Papers by Nephtali Garrido Gonzalez
Physical review, Jan 15, 2016
Using random matrices, we study the reduced dynamics of a two-level system interacting with a gen... more Using random matrices, we study the reduced dynamics of a two-level system interacting with a generic environment. In the weak-coupling limit, the result can be obtained directly from known results for purity decay, and result in Markovian dynamics. We then focus on the case of strong coupling, when the dynamics is known to be non-Markovian. In this regime, the coupling dominates over the local parts of the Hamiltonian, and thus we treat the latter as a perturbation of the former. With the help of a linear response approximation, this allows us to obtain an analytical description of the reduced dynamics. Finally, we find a transition from non-Markovian to Markovian dynamics at a point where the coupling and the local Hamiltonian are comparable in size.

Revista Mexicana De Fisica, 2012
We put to the test an effective three-dimensional electrostatic potential, obtained effectively b... more We put to the test an effective three-dimensional electrostatic potential, obtained effectively by considering an electrostatic source inside a (5+p)-dimensional braneworld scenario with p compact and one infinite spacial extra dimensions in the RS II-p model, for p = 1 and p = 2. This potential is regular at the source and matches the standard Coulomb potential outside a neighborhood. We use variational and perturbative approximation methods to calculate corrections to the ground energy of the Helium atom modified by this potential, by making use of a 6 and 39-parameter trial wave function of Hylleraas type for the ground state. These corrections to the ground-state energy are compared with experimental data for Helium atom in order to set bounds for the extra dimensions length scale. We find that these bounds are less restrictive than the ones obtained by Morales et. al. through a calculation using the Lamb shift in Hydrogen.

We put to the test an effective three-dimensional electrostatic potential, obtained effectively b... more We put to the test an effective three-dimensional electrostatic potential, obtained effectively by considering an electrostatic source inside a (5+p)-dimensional braneworld scenario with p compact and one infinite spacial extra dimensions in the RS II-p model, for p=1 and p=2. This potential is regular at the source and matches the standard Coulomb potential outside a neighborhood. We use variational and perturbative approximation methods to calculate corrections to the ground energy of the Helium atom modified by this potential, by making use of a 6 and 39-parameter trial wave function of Hylleraas type for the ground state. These corrections to the ground-state energy are compared with experimental data for Helium atom in order to set bounds for the extra dimensions length scale. We find that these bounds are less restrictive than the ones obtained by Morales et. al. through a calculation using the Lamb shift in Hydrogen.
Revista Mexicana De Fisica, Jan 18, 2012

We put to the test an effective three-dimensional electrostatic potential, obtained effectively b... more We put to the test an effective three-dimensional electrostatic potential, obtained effectively by considering an electrostatic source inside a (5+p)-dimensional braneworld scenario with p compact and one infinite spacial extra dimensions in the RS II-p model, for p = 1 and p = 2. This potential is regular at the source and matches the standard Coulomb potential outside a neighborhood. We use variational and perturbative approximation methods to calculate corrections to the ground energy of the Helium atom modified by this potential, by making use of a 6 and 39-parameter trial wave function of Hylleraas type for the ground state. These corrections to the ground-state energy are compared with experimental data for Helium atom in order to set bounds for the extra dimensions length scale. We find that these bounds are less restrictive than the ones obtained by Morales et. al. through a calculation using the Lamb shift in Hydrogen.
Talks by Nephtali Garrido Gonzalez
¿Qué son las computadoras cuánticas? ¿Cómo funcionan? ¿Para qué sirven? ¿Cómo se construyen?
We study the dynamics of a Qubit interacting with a chaotic environment under the premise of mini... more We study the dynamics of a Qubit interacting with a chaotic environment under the premise of minimal information. We make use of Random Matrix Theory to study this model. As we increase the strength of interaction we observe that memory effects on the reduced dynamics appear.
Estudiamos el canal cuántico asociado al sistema de un qubit débilmente acoplado con el ambiente.... more Estudiamos el canal cuántico asociado al sistema de un qubit débilmente acoplado con el ambiente. Con este fin, usamos un ensamble de Hamiltonianos basado en el principio de mínima información, haciendo uso únicamente de lo que sabemos acerca de la estructura del espacio de Hilbert. Se caracteriza la transición de comportamiento Markoviano a no Markoviano con respecto a un parámetro perturbativo en el Hamiltoniano.
Thesis Chapters by Nephtali Garrido Gonzalez
We study the problem of a qubit interacting with a chaotic environment with controlled interactio... more We study the problem of a qubit interacting with a chaotic environment with controlled interaction strength. We find that the reduced dynamics of the central qubit exhibits strong non-Markovian behavior in the limit of strong coupling, which diminishes as the interaction strength goes down, up to a point where it dissapears. We find exact formulas for the non-Markovian measure in the regime of linear response around the strong coupling limit.
Efectos físicos a bajas energías en modelos de mundos brana TESIS modalidad de proyecto de invest... more Efectos físicos a bajas energías en modelos de mundos brana TESIS modalidad de proyecto de investigación trabajo que presenta para optar al título de INGENIERO FÍSICO NEPHTALÍ GARRIDO GONZÁLEZ mayo del 2012
Papers by Nephtali Garrido Gonzalez
Talks by Nephtali Garrido Gonzalez
Thesis Chapters by Nephtali Garrido Gonzalez