learn. Therefore, PLE seems to be an informal approach to eLearning which is more institution-centric. But as people are already able to learn from various sources, how feasible is actually the PLE concept?
Papers by Ana-Maria Chisega
Conference Presentations by Ana-Maria Chisega