Papers by arymbi pujiastuty
![Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Severe Early Childhood Caries (S-ECC) dengan Status Gizi Anak Usia 36-71 Bulan di Paud Kota Bukittinggi](
Andalas Dental Journal
Background: Children with severe early childhood caries (s-ecc) will experience pain and difficul... more Background: Children with severe early childhood caries (s-ecc) will experience pain and difficulty chewing. S-ecc causes a deficiency in dietary intake and may become malnourished. Purpose: this study was aimed to know the relationship between severe early childhood caries (s-ecc) with nutritional status of chilldren at the age of 36-71 months in PAUD of Puskesmas Mandiangin, Mandiangin Koto Selayan district, Bukittinggi City. Method: obsevational analytics with cross sectional approach. The sample size was 56 children aged 36-71 months with def-t criteria ≥ 4 and selected by consecutive sampling method. S-ECC was measured using pufa index and nutritional status was measured using IMT / U. Results: the overall mean def-t children with s-ecc 7.77%. Children with positive pufa were 66.1% and those with 48.2% malnutrition status. As many as 62.2% of children with (s-ecc) positive pufa have malnutrition status. The result of statistical test using Chi-Square obtained p value = 0,008. C...
Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is a chronic infectious disease in children that are difficult to co... more Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is a chronic infectious disease in children that are difficult to control, hence it is a significant public health problem. There is no data available on the prevalence of ECC which can be used for programm planning in solving the ECC problem and burden for Sijunjung area in West Sumatera. Objectives is to investigate the prevalence, experience and severity of Early Childhood Caries (ECC) on pre-school children (3-6 years old) at an integrated Posyandu-Paud which can be used as a preliminary study for ECC surveillance model development for Sijunjung area West Sumatera. The design of this study was descriptive Cross Sectional, DMFT/dmft index was used to score the experience of ECC. PUFA/pufa Index was used to assess the presence of oral conditions and infections resulting from untreated ECC. The index is recorded separate from DMFT/dmft, and the presence of either a visible pulp (P/p), ulceration of the oral mucosa due to root fragment (U/u), a fistula (...
![Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Laju Alir dan Viskositas Saliva dengan Tingkat Kecekatan Gigi Tiruan Penuh pada Pasien Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Universitas Andalas](
Andalas Dental Journal, 2016
The most common complaint reported by patients in denture wearing is loose denture, caused by lac... more The most common complaint reported by patients in denture wearing is loose denture, caused by lack of retention. In the complete denture wearing, saliva plays an important role in retention. A well-fitting denture base to supporting tissues and the presence of adequate border seals will provide optimal denture retention. This condition can be achieved if it is supported by adequate volume, flow, and consistency of saliva. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between flow rate and viscosity of saliva with complete denture retention in Andalas Dental Collage and Hospital. This study used a cross sectional design. Thirty patients of complete denture wearers at the Andalas Dental Collage and Hospital were included in this study. Samples were selected through consecutive sampling method. Data were collected by using medical records, saliva viscosity assesstment, salivary flow rate measurement, and complete denture retention examination. Data were analyzed by Mann Wh...
![Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Perendaman Jus Jeruk Terhadap Kekuatan Tekan Glass Ionomer Cement dan Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement](
Andalas Dental Journal, 2021
Glass ionomer cement and resin modified glass ionomer cement are one of the restoration materials... more Glass ionomer cement and resin modified glass ionomer cement are one of the restoration materials that are widely used by dentists. Its presence in the oral cavity causes glass ionomer cement and resin modified glass ionomer cement often in contact with food and beverages such as tangerine juice which can affect the compressive strength. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of immersion in tangerine juice towards the compressive strength of glass ionomer cement and resin modified glass ionomer. This study was a true experimental with a post test only with control group design. Samples were made from GC Fuji 9 GP and GC Gold Label 2 LC with 36 samples each. Samples were divided into two groups. The first group (18 samples of GC Fuji 9 GP and 18 samples of GC Gold Label 2 LC) was immersed in tangerine juice for 24 hours in an incubator at 37°C. The second group (18 samples of GC Fuji 9 GP and 18 samples of GC Gold Label 2 LC) as a control was immersed in artificial sal...
![Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Riwayat Pola Mengonsumsi Susu Botol dengan Tingkat Keparahan Early Childhood Caries (ECC) pada Anak Usia 3-5 tahun di Kecamatan Kuranji Kota Padang](
Andalas Dental Journal
Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is a state of occurrence of decayed (cavities and non cavities), mis... more Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is a state of occurrence of decayed (cavities and non cavities), missing (due to caries), or filling on one or more deciduous teeth in children aged ≤ 71 months. Wayne (1999) divided the severity of ECC into three classifications based on clinical signs, causes, and age of the child namely type I (mild), type II (moderate), and type III (severe). The rate of caries incidence is increasing in children who consume milk using bottles. Clinical pattern to ECC caused by bottle feeding has a distinctive pattern, which is about four upper incisors, while four lower incisors usually remain healthy. This study aims to determine the correlation between the history and pattern of bottle feeding and the severity of ECC in children aged 3-5 years in Kuranji District, Padang City. This study is an analytical study with a cross sectional approach. The study sample consisted of 58 children aged 3-5 years with a history of bottle feeding for at least two years. Samples a...
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
![Research paper thumbnail of GAMBARAN EARLY CHILDHOOD CARIES (ECC) DI POSYANDU TERINTEGRASI PAUD (PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI) KECAMATAN SIJUNJUNG KABUPATEN SIJUNJUNG SUMATERA BARAT (Preliminary Study Pengembangan Surveilans ECC di Kabupaten Sijunjung Sumatera Barat pada bulan Juli 2013)](
Cakradonya Dental Journal
Early Childhood Caries (ECC) atau karies pada anak usia dini merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarak... more Early Childhood Caries (ECC) atau karies pada anak usia dini merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang besar dan menjadi penyakit infeksi yang kronis pada anak yang sulit dikontrol. Belum ada data yang dapat mewakili gambaran beban penyakit ECC khususnya di Sumatera Barat lebih khusus lagi di Kabupaten Sijunjung yang dapat digunakan untuk perencanaan program dalam memecahkan masalah ECC. Studi Deskriptif cross sectional ini bertujuan untuk mendapat gambaran prevalensi, pengalaman dan tingkat keparahan Early Childhood Caries (ECC) pada anak usia 3 - 6 tahun yang akan digunakan sebagai preliminary study pengembangan surveilans ECC di Kabupaten Sijunjung Sumatera Barat. Metode yang dipakai yaitu pemeriksaan klinis dengan menggunakan indeks DMFT/dmft untuk mengukur pengalaman ECC. Indeks PUFA/pufa digunakan untuk menilai adanya kondisi oral dan infeksi akibat ECC tidak terawat. Kesimpulannya adalah prevalensi ECC dan infeksi odontogenik yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar ko...
Papers by arymbi pujiastuty